
hearing voices through the walls

seasonal prompt/open if you want it



6 Years

12-27-2021, 01:55 PM

They’d been camping at the wall for a decent amount of time now. Sanngriðr was adjusting well, but there was always an acute fear of complacency. Complacent meant dead, back home. Complacent was what would get you fucking killed. She wasn’t about that. No, there was no way that she’d go down without the most horrible, most wonderful fight. It would not be complacency that would kill her. Not today, not any day.

That being said, she had grown far more comfortable here than anywhere they’d stopped to rest for the last year. Had it really been a year already since they’d left? Since she’d taken what she could of her siblings, of her cousins, and made a run for a better life? There was no doubt in her mind that in the beginning, their family had given chase. They would have been upset to wake up and find an entire litter of pups and a budding priestess gone, as well as the others. No doubt in the valkyrie’s mind that it had pissed their family off, but she couldn’t let the young ones learn. It would have broken them.

They couldn’t know what was really going on. Sanngriðr would protect them. She’d keep them safe. That was her job, after all. After a year of running, they’d finally made landfall somewhere that seemed safe. Far enough away from all the things that were chasing them, or would want to chase them. Being pursued had left her sitting up on so many sleepless nights. That was a feeling that was hard to shake, the one that kept her awake in the worst way.

Dawn was a few hours out when Sanngriðr woke. The night was grey and chilly, but not truly cold. The valkyrie wandered away from her family, needing to stretch her legs. It wouldn’t be too far, just… out a little. Towards the sparse, growing pines the valkyrie moved. Her steps were quiet, graceful. It wasn’t long until she realized, however, that she wasn’t alone.

No, there was something following her. Sanngriðr was all too familiar with the feeling. The woman froze, holding her breath as she tried to catch the sound of the creature stalking her through the dark. It was one heartbeat, then two, before she saw the lynx. It was attempting to pounce onto Sanngriðr, but she stepped easily to the side. The thing was clumsy, seeming to move as if its head was too heavy. “Helvete,” she snarled, cursing at the predator.

With a powerful movement, Sanngriðr launched herself forward. She wasn’t going to be bested by it. Her hackles raised. Heart pounding. With a few large steps, she pounced on him. Still, the cat wasn’t going to go down without a fight. It screeched, attempting to bite and claw at the valkyrie. The startling thing? There were crystals growing from its ears, and from one of its eyes. Sanngriðr could feel one scraping against her foreleg, along with teeth. Ah shit, the teeth.

“Jävla inte–” She swore indelicately, feeling the sharpness of claws on her shoulder. Sanngriðr snarled, throwing her weight against the lynx. The predator rolled to the ground. She was panting, heat rising through her system. Adrenaline high, but that was what made her feel alive. The pain was blooming across her shoulder, and Sanngriðr knew she needed to end this and end it now. Ending it, and taking her victory would be a fantastic way to start her day. The lynx was fighting back, but Sanngriðr was no meal. Ferocious as ever, her heart pounding, teeth flashing.

With a growl, the girl pounced brutally on the predator. Her jaws around its throat, sinking in. The lynx’s back claws struck Sanngriðr’s underside, but the valkyrie’s grip was too strong. With one swift pull backwards, the creature’s struggling stopped. She’d done what she needed to, and took no joy in it. Still, the very sight of the crystals growing from the thing was unsettling at best. Curiously, she reached out to swat at one with a paw, realizing that it wasn’t moving at all. Anchored… anchored to the bone?

Maybe Iðunn would have some interest in studying it. She wasn’t that far from where they’d made camp after all. Carefully, the valkyrie took the lynx’s still warm back leg in her mouth and made her trudge back. If it didn’t look too questionable, maybe they could even eat it. Sanngriðr’s movements were a bit gingerly, feeling the tenderness of her shoulder and her undersides as the adrenaline subsided. The pain of it all made her feel alive. She could be alive, and she could hurt, and that was what mattered.

