
Take a look and see



01-19-2022, 05:05 AM
He'd managed to escape from that god forsaken reptile-infested island without too much trouble, and was simply glad to have solid ground under his paws even if it was dry and dusty. He'd stuck close to the coast for the time being after splitting up from Hatsume, having decided to go their separate ways for a short bit before meeting up again. Hage wasn't worried about getting lost or not finding her again; she was so large she'd be easy to find if he described her to enough wolves. Ugh, that meant talking to them though.
His paws brought him to a depression in the ground elevation, and he stood on the edge to peer down into the basin, the heady scent of the grass baking under the sun overwhelming his nose to the point that he took a few steps back and coughed a few times. There hadn't seemed to be any water down there, even with just a quick peruse, so Hage had no desire to go down into the basin where the scent would surely be even stronger. No, he'd probably just move on, perhaps heading further inland in the hopes there would be a river or something he could bathe in.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
01-19-2022, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2022, 12:46 PM by Celeste. Edited 1 time in total.)

She was naked. Admittedly, it had probably been her fault. After trading some crystals for a mysterious item with the cloaked figure, she had gone to use it. Unfortunately, she couldn't read like a lot of wolves and had no idea it would do anything at all. When she had woken the next morning, her fur had all fallen out and her tail appeared longer. Longer, how? That had been awfully confusing at first, but she was more concerned for the fact that she was naked. Making quick to hunt and skin a small deer about her size, Celeste had made a makeshift cloak that wasn't too dense to last her through the summer. What an awful time to be without fur.

Crossing the tall grasses while attempting to go unseen, she wasn't sure why she was even traveling. It probably would be a better idea to hide away until this whole fur debacle was figured out. Either way, here she was, moving along the basin with her midnight black cat in tow as he let her know vocally that he too wasn't pleased with the change. Her companion's own confusion at her change had ensued lots of hissing and spitting until it recognized her from the way her aquamarine eyes glimmered in the light.

Somewhat lost in thought and trying not to be depressed that she was ugly, the petite female almost didn't notice the even smaller male standing at the edge of the basin. Pausing in her step, she considered almost not approaching. Now definitely wasn't the time to be making friends. Except, as her eyes squinted in his direction to ward off the bright summer light, something appeared familiar about him. Flicking her ears back momentarily, she started walking toward the male. "Do I know you?" Celeste asks in her thick Japanese accent. Making sure to keep some space, hesitant that no one would be able to recognize her, she waited for him to respond.


02-10-2022, 10:02 PM
He had just made up his mind about leaving when a female voice spoke behind him, in dulcet tones and an accent that brought back memories of home. Hage turned his head behind him, eyes widening momentarily at the sight of a completely hairless female with a deer pelt upon her back. A soft cough left him to cover up the laugh that threatened to bubble up from within at the very much hilarious sight, even as his lips turned up into a grin. Had she not spoken in a Japanese accent he absolutely would have laughed out loud, but his sense of respect for those part of his culture was just strong enough for him to hold back.
"I don't think so," Hage said quite confidently, sure that whoever this hairless wolf was was someone he did not know, regardless of if she was part of Japanese culture. "I am Akizora Hageshī," he said, now in a more formal tone as he did his best to hide the grin on his face. He may be young and brash, but he was still respectful in the ways that it mattered.



Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
02-14-2022, 08:13 AM

Stupid, she was not. It was obvious on the boy's face that her appearance was hilarious. Her brow furrowed out of frustration. Feeling the urge to snap at him to be respectful, she was glad he didn't act on instinct. Really, the only wolf she tolerated making fun of her was Kuroki. His jabbing comments, while not the sweetest, were never meant in bad taste. Letting her eyes wander over the black and blonde boy that was surprisingly shorter than her, her mouth pursed into a firm line when he introduced himself. Akizora. But that was her last name.

"And I am Akizora Seresute," she quipped back as she took a few more closer steps to the boy. Her real first name was not often uttered here in these lands, but if he truly was related to her, it would be the only name he knew her by. Whether he wanted to be rude or not with his brazen attitude, there was something familiar about him. The way his coat threw markings like that of her own family. If only her hair had grown back already, it would be easier to tell. "Surely, our fathers must know each other than," her tone was a matter of fact as she took a seat upon the ground. There was no letting this boy go off somewhere without answering a few questions first.