
I sent a prayer for something holy




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-01-2022, 12:31 AM
~she's on the main deck of the ship

She had noticed the strange object in the distance for a while now, but hadn’t gone to investigate until she felt comfortable in their new… beginning of a home. It wasn’t quite home yet, and honestly she wasn’t sure if it could ever be considered home, but she was with her family, and that’s what really mattered in the end. Her long strides quickly brought her closer to the frozen, and frankly gigantic, object. It seemed stuck in the ice, and she quickly investigated if there was any way to safely climb up on top of it.
It took a bit of work, blunt claws digging into the icy parts so she didn’t go sliding back down, and heaving herself over the ledge, but eventually she made her way up to the top where it flattened out. Her claws clicked audibly as she walked along the partially frozen top, sniffing curiously at the weirdness of the whole thing. It was so foreign to her, the strange smoothness of this place, but it was nice and quiet.
Iðunn sat down near the edge, tipping her head back to look up at the early night sky where stars twinkled up above. She took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and let out a long wavering note. Her voice called out to the stars themselves above, an almost wistful tone as she sang about what had already passed, and what still had yet to be. The notes rose to a crescendo, haunting to the ears of any who were close enough to hear, echoing out in the stillness of the night. Her song finally tapered off with a single high note, and then she sat there, simply looking up at the stars and moon.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish


01-01-2022, 12:43 AM

Always making himself useful, Barghest had been out hunting. A brace of winter slender rabbits hung between the dire brute's dark jaws. He did his best to provide what he could. Group hunts for larger prey were more worthwhile, but sometimes it was difficult to keep the group together with their eclectic personalities. He didn't mind. It kept things interesting more often than not.

Passing a large, semi frozen structure, Barg just noted the back end of Iðunn skittering up over the side. Not having been to this place before, the walking nebula worried about danger. Brows furrowing slightly, the man cast his mismatched gaze about, looking for an alternate route onto the structure. Padding around the edge, Barghest came to a gangplank that imbedded in the snow. It stretched up onto the deck of the ship. Well... wouldn't Iðunn feel a little silly seeing that...

Rabbits still held between his jaws, the giant moved up the plank and onto the deck of the ship just in time to hear the fae singing to the stars. He stopped, allowing her to finish, only speaking when she looked up to the skies. "Do the stars tell you anything?" he asked in low but mellifluous tones. Barg had never been one for flights of fancy, and that included religion, but he was intrigued by the concept of it all. He was terribly intrigued by this particular religion. Hell, who knew? They might very well make a convert of him if they tried hard enough.




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-01-2022, 02:06 AM
The now familiar voice that had been so strange not so long ago drew her gaze downward to fall upon the wolf with the pelt of the night sky, albeit far more wondrous and eye-catching than the sky usually was. She hummed softly under her breath, giving a slight shrug of her shoulders at his question. The stars were quite mysterious, showing rather than telling, leaving everything shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. It would take an experienced and open mind to truly understand what secrets the stars were whispering, and as of now she did not have that experience, but perhaps later in life she would work up to that. Maybe.
"Not in a way I can understand," she said, her words thick with her accent. The common tongue was sometimes difficult for her to speak, finding it easier some days, and more challenging on others, but she did her best to enunciate carefully for Barghest so he could understand what she was saying. Iðunn took note of the rabbits carefully held in her jaws, tipping her head down to motion at them. "You've been busy tonight." He was certainly a good hunter, nearly always returning with enough food for all of them to have at least a few bites, and she was glad they had picked him up along the way. Barghest would be useful to them in the future to calm, and his generally calmer state of being was a bonus, as sometimes her cousins could be just a bit too much for her to deal with now and then.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish


01-02-2022, 12:37 PM

The calm nature of Idunn matched Barg's own sense of calm. Long forelegs slid forward slowly until the giant man was laying on his stomach, the brace of rabbits beside him. The woman assured him that she couldn't understand the stars and he found himself looking up at them as well. "Maybe in time," he spoke softly, as though lost in some mental musing, which he was. "My people had a seer. A reader. She read bones, the weather, even the way that a pup sat in its mother's belly." Barghest wasn't sure that he believed in such things, but he was also a natural skeptic. He needed to see things with his eyes.

Idunn commented on his kill and the behemoth chuckled. "Easy to hunt when you know the habits of your prey." He knew that rabbits came out of their burrows at the first sign of a warmer shift in temperature. It had been cake to wait above one of the many exits and entrances and simply pluck them from their holes one by one. He was patient, if anything.