Grey dawn was slowly creeping in as she made her way back. Blood ran down the insides of her back legs, and dripped slowly down her shoulder. Sanngriðr wasn’t troubled by it. No, the biggest concern in her mind was the strange crystals. Why were they here? What was wrong? Was this a far less safe place than she’d initially felt? That was starting to seem likely. Complacency would only lead to death, as always.

Kom och hata mig.



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-27-2021, 10:46 PM
When she stirred awake Sanngriðr had already been long gone, and as she blinked away the sleep from her eyes she could see the faint streaks of dawn appearing in the sky. With a deep stretch she quietly moved away from where she had curled up for the night, walking at a gentle pace towards where the pines grew for her morning meditation. It was a good morning for it, not too cold, not too warm, and just a light breeze on the air. Iðunn stopped underneath small cluster of the petite pines, setting her hindquarters down on the ground as she stared off at the slowly brightening horizon.
Just as the sun itself began to peak over the horizon she closed her eyes, sitting as still as a statue as she allowed her mind to quieten down, focusing on her steady breathing and the sounds of the world around her as critters began to stir. Iðunn sat there silently for a while, not keeping exact track of the passing time, but long enough that the sun had fully crested the sky when she next opened her eyes. Her peaceful meditation had been disturbed by the scent of blood wafting over to her on the wind, and she turned her head around to spot Sanngriðr dragging the corpse of some type of animal her way.
With a soft hmm, Iðunn watched as her cousin dragged it closer, not moving yet from her seated position. It seemed the other woman had already had a busy morning, even though it had just begun for most creatures. As the two drew closer, Iðunn could see scratch marks on her cousins shoulder, and tssked audibly with a disapproving click of her tongue. "You need to be more careful, cousin." Her words were steady as she spoke, no hint of any worry as she knew her cousin could more than take care of herself. But she had limited healing supplies available, and didn't want to use them unnecessarily.
When the corpse was brought closer her brows quirked in intrigue, and she finally stood up to get a closer look. There were strange crystal growths spurting out from the lynx's ears and one of its eyes. "Where did you find this creature?" Perhaps it was sick, or had a parasite, or maybe it was just part of the natural fauna of the surrounding region. Iðunn sniffed at one of the crystals, taking care to not touch it in case it was dangerous. But she was definitely more than curious.
And oh yes, she couldn't forget her cousin's injury. She stepped to the side to quickly gaze over Sanngriðr's shoulder, eyeing the bleeding claw wounds, before determining that it wasn't immediately life-threatening, but that she probably needed to clean it out regardless just to make sure the lynx didn't have a contagious disease. It would do no good for one of their group to fall ill at this time, not when they had so much to do.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish



6 Years

12-28-2021, 10:04 PM

Though her muscles ached, there was really no fuss to the valkyrie. She had seen worse. She had been in far worse shape after a fight. Really, it had been far too long since she'd gotten to play as she had with the lynx. Play. Though you wouldn't be able to tell around the predator still clutched in her jaws, the girl was grinning. It was rakish, relaxed, and really... she was full of herself. Before anyone else had even woken, she'd neutralized another threat. Take that, fuckers. Yes, far too proud of herself in moments like these, but that was quite alright. Sanngriðr figured there was no harm in a little gloating.

She wasn't surprised to see Iðunn awake. The other early riser in their strange little family, though for far different reasons. Sanngriðr was often woken by unsettled thoughts or things that were far... worse. Her cousin? Well, it seemed she elected to wake with the sun. Really, she couldn't relate, but that was fine. It was easier to keep an eye on the god fearing woman that way anyway. Despite being chided, Sanngriðr's tail wagged lazily. "I've gotten this far already, don't see a reason to change." Her eyebrows rose as she set the corpse down. Confidence or arrogance? Probably a bit of both, but that was all well and good.

