
I Think We're Close Enough




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
02-18-2022, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2022, 07:56 AM by Relm. Edited 1 time in total.)

Relm had at least felt significantly better since she and Alastor had spared and jumped over the heap of tension and avoidance that they both seemed to put out. But she wasn't showing much of a difference in her everyday life. She was still pretty secluded, did her duties and kept to herself. But at least to her she wasn't walking around with a constant cloud over her head. Though maybe to those around the pack she was still same old, if she was even noticeable that was.

She still wasn't completely healed though or whatever was relevant to her more inner turmoils. She had stayed quiet as she did, but this night she had the strange urge to make her way back to Firefly Lake. She left her den wearing her cloak so it could mask her better. And then she silently made her way off the island and outside of the pack lands maybe even looking over her shoulder.

The fireflies that bounced around the lake in the darkening evening were not a new sight to her, she had spent an awful lot of time here while she was a runaway. She had strangely felt more at ease when she made it to the firefly lake, kind of odd for what had happened here. Her paws hadn't lead her up to the water, she paused and looked forward at it instead just standing in the calmest position and trying to navigate more of why she wanted to come out here to begin with.

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-20-2022, 12:11 AM

Alastor felt most comfortable in the night. Darkness had always been his element since he was a pup, and as he matured, that fact only intensified. The brute was practically made of the dark, his ebony fur black as pitch and his eyes pupilless obsidian. It was a natural camouflage he wore well and grew a fond appreciation for. It allowed him to slip through the night undetected. Which was exactly what happened when he had been standing on patrol beside the land bridge on Alias Island. Hidden within the darkness of the tundra forest, he'd kept watch over his family and pack, keen eyes on alert for intruders. What he found instead was the form of someone sneaking off the island, a far cry from what he'd anticipated to happen. With a raised brow, the dire brute pursued from a careful distance, and only once he began to follow did he realize who it was. The mostly masked scent of heat was a dead giveaway, though it was beginning to fade as the summer marched toward its end.

He didn't know where Relm was going off to, and as an adult she had the right of autonomy, but Alastor would not have forgiven himself if he willingly let her wander off at night and something happened to her. So the brute followed, moving like a smooth and silent shadow through the darkness behind her. The master hunter's paws made barely a sound as he moved with expertise, stalking her out to the Firefly Lake. Under the near full moon, the lake appeared as a sheet of silver, with glowing green fireflies all over the place. A chorus of nocturnal insects sand from the reeds, and the occasional frog cry broke the white noise they created. He didn't know why Relm had chosen this place to sneak off to, but he was about to find out.

Coming up from behind her for the second time in this same spot, Alastor mimicked the moment they'd reunited. "You have a penchant for coming to this place," he observed, speaking in low baritones with a natural growl in his voice. The massive brute came up to sit beside her, not quite close enough for their sides to be touching, but enough for her to see him emerge from the dark, positioning himself on her seeing side while he gazed out over the lake. "Why the lake?"


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
02-20-2022, 12:41 AM

Her head turned not frightened but a bit bluntly as Alastor came up behind her, her chin just dipping slightly in his own greeting. He was not wrong, ever since she had left Kefka, and lost Rhaegath she spent a considerable amount of time here. Mostly the places that she had frequented with Kefka. This wasn't one of them, but she remembered what had happened here. He didn't think she did until it was mentioned, and it's why she felt safety here in those times.

She paused for a moment when he asked why she came here, it was hard to muster up the thoughts into words especially while what Kefka did to Agria wasn't so hurtful to her. "Kefka..." She started out, almost a lump in her throat when she could finally find her voice, "killed Agria... my mother, here." Was that a good reason to be here? Seemed kind of twisted actually. She didn't know Agria in the slightest, she was mentally gone in the small time frame she could actually remember. And really the only memory she had was of her bleeding out on the plains here.

She was not in a breakdown state like she was the last time she and Alastor actually had a one on one, but it was still difficult to tell him how she was feeling because she could barely navigate it herself. But he asked her, so she wasn't going to sit here in silence. Her rump carefully leaned against the ground as her eyes looked out at the calm surface of the waters that were a short distance away from them, the fireflies floating around in the air surrounding them and she sighed. "I can't... look at myself without seeing him." She spoke in admission. She had seen Agria during the long night and had some sort of warning to what Kefka would do to her just like he did to her. But Agria also told her she was no different than him, and after one premonition came true she was starting to question the other. It almost made her scared of herself.

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-20-2022, 08:27 PM

Relm didn't so much as give any sort of reaction beyond a turn of her head when he approached, not that he had expected her to. The girl was cool at all times; nothing fazed her. Alastor kept black eyes turned out over the silver surface of the placid lake until Relm began to speak, answering his question. She spoke the name of her father, then hesitated, then finished by telling him Kefka had killed her mother Agria here. The dark brute gave little reaction, jaw tight while he just stared at the lake. He hadn't known Kefka had a mate, or that he'd murdered her out here. It must have been before he met the clown man when he came to join Lurid, but Relm had been so young then. What could have transpired to cause a cold and calculated murder of his own daughter's mother? "Why did he do that?" he asked simply, as neutrally as if he were discussing the weather and not the killing of her mother.

There was quiet between them for a beat afterwards, but it didn't feel uncomfortable to be around her like it had been before. They'd fought out the awkwardness, released all the bottled up feelings so they could coexist. Like her, Alastor was not good with emotions. He knew love from Manea and his children. He knew anger and hatred like the back of his paw. But everything in between those two polar extremes was a difficult enigma for him. Some things he didn't feel right, others he didn't feel at all. Talking about them was even harder. After some time, Relm admitted that she couldn't look at herself without seeing Kefka. At that, Alastor slowly turned his head a few degrees to peer down at her. Aside from the matching coloration and facial markings, he didn't see any of the fucker in her. Not in her posture, not in her behavior, not behind her pale gray eyes.

