
I Came, I Saw, I Napped



Master Healer (255)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

3 Years
Extra large
02-12-2022, 02:10 PM

Ulmaria woke up early from her nap and try as she might she could just not get back to sleep. Deciding to just get up and go do something she decided to see if she could find some meadowsweet on her own. It had a pretty distinct scent so that made it easier to identify and she had her companions to come along as well and make sure she wasn't about to stick something poisonous in her mouth. She'd never live it down if she bit something like poison ivy and had to to her uncle for treatment.

The wind was starting to pick up a bit but all in all it was a pleasant day. Ulmaria skipped out of the den and across the plains. Piper, who had been sleeping in a tree above the den, descended to join her. "Ulmaria," she said softly, "shouldn't you be napping with the rest of your family?" She shrugged. "I woke up, can't sleep. I'm going to go look for some meadowsweet, don't worry I won't go to far." At least while they were still in Fireside she had a bit more freedom to roam. She knew they'd be leaving soon, going farther south and she wasn't really quite sure where they were headed. She wasn't ready to leave yet but she trusted that her father and grandfather knew best and that they were taking them some place cool.

Ulmaria sighed and shifted her focus back to finding some meadowsweet. She scented the air, shifting through the various scents of the range before heading farther into the center of it. So far she didn't notice any familiar scents but perhaps she needed to get closer. Hunting for the sight of the small white flowers was also going to be more difficult in the taller grasses of the range. On the horizon she could see some white clouds starting to build. She learned that that could mean a thunderstorm was coming if the clouds were headed in their direction. She didn't know enough about the weather to know where the clouds were moving but she had a feeling she shouldn't dilly dally too long. Not that she intended to. She wanted to find some meadowsweet, gather it, and get back to the den before anyone realized she was gone. Course, that also meant she didn't want to be seen by Álarr or another Fireside member.

Ulmaria ducked down, slinking through the grass, using her nose to filter through the scents until she caught the familiar scent of meadowsweet. Oh, yes! She focused on the scent and followed it, weaving her way through the grasses until she came to a plant that looked a lot like meadowsweet. It was crowned with delicate, creamy-white flowers. The dark green leaves had a soft, downy, whitish underside. The flowers were clustered veary close together and the plant had a wonderful smell. She leaned closer and nodded confidently. Yep, this was meadowsweet. At least it tasted better than most of the herbs she'd gathered or chewed so far. She examined it for a moment later, walking around the plant to get used to the shape and appearance of it so that she could identify it at other times. Though as far as she knew it was best gathered in summer when the plant was in flower. Still, that didn't mean there weren't other times that it might be useful if she was in a pinch. From what she understood the good stuff was in the whole plant and existed there year round.

Ulmaria debated digging up the whole plant or just chewing it off at the stem, finally deciding to just gather it from the stem. She hadn't learned how to use the roots yet anyway and she was sure Álarr would explain that in a later lesson. Tipping her head she reached out and began to chew the stem of the meadowsweet plant, working her teeth through until she severed it. Ulmaria licked her lips. Success! Her first herb gathered solo. She couldn't wait to show her uncle. She'd of course leave the part out about sneaking out during nap time. Picking up the plant between her teeth she turned and trotted back toward the den site. In the distance she could hear the soft roll of thunder. Uh oh, seemed the storm was heading their way after all. She clenched the plant in her teeth a little harder but tried not to bite so hard that she'd sever the plant and leave it hanging awkwardly down. She could see why uncle Álarr carried a pack with him to store herbs. As she wandered along each end of the meadowsweet plant seemed to snag on the other tall grasses and plants that she went through. She turned her head trying to be as careful as she could.