
you pierced my ears with a safety pin, but they look just fine




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
02-28-2022, 05:12 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2022, 05:13 PM by Halo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Right, checkups. Halo had been derailed a little bit, having taken the time to make sure that Ru was okay. Putting him back together and making sure that the infection in his leg took precedent. The pale healer would tell herself that it was because he was Theory's brother, and Abaven was one of their allies. That, and the tenderhearted creature was always going to do her best to care for a patient. Right, and he was just that. He was a patient, and he was Halo's responsibility. All of the Armada, too, was her responsibility... but she had to put the active injuries before day to day tasks. Right. It totally wasn't like Ru was on her mind for any other reason as she went to seek out the next wolf on her list for a checkup.

With Mr. Raccoon carrying her basket, the pair set off to find Ruga. Oh shoot, she'd also need to remember to ask for his help. What she knew of the man was that he happened to be their craftsman, and Halo hoped that she could bother him for some help. At the start of summer Inoki had given her a shell, a really pretty one at that. The tenderhearted girl thought it was beautiful, and it currently rested in her den, filled with dried lavender. She thought about making it into necklaces for her and Inoki both to wear, but the thought of breaking the shell to turn it into pendants made her sad. It was with that thought in her head that she'd ventured out to find a similar shell, one that looked like the first, with the intent of breaking that one into pendants to wear as matching necklaces... yes, good. But yes, Halo had found the shell and then realized that she needed help actually getting that far. That was where she hoped Ruga would come in.

Checkups first, though. Nearing the area that she was pretty sure his den probably was (oh goodness wouldn't she look silly if she'd gotten turned around), Halo called out softly for him. "Ruga? Are you busy?" Though her words came softly, Halo does have at least a bit of authority. She was on an assignment from Sirius himself, after all. "The Warlord tasked me with doing checkups on everyone in the pack, you're next on my list if you have time." Right, best to tell him why she was out here, why she asked. All she could do was wait and hope that he was home.
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