"It found me in the woods," she spoke softly, taking a moment to examine the lynx's corpse in better light. "I brought it back, thought you would want to see." Sanngriðr's words were quiet, and she peered carefully at the crystals. It was with Iðunn in mind that she'd even bothered dragging the thing back in the first place. Were the strange growths something to be concerned about? She'd leave it to the priestess among them to sort that one out.

Kom och hata mig.



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-28-2021, 11:30 PM
She tssked softly again, but this time it had just a touch of humour to it, instead of being just a disapproving tone. Her cousin was a very confident wolf, sure in her abilities, and proud enough to not be ashamed to admit it. But that confidence was easily erred on the side of arrogance, and she wanted to make sure it wasn't left unchecked to fester into a sense of superiority that could lead to the downfall of everything they had worked for. The folly of a wolf could be costly, and she was here to make sure that didn't happen, along with any assistance from the old gods.
Iðunn hummed softly under her breath as she bent down to continue examining the lynx corpse, going as fast to scratch at one of the crystals protruding from an ear with her claws. It crumbled underneath the pressure she applied, small grains of it sprinkling down onto the ground. This was unlike anything she had ever seen, and even thinking back to what she had learned from her superiors, there was nothing she could identify as something she had knowledge of. The crystals didn't seem too harmful, as long as one wasn't stupid enough to get an eyeball poked out, but there was some type of ooze that was festering in its wounds and around the crystals. That was a bit more of a concern.
"You thought correct cousin. This is most unusual." She then stepped back from the lynx, satisfied with her initial findings, but knowing she needed a more private place and access to some of her things before she could continue examining the infected corpse. Not to mention she wanted to clean out and maybe even bandage Sanngriðr's wounds before doing anything else, just in case. "Help me drag it closer to our camp so I can fetch my supplies. I want to examine it more closely and clean out your wounds." Iðunn's tone left no room for any if's or but's, and she gave a sharp glance at her cousin to let her know that there was no wrangling her way out of being tended to.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish



6 Years

12-29-2021, 12:43 AM

It's true, Sanngriðr would benefit from a reality check every once in a while. That reality check usually came in the form of a swift (and sharp) reminder from her cousin. Well, every group needed at least one wet blanket, in case of emergency. While she had her reservations sometimes, Sanngriðr could also glad that she'd brought the priestess along. Even if she could be annoying sometimes... they all could.

As Iðunn examined the lynx, the valkyrie licked her wounds-- the ones she could reach. The ones on her shoulder were a bit tougher, but she was able to lick at the damage on the undersides of her thighs. The back legs of the creature had done its best to deter Sanngriðr, that was for sure. She didn't mind it, though. The healer's work was strange, but the valkyrie had time to curl up and tend to herself as best she could. Right, this looked... like it should be fine.

Most unusual, at that, her eyebrows both lifted. Bringing it to camp... Sanngriðr let go an exaggerated, long suffering sigh. Still, she couldn't hold the smile back for much longer. Sanngriðr was proud of the fresh kill. "Fine fine... hey, do you think we can eat it?" There was a curiosity to her, eyeing Iðunn to see how she'd react. Maybe eating the creature wasn't the best choice, but she'd already gone through the trouble of killing it.

Still, there were no arguments as she took a portion of the lynx in her mouth and began the process of dragging it back to their camp by the wall. "My fucking shoulder hurts," the complaint was muffled around the limb in her mouth. Still, her chest was more than a bit puffed out. This was something she could be proud of... a sort of humble brag.

Kom och hata mig.



