





Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
01-18-2022, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2022, 08:48 PM by Kuroo. Edited 1 time in total.)

The transition from being wandering loners with a mission with his brother to being a part of this band with Hattori had been difficult at first. Feelings of excitement and anticipation built up in him every time he thought about the future. A possibility of meeting his real father to possibly obtain answers to questions he'd had his whole life. It was an intense emotion that he needed to let out through hunting. Unlike Usagi who preferred to duke it out with others, Kuroo preferred to release his frustrations on helpless animals. Okay, not completely helpless, but enough that he didn't anticipate dying every time.

Thus here he was now with the prisoner in tow to find some meat for the group. Casting a look over his mottled shoulder toward the grey brute, he smirked before setting out further into the muck. On the way down, he had noticed some tracks nearby their gathering spot that looked fresh. Carving his way through the brush with calculated steps that attempted to avoid the muckiest areas, it was hard to stay silent. Flicking his ears back and forth to listen in on the forest around them, Kuroo finally heard the crunch of heavy footfalls upon mud and mess.

"This way," he chuffed quietly under his breath in Japanese. Kuroo knew full well that Laith wouldn't be fluent in his native language, but figured if the guy was at bottom of the totem pole, he'd have to deal with it. Turning his trajectory toward the rustling noise of Tapirs, he made sure to keep an even pace.

1/3 hunting
[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-18-2022, 10:45 PM
Laith followed sullenly behind the mottled grey wolf, ears pressed back against his skull as he sulked. He hadn't wanted to go out hunting today, but what could he do when basically told he was supposed to help out. Say no and risk getting another set of scars? No fucking way. That'd hurt way too much the first time, and he didn't want a repeat. He just wanted to pay off his dumb debt and leave, which is why he was now trailing behind the larger wolf half-heartedly. At least this one wasn't absolutely enormous like some of the others seemed to be.
When the other wolf spoke at him in another language he responded by childishly, and very poorly on purpose, imitating the sounds of the language under his breath, butchering it beyond all recognition. The wolf absolutely knee Laith couldn't understand him, so it was probably some sick joke and jab at him that he couldn't even respond back to. He was led  through the bush after sharply turning, and it was then that he could hear the rustling of something up ahead. One ear cautiously flicked forward, the other staying firmly pressed back against his skull, to pinpoint the location of the animal, whatever it was.
The brush opened up just enough that he finally saw it briefly amongst the foliage, and coming to a stop his nose wrinkled in confusion. What the fuck was it? The creature had a strange trunk of a nose, and as he listened one of them made a horrible squeaky whistling noise that had him wincing. He then stared at the mottled wolf with a clear look of distaste on his face, brows furrowing as he all but glared silently. If the wolf wanted to hunt then he would be making the decisions here, and Laith wouldn't move a muscle until told what to do, and in a language he could actually understand.

Hunting 1/3
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
01-19-2022, 08:48 PM

Hattori's prisoner's rumbling under his breath did not go unnoticed. It enticed a quiet chuckle under Kuroo's breath as he let his head gently shake. If the guy wanted to have a bad attitude, let him. There was only one way for his freedom and this was one of those options. Deciding not to pick on the guy anymore, Kuroo turned his focus back on the Tapir he'd just located. Both ears flicked forward as they drew closer. Keeping a distance at first, his pale gaze searched through the brush to see how many there really were. From what he knew, they weren't herd-type creatures, but if they could find one smaller than a full adult, it would make the hunt go a lot easier.

Pausing momentarily in the shadows, he waited until the smaller Tapir stuck its head out from around the adult's back. Ah, so there were two here. Smirking, he glanced over to the prisoner with a nod of his head toward their target. Lowering his head as his ears flattened, Kuroo's shoulders hunched as he began prowling out from the brush they'd been lurking in. With lips raised in a fierce snarl, he watched as the two Tapirs turned on him. Their loud, harsh calls warned them to back off, but that wouldn't be the case today.

Lunging over to the side as he grew closer to the smaller one, he watched as the larger one began to back off. Surely Laith had made an appearance by now and the idea of not one but two wolves hunting them made them realize it wouldn't be a great idea to fight. As the two began to turn away in an attempt to flee, Kuroo burst forward in a bundle of lithe muscles toward the smaller one. Latching on quickly to a rear leg, he dug in his paws to hold his balance and stop it from getting away.

2/3 hunting
[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.