"And how is this new world treating you?" An attempt to make idle conversation and get to know his new packmate better. Neither were from this place, but neither were they from the same lands. Their differing accents proved that. While San and her people had a thick, Swedish accent, Barghest spoke with a crisp Old English accent. It would be evident to the natives that they were all foreigners.




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-03-2022, 07:12 PM
Iðunn looked at him with a curious glint in her eyes as he spoke of his own people, interested at the mention of a seer. A seer, otherwise known as a Völur, was the most important role within the religious roles of her home, and as a priestess in training she had often tried to get a closer look at the woman while they partook in their ritualistic prayers. She'd never been able to get close enough to speak with her, but the admiration she held for the woman was almost as strong as her own faith in the old gods. To hear that Barghest's people had a seer of their own made her instantly feel more welcoming towards him and where he came from. Surely that meant he had similar beliefs, even if those he worshipped were not her own gods.
She canted her muzzle to the side at his comment, ears twitching forward to show her interest in his words. "Will you..." her words trailed off as she searched for the correct word she wanted to say, struggling for a few moments to translate it from her native tongue, "...teach me about these habits, sometime soon?" Hunting was a newer skill she had needed to pick up once they left home, particularly since some wolves in her group ate so much every single day, and so everyone needed to pitch in to find prey.
A simple shrug of her shoulders was offered in response, and she let out a soft sigh that blew a cloud of smoke around her face. It wasn't as good as home, but it seemed like the next best place that was far enough away they didn't need to worry about being followed. "It is warmer than I am used to, but I believe we can make it feel more like home with time." She knew Víðarr would have many plans to accomplish that, and trusted him to make the right judgement calls.
"What about you? How are these lands compared to your home?" His accent was wildly different from not just hers, but the other wolves that lived here, and she wondered what his birthplace was like, and if it was as cold and harsh as her own. Maybe they were all as oddly coloured as him?
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish


01-12-2022, 07:19 PM

In the comfortable conversation that was riddled with equally comfortable silence, Barg licked at his obsidian paws and forelegs, taking the down time to gently groom himself. He did so like to keep himself clean; all fur in place. It was something that had been hammered into his brain from the time he was a pup. His mother had found his markings so very pretty that she had always wanted to keep him clean and pristine. Though he often got himself bloodied these days, it wasn't long after until he was sparkling clean once more.

Idunn asked if he would teach her about the habits of rabbits and the big brute chuckled and nodded. "Of course. It's not my knowledge to keep," he admitted with his deep rumbles. Knowledge of the world was meant for all. No doubt she could have learned the same things on her own if she had the time, but coming to a new land with an entire group to feed... knowledge sometimes had to come quick.

When asked how this land compared, the answer was simple. Not as cold, but they'd make it work. The question was directed at him next and Barghest took a moment to think, his mismatched eyes drifting upwards to look at the stars. Eventually, he spoke. "There's much more rain where I come from. The temperature is about the same in winter. We'll see how the seasons compare when they happen." He cast a sidelong glance at the woman. "I suppose we'll all learn together." He hadn't been in these lands much longer than the rest of the group had, so they would all experience the shifting landscape as one.




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-13-2022, 04:37 AM
At his acceptance to teach her at least a bit of what he knew, a small smile wormed its way onto her face. She dipped her head respectfully at him to show she was very glad to have him teach her. "Thank you," she said simply. It would be good to learn the proper techniques, and maybe she could even teach her cousins as well. If they were willing to sit and listen, and that was a big if.
Her lip curled a little in distaste when he spoke of more rain. Rain was okay at the best of times, and frankly quite annoying most of the time. At least in her opinion. It was noisy, and seemed to just magically make any scents in the air disappear until the sky cleared. Snow was similar, but she was far more used to snow than rain and knew how to deal with it better. At least Barghest hadn't said he hailed from a land that was described best as a desert.
She hummed softly in agreement under her breath, catching his gaze when he glanced at her. Yes, together as a group they'd learn more about this strange land, and hopefully for the better. "Yes, together." Iðunn then looked up into the night sky, taking note of the moon's position. It wasn't terribly late, but certainly by this hour Sanngriðr would start to worry. "We should start to head back... there doesn't seem to be much of interest here." At least on the outside of the large object. She had noticed an opening to the side, but that would be an adventure for a different day. She stood up and turned to where she had made her harrowing climb up, looking over her shoulder at the larger night-skied wolf with a raised shoulder as if to ask you coming?
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish