
a toe over the line



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-07-2022, 12:24 PM
It would be presumptuous of someone to believe she knew where pack lands lay in this continent. The myriad of scents scattered around was quite confusing at times as some of the lines crossed over the other and some smelled faint as if ones hadn't been there in a while. Either way, she felt it necessary to make her way across the land to get to know it better. Everything was different here. Mountains rose up in jagged patterns and valleys spread out vast enough to take days to cross. Some areas smelled of blood and others smelled of secret nights between two wolves together.

What was good about this land, putting the heightening scent of wolves aside, was the bounty of prey. Somehow, no matter the overcoming numbers of wolves she could scent, the amount of prey smelled more. That she was thankful for as her tongue licked at her lips to clean off the last bits of her meal. Feeling full and rested beneath the wide oak she rested against, her shimmering blue eyes looked out across the plains that spread before her. Tallgrass nearly up to her chest folded in the summer breeze that browned at the tips. She could feel the dryness of the dirt beneath her paws as she stood and gave her coat a good shake.

Nearby, she could sense that she neared pack borders, but that she didn't worry about. Her intentions were harmless. She knew no one here and had no information to give. Nor was she interested in joining any pack that offered it to her. She had business to attend to and by the smell of it, it wasn't here. Pausing for a moment to get her bearings about her, she stood still as a statue. Letting the sun overhead bake into the fur along her back, she lets out a quiet sigh. What was she even doing here? The question arose in her thoughts as a particular rustle of grass caught her attention.

Was someone there?



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Advanced Navigator (85)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-07-2022, 05:33 PM

She'd watched Levi leave the den and "patrol" all of the time. It seemed stupid, really, when she knew very well that her father and plenty of other much bigger, much stronger wolves did all of the patrolling... but at least it was something to do. Today she was timing herself, trying to see how fast she could complete a half loop of the territory. Maybe she could brag about it to him later! He'd hate that. It would be loads of fun.

Just when she was about to get started counting, she caught the scent of a complete stranger. Well that was new! Makara wriggled down into what she assumed was a very sneaky position and approached the source of the smell. Oh cripes. It was a very, very big lady... with horns. Just as she was about to sneak away, the intimidating figure stopped and looked directly at her. "AH!" she shrieked, then planted all four paws on the ground and gave her best fearsome growl. "STOP! TRESPASSER!"




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
02-08-2022, 09:38 AM
Patrolling. That was what they sent Bas to do sometimes. Hazel wanted to go too, but she was still shrimpy in comparison. Still recovering. Still maybe a little fragile from being left out on her own for way too long at her age. Her growth had been stunted, and that weird fluffy healer told her that she wasn't allowed to train until her ribs were done showing under her coat. That sorta sucked, actually... and also didn't really keep her from trying to learn where she could. Still, it wasn't like she could just go train with Bas and his siblings... they were all... with their parents and stuff. Hazel guessed that was what happened when your parents didn't try the whole abandonment thing.

There was a weird smell on the summer breeze, though, and it drew Hazel's attention. Just as she was making her way towards it, though, she could hear Mak's voice. Hazel wasn't far, as she'd been trying to make sense of her way through the grass. At the sound of trespasser she sprang forward, rushing from the much-taller-than-her vegetation. Her eyes gleamed in the summer sunlight. "AH!" She echoed Mak's shout. With no thought in her head of calling for someone else to help them (they could handle this themselves, thank you very much), Hazel took up a defensive posture. This was their home, and they could defend it. They could and they would! "A frickin' trespasser," Hazel was almost... amazed by it? She hadn't met a trespasser yet, she'd only been one. Because she'd been one, Hazel knew just how seriously they were supposed to take the borders. "No trespassers allowed!" Hazel crowed. What were they going to do with a trespasser though?



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-08-2022, 01:11 PM
There was not one but two someones thundering their way toward her. Her bold and curious gaze wondered about the stature of the two scents that zoomed closer as she could barely see beneath the tops of the grass. Did the wolves of this land hold a smaller stature than her to be so hidden beneath the brush? Flicking one ear back as her tail raises slightly, she waits with bated breath. As the first pup emblazoned with an ivory coat and red markings shrieks before taking a defensive stance, Tenshi smirks. Ah, just a pup. So who was the second scent?

Before she could address the first, her gaze flicks over to the other pup that emerges with an equally russeted and ivory coat of her own. Meeting those bright green eyes makes her heart ache for her own lost pups. Yet, her smirk doesn't falter as the second pup shouts about no trespassers allowed. Of course, they weren't, how silly of her to believe she could wander over pack lines without repercussions. Before she responds to the two girls holding their ground, Tenshi looks around quickly to make sure there wasn't a third larger beast following suit.

With no scent on the wind, she could only assume they were alone for now. Bringing her attention back to the girls, Tenshi leans her weight back and lays her front legs onto the dirt in a play bow. Letting her tail wag back and forth in a playful gesture, her smirks turns into a mischievous smile. "If you can beat me, I will turn and never come back," she speaks in her thick accent as her gaze steadies between the two of them. Anticipating them to make hasty decisions, her muscles brace for an onslaught of puppy nails and teeth.

Tenshi vs Makara & Hazel for Melee
Round 0/?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Shuriken
Defensive Battle Accessory: Studded sholder pads
Companion 1: Snow leopard, Male - Battle
Companion 2: White Egret, Male - Flying
Mutation 1: Antlers - Offensive
Mutation 2: Thick skin - Defensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Healer