
highway to hell


05-12-2014, 08:25 PM

The darling babe was broken. Her flesh was rotten. Her breath was horrid. The daemon had flown the coop. Her mind took a long walk off a short pier. The bi-colored femme had fallen. She was destroyed by her defeat. The stress overload and horrible battering to her body brought her to a horrible fate. Her two pups, their two pups, stillborn. Dead. The one thing that should have been most important was ruined. The once beauty was now nothing but a Wolf. A deranged wild animal. The woman missed Aldoro. His sweet two toned eyes and gentle voice. How he met her with that lovely gaze and swept her off her paws. But, she could barely dwell at that point. She was beyond him. Her mind was distant. Paranoia and anxiety took over. Each noise and sight made her flinch. The woman had become nothing. Everything she trained for had gone to hell. It was horrible.

Her fur was ragged and her claws were long. The woman looked rough, it was evident she had lost care for her looks. The ebony fae climbed the heights of Mount Volken once more. It was her favorite place in Alactria. The pure power of the molten lava. Bubbles of death popping with such rage. With one leap, complete darkness would engulf her. Death would knock down her doors. But, the woman just continued on, this time she was not inviting death into her kingdom. Six inhaled the scents of the forest around, she did not smell anyone near which was good. She was scared of people. She was ashamed. The woman was met with the caldera of the Volcano after her long trek. Ebony paws were tired but she did not care. The malnourished female gazed into the pit below, watching the active lava flow. She embraced the heat with her eyes shut as she sat.



5 Years
05-12-2014, 09:38 PM

What a nice place. Despite of the volcano and the deadly, bubbling amber lava, everything else just seemed so peaceful. He liked it. It brought him peace, even with his depression continuing to linger on within him. It was like a thorn to the heart. At first, he couldn't handle the stabbing pain of loosing his love. His pups. Everything. But over time, the pain gradually ceased. However, he remained depressed. As long as Six was gone, he would forever cry when he was alone and thinking of her. Strolling the Col, gazing around, remebering the time they fell asleep side by side. It caused warm tears to roll off his cheek. It was just agonizing to know he'd never see her again. But now, he was at peace. No thoughts, no words, no nothing. He just wanted to enjoy the cool breeze that often kissed his face. Maybe one day he would dance in the stars with her. One day. Not any time soon, he guessed. It was time to get his mind on training and pack things.

That breeze that he wished to feel came wisping by ever so gracefully. The coolness of the wind danced around him and screamed in his ears. It was nice nevertheless. Aldoro didn't feel like drinking in the nature around him, but rather feel it. However, one quick inhale of the atmosphere around him knocked him out of reality. Six. Why did the aroma of Six invade his peace. He felt his eyes grow watery, and immediately registered that it was only his jacked up mind. But as he continued to walk, the smell grew stronger. A new not-so-pleasant odor had also entered his nose. He winced. couldn't be. The man shook his crown and quickened his pace. Rocks and gravel tumbled down behind him as his climbed the mount anxiously. And finally, he found himself standing over the side of the drop into the boiling lava. He could feel the agonizing breath of the mountain enveloping him. But what caught his attention was the large inky black lump with ragged fur and a familiar aroma. One most definitely related to Six's. The boy could almost spot those whitish splotches along the womans temple. Was this really her...? Or was his mind leading him into a hell hole. A highway to depression. Aldoro's chest rose anxiously, and tears filled his two-toned pools as his maw cracked into two and released quiet, yet almost confused words. ?Six...? Is that you...?"


05-16-2014, 01:37 PM

Her purple eyes did not dare leave the intimidating pit below. The heat bubbled at her skin, tempting her to back away. The ebony love was not scared. Her body was vacant of any movement except the wind that fluttered across her fur. A gentle wheeze could be heard with each breath. Her lung injuryhad got worse due to her constant stress and nonstop traveling. Each breath reminded her of the day of the hurricane. The ash that had flooded her lungs. Six kneaded the earth nervously with her paws as she heard foot steps approach her body. A scent of a man filled her nose, a scent that sent memories of the past into her thoughts. She shifted slightly as a broken voice entered her two toned audits. The woman rolled her shoulders, her nappy fur moving with elegance. Her head turned as her neck pinched. She frowned and nodded. The destroyed fae stared at her old mate with eyes that seemed shallow and empty. Seeing his face had reminded her of the pups.. the pups she was suppose to have. The pain, mental and physical. She let forth a gentle whimper as she looked away and back down to the pit of lava. "I am Six." Those haunting words seemed to have more of a dark aura as they were swept from her tongue.



5 Years
05-16-2014, 04:11 PM

The scrawny mess of a man adjusted his eyes so he could see through the steam, that obsidian damsel that he once called his dear love. She lifted her head and twisted it toward him, staring at him for a few cold seconds. Even through the steam of the volcano, he could see her gleaming purple eyes. But she didn't look right. Her fur was clumped, her eyes flled with fear and dejection, and she didn't act herself. He knew this was Six though. Another thing came to his mind though...where was his children? The little Six's that would sleep in his arms at night, and would lighten him up on sad days...? Aldoro's heart sunk and his bones seemed to twist, causing pain to spread like fingers all throughout his body. Where was his family...? Everything that he lived for just crumbled beneath him like gravel. Why. What did he do to deserve all of this? No...what did Six do? Why does she have to deal with this pain...? Aldoro allowed tears to roll down his face and drip down into the pit of bubbling lava. But eventually he collected himself. The man carried himself over to her, hoping dearly she'd allow his company. But even without permission, he continued to near her. Finally he was right next to her, the heat of the pit overwhelming. However, he took it. Aldoro sat right next to her and stared down into the pit. A frown slipped evilly onto his muzzle, but he quickly sucked in a breath and turned to his old mate.

The man would gently lean into Six and embrace her with comfort, his eyes straining onto the girl evenly. Her heat was reassuring to the boy, as well. It seems they were both having a rough time. A agonizing silence filled the area, and after thinking for a few moments, the man suddenly began to sing ever so softly. "Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry, you don't know how lovely you are...I had to find you, tell you I need you, tell you I set you apart..." The man paused a registered his words correctly for a moment. Then, continued. ?Tell me your secrets, ask me your questions, oh let's go back to the start...running in circles, coming up tails, heads on a science apart." Aldoro paused to catch his breath, tears filling his eyes suddenly as memories flashed through his mind. But he just continued, skipping a few verses. ?Nobody said it was easy, it's such a shame for us to part. Nobody said it was one ever said it would be so hard. So take us back to the start..." The masuline boy ended with a sickly wheeze, his tail laying over hers and his nose finding it's way on her neck. He exhaled his warm breath onto her and collected himself after a few moments of crying. Then that silence again, enveloping the two.


05-18-2014, 07:11 AM

The woman was not herself. She was once happy, excited, jumping around, exorcising, and more. But it was all different after the loss of her challenge and her pups. The girl had pain that rattled through her very core. The man before her was a gentlemen whom she left out of embaressment and shame. What man would watn to be with a woman that cant even have pups? A woman that promised the world but was made out to be faulty. No one would want to be with that. But, apparently the black and white man before her was different. His bi colored orbs that stared into her soul as his paws took him closer to her. He leaned on her and rubbed his nose into her matted fur. The babe listened to his song with tears that ran down her ebony muzzle. Her purple orbs shut in those moments, listening. Could she really return to the woman she once was. Maybe she wouldnt run off and claim a pack. But, the man wore the scent of Tortuga. Could she join him? Live a happy life? But, the girl was still technically part of Glaciem. They had some things to work out but the girl did not want to think of all that in those moments. "You want back the woman who lost a challenge. Lost her pups. And lost her mind?" She stared down into the pit below, her breathing was heavy.



5 Years
05-18-2014, 02:37 PM

The ashen woman had seemed to forget what he said to her long ago, right after he agreed to be her mate. "I will never leave your side." He remembered the very words as if they were his name. He had also never thought of forgetting them. The boy had suffered a hard two months without his wife, and would care less in what kind condition she was in. All he cared about was that she was here, leaned up against him and accepting his comfort. Aldoro really didn't worry about her slight change in sanity. Or the fact that his pups were gone. All he wanted was Six. And over time he could work with her in Tortuga, comforting her and gradually helping her regain sanity. Hopefully Isardis wouldn't mind her leaving Glaciem or...would he? If he did, Aldoro would most likely leave Tortuga and become a rogue again. For now, he needed to get over the exciting miracle of Six's return. Even if his pups died- Six was better than absolutely no one. Soon they would both be a bit more collected. Once they got over everything that has happened. Like the pack challenge, the loss of they're pups, and everything else...

Lifting his nose from the babe's neck, Aldoro would smile with reassurance and stare down into the bubbling pit of death bringing lava. The light from below caused his obsidian fur to shine a dim gold. It wasn't as pretty as Six's fur, but it did look unique. Aldoro would slowly roll his shoulders forward and think of words to respond with. Finally, he shut his eyes and drove his lips apart. "Long ago I said that I'd never leave your side, no matter what happened. And I don't lie. Six, your a beautiful, fun-spirited woman that is fearless and challenging. Nothing is going to change that." After speaking his sweet nothings, the man casted his warm gaze toward her and examined her expression. Then smiled and added, "And nothing is going to change the love I still have for you."


05-27-2014, 05:14 PM

The woman and the man were broken. They had been through hell and back together. She left out of desperation and he waited with sadness. They were strong, but he was stronger. Six nuzzled him softly as she listened to his sad response. Maybe they could work through their differences. Maybe they could achieve greatness. Try for more pups? It wall depended on what happened next. Her eyes swelled up with tears and her boys shuddered slightly. She had no Wolf constant for ages, when she left. She had been alone. Cold. Sad. It was horrible. Her fur was gross, she hadnt bathed in a long time. Maybe this was the turning point she needed. Her soul mate had found his way back into her heart and she loved every second of it. His last bit of words made her heart swell and she let her lips form into a smile slowly. "I do still love you, Aldoro." Her voice was rough and crackly, but that sweet tone was still there. She was slowly coming back to her normal self with his help. "Thank you so much.."