Alastor didn't respond right away. Instead, the dire brute rose to his paws and stepped closer to the water, walking until the cool liquid flowed over his toes. He gazed down into the clear water, staring at his reflection rippling in the darkness. "My father abused my siblings and I from the day we were born. He beat my brothers and I mercilessly and he raped my sisters violently. One by one, he killed them until I was the last one left." Alastor's words were hard and terse, and the strain in his voice betrayed how difficult it was for him to talk about his history with Relm. Besides Manea and Lurid, no other soul alive knew where Alastor had come from, what had made him the way he was. Now Relm would know as well. "He was a monster. After I killed him, every time I'd look at my reflection, I kept waiting to see that same monster looking back." Alastor's expression hardened the longer he gazed at himself in the water, eyeing the fresh scars over his left eye and cheek. Finally, he turned back to face Relm, gazing at her illuminated by the silver moonlight.

"Do you think I'm a monster?" he asked, eyes as dark as onyx searching her face while he waited for her response.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
02-20-2022, 09:52 PM

It seemed they were more similar than she could have known, but she wouldn't have noticed it even if she looked. Really she knew so little of Alastor, and all that had really tied her to him was falling under his protection and in the events she needed it. Relm was actually relatively naive to relationships, feelings, really anything that touched close to her heart. She was harsh and cold, found difficulty speaking to others in general conversation. She didn't find much of a problem with others not liking her, but she did have some sort of void in her that she didn't know how to fill. Instead she ignored it and just kept walking through life and taking what she received without complaint.

She didn't leave the silence for long, it wasn't really a soft subject for her. Few things were. Alastor acting like it wasn't a big deal was quite fitting for the way she really felt. Her apathy towards Agria was bluntly obvious. "She was not well when he killed her." Was she... no she wasn't justifying what he had done because he was the reason why she had driven herself into that condition. "I don't have an answer for why. Only that he hated her." Kefka had never told her anything about Agria, only in the one instance she had asked and given the things that had happened over the last year she had a hard time believing what he had told her.

What she was struggling with was what she would have added afterwards, that Agria was also Kefka's mother. It was almost on the tip of her tongue, but it didn't escape. She had took too long to continue on, and her attention was driven back to Alastor as he walked forward towards the lake. She fell in step beside him, though carefully like she was really at his mercy, like she would have followed him anywhere. Her paws stopped inside the lake, her gaze too following his as Alastor looked at himself. The silver haze from the moon, and the ripples distorted the reflection, but she was there beside him.

She really couldn't relate to what he told her about his life. Kefka had mistreated her in other ways prior to his death, but nothing compared to what Alastor had been through. Relm could feel herself hurt for him which was an entire new feeling to her. But she didn't show that externally. Instead kept the silence, not knowing what to say. There was probably nothing to say, Alastor couldn't go back and change things. She would have done it for him if she could. It felt strange to feel so oddly deeply for him but to also just learn these kinds of things about him.

When he asked if she saw him as a monster, her eyes moved from his reflection to his physical form, showing just a glimmer of the pain she felt for him. "What you did Alastor..." Her paws moved only slightly backwards in the water so that she could turn to face him better. "I know you did it for me." She had barely seen Alastor in his demonic, merciless state while he tortured Kefka to his death, she had only been mentally present for the final seconds and to see the aftermath. She couldn't tell him he was not a monster, but she only put her own blame, on what happened after. Not even blame because she didn't even find anything truly wrong with it. Relm had willingly given herself to him, he shouldn't have felt guilty for what he had done to her, or that was what she believed. "You are not to me." She left little room for him to get much of a response in, taking a quick breath in before asking him, "Alastor, will you touch me again?" Her tone was was asking his intentions, maybe even wondering if she was in danger of him losing control again. But she was actually really not concerned, in fact she was interested.

This time was a request in memory post of their spar, "Will you touch me again? Like last time..."

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-21-2022, 12:03 AM

The melanistic dire wolf had not been looking for sympathy. He never did, which was why he hadn't been expecting it from Relm. He was telling her about himself to show that he understood what it felt like to feel like there was something broken inside of you. To look at yourself and wonder when you would become a shadow of your sire and no longer be you. To feel that there was bad blood in your veins that you just couldn't get out, no matter how hard you tried. But he had also been setting Relm up for an answer—a revelation of sorts. He heard the gentle splashing of water as Relm stepped into the water beside him, following him into the lake. When he looked back up to her, he saw her right beside him, no longer shying away or hiding herself. It made him feel... proud, in a strange way. Like a parent watching their child take their first steps. He was proud of her for the struggles she overcame again and again and again. Relm was stronger than she realized, and sometimes Alastor felt he was the only one to see it.

Pupilless obsidian eyes held the pale gray of her gaze when Relm looked back up to him, shifting just enough in the shallow water to turn to face him. She explained how she knew he had done what he'd done for her. It was the truth of the matter. Alastor didn't like to let himself go like that because he feared the catastrophic damage he'd unleash on everyone around him. But when he saw Kefka on top of Relm like that, in that moment, nothing mattered more than protecting her. Not himself. Not his safety. Not even the pack. He cut himself loose because he wasn't going to give Kefka any chance of surviving to come back and hurt her again. Everything that happened afterwards had been what he'd dreaded, but he knew the risks when he did what he did. Alastor didn't regret a moment of slaughtering Kefka. Alastor did regret hurting Relm, even if he had wanted her more than anything in his animalistic state.

When Relm finally said the words he'd been hoping she'd say, denying that he was a monster to her, he gave a curt nod and motioned to her with his muzzle. "And you are not him, no more than I am my father." If he was not a monster for being the progeny of a sociopath, then neither was she. They were what they made themselves to be, not who they were spawned from. Then Relm asked him a question he had not been expecting, and the dark brute lifted a surprised brow. She wanted him to touch her again. Alastor looked over Relm—the parts of her he could see not obscured by her cloak—and gave a gruff rumble in response. If she desired him to touch her again, he would happily do so. Relm was a lovely wolf in her own right. So, without a word, Alastor turned in the water and came right up to her, abyssal eyes holding hers which appeared like sterling silver in the moonlight. He wordlessly lifted a large black paw to the clasp holding her cloak shut and unfastened it with a single claw, letting it slide down her shoulders. He then reached around with the same paw and scooped it off of her, tossing it back to the shore as he finished undressing her.

