
>> What have I done.


05-07-2014, 07:43 PM
[Image: 20eokhj.png]



Each landing of every massive paw could draw a tremble from the ground beneath him. Every step seemed heavier than the last. Exhaustion had plagued him, though with such a stubborn mind he knew not of quitting. His maw ached from curling for hours on end. Mouth seemingly dry and stained with blood that was near gone, though a lack of water kept remnants of his last fight visible. A sort of rawness seemed to drift with the thick bodice that belonged to such an unfamiliar leggy and tall individual. This warrior was not fighting to be known, he was not trying to get his name out there for anyone to hear. Though it was obvious enough that this brute was pain stricken and was looking for sanctuary in all the wrong places.

Small injuries littered his massive figure as he moved slowly a midst the rich green stalks thickly layered across the plains. His thick shoulders skirted grass out of the way as he walked tall and slender above the reeds. In silence he moved, though with such a being he was hard to miss. His sorely ripped musculature ached with each slow step that he took, each one he was sure of and each one he felt as the feeling of invisible knives dug into his thick bodice. Orbs of an eerie silver turning a drab gray pierced before him where he carried his dial low and bobbing in synch with an obvious limp. Blood stained a foreleg quite freshly for it was his own injury where his dew-claw had been removed during the recent battle. Without taking too much notice he was now on the search for water to contain his ratchet thirst.

This tall wolf's figure moved still and slow along the grass. Great breaths honing out amidst the tall stalks nearly reaching his top line. The rocky, though soft terrain he would once in a while bring himself over lazily hit him and he reached slowly for another step. There was no fear on his face, it was blank, his expression empty and blank like a clean slate of emotion. His mind was occupied on survival, and it was obvious that water was what he searched for. Some would say he was ready to find something or someone to rid him of his life without order, or without a proven safety to it. But otherwise if asked, Hinge would calmly say he was fine alone, needing nobody or nothing to get in his way. His sigh of discomfort drew him to the right, slowly the obsidian brute turned to head towards the shore. His silver gaze half-open, dealing with the exhaustion that beat at his body ruthlessly over the last few weeks.

Word Count - 469

Tags - Sea!

Mood - Hurting, Exhausted.