
You ain't coming out your shell



02-13-2022, 09:14 AM
The prairie dog swung haphazardly from his jaws, the length of its body the same as the height from his toes to his shoulders, and he found himself stumbling on more than one occasion. Muffled swears were grumbled as he walked, cursing his short legs for being so short that he couldn't even properly carry the damn dead dog without making a fool of himself. But this wasn't about him, for once. A shocker.
With the festival going on he figured Hatsume just had to be nearby, but being in the thick of the crowd was a disaster waiting to happen in the form of him being stepped on. Repeatedly. He had the bruised toes to show for it.
That's why he was out here, hoping to snag some food to offer as a gift of... peace in a way, to show he appreciated her for putting up with him and all his brashness. Hage knew he wasn't the easiest wolf to get along with, so the fact she was willing to travel with him did mean a lot, even if he didn't voice it or show it. Feelings. Not really his thing.
He wasn't sure if she would be out this far, but it had taken quite a bit of effort to even catch the prairie dog, so he decided to vaguely head closer to where the festival was located in the hopes she might be out taking a stroll as well.