Standing before him in the moonlight, Relm's pink fur seemed to almost glow. Although removing her cloak had allowed her heat scent to flow free, Alastor held himself together, focusing entirely on Relm. He lifted his paw and placed it on her back, using a gentle pressure to usher her to sit in the shallow water and relax. "Would you like to turn around or stay this way?" He would leave the choice up to her. If she wished to watch him, she could, or if she was more comfortable replicating the moments after their spar, he was fine with that too. Either way, while she decided, Alastor let his massive paw rest on her back, just between her shoulder blades, watching her expression curiously while he began a circuit of slow strokes up and down her back, paw pads following the curve of her spine from neck down to waist and back again.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
02-21-2022, 12:51 AM

Relm would hear what he told her, but she didn’t want to believe it. Not yet. Alastor had done so many bad things in his life, he had more reason to be worried about looking back in the face of his father. Relm had done nothing with her life, and still she feared a day would come around where she woke up and found some kind of wake of destruction behind her. That seemed highly unlikely given the fact she was fully bending for Alastor. She was certainly more submissive than her original hard front surface.

As Alastor stepped closer to her, her eyes stayed on his, the moonlight illuminating his dark features and shining along both his midnight and blood markings. She held her breath unknowingly like he could steal it from her, but she didn’t move away from him as he untied her cloak and declothed her. She had followed his silent instructions, really showing just how vulnerable she was in his care. She didn’t respond to him, more because she didn’t know what she wanted. Instead staying face to face with him but struggling to find a place for her eyes. She was really uncomfortable with him touching her, but looking at him while he did it was even worse. Only after a few seconds, she shifted to face away from him, laying down gently just as they were a few days ago. Her head and the front of her paws laid against the bank of the lake while the rest of her underside was submerged in the shallow water.

She didn’t direct him at all, and at some point she had realized that she was again lost somewhere in her mind. She forcefully pulled herself back, finding deep even breaths and it was probably very apparent when she relaxed under his paws. She didn’t feel like Alastor was touching her in a sensual way, or at least she didn’t find that kind of pleasure in it. Not yet. But he was helping her get past the cringey closeness she hated when she was around others. He was only one of the couple wolves she was comfortable enough with exposing herself this way.

She waited less than a moment after she eased before carefully moving to shift again without word, finding her back in the waters and seeing his face surrounded by the summer skies. Her eyes looked gently down towards his chest and her own paws had lightly went to find only the surface of his forelegs as if she was going to touch him and he would jump ten feet back. She lifted one of her paws and placed it on top of her chest to gesture, "Here?"

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-21-2022, 02:14 AM

When he approached her, Alastor saw Relm begin to hold her breath and tense again while he removed her cloak from her body. He didn't know if it was out of tension, anxiety, or something else, but it was impossible to tell. Either way, once Alastor began to rub her back again, Relm looked down and away from him, still unable to look him in the eyes during any sort of contact. That was fine; this would be a process for her, one that he was happy to help her with. Together they would break her anxiousness around physical contact. After but a few moments, Relm turned about in the water, lying down and offering her back to him again. A small knowing smirk twitched across Alastor's lips while he resumed stroking down her back, paw pads delicately grazing over the raised skin of the scars he'd left on her. He ever so carefully flexed his claws, letting the sharp points slip through her thick fur to brush along her skin, roaming from shoulder to hip as he went. Every so often he would let a single clawed digit follow the ridge of her spine from the back of her neck all the way down to the base of her tail, then curl back up and resume his circuit.

As time went by, Alastor found himself more and more impressed by Relm. The girl didn't shiver or squirm away, she didn't show any signs of discomfort or distrust. She had come a long way from when he'd first found her out here by the lake a season ago. That was why he knew she would never become her father—Relm was already stronger than Kefka ever could have been. Despite his best intentions, there was still a small part of Alastor's primal brain aching for him to let go of his control again. Relm's heat scent, although dampened by the lake, was still present, and the animal inside him wanted nothing more than to grab her and mount her again. Thankfully, without the bloodlust to trigger him, Alastor remained firmly in control this time. Still, the lingering thoughts and memories played in his head every time his paw moved down near her hips and rump, the animal fantasizing about what she felt like, what she sounded like, what she'd taste like...

Alastor's perturbed thoughts were interrupted when he felt Relm shift about beneath him, black eyes blinking in surprise as he found himself gazing down at Relm's eyes once more. She guided his paw with her own to her chest, asking him to resume there. He flashed her a small grin, then wordlessly did as she asked. The giant ebony paw pressed lightly down on her chest, siam claws flexing to part through her fur here and tickle at her skin just beneath her coat. Alastor did his best not to hold extended eye contact with Relm, instead focusing on his work and letting her gaze at the summer stars overhead. Her bright pink belly fur was soft and wet from lying in the water, lying slick to her form in taut clumps. His paw moved easily through her damp fur, claws parting it like a hot knife through butter. "Like this?"

With her lying belly up, Alastor had to be even more careful of how low he let his paw wander. He would stroke slowly down over Relm's chest and barrel, staying above her stomach to start. As time passed and Relm seemed to relax even more, Alastor began to let his stroking paw drift lower, teasing over the taut muscles of her abdomen and belly. He never let his digits slip lower than her waist, however, far too concerned that if he dipped any lower, he wouldn't be able to help himself and he'd wind up showing Relm what other parts tended to feel good if they were stroked right. So, steeling his attention on Relm's reactions to gauge what she liked, Alastor made another circuit on the girl's pink underside, roaming from chest down lithe sides and flat belly to her waist and then back up again.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
02-21-2022, 07:55 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2022, 11:31 AM by Relm. Edited 2 times in total.)

Relm still just laid under the discretion of Alastor while his paws and claws moved through her fur and across her skin. She had become a lot more comfortable after relaxing into his touch from behind and could look at him now when he touched her. She still felt tense in this new position, his paws touching her where no one had ever touched her before.

Her breath once again turned deep and even after being shallow and getting used to the feel of him again. Her paws ended up carefully finding his own, letting them mimic his movements on her and eventually helping him draw where she wanted him to go. She still gave less direction, but he could probably notice how she was discovering herself just in this one step.

Every time his paws ran over the thin skin of her belly she felt a strong tingling causing her to tighten up slightly though maybe it was becoming evident she was starting to enjoy herself. She hummed lightly while she pursued him further.