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-29-2021, 01:59 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2022, 03:50 AM by Iðunn. Edited 1 time in total.)
She chose to ignore the drawn out sigh in favour of taking the opportunity to flick a pebble or two of the crystal pieces at her cousin, hoping to hit her in the chest, or maybe even the chin with one. She could most definitely be uptight nearly all the time, but she also had her moments of fun and play, even if it wasn't as obvious as when others let out their inner child. Her nose wrinkled at the suggestion of eating it, and she raised a single brow at her cousin. "Perhaps, but I want to open it up first. There may be more crystals within." If there were she'd chuck it away for the other critters to feast upon, as the thought of taking a bite and crunching down on something hard that wasn't bone was not a pleasant one. Of course, her cousin was more than welcome to go ahead and eat it regardless, but any ill effects would be on her head, and her head alone.
Thankfully Sanngriðr had no qualms about dragging the corpse back to the wall. Iðunn grabbed a hind leg firmly within her jaws and began to pull it gently with long slow strides, allowing her slightly shorter cousin to keep up with no extra trouble. She didn't want Sanngriðr to further injure herself unnecessary, but dragging it herself would take a lot longer. Iðunn chuckled at her cousins muffled complaint, not sympathetic in the slightest. It had been her own fault for tangling with the lynx in the first place, and a little pain never killed anyone, so she didn't even try to cover up the laugh. "Don't suppose that means you'll be more careful next time?" Very unlikely, knowing her cousin.
When they finally dragged the lynx corpse closer to the wall until the strange monument was well in their sights, Iðunn promptly let go, allowing it to fall on the ground with a dull thud. "I'll need to gather my things, you can wait here or help me." Not bothered by what her cousin would choose, she set off at a brisk pace without another word, her long stride quickly eating up the ground beneath her. Iðunn would fetch a crudely-made bowl and fill it with some fresh water, plus add some sprigs of a few different herbs into it to soak into the liquid that she could then make a poultice with using some of the nearby vegetation to pack it onto the wounds. It was barbaric, to say the least, but without her tools from back home it was the best she could do under these circumstances.
Returning back to the lynx corpse, she gathered up a few large leaves and dipped them into the bowl of water to soak up some of the liquid and make it easier to work with, before turning to her cousin with a sharp gaze. "If you don't sit still while I work I'll make you." Iðunn wasn't the normal kind of healer, and she accepted no fussing around while she worked. If she had to sit on her patient to make them stop squirming she absolutely would, as even though her knowledge did encompass the art of healing, it wasn't her main priority, and it definitely wasn't her favourite thing to do. But sometimes it was necessary.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish



6 Years

01-01-2022, 03:47 AM

A chunk of the crystal bounced off Sanngriðr's foreleg, and she rolled her eyes dramatically at her cousin. She was comfortable with the girl, and they made an alright team, if a strange one. The eldest of their family, and they handled that responsibility differently. Opening the thing up, checking for crystals... it was probably for the best. Wouldn't want anyone getting sick. Sure sure, all reasonable things. With confident steps and her inherent strength, moving the lynx a bit farther was really no trouble. Not heavy, just awkward.

"Never." She smirked. There was nothing that would keep her careful, after all. Even a near death experience would likely leave Sanngriðr undeterred, and just as bold. Just as brash-- so it goes, when it came to the valkyrie. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would bind her to the laws of man and beast. Sanngriðr was simply as she was. You can wait here or help me. Well, if those were her only options, the girl figured she'd help Iðunn. With tender steps, she trailed after the taller woman. The priestess gathered herbs and set up with fresh water, Sanngriðr could only assume to clean the wounds. "Here, I can carry some of it." It was a bit gruff, but she'd help.

The leaves, sure. They soaked what they could, and Sanngriðr grumbled softly. A threat, and one she knew wasn't empty. The valkyrie had a bit of a habit... not the best one. More grumbling as she spoke, and Sanngriðr's eyes flickered to her cousin. Something told her this one was going to sting, and she was already less than pleased. "Fine, fine, just get it over with." There was a 100% chance that she was going to squirm. So it goes.

Kom och hata mig.



