
a wee bit stuck



"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
01-31-2022, 06:50 AM

He had maybe wandered a bit too far from home that day. The dim light of a setting sun cast long the horizon told him it was almost nightfall. Recluse would surely be checking on all of them by now, but as of late, she'd been busy with her new husband. Ugh, husband. Just another man that wanted to take away his precious time with his mother. How could he trust him not to break her heart? No, mama was a strong, independent woman to the point that he didn't even know who his real father was. That counted for something right? He didn't even understand what love was anyway. Or emotions in general. Just anger and neutrality. That about summed up Ghoul. It was either straight-faced or the hunger of a killer.

That's what he had been doing when he noticed a few twinkle of stars in the cloudless night over him. Tracking an animal he hadn't seen before. The elusive slim featured critter was about half his size and red in color with black paws. Its beady eyes had stared at him when he caught it trying to steal. Now, that wouldn't do. Not when he was around. Following it over the borders and around Traveler's Pitfall, the creature scurried into the shadows of a foggy forest. Mist swirled around his own paws as he hesitated. Looking up to the vine-covered trees, he could feel his weight sinking into the damp grass beneath him.

Oh, that thief had slipped so easily through the vines and ground covering as if it were nothing. Easy, right? Surely, he couldn't be bested by such an animal that was ballsy enough to try and steal from his pack. Determined to catch up to it, the pallid spotted boy attempted to lower his body through the underbrush and slip his way into the forest. What he hadn't accounted for was how large he had been growing as of late. His thick legs and bulky chest didn't fit into tight spaces anymore. Before he knew it, one of his back ankles had caught on a vine and as he pulled, the vegetation pulled tighter.

Turning around to spot his entrapment, his brow furrowed as ruby eyes searched for an escape.




2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-25-2022, 06:22 PM

ooc. sorry for the wait, I'm bad at remembering things

This was a very strange new locale for the blind youngster, this time he'd dragged his new lamb along to make sure he didn't stumble into a pit and die. With that strange, high-stepping gait of his, the little Saxe wandered deeper into the muck and humidity of the forest. The impossibly quiet ambiance that lingered in the fringes of his awareness was very new- it lacked the airiness and echoing sounds of the plains where he lived. Everything felt dampened and softened by the soft soil and thick vegetation. His own paws hardly made a sound against the ground with each stride, and the hard hooves of his lamb didn't thump with the same force that they did in the barn or around the knolls. For some strange reason this brought him a great deal of delight, it was so different from the way sounds carried for miles over the landscape around his home.

An incessant rustling somewhere ahead did catch his attention though, and the dark furred youth picked up his pace to see if he could catch up. In the near-sweltering humid air of the forest, scents didn't carry as well as in the open air. So it wasn't until he was closer that he realized the sound was coming from another wolf! Based on the sheer volume of their movements, not a particularly small one, at that. Luxe bleated anxiously and danced away from the strange new canine, uninterested in potential death. He ignored the protest, and pushed onward until the undergrowth that pressed tight against his flanks gave way to open air. The sounds were clearer here, and he could just catch the faintest notes of soft breaths from nearby. "What's up?" he questioned in his odd singsong voice, sightless gaze pointed up towards the canopy while his nose and ears worked through the new landscape of sensory input. The groaning of delicate tendrils and the quiet snap of individual fibres within a thick, woody stalk. Something pulling against a branch or narrow trunk, a vine maybe? A birdlike tilt of his dainty skull into a new position, drinking it all in from a different angle. "You're making a lot of noise." he said simply, brow furrowed lightly as he tried to suss out the scene his eyes couldn't detect.



"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
03-03-2022, 08:51 AM

At first, Ghoul thought he would be stuck here forever. Forced to wither away and die due to starvation. No matter how much he pulled at the vine snagged around his ankle, it wouldn't release. Frustrated, he lets out a rumbling growl. Ears pinned back, he reaches around, ready to chew the vine away when a rustling catches his attention. His body froze, muscles tensing, as he turns to look for the approaching stranger. Accustomed to the dim light of night, his ruby eyes squint against the sunlight peering down through the treetops.

Soon he noticed a dark-colored pup about his age approach with a rather loudly bleating lamb. Wrinkling his lips at the sight, Ghoul then notices how the boy isn't exactly looking at him, but up toward the canopy. His breath catches in his throat as he wonders if this pup is like his mother and brothers. Curious, he lets his head tilt to the side as he assesses the situation. A low gruff of a laugh leaves his pallid lips as the other boy mentions him being rather noisy. "You would be too if you were stuck in a vine," Ghoul mentions as he gives his leg another good tug. Still no luck.

"Mind lending me a paw?" He asks in a softer tone, expression neutral as he realizes the boy can't see who he is.