Her eyes had been down between both of their chests when he asked for more clarification, Relm’s half-lidded and almost lustful gaze moved up to his with a small smile which she hadn’t show in what felt like ages. "Yes." she whispered almost in a huff as he drove around her waist and underbelly. Her paws almost stopped him from coming too far up her chest, trying to keep his paws lower on her body. She moved into him subtly, quietly letting out sighs and the most silent moans. For the first time in her life, she truly desired more.

Extremely abruptly, Relm nearly slammed her paws down on his as if she could hold him hostage here or like she could force him to do something more to her. She knew just how much he overpowered her though. She went to press and hold his paws below her ribs and closer to her hips. She didn’t have to look up at him again because she was already there to meet his gaze, "I want you to hurt me Alastor." she was mostly referring to his ruby claws going into her, or even his jaws. But she almost begged and threatened him at the same time to do more to her. "But don’t..." Don’t fuck me, she couldn’t get the words out. It was a new strange feeling for her to crave more of him, wondering what he felt like when she was more willing for him to be inside her. "For Manea." she suggested though didn’t know the logistics of their relationship and marriage. "What can I do for you?" What could they get away with was more of what she meant. Because she would do anything for him in the perimeters of what they had.

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-21-2022, 07:27 PM

As if by some magic, the moment his paw began to move across her chest and belly, Alastor felt Relm's body tensing as she reacted to his every touch, every subtle stroke of his claws against warm, soft skin causing a reaction from her muscles. A gentle flexing, tensing and relaxing while her breathing steadied and deepened, then turned shallow the lower his paw explored on her body. Then the massive brute felt the girl's paws find his own on her torso, catching his digits in between her ribcage and belly. He glanced up at her and caught her watching his paw at it moved over her lower body, a salacious smirk playing on his lips while he turned his attention back down to the actions of his paw, letting her smaller black paws guide his giant one along the planes of her body, feeling over every warm smooth surface of the fae and following every feminine curve of her matured form. His black toes splayed and parted her soft belly fur, the ebony digits in stark contrast to her vivid pink coat. Feeling her every lithe muscle tense and relax under his touch was an almost erotic experience, one the dire brute found himself enjoying very much.

A deep, rumbling purr of delight echoed within Alastor's chest while he toyed and teased Relm, mingling with her quiet hums and gentle sighs. She confirmed he was doing things she liked in a breathy whisper, drawing a delighted grin from the Elysium alpha as his smoldering gaze met Relm's heated half-lidded eyes, seeing her smile for the first time in as long as he could remember. Actually, come to think of it, had he ever seen Relm smile like she was now? The look she gave him was sultry, enticing, alluring even. When he went to glide his paw back up her body, he felt the resistance of her paws pushing his back down her body. The dire brute glanced down at their connected paws again with a raised brow, a low growl of intrigue and enjoyment rumbling in his throat. Alastor relented and gave Relm what she wordlessly asked him for, keeping his paw moving along her belly and waist, every so often teasing his claws a little bit lower and along the edges of her inner thighs. Her skin was even warmer here, as if all the heat in her body was pooling lower and lower. Her subtle movements into him made the wolf's core clench in familiar ways, feeling a similar desire growing in him that he felt whenever he got Manea to react this way to his touches. Intimate, erotic, sexual. Relm was giving in to her body's desires and he was the one fortunate enough to witness her final growth into a mature young woman.

All of a sudden, Alastor felt Relm's paws slam down on his to pin him to her lower belly, trapping his paw between her abdomen and paws just above her waist. He lifted molten onyx eyes to find her lustful gaze already looking back up at him. Her words caused his fur to stand on end as static chills of lust ran across his skin from head to tail that settled between his thighs. The grin on Alastor's muzzle slowly stretched wider, showing off rows of razor sharp pearly teeth against his dark fur. Oh, he would satisfy her request and then some. But before he did anything, Relm stopped him again, her words drifting off without saying what he knew she meant. She didn't want him to fuck her. At first, Alastor peered at her in confusion until she explained it was for Manea. He wanted to tell Relm that it would be fine, that she could have whatever she desired, but at the same time, he wanted to let her explore and experiment with this new sexual side of herself in a way she was comfortable with. This was all new and a massive step for her. They could go at her own pace. "Whatever you want, Relm," he replied, his husky voice vibrating with a tremor of a deep growl on her name. Then she asked what she could do for him—more aptly, what could they do together—and Alastor slowly leaned himself further over her. He shifted his weight, balancing himself above her with one thickly muscled foreleg positioned just to the side of her head while the other remained held to her soft belly.

"Anything you want," Alastor responded, his words spoken on a heavy breath barely above a murmur for only her to hear. He and Manea had a unique and straightforward relationship. Neither was exactly possessive of the other, nor were they strictly monogamous. Then, with his face closer to hers to witness every nuance of her expression, Alastor flexed his paw and sank his ruby claws into the flesh of Relm's stomach. He felt her skin rend to his claws as if she were made of nothing more than soft clay. Instantly, he felt the hot dampness of her blood pooling around his toes where his claws had sunken into her, just trickles, but still enough for her to feel his claws within her. Once he'd gotten to enjoy her initial reactions to the pain he inflicted, Alastor slowly raised himself back up until he was sitting over her, watching with sadistic delight while he slowly peeled his claws back out of her flesh, then flexed them again to ever so slowly trail them down her belly to her waist, letting his claws cut through the first layer of skin. Not enough to cause any real damage, but enough to draw thin lines of blood in his wake. He lifted his other paw to join in with his first, both large paws moving to press to the inside of Relm's thighs, keeping her hind legs held open while he dug his claws into her flesh there and leaned over her once more, leaning over her again to nuzzle his snout through her belly fur and slowly nipping his way up her chest to the base of her neck, letting his hot breath wash over her throat while he teased her with the proximity of his deadly fangs to her vulnerable neck, daring her to give him access to do as he pleased with her.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
02-21-2022, 10:28 PM

Alastor had pulled himself almost mounting her in a similar position the day he had killed Kefka but entirely different. The faint memory of his tongue feeling like it was in the back of her throat had flashed across her mind, but then it had her wondering what he could make her feel like when he was not in the rage state he was in then.