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-03-2022, 06:56 PM
Her cousin promptly followed and gruffly offered to help carry something, and Iðunn silently responded by gently pushing the now full bowl of water towards her, feeling it best if she carried her herbs herself as they were just a tad bitter tasting. The bowl was only partially filled as she would only require a small amount to make the poultice, and once she located the herbs she signaled to Sanngriðr to follow her back to the lynx carcass. Once there and set up, she hummed softly under her breath at her cousin's words of agreement, glad that it wouldn't require her to use any force to get the job done, or at the very least only a small amount.
Iðunn soaked the herb sprigs in the water as she gently tore up the leaves into smaller pieces, before mushing everything into the bowl and mixing it all together with practiced paw movements. It became a wet and slightly bitter-smelling concoction, dark green in colour and thick enough that it could be applied to skin and fur without dripping off. She then turned to her cousin, settling the bowl between her paws before tersely stating some instructions for her to follow. "Lay down on your good side so I can apply this to your wounded shoulder and the inside of your thighs." That position would give her the best access to both areas without needing for Sanngriðr to do anything but lay there, and should she choose to squirm it would make it easy to simply sit on her breast and keep her pinned to the ground.
She then eyed the wound on her shoulder, and once happy that there was nothing in the wounds that needed removing, promptly stuck her paws into the bowl and scooped up a pawful of the poultice. Iðunn applied it quite roughly onto her cousin's shoulder, pushing it into the wounds and spreading it over the entire length of the claw marks. This would not only provide a bit of extra healing, but also prevent the wound from hopefully getting infected as long as the lynx's claws hadn't been infected with something already.
The bitter smell got a bit stronger as she applied it, but the scent would only stick around for a day at most until the poultice dried up a little and began to crumble away. "Now don't touch this at all, even when it dries up and begins to fall off in a day or so. Let it crumble away naturally, it should only take a couple days to all be gone, and then the wound should be good to heal on its own." Iðunn gave Sanngriðr a stern look as she spoke, wanting to make sure her cousin understood before she moved onto applying more of the poultice to the wounds on her thighs.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish



6 Years

01-05-2022, 09:35 PM

Sanngriðr lifted the bowl, splashing herself in the muzzle and spilling a bit. She pulled a face. The girl was not... not always the most graceful, but that was okay. There was some fatigue in her muscles and in her bones from the morning's adventure, or at least, that's what she'd blame it on. Rest didn't come easily to Sanngriðr. It never had. There was always too much to do... so maybe some of the soreness she felt could be attributed to that as well. Probably could be, but that was... that was fine.

She sank to the ground on her good side, grumbling as she did. The valkyrie was clearly disgruntled, but with herself rather than Iðunn. Though her mood was foul, she was grateful for her cousin's support. They didn't always see eye to eye (okay they often didn't see eye to eye), but they took care of each other. Taking care of their own was within their nature. Trygg family values-- they stick together. No matter what, they stick together, and they care for each other. Sanngriðr let go a long suffering sigh where she lay on her side. "Do your worst," she joked halfheartedly.

As the priestess began to dress her wounds, Sanngriðr did her best not to whimper. The one on her shoulder was deeper than she'd initially thought, and the pain was greater now that the adrenaline had worn off. With more pressure on the wound, she began to squirm, setting her jaw for a moment. "Shit," she swore quietly, gritting her teeth. It was nothing against Iðunn, but she was recognizing the extent of the wound. Beneath her fur, it would scar. Still, the valkyrie was fluffy enough to obscure it among her coat in the end.

Don't touch this at all, as Iðunn explained, she grumbled a bit. The valkyrie looked up to her cousin, sighing dramatically. "What is that? It smells weird." It was an observation, a quiet one as she went on to apply the mixture on her thighs. These were shallower, less concerning overall. She was less twitchy, less grumbly as Iðunn moved to the shallower wounds. "Thank you," the words were quiet, and came with a soft honesty. "What do you make of the lynx?" Sanngriðr was diverting the attention from her wounds to the creature that had caused them. She didn't want to think of the injuries any more than necessary... they'd heal. As always, the valkyrie would heal.

Kom och hata mig.



