
Courage Isn't The Absence Of Fear

Rava <3


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
02-06-2022, 07:33 PM
Seere has been super busy doing something very important today. Since talking to her mommy, the monochrome pup has taken it upon herself to help Rava not be so scared of the outside. And, she has found the perfect solution! A wide smile is on her face as the small pup trots down the beach, a tiny, wrapped bundle gently clutched between her teeth. Mommy is going to love this! Maybe she will even come out and play with her! The thought has her picking up her paws even higher and she starts to prancing as excitement bubbles in her chest.

The sun is bright and the day is warm and Seere really wants her mommy to come enjoy it with her. When she enters the tunnel that leads to their den, she stops to blink a few times before moving on. The dark tunnels are cool and the small pup always marvels at the temperature difference when she comes inside. As she nears the family den, Seere calls out, “Mommy! Mommy! I got you a gift!” The bundle in her mouth is small so the words come out mostly intact. Sticking her head into the den, huge smile winkling the edges of her eyes. As she trots in, the wrapped bundle can be clearly seen in her mouth.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
02-18-2022, 12:29 PM
Rava was usually in the palace because that was where she was most comfortable, tucked away in their cozy den with no one to bother her. She could ask one of the akitas for whatever she needed and there was usually a child around to be cuddled when she wanted them. Plague had been throwing himself into his pack duties and she admitted to herself that she missed him, something she didn’t think she was capable of. But he had become her rock, he’d saved her, he loved her… He gave her this incredible life and family.

Relaxed, Rava leaned back into the furs that made up the family bed. It was just about time for a nice nap, everyone was out of the den or lunch and she had the room to herself. A yawn parted her jaws and she settled down contentedly when the sound of tiny paws on stone caught her attention. Silvery eyes blinked open and watched the entrance before Seere stumbled through.

Her maw pulled back into a grin at the presence of the girl, the love of her life. She could only barely decipher what Seere said with the little bundle in her mouth, but it was easy enough to realize it was for her. ”Did you, sweet Seere?” Rava asked with a tilt of her head as she opened her arms for the pup to snuggle in against her mother’s chest.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
02-22-2022, 04:08 AM
The proud puppy makes her way toward her mom, eyes squinting from how big her smile is. Seere’s tail is wagging and, when Rava, speaks and opens her arms for her, the puppy’s tail picks up speed. Racing forward into the warm safety of her mom’s arms, the small puppy deposits her gift on the ground so she can give her mommy’s muzzle kisses. Once done, the pup turns around and sits with her back to her mom and proceeds to scoot backward until she pressed into the crook of Rava’s leg. Once settled, Seere pulls her bundle toward her, head tilting back to look at her mom. The pup explains, “I know the outside world is very scary and you don’t like it. But, there are so many cool things I want to show you! So, I talk to this guy that makes jewelry here and he said this is perfect for giving strength.”

With that, Seere nudges the cloth wrapped gift toward her mom, pointing out the small leather bow. She says, “I tied that just for you!” Sure, the wolf had done most of the work and helped her tie the knot but it had all been her idea. She beams at Rava as she waits for her mom unwrap the small necklace. Once the red tiger’s eye stone can be seen, Seere explains, “He said this stone can help with fear and anxiety. I thought it matched your fur.” Small paw reaches out to touch the banded red tiger’s eye, mismatched eyes turning to catch her mom’s silvery gaze. Wide, innocent eyes look up at Rava as Seere asks, “Is it okay? Do you like it?” A long black leather band allows the silver wrapped stone to easily be slipped on and off over her mom’s head.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.



Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
02-26-2022, 08:54 PM
Seere came running towards her just as Rava wanted, and the sight warmed her heart like nothing else. Watching her beautiful innocent children grow up really was the greatest gift Plague could give her. She thought often about where she had been, how close to the end she was, and now she was so full of life. Nothing made her love living more than her four beautiful puppies. She knew they wouldn’t be puppies for very long and Rava immersed herself in them.

Rava held Seere close to her chest as she threw herself into her embrace and nuzzled into her, kissing her muzzle in greeting. Rava returned her kisses softly before the girl finally pulled away. She had come to her with a mission and she was going to see it out. Seere quickly turned her mother’s attention to the small package she brought, her soft voice reaching up. Her insight was deeper even than Rava could have ever imagined.

She knew that she shouldn’t but Rava focused on ‘this guy’ more than she should. That wasn’t the point, this was about a beautiful gift a girl got her mom to help her bravery. Rava didn’t realize just how strongly her aversion to everything affected her daughter. She presented the little gift, making sure that her mother knew she had tied the bow.

Rava chuckled, It’s very nice!” She was sure to say before curiously untying the nice knot to reveal the necklace within. Rava gasped with genuine surprise at the beautiful thoughtful gift Seere got for her. A stone to help her fear and anxiety, but the girl also thought it matched her coat. Rava chuckled at the girl, amazed again at her. ”Seere, it’s perfect.” She said with tears in her eyes. Rava didn’t know if she believed a stone would help her, but her daughter’s belief in her would.

The star marked woman slipped the necklace over her head before wrapping Seere back into a big hug. Rava didn’t know if she could ever put into words how much she loved her little girl.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.