Relm's silver eyes carefully flicked across Alastor's features, she didn't move a muscle in her body, she didn't even know if she was breathing. But him giving her the freedom of anything she desired was almost overwhelming. She wouldn't have felt fully comfortable going all the way with him. Partly because she was scared of how much she would hate it, but she was also scared about what it would do between her and Manea and essentially her own place in the pack. But she wouldn't have wanted to be here if it wasn't for Alastor. When she had offered her body to his manic character, she was doing solely out of something she owed to him. Now she was looking him dead in the eyes and allowing him to touch her anywhere on her body, not because she felt like she owed him. It was two completely different sensations and now memories.

His paw transitioned from placement to stabbing, and in less than a few seconds Relm was reacting to the feeling of pain and blood under Alastor's claws in quite a different way than would have been expected from any regular being. She took a sharp breath in, her brows furrowed as she winced and let out a short, high pitched cry that she didn't even know was in her. Maybe it was the way Alastor had played with her prior, or maybe it was just that it was Alastor. But her tones had certainly turned into a whole different, sexual side that she was discovering. Her paws went to find purchase in his own shoulders, but they did little damage compared to his gemstone slicers.

His frame moved up off of her and she found herself wanting to pull up with him but remained down on the shallow surface of the lake's edge. His claws pulling out of the sensitive part of her underbelly, she almost melted into relief under him. His claws driving more dangerously across more sensitive areas, the sting was something she didn't even care to notice, only the feeling of him across her. Her back arched some in response to teasing pleasure, and when he reached her inner thighs she clenched up but with no sign that she was ready to end their escapade there. She let out another high, and yet quiet moan as he stuck her again in between her thighs. Her eyes stayed on his face as he closed the gap between them again, her breath labored from the pain and excitement she was experiencing from him.

It was like Alastor being with her before was allowing her to feel completely open to him, she was scared of hurting or just not liking the final step that every part of her body was telling her to feel, but because they had sex before if not even enjoyable for her it lightened more of her troubling feelings she would have felt with a stranger or someone she hadn't been so intimate with. As eager as she was when she demanded him to inflict pain on her, a paw reached down between them, catching some of the blood that had formed over her stomach where he had entered her and searching for the result of what he was doing to her, wanting to feel the hard parts of his body while he was this close to her. His breath warmed over the side of her neck and her cheek and chest while her primal instinct kept her from opening up the lifeline at her throat. She didn't push him away, but taunted him in movements of her hips while one of her paws was still down below and the other found leverage reaching over his back. "I want to feel you Alastor." His name again in hushed lustful tones. She wanted him against her, wanted to know what she was doing to him in physical form. She hadn't realized just how quickly and eagerly she escalated. But she was not ready for the final step in the process, she wasn't sure if she ever would be.

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-22-2022, 03:49 PM

This time around, the sexual tension between him and Relm felt entirely different from the first time she'd offered herself to him right after he'd murdered her deranged father. Back then, she had seemed almost like it was a duty for her to give her body to him, like it was expected of her. It had been emotionless, and though it had brought him physical pleasure, it was distinctly not Alastor at the controls of his body. This time, Alastor was fully in control and Relm was actually enjoying herself, at least it seemed so. The way her body squirmed and the noises he pulled from her were familiar to the brute who had experienced sexual contact with faes before, but the reactions were wholly new coming from Relm. It felt exciting and foreign to be able to make her react this way, knowing what sort of influence and power he had over her physical being. Then as his claws dragged lower across the taut planes of her body, he saw the look of exquisite relief on her visage as she practically melted for him, her back arching to accentuate the supple curve of her form and make her look more feminine than Alastor had ever seen her before.

Another keening moan from the pink fae voiced her enjoyment of the wonderful torment he was putting her through. Her scent had unknowingly begun to get stronger the more he excited and aroused her, nearly making the dark torturer salivate when it reached his nares. When he drew himself closer to her, he could pick up on her shallow breathing, heavy and drawn out from the pain and excitement he saw flashing in her pale eyes. Despite his insistence, Relm refused to allow him access to her vulnerable throat—a wise decision from the girl, most likely. But Alastor's disappointment wouldn't last, as no more than a moment after, he felt Relm's hips press up into his as he leaned his body over hers, earning her a few breathy gasps of surprise and lecherous delight from the hulking brute. The way she moved her hips into him teased and taunted him with their proximity, her soft downy fur rubbing against some very sensitive and firm parts of himself sandwiched between them. Guttural groans rumbled in the dire wolf's chest while he braced his back paws against the rocky, silty lakebed and pushed back against her on instinct, rolling his hips back against hers in a slow sensual grind.

As if reading his body language, Relm stretched a hind leg out beneath him while her other slid up to hook around his waist and behind his back, guiding his motions into her. She asked to feel him, her voice turning hot and lustful when she said his name. Alastor loved it. A low growl was his response, though it wasn't of displeasure, but of desire. He slid one large black paw up from Relm's thigh, dragging his claws along her side until it slipped beneath her arching body and dug into the small of her back just above where her tail met her rump. He held her to him, pressing his weight down upon her with his hips, not quite in the right position to enter her, but giving her what she asked for. All parts of the massive male from his stomach down were pressed to her, feeling the heat and softness of her body against his anatomy. Alastor groaned again, tipping his muzzle to bite and nibble along the curve of Relm's shoulder to the side of her neck, taking what he could get from his partner. Her exploratory paw was wedged between their stomachs, so dangerously and enticingly close to where he wanted her to touch and feel. Onyx eyes peered up at Relm with a look at hot as magma while he urged her to do what they both knew they wanted, encouraging her to continue exploring her newfound sexuality with him as her test subject.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
02-22-2022, 04:56 PM

Everything she was experiencing, physically from Alastor and mentally with reacting to what her body demanded was completely new to her. She had traveled alone for the last year through the beginning of her adolescence and didn't have anyone to share or connect feelings like these with. She had grown to care deeply for Alastor in such a short time, but she was not delusional to mix those feelings in with true love. These moments with him were well heated, she could feel through her entire body and mind. She wanted nothing but him. But she wasn't so naive than to think this meant something more.

Every noise he made was felt, and almost lost in their actions as she mirrored her own more subtle pleasurable sounds with him. She had never imagined feeling this way before especially after her first few experiences, one even being with him. She still tingled as his paw moved and grabbed from under her, none of his touches on her were being accustomed or boring, the tease she was allowing herself to feel was everlasting.