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-10-2022, 09:21 PM
Iðunn had paused for a brief moment at her cousins partial joking tone, a thought in the back of her mind to purposefully be rougher than she needed to and really test the fiery woman's words. But no, she souldn't do that, not today, not after Sanngriðr had been thoughtful enough to carry the lynx corpse all the way back so she could inspect it. Her cousin got a free pass today for that, but just barely. She felt the woman begin to squirm beneath her, but as she made no attempt tp move away, Iðunn simply clicked her tongue softly as a reminder to stay still as she continued to work.
She spared a glance at Sanngriðr at the question, before getting to work at pressing the poultice into the wounds on her thighs as she spoke. "It's a poultice to not only keep the wounds clean and covered to protect from outside infection, but also to assist in the natural healing process. The weird smell is just the scent of the herbs, but it's useful in keeping flies and bugs at bay to not irritate the wounds while they heal." Iðunn worked quickly, the shallower wounds taking much less time to properly dress, and by the time her cousin spoke up again she was finished. She sat back, wiping her front paws on the grass beneath them to clean most of the remaining poultice off, before moving over to inspect the lynx again.
Quite roughly, she snapped off a chunk of crystal that extended from one of its ears and held it up to her face, eyes squinting as she looked over it. It seemed... quite normal, if not for the fact it looked as if it was growing from within the ears, as well as a strange type of ooze that seemed to stem from where it grew out of. "I've never seen this before..." she said with a soft hum, squeezing he crystal between her toes so it crumbled slightly. Iðunn then dropped the crystal, and positioned the lynx so it was on its back and gave her complete access to its breast and abdomen. "If you help hold it still, I'll slice it open to see if the crystals are inside the body as well." If they were then she wouldn't risk eating it at all, but if the innards seemed free of any strange growths or ooze then perhaps it would be safe enough to eat. Or she could simply test it's edibility on Róta, as she was sure her younger cousin would happily eat it regardless.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish



6 Years

01-13-2022, 03:45 AM

It hurt, but it was necessary. The valkyrie understood that much, even if she wasn't the most amused with the procedure itself. Still, Sanngriðr was grateful as the focus moved away from her shoulder. That would be sore for a while. At least the insides of her thighs would heal up quicker. Iðunn's movements were practiced, skillful. Her explanation was reasonable. The valkyrie had a habit of getting herself into all sorts of trouble and other assorted fuckery, so having the wounds covered was important. It would keep the bugs out too... alright, okay, ideal. An added benefit, one that Iðunn likely knew well, is that the weird tasting poultice would keep Sanngriðr from messing with the damaged skin. A good repellant, as the valkyrie was liable to pick at, gnaw at, and itch any scabs as they formed. As her cousin finished and wiped her paws, she righted herself and offered a glance that was far softer than her usual resolute gaze.

"Thank you." The words came, and she meant them. Sure, their relationship could be strained, but what family relations were easy all the time? Familiarity, trust, and a bond that ran deep. She couldn't ask for more than that. Family loyalties came above absolutely anything, chosen family. Even if things were weird, even if things were hard, they'd chosen each other. That was what mattered.

Right, the lynx. Sanngriðr pulled herself from her thoughts, moving closer to the corpse in the grass. The valkyrie peered carefully at it, nodding as her cousin spoke. She'd assist, sure. Carefully, she held the lynx still so Iðunn could open it, peering curiously while trying not to get too in the way. She'd never seen anything like it either. So much curiosity, and so many strange thoughts... was this land cursed? Had they come just in time to see the end of days? Hmm. As the creature's abdomen opened and some of the skin peeled away, it looked mostly normal, maybe a bit more glittery in the morning sunlight than they should have been, but her thoughts were curious. "Can you check the inside, near some of the crystal growth?" When Sanngriðr had fought the creature, it seemed that the growths were anchored extremely well. Had they been attached to the bone?

Kom och hata mig.



