
For my broken heart



6 Years
05-09-2014, 10:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:31 PM by Kyung.)
They had left him; he was completely and utterly alone. A pack full of blood relatives and Kyung Armada had never felt more secluded. He had taken up residency in the den his mother had vacated, and yet it was very different from what he remembered. The hollowed trunk felt too big, too empty without his mother or brother to fill the space, and so he did his best to avoid it except to sleep. So too had his sister Irune left, their pact seemingly so easily forgotten with Rin's departure. She had followed him, followed his full blooded brother, a boy that had felt and less like a brother to the black boy, and more and more like a stranger.

The melanistic yearling prowled the pack lands, empty black gaze passing over the landscape as though he wasn't truly seeing anything. There was nothing for him here, and even less for him out there; he had only picked the lesser of two evils.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]


05-10-2014, 12:45 AM

The young male would find himself wandering up the lands. Having been washed up ashore, memories of his past old and yet still fresh, however, he would retain some memory of the part of him that was slowly losing itself. He knew not where he was nor where he was going. Had no idea how he had even gotten here, but it was here that he was. The mud brown male trotted slowly across the lands, the scenery shifting into that of tropical eastern territories to mountainous snow and pines. It was a drastic change for him, for all he knew was flat lands and open fields touched only by the sun and wind. Old memories flooded back, memories of running beside his siblings as they played tag or chased down the swiftest of prey. Oh how he missed them...perhaps one day, he would see them again. Until then, he could only remain hopeful.

He had traveled far, and it wasn't until he was near an area unknown to him that he would stop. Honey glowing eyes searched the perimeter, and so he would continue at a slower pace. Paws crunching atop the white snow that littered the ground. He had never seen it before, and so it would intrigue him. But it was not the snow that intrigued him as much as what he saw next. For a black figure nearby would catch his attention, stopping in his tracks several yards from the border lines, he would watch in silence. Never had he seen a wolf as black as night, not another color upon him. For his family and tribe were mostly browns mixed with little bits of black among a few other basic colors. His own pelt carried small strips of black, but not as much as this particular wolf. The feathers on his ear blew gently against his fur, stance rigid as he kept his gaze on the black wonder before him.


Lost in the Echo by Linkin Park on Grooveshark



6 Years
05-15-2014, 05:10 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:32 PM by Kyung.)
An unfamiliar scent drifted lazily towards the ebony boy; Kyung stopped and frowning turned to search for the source. Shadowy gaze finally landed upon a wolf he did not recognize, covered in a muddy brown, and marred by some black markings. Kyung dithered, unsure if he should move to greet the stranger or not. He clearly wasn't posing any threats, but he also hadn't called for anyone? something strangers did once they appeared upon Glaciem's door step.

The boy turned his head in either direction; maybe the stranger was waiting for someone? But no one seemed to be about and his curiosity finally won out. Hesitantly as first then with a bit more confidence Kyung Armada approached the stranger, getting a better look at him as he drew closer. The yearling was finally starting to fill out his form, elegant long legs carrying him forwards with some semblance of grace.
He greeted a bit tentatively.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]


05-21-2014, 01:47 AM

For a long moment, the young warrior had thought he had gone unnoticed. However, it would not be as such for long. The pitch black boy would notice him, and slowly he would move closer. Echo would remain rigid, though his posture would behold curiosity at the approaching stranger, ears tilting forward in uncertainty and awe all in one. Never had he seen someone with only one color, though he was entirely intrigued. His tail would have stood erect...were it not a mere stump. Nonetheless, he looked the part. That is, until words met him. "Hello." Almost instantly the boy would nearly fly out of his pelt. He had noticed him! He didn't simply pretend he was not there, like a ghost in the night. No. He had actually noticed him! With eagerness hardly contained, the boy would slowly walk forward, wondering if this was some kind of trick. He was near pack lands after all, and who was he to know whether or not this boy was simply trying to lure him in? There was only one way to find out, and he would place his trust in this one time chance.

He would stop several feet from the border, body language indicating uncertainty as his honey amber eyes shyly glanced about for signs of attack. Though would soon return to the pitch black male, as if taking his eyes off of him anymore would cause him to disappear. "H-hello..." He would murmur shyly, an awkwardly tilted smile lifting a corner of his mouth, the feathers upon his left ear tugging gently at his fur where they were attached. He was deathly shy, though was unsure as to why at the moment. Was it because he was in the presence of this other boy? Or was it something else?


Lost in the Echo by Linkin Park on Grooveshark



6 Years
05-23-2014, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:33 PM by Kyung.)
The ebony child observed the unknown boy with some interest, he was a year and he was starting to come into his mental maturity, certainly he was still too young to be sexually mature but he was old enough to know when he found others attractive, what his urges were and that for a long time now he had imagined his life involving another, another male. Certainly this stranger was attractive and a part of Kyung awoke when he looked upon him. The stranger took a few steps forwards and Kyung took it as a chance to admire the slight swaying of hips with each step.

Finally he would realize he was staring and dart his gaze away with some embarrassment. He would occasionally dart ebony eyes back towards the boy, ears perking as he spoke. A shy smile spread across shadowy features and he would finally allow himself to look at the stranger again. "I'm uh, Kyung Aramada."

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]