Having him pressed up against her almost made her wild, again nothing she'd ever imagine was deep inside her. Her moans and grunts when they moved against each other were more frequent and obvious while she craved the most he could give her. She felt near frustration to internally demanding her desires but she wanted this stage to last as long as it could. Her front legs went to hold around his barrel like they were never close enough.

Her eyes quickly found his when he looked down at her, still near breathless from all of their experience and foreplay, Relm stayed still for a few seconds just looking, admiring Alastor on top of her though maybe she was more pondering if she wanted to go through with it. Without much warning, her hips slid forward over the core of their activities together and finally connected them together on her own terms. It was not easy and slow, in fact the complete opposite. Relm went rough, quick, and deep with the Dire in the first motion, her eyes dropping down to Alastor's chest as she bit her lip with a muffled moan in response. It certainly didn't feel the way she was expecting, it was incredibly relieving from the ongoing tease. But she couldn't shake the thought of disrespecting Manea, regardless of what Alastor told her.

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-24-2022, 01:24 AM

This experience he was sharing with Relm was something entirely different from any moment of passion or lust Alastor had experienced before. With Lurid, it had been carnal, yet shallow. With Manea, he had an intensely passionate and bloody love. With Irilyth, it was a means to an end, using her to slake his own needs. But with Relm, it was different. Alastor had grown to care for Relm since she'd come to stay in his care to escape her maniac father. She would forever be under his protection, and yet that protection carried an air of possession and desire with it. He did not love her, not in the way he did for Manea or for his children, yet he cared for her all the same. He wanted to take care of her like a parent would a child, and yet he also wanted to please her and slake her needs like a lover would, yet neither emotion reached either end of the spectrum. Their relationship was hovering somewhere in the middle. Not quite paternal, not quite amorous, some sort of unorthodox blend. How fitting for the two misfits of Elysium.

Despite how subtle and subdued her own reactions were, Alastor noticed each and every one. He fed off of her lust, regaled in her breathless sounds and the shifting and contorting expressions of want and desire on her face. Fully up on her now, Alastor was surrounded by her natural scent accentuated by the perfume of her estrus, her body doing all it could in its natural attempts to get Alastor's body to satisfy her urges. He withheld, even when she hooked strong forelegs around his thick torso just to cling herself tighter to him. The pair were breathing heavy in short gasps. There was a beat of pause while the two wolves looked at one another, ebony eyes and sterling gray locked with an intensity built between them. The air was electric; Relm's body was fire, and the water did little to cool him down as he immolated in lustful flames.

And then, without warning, Alastor felt Relm shift her hips and drag herself against him, coupling their bodies together by their nether regions in one swift and fluid motion. A hiss of pleasure escaped through gritted teeth, devolving into a rich, guttural growl of ecstasy from the dire wolf. Heavy black eyelids fluttered over even darker eyes, and though his pupils could rarely ever be seen, they were rolling back in his head while Relm gave in and let them both have what they undeniably wanted from the start. The paw around her waist flexed, stabbing his gemstone claws deeper into her back to help leverage her hips while she worked herself over him hard and rough right from the start. His other paw reached up to grab Relm by the thigh, sharp claws digging into thick muscle to help hold her steady while he began to roll his hips to meet her every motion and work their bodies together in unison to achieve a higher nirvana, a more primal pleasure.

Through his actions, Alastor showed how much he wanted this, how okay it was for them to do this, and how badly he needed her to not stop. When black eyes weren't rolling behind fluttering lids, they were peering down into Relm's, wanting to watch every moment of pleasure she endured and enjoyed. Even when she looked away and gazed down their bodies, he kept his eyes on her. Sizable hind paws kicked and scrabbled at the soft lakebed for better support and leverage, causing the water to slosh and churn around them in time with their wild movements. His long, silky fur was soaked in the lake by now, but he didn't care. All Alastor cared about was enjoying this moment with Relm to the absolute most and making it a night she remembered—for all the right reasons.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
02-24-2022, 09:03 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2022, 10:28 AM by Relm. Edited 2 times in total.)

Relm hadn't seen Alastor as a father figure, she had known him rather vaguely in her young life but she certainly found him in the way he saw himself; her protector. He had killed Kefka for her, something that she honestly probably couldn't have done herself when given the chance. If he hadn't been there that day... there could have been a great chance she would have ended up just like Agria bearing Kefka's children and slaving for him. It was not something on her mind in these very moments, but a thought that had crept up on her when she was drowned out in her head. There was really nothing Relm could do to show the amount of gratitude she had for Alastor.  And what she was experiencing with him now had little to do with that actually.

She reveled in what she did to Alastor herself, the way her body made him feel along with what his did to her. It was a magical combination that she was able to see and admire, and love. Alastor had listened to everything she wanted prior, but the thought of everything he had done for her and how she cared about him is what allowed them to make it this far. Her paws went to move upwards of his chest and around what she could hold around his neck while she initially took the lead. Her pace hadn't stayed in one repetitive motion, but she was certainly more rough than anything else. Her body at times moved slow so she could really feel all of him. She bit her lip often in response with low growls and moans while her back pushed into the surface of the earth under her and into him. She didn't find it hard to look at him but just letting the immense pleasures surround her as she closed her eyes in the feelings before looking back into his dark eyes again. His ruby claws in her were just as enjoyable in the moment as she remembered but more, entirely different than when she was letting him fuck her out of obligation. She found relief in other parts of him aside from any pain she felt. The way she held onto him, pushed into him, she couldn't get enough.

After sometime her pace became even, pushing into his and silently giving him the opportunity to do what he needed, what he wanted to the rest of her while she still danced along with him without fault.  Her jaws split to find purchase in the scruff of his shoulder with more high pitched and feminine groans as he pounded her and she willingly let him have his climatic end if that's what he wanted, and she did too.