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-13-2022, 06:47 AM
~~Mature warning for gory description of a lynx autopsy

She froze for a moment at Sanngriðr's sudden softness in tone and gaze, her only response the slight twitching of an ear before she dipped her head in acknowledgement. Their relationship was... an unusual one, more tense and fraught than she would have liked, but it was the more... affectionate moments such as these that gave her hope. One day they may be able to joke and laugh with each other like most cousins would, but that was not today. Perhaps even never. But these softer moments would be enough for her, at the very least. "Just... don't get yourself too hurt next time," she finally said, a brief tender look in her eyes before she looked back down at the lynx and steeled herself for the job ahead.
Once her cousin had a firm grip on the creature, she swiftly ripped out one of the lynxes own fanged canine with a quick jerk of her head, wrinkling her nose at the strange black-red blood that oozed from the hole left behind where the tooth had been sitting. She wiped the sharp tooth on the grass to clean it, and then swapped it to her front paw to clasp it somewhat haphazardly between her toes. Then without so much as a word, Iðunn pierced the underbelly of the lynx right below where the ribcage began, dragging it all the way down to the bottom of the abdomen. She placed the tooth to the side, now using both paws to peel away the skin and motioning for her cousin to hold it so the flap wouldn't close over while she was inspecting the internal cavity of the lynx.
To her surprise it was strangely... glittering? There was a type of metallic sheen to the organs and mucosal layers that had her briefly pausing, a frown turning her lips downward. She'd never seen anything like this before, and it made her a little worried about one of them eating the afflicted meat and offal and becoming sick. Iðunn stuck a paw deeply inside and clawed carefully at the skin of the organs. They felt a bit tougher than usual, like there was the slightest film of crystal over them, but upon piercing one the inside of it seemed relatively normal, other than the strange glittery sheen. She glanced up at Sanngriðr when she spoke up, nodding as she moved over to the shoulder where a large crystal was seemingly growing out of the skin itself.
She scratched at where it burst free from the skin, then gave it an experimental tug, but the crystal appeared firm in its placement. And so grabbing the lynxes fang again Iðunn cut deeply into the skin of the shoulder, slowly peeling it and the muscle away to reveal the bone of the shoulder. A soft grumbling hum left her maw at the sight of the crystals themselves growing straight out of the bone. That would explain why it had seemed so anchored in place, but did not bode well for the edibility of the lynx. "I've never seen anything like this, it appears as if the crystals are growing straight from the bones themselves." It made her wonder what she would find if she cracked open the skull, and if the crystals had infected the very brain of the lynx.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish



6 Years

02-24-2022, 09:34 PM

Unusual, tense, but at least they do their best... together. The pair is a strange one, and they'd be the first to admit it. Still, Sanngriðr didn't doubt that they owed much of their success in escaping to Iðunn. Without the priestess, the healer by their side, it was unlikely they would have made it out okay. Complicated as their relationship is, Sanngriðr doesn't underestimate the woman. She knew better. They both knew better. What could be the far away hint of a smile plays in her eyes, but it's brief. Though they don't always like each other, there's a love that cannot be argued.

Watching the priestess open the creature spread before them on the grass was an interesting task. Gorey, yes, but fascinating none the less. The valkyrie's eyes go wide as she studies the inside of the creature, seeing it laid open in the sunlight. What on earth? No, there was no world in which it was edible, but this is something far stranger? Though her attention on the lynx is rapt, she wonders what the priestess would make of it. Was this another one of her omens? Was this a sign from their gods? Sanngriðr didn't know what to think.

The crystals were anchored upon the bones, something that she'd made note of while fighting the creature. It was a strange sight, and there's concern. If this was one of the predators here, did the disease come from the prey? Was it big cat specific? Her forehead drew, crumpled slightly. "What do you make of it?" The question came quietly. Did this spell danger? How was Sanngriðr to know, at this rate?

Kom och hata mig.