
Forged With Fire And Blood

Kione Fighting Seasonal


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-06-2022, 09:40 PM

Fern quickly makes her way to the castle, leading Kione and their little trove of treasure onward. The day had started like any other, with the gray wolf doing a morning patrol. Unlike the other days, near the border they share with Fenmyre, had heard a familiar voice. The joyful, jeering tone, hurling insults at some creature. She hadn’t that voice since she had arrived back at the Hallows and Fern never had to the opportunity to thank the wild dog that had helped her. Paws had speed her toward the fight, finding Kione engaged in battle with a komodo dragon. The dog was winning but the gray girl was still eager to join in the fight and the pair had worked together to take the dragon down.

With the threat dead, she had turned and greeted Kione warmly, trying to think of a proper way to thank the wild dog for all he has done for her. As they spoke, ocean-hued eyes had fallen on the komodo dragon’s dead form and an idea was born. Kione had pointed out the things claws, mentioning how unique they were and Fern had enthusiastically told the dog about the castle’s armory and blacksmiths, quickly offering their services to Kione. Truthfully, as the pair had made their way to the castle, Fern had worried that she had overstepped her bounds in offering the services to Kione. Luck was with her, as Artorias had given the duo permission to use the equipment and help.

So, the gray girl leads Kione to where the blacksmiths work, gesturing toward an empty table for the wild dog to drop the wrapped bundle of resources on. The forages and bellows are in full swing, the heat billowing out to blanket the surrounding area in heat. Running a foreleg across her brow, Fern looks to Kione and says, “Okay we have leather, steel, and iron to work with. The blacksmiths can help shape whatever you want to your forelegs. Got any ideas how you want to do this?” While she talks, the gray girl undoes the bundle, laying out the twenty claws and dragon’s skin they had harvested before looking to Kione for direction.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Post Word Count: 365
Total Word Count: 365
Goal Word Count: 1500

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



3 Years
01-06-2022, 11:19 PM

Kione hadn’t expected the day to go this way but a life of no secrets would surely be a dull life, right? Kione wondered if he really believed that now after his past but regardless for the moment it was going well.  Kione had fun killing another predator and gained aid at it.  Fern was a nice enough lass and someone he knew so he’d let her talk him into going to their castle to make weapons.

Kione had brought more than his supplies for making a weapon with him.  The Komodo dragon’s head came along for the ride.  He’d fashion himself a weapon and bring Scylla home a gift to add to her collection.  The head was dumped unceremoniously on the ground even as a bit of fabric with the beasts claws were placed on the table.  

Kione shrugged at Fern’s question, “never bothered much with making things.  Just found the neck protector.” The mentioned neck protector being a thick leather collar.  “I’ve never been much for crafts.  I imagine tie them on to the leather and wrap the leather about the paws above the feet.” Kyren glanced about at the steel and iron shaking his head, “my best strength is my speed so I don’t want anything that would weigh me down or hinder fast movements." He had never thought to need a weapon.  Back home his pack had been large and woe the predator that thought to tangle with them.  Always together and never by oneself, the painted dog had hardly thought about doing his own separate thing.

Nothing to weigh him down but he did enjoy shedding blood.  If Kione could bite into a beast and rake it over with claws that could cut in deep, well he imagined that would feel pretty good.  “You making something for yourself luv?” That said as he moved to eye leather strips curiously before grabbing a relatively thin bit in his mouth to drop at the table near the claws.  “So, how do I attach em?”  The African wild dog assumed it would include some type of rope and looked about, “I need something that’ll hold em in place but not too fat.  What would work best?”

Post Word Count: 368
Total Word Count: 733
Goal Word Count: 1500

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[Image: 7bkN6k5.gif]


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-07-2022, 12:23 AM

Stepping back from the table, Fern looks to Kione and nods her understanding as he explains. She listens, following his eyes to the steel and iron that close by. The wild dog is swift and metal would be hindrance, so when he suggests making claws to put over his paws, the gray girl nods in approval. Calling over a blacksmith, Fern asks for some boiled leather that would fit around Kione’s forelegs before asking for hardened leather for herself. With a dip of his head, the worker moves off to gather the requested materials. When the wild dog asks if she is making anything for herself, the gray wolf smiles and nods, saying, “Believe it or not, I have been training. Artorias is teaching me how to wield a sword. While I don’t think I'm ready to trade my wooden one for a steel version, I do think it is time to make myself some real armor.”

Moving with Kione over to the leather strips, Fern adds, “You know, after you attach the claws, you could wrap the skin of the dragon around the braces. Might look cool. Oh, and you’ll need some buckles to hold the braces in place…” Moving away from the strips toward a wooden box filled with punched leather and metal buckles, the gray girl gathers a mouth full before returning to Kione’s work table and depositing some there. Then she moves toward another empty table, laying out the rest before moving to gather some leather strips for herself. The wolf who she had asked to bring them leather returns and places the boiled leather on the wild dog’s table before placing the hardened pieces Fern’s table.

Dipping her head in thanks, Fern asks the metal worker, “Can you spare a couple wolves to help us make these?” He nods before whistling and two wolves appear ready to help. He offers them both a small bow before excusing himself to go back to work. A large black female steps up next to Fern and says, “How can I help you miss?” A bright smile appears on gray lips as she explains her idea, “I want to make some hardened armor. I have the leather, strips, and buckles. Will you help me?” The black wolf nods before moving to the side, gathering some small steel rivets while instructing Fern on how to begin. The leather needs to be layered over each other and, together, the two female wolves use the strips to fasten one layer over another. They stop often to check that is fits her frame, making adjustments where needed and using the small metal bolts to keep the armor in place.

When they have covered her chest and part of her back, the pair work on making a pauldron to cover Fern’s right shoulder once more layering the bits of leather together. Once done, they work on adding buckles, lengthening and tightening where needed. When the armor is almost complete, Fern turns to the black wolf and says, “I have one more favor to ask.” Quickly she explains her idea, asking her to etch a trileleia bulb into the pauldron with a fern wrapping around the stem. The black wolf’s eyes sparkle happily as Fern ducks her head. The woman assures the gray girl that it will be done before taking Fern’s newly made armor off to complete her request. Stepping over to Kione’s table, Fern asks, “How’s it going?” while inspecting the wild dog and his helper’s work.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Post Word Count: 583
Total Word Count: 1316
Goal Word Count: 1500


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



3 Years
01-07-2022, 12:42 AM

The girl had been training with a sword and it was a weird thing to Kione but anything that made you get better at fighting was still a good hobby.  With a sword between your teeth, you wouldn’t get so much of a test as the enemy or feel the sense of crushing their bones. “Always good to train to get stronger,” which was the truth even if not his way of it.

“I’d have to go back and get more o’ the dragon were I to do that.  It’s not necessary but we shall see what time brings with them.  This is a present for another in my family.” Scylla was right as Kione could imagine where others might think the collection odd but neither did he care.

Kione seems a bit surprised when another wolf comes over to offer assistance but whatever works.  He explains to the stranger what he wanted.  The other wolf helps him to size his wrist and determine how much leather it would need.  Once Kione understands how to attach the claws to the leather he works at stitching them in on his own.

One brace had its claws stitched in after another.  Kione started off slow but once he got a feel for it his pace picked up.  The iron would likely have taken longer as the leather was more about learning what to do and sizing it instead of too much work.  Soon enough the painted dog had some new and sharper claws to wear on his paws.

“This will work out well.” Kione needs in approval of his own work. “thanks for the help lass.”

Post Word Count: 272
Total Word Count: 1588
Goal Word Count: 1500


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[Image: 7bkN6k5.gif]