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-05-2022, 10:40 AM

Beneath the silvery glow of the moon and stars, the two wolves entwined their bodies together in an erotic, heated dance in the waters of the lake. The still night air was filled with their heady sounds of pleasure; low growls, masculine grunts, feminine groans, and heavy breaths while they south to unwind the other in a cooperative and yet equally competitive effort. Though they were close in size, Alastor's considerable bulk and girth was able to surround Relm, wrapping her up in himself in a manner both protective and possessive. She was his for the night and Alastor was going to enjoy every single second of being wrapped up in Relm like this, just as he was hers to have as she pleased. Whether this was done out of gratitude or a deeper desire to do so to him didn't even cross the dire brute's mind. The only thing even remotely connected to that day in his mind was thinking of the clown's last words, asking if the Elysium alpha was fucking his daughter, and his lips curled over gritted gnashing teeth into an insidious grin when he thought about how Kefka had been right without even realizing it.

As Relm worked her body against his, so too did Alastor press and grind and move himself back against hers in turn. The dark-coated brute did nothing to restrain or hold himself back, letting Relm have all of him. Every reaction, every gasp or breath, every moan and grunt, every grip of clawed paws and hard shove of his hips was that of a totally unleashed Alastor—powerful and wild, yet not out of control like last time. Relm was an exceptionally talented lover given her youthfulness and supposed inexperience. He hadn't known if she'd been a virgin when he'd taken her the first time or not, but given what he knew of her, he hadn't suspected she'd had many—if any—other lovers before him. While her movements were lacking the grace and practiced rhythm of an experienced lover, she more than made up for it with her enthusiasm and vigor. It was a sit she was working just as hard as he was to bring him pleasure, like how he was trying to do to her with every roll of his pelvis into hers. Their bodies crashed and collided together, and though Alastor felt a strong pull to lock his mouth to hers and dominate her maw with his tongue like he did to Manea, he remembered how she'd responded to it last time and stopped himself. This wasn't just about him. They were a pair tonight and Relm was special to him.

As the two settled into a strong and steady rhythm together, Alastor felt the ecstasy mount, the spring tightening within his core. Black eyes shifted between rolling back and screwing shut as he surfed through wave after wave of hot, electric passion. While Relm wrapped her legs around him and found her rhythm in her motions, Alastor relinquished his hold on her thigh, raking his claws up her svelte side before slamming his paw down into the water beside her head and clawing at the sand of the lakebed beneath them, desperately seeking a hold on anything while he rocked their bodies back and forth in the shallow water. With his newfound balance, Alastor was able to drill his hips down with all his force against Relm, their movements much more akin to fucking now. Riding the high of euphoria right up towards that peak, Alastor was finally undone when he felt Relm's sharp teeth find purchase in his scruff, her strong jaws clamping down where his neck and shoulder met, drawing a loud, lustful groan from the man, followed by a snarl as he reciprocated and lunged down for her, his own powerful jaws looking to lock around the same part of her neck and shoulder to held hold her steady while he let himself go, spurred on by the delightful sounds he was coaxing from his pink-coated lover. A few extra strong bucks of his hips and then Alastor was slamming home into Relm with a snarl of pure pleasure muffled by her fur and flesh in his jaws.

Alastor reached that blissful climactic end with a shudder of his body over top of Relm's, his paws scrabbling at the ground and clinging desperately to her to keep their bodies pulled taut together as if they couldn't be close enough or entangled enough. Alastor's body twitched and tensed as he rode that high all the way through until he collapsed across Relm. The brute released her with a deeply satisfied sigh and flopped to his side in the cool water, keeping strong forelegs wound tight around his fae's body to bring her along with him so they could both relax and enjoy the afterglow of their passion. The water was a cold contrast to the heat radiating off of their bodies, Alastor gulping down deep, ragged breaths while pleasure-glazed obsidian eyes gazed back to Relm again, wondering just how things would change between them now, if at all. Would it be awkward like it was again? Would there be a deeper connection between the two? Would she want to leave Elysium or stay as part of their growing family? It might be too soon to wonder any of those things, so he contented himself with just enjoying his post-orgasmic euphoria for the time being.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
03-05-2022, 12:22 PM

Relm enjoyed the pain of it, though it wasn't necessarily pain. The pressure of just how deep and hard he was going into her, all of his weight, and honestly he was a little frightening from time to time; it was exactly what she wanted. There were no signs of her wanting to withdraw because she didn't want to, plain and simply. She could have let him fuck her like this for the rest of tonight into tomorrow. It was an entirely new experience and while being exposed to his physical touch, actually surrounded by him completely. She never would have known she could feel this way.

Her teeth gripped tighter onto him, if that was even possible, as he came down on her scruff in mirrored reaction. Her paws had drifted the length of his chest while her claws brushed through the thick of his silky fur. Anything she had felt uncomfortable with was completely incinerated while all she could feel was the burning passion between them. There wouldn't be a single thing she could point out that she didn't like, Alastor had really given her something to admire.

Relm had nearly twitched and trembled for his final thrusts, just discovering her own unique climax for giving Alastor the pleasure she could offer. It was more than that though, she just loved to see what it did to him. She didn't push away as he pulled her into him and he laid back in the water, but she didn't cling onto him either. Her breaths had turned more steady than his in a quicker fashion. And her mind was being drifted off somewhere else now. Her chin pulled up to look at his face briefly, speaking through a small sly grin in response to the last few moments, "I hope he's seen every bit." But just ask quickly as she spoke, her gaze was drifting and smile faded. Alastor couldn't know what keeping her close like this was doing to her. Not in the state of what they had just done, but being this close to Kefka was all she wanted as a child and it's what was stuck in her head now. She just wanted to be held, cuddled, and she was always rejected from her father. She had maybe understood now why he had reacted that way, but it's what made her the way she was today. The longer they laid here, the more tense she got. But she also didn't want to leave him. What was building in the aftermath is what she was craving. But it all felt so wrong to her.

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-10-2022, 01:52 AM

Watching how Relm went roiling and twitching through her own climax had been a thrilling and euphoric experience for Alastor to bear witness to. He felt everything from the young fae until they had both fallen still in their blissful afterglow, relaxing in each other's embrace in the cool, shallow water of the lake. Though it took Alastor a few moments longer to slow and steady his breath—Relm's youthfulness showing through in her stamina and recuperation—he had his breath back by the time she grinned at him and spoke the sly hope that her father had seen every bit of their mating. The grin on Alastor's face widened into roguish humor as he laughed, black eyes shining with a mirthful playfulness. "He'd be so fucking furious. I hope he did too," he remarked back, still thinking of Kefka's last words to him before he'd snuffed the life from his body. Gods, that would still remain one of the most intense and orgasmic experiences he had ever had! Something about killing that fucking clown had really done something for him.

