
Feels Like Home



05-07-2014, 12:01 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The meeting had gone well enough, or at least better than Laila had feared it would. No one had violently spooked at her being there, no one had reacted defensively, and the pack had not gone against their leader's wishes and chased her out. It was kind of a miracle, really. She had been so convinced that it would happen that she had been too surprised to act naturally around them, eyes wide and expression expectantly blank. Valhalla surprised her. And just a little she began to feel more comfortable living there too.

She had grown more bold after that, though out of a natural tendency she spied on her neighbors from afar. Their whole system was intriguing, the way they worked together, the way they socialized so much. How could they stand to be around each other so often, and with so many of them? It went against her own nature, which was why she had chosen the Gorge as her place of residents. With the cliffs that lined either side, she had felt most at home here, exploring the caverns shallowly and learning which paths were safe for her to follow.

She was there now, basking in a moment of calm and quiet. The angle of the sun shone warmly upon the ledge she sprawled upon, paws just hanging over the edge. Her cheek rested against her upper leg and her bright amber eyes were closed. For all appearances she could have been sleeping within her little patch of sunlight. But Laila listened, not tired but comfortable, letting her golden pelt warm while she still could with winter swiftly creeping up on them.



2 Years
05-20-2014, 12:23 PM

Tiny feet and insatiable curiosity carried Signy the opposite direction of her usual haunts, away from the plains and the lake and in the direction of the really cool looking cliff thingy she could see from the distance. She bounced along, sticking her nose into everything and investigating every rock she found before she suddenly stopped, black tail straight in the air like a startled cat. She had just caught a strange scent, almost familiar yet so... different. It was so much like the tiger she'd hunted and tried to bring home but there was something just weird about it.

Signy couldn't hold back a wiggle of excitement. The tiger had been unaccommodating as far as letting her bring him home, but maybe this whatever-it-was would be more obliging. Maybe it was another tiger! An easier to catch one. Immediately her nose went down to the scent, and tail still straight up and waving she trotted along the trail until suddenly, unexpectedly, it stopped.

Confused and disappointed, Signy plopped her butt down underneath the ledge with a disgruntled sigh. Why did she have such bad luck with tiger hunting? It was so unfair.

[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



05-22-2014, 09:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She thought she heard the sound of someone - a really light someone - padding up near where she rested, but it was not until her ears twitched with the sound of a sigh that she realized she had not been imagining it. Her amber eyes opened slowly, her body still as she took a moment to wait, listening even more closely than before. Were they still there, just below the ledge? Or had they crept away to disappear again before she had been given a chance to make her first friend in Valhalla aside from their leader?

Quietly, slowly, she rolled her muscular frame to her stomach and then pressed upward to her large paws, creeping in a crouch toward the edge. She peered only far enough over to spy the little creature seated below, looking properly disappointed and frustrated. Oh? One of the pups then? The edge of her square muzzle drew up in a little smile, the dark tip of her tail twitching behind her restlessly. Hmm, maybe befriending one of the pups would prove easier than their grown pack mates.

"Getting warmer," she called down in a sing-song whisper, holding her position to make the pup work for her find. Although, with her golden pelt even the little of her head that shown would likely stand out against the dark rocks.