
And the future's all but broken.



Beginner Navigator (10)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
03-07-2022, 08:03 AM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2022, 08:19 AM by Fir. Edited 1 time in total.)

Fir hadn't really been home much in the last couple of months and it was really starting to weigh on her.  She liked home, it was comfortable and there wasn't much room for surprise.  The predictability of a location definitely added to it's charm in her book, as the young fae wasn't always too quick on her feet when it came to making fast decisions.  She also felt a little guilty for being away so much.  Yalwan wan has barely had an opportunity to become acquainted with his new abode, the girl wasn't even sure if he considered that place his home yet or not.  She wanted to do something special for the little guy since she'd been making him travel so much with her on those stubby little flappers of his, and that's where the idea of a platonic date came from.  They'd play, make cool mud sculptures, and then of course find something to eat.  She'd get to know the creature a little better and from there she'd be able to make sure he was more comfortable with her lifestyle somehow.

They'd started the mud sculptures.  Or, well, she did.  Yalwan wan was... eating the mud... But Fir didn't mind, if that's what he wanted to do then to each their own.  "Fan ha kaneona lon'ore wanha lorochshay, Yolwan wan?" the question kind of came out of nowhere, but it was something the girl thought about more and more the longer she was away from home.  The swamp wolves had their customs and beliefs, and the fae was aware that those customs and beliefs most certainly didn't apply to everyone.  That meant that there must be more customs and beliefs out there then though, right?  "Och wore'sh lon'ore och' 'oreonakane'shal.  Och wankane kane shayona ire ire fan tah."

”Speech”  ’Thought’

Fennish Translation:  *Do you ever think about religion, Swamp lard?
*I just think it's interesting.  It makes me wonder and want to learn.

I’m going down singing unholy hymns.
*Fir has a chunky platypus companion named Yolwan wan.