Al had been looking at Relm when her expression abruptly shifted and she looked away, hiding her smile. The dire brute's smile fell also, and he leaned closer to gently nudge and nuzzle the girl's forehead with his snout. "Don't," he simply said, voice firm yet spoken with a gentle urging for her to listen to him. "Don't do that to yourself. You're allowed to feel good. You're allowed to enjoy things." Alastor shifted in the water a bit, moving to wrap his forelegs more securely around Relm's sides, being careful not to constrict her too much or smother her, but also making a point of proving he wasn't going to let go of her and that he wanted to hold her. He didn't know Relm's childhood deprived of parental affection; he just knew he liked to snuggle after a good fucking, and so he wanted to snuggle with Relm for a spell.

Alastor wasn't always good with emotions and words. He wasn't good at empathy or connecting with many wolves. So he let his actions speak to Relm. He told her she was beautiful and protected in the way he held her close to his body, muscles gently rippling while he flexed his forelegs around her sides. He told her she was cared for with the tender nuzzles he brushed her crown with. He'd shown her she was desirable in the coupling the two wolves had just shared. Hell, he hadn't even considered the prospect that he'd fucked her with wild abandon while she was still in her heat, that's how much she'd affected him. Alastor made the mental note to be sure Irilyth gave her yet another dose of birth control whenever they got back to the pack. In his sober mind, he would never subject Relm to that fate. "Will you stay in Elysium?" With Kefka gone, Alastor knew there was a very real possibility Relm might just want to leave to go explore her own life. While she would be within her rights to do so, he secretly hoped she'd stay. Relm was special to him—even more so after tonight—and the thought of her leaving hurt something inside him.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
03-10-2022, 10:16 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2022, 10:21 AM by Relm. Edited 1 time in total.)

His affections were both helping her and making her worse at the same time. She held her breath when he nuzzled her and held her tight. She had grown overall tense, it wasn't fluctuating. It was like they were back at step one. But she stayed there, she didn't move, she didn't fight. For Alastor and maybe for herself a little bit, she stayed just where he had her.

It wasn't necessarily that she couldn't, or wouldn't enjoy things. Just a general happiness was a rare occasion to her, and she couldn't even remember the last time she was truly happy. Everything had always been tainted somehow. She always wanted to please her father, maybe earn his affection. She was forced to grow up north while he remained close to Lurid. She had seemingly been abandoned by Rhaegath and her uncle. She knew that she wanted more out of her life. She wanted to be desired as a friend or lover, it didn't matter which or both. She couldn't stand the thought of being alone again. And there was a part of her that would just break and bend to stay that way. For once she was lost in her head with someone here, someone holding her. Not that she was so outward and physical with what she was feeling. Maybe Alastor could tell she was working through things silently. Or at least maybe he understood to that extent of the silence. She could feel all of the emotions he showed her through physical touch, but it was like she wouldn't allow herself to feel so valuble.

Her silver eyes softly opened but didn't look up at him as he asked. Emotions were hard, but she was open to Alastor. There wasn't much she couldn't tell him. "I want to be here with you, and Kichi." Very driven back to her young life it seemed. It was probably no secret she wasn't good at making friends. "There's no place for me." She didn't mean here, but in a sense she did. Overall she had never seen her life inside a pack, alongside someone else while that had seemed just out of reach over the last year. But her and Manea didn't really have a sort of common ground to live on. She was as open as she could be with her, but largely misunderstood. She had grown to accept the way she was and not take what others thought of her so personal. It didn't seem so easy for others to understand her. Relm was just as worried about Manea asking her to leave as Alastor was about her leaving.

F2U base by AshKatu


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-18-2022, 08:53 PM

Waiting for Relm's answer to his question felt like eons to the dire brute. The two large wolves laid in the shallow water of the lake tangled up in one another's limbs, the fae tense and unyielding, the brute insistent and adamant. Her silver-toned eyes opened again, but didn't look directly up at him when he spoke. She was processing everything—thoughts, actions, emotions. Alastor recognized the familiar pensive expression on her features and gave her all the time she needed to reach whatever conclusion she desired most. Eventually, she admitted that she wanted to be with him and Kichi in Elysium, and some of the tension melted away from Alastor's muscular form. They shared the same desires then. But Relm's next comment about there not being any place for her drew a disgruntled huff from the older man.

"Elysium is your place," Alastor asserted with resolute conviction in his voice. "You're already home, Relm." He didn't know where she'd gone during her time of solitude, but he'd known of her dislike of the frigid tundras of the north as a pup, shackled to her father's will by circumstance. Now that she was old enough to choose where she wanted to go and who she wanted to be, she chose him and Kichi. That meant she had chosen Elysium as her home by extension. She needed someone to reassure her of that though. "I want you to stay as well." Especially after what they'd just shared here tonight. Not because he had intentions of fucking around with her on the side (though he couldn't say the idea wasn't tempting), but because she had solidified herself as someone of great importance to the deranged wolf, and he never let those close to him go.

Alastor didn't even consider Manea asking Relm to leave to be a possibility. He was alpha male, second only to his wife. He would not permit anyone or anything to turn Relm away, not even Manea. He would have fought tooth and nail against that. In a way, Alastor saw Relm as his, much in the same way he saw Kichi as his. They mattered to him. She mattered to him. Slowly running his massive paw along the smooth plane of Relm's side, Alastor traced the natural curves in her body upwards, feeling the tension in her muscles. She had withdrawn again from him some, but he didn't relent. His paw slid over the side of Relm's neck, then brushed her cheek a few times. All the while, Alastor gazed at Relm, watching her expressions, studying her like she were the most fascinating thing in the world at this moment. Then he did what Kefka never took the opportunity to do: he moved his paw to the back of Relm's head and cradled the young woman in his arms, holding her to his chest—like a father showing a child affection or like a lover to their partner, it remained to be seen. "We should probably head back, shouldn't we?" The inflection in his voice betrayed how much he didn't want that—perhaps hoping for a repeat performance?—and how he wanted to stay by Relm and make sure she was okay.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
