


05-07-2014, 08:44 PM

She was asleep finally, nestled into his side with her head laying across her paws instead of draped across his shoulders like she normally did. But now there was another. A single tiny form nestled easily into the woman's stomach. A beautiful black and grey speckled little thing. Beautiful in its natural innocence and for a long time he didn't wish to join them in their slumber. Neck would crane so massive skull could rest tenderly over Cat's grey back, verdant eyes focused on the tiny curled up form that slumbered so easily. He would do better this time. He wanted to be there for everything. When she first opened her eyes, her first steps, first words... Everything... Those would be the thoughts that he drifted away with. He would do better this time. It was a silent promise to his daughter and the mother of his child. Eyes would grow heave and breathing took on a slower more rhythmic tone. Sleep settled over him like a warm blanket being wrapped around him. He couldn't remember another time he had been this happy. Do when the peaceful darkness of slumber began to shimmer and shake, flaking and chipping to reveal a new scene his dream self couldn't help but sigh. Redwood Forest.. He knew this exact place all too well. It was where his first litter had been born. Why would he dream of here?



05-07-2014, 09:07 PM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

The scenery changed to her liking, night, day, mountains or forest. There was no real form to this place. A sigh slipped from between ebony slips as a familiar forest shot up around her. This place was all to familiar. It was the birth place of her children. Sapphire eyes scanned the ground, wondering if maybe she would come across the den she gave birth in. And sure enough, just to her left, there it was. Depression caused her narrow shoulder to sag, sadness aging her fine features. To think one of her boys was dead, and the others missing. At least missing was better than dead. Eyes watered, filling with unshed tears.

The sound of incoming paws would not faze her. No one could harm her here. A painfully familiar scent filled her nostrils next. "He's dead." The words fell from her mouth in a hoarse whisper. Petite bodice trembled with sobs threatening to break her resolve. She would not yet turn, her gaze fixed on the shadow of the den. Memories flooded her ruthlessly. Her children growing up, their first steps, first words, the beginning of their personality.

"He's dead!" Her voice rose, high with panic as she finally whirled to meet his gaze. Did he know? Had he known Vixe was dead and just not told her? Sapphire gaze searched his face frantically, searching for answers. She sucked in a shaky breathing, attempting to get control of her emotions, trying to fight the sobs that bit at her lips.

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."


05-07-2014, 09:20 PM

She was there... But wasn't she always here? Somewhere in the back of his mind she would forever linger and drift in limbo. He still wasn't sure how to react to this world, how to handle Secret and her words. He believed strongly in the afterlife but was this it? Could they still speak on occasion or was this all in his head? His mind painting pictures of scenarios and situations he had hoped for so long would happen. Conversations he had wanted so badly to have but never really gotten around to. Then everything had ended so abruptly and he had been left grasping at threads, trying to haul his small amount of sanity out of the darkness for so long. All because of her. She was his everything. She was his beginning and his end even if he refused to really say it.

He had loved her in his own strange way. Not the same as Cat... But there had been something there... So when he say her tiny frame trembling in the distance he had been unable to stop himself from closing the distance. Massive paws pressing to the ground and go resting heavy indents as head lowered. He didn't know what this was but he wouldn't be surprised if she tried to attack him. He didn't catch her words at first so ears would swivel and strain to hear them. But he didn't need to. Her words were explosive and angry, holding their own life despite their content and for a moment he would pause, brows furrowing in confusion.

No smile would touch his features today, he would study her carefully as she stood trembling a short distance from him. What was she talking about even? "Huh?" He asked. If this was truly a dream then who did he know who had died? Was she talking about Kaios? Was this her reacting to him telling her that her dear lover was dead last time they had met? Thinly concealed rage began to bubble and bristle beneath the surface as eyes narrowed. He had gone to sleep so happy and content and now what. She was here to ruin that for him? "What the fuck are you talking about Secret?" He asked despite the overwhelming urge to either attack her or turn and leave.



05-07-2014, 09:36 PM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

He seemed confused at first, like he had no idea what she was talking about. Then his words turned angry, a question whipping from his dark jaws. She could see the rage bubbling beneath the surface, barely contained. It was all see needed to snap. Tears wet her face, her body swayed, threatening to crumble beneath unbearable weight of reality. "Vixe. He's dead." Words shook violently, coming out barely audible. Sapphire gems continued to search face, looking for any sort of understanding or realization.

Did he honestly not know? The petite woman took a shuttering breathe, regaining only a fraction of her control, only for it to snap again, sending her crumpling to the ground. Her gaze dropped to massive paws, eery silence enveloping her. The only thing she could hear were her shuddering breaths and quiet sobs. Her baby boy. He was gone, snatched from the world. A sudden burst of rage bubbled in her chest, only causing her to tremble worse.

"The-the w-war." She stumbled over her words, recalling the conversation she had had with Vixe when she first found him. The images of his crumpled body flashed in front of her, she wasn't sure if she was just hallucinating or if he was actually there. Her gaze would lift, searching Kylars gaze, looking for answers that he didn't have. Why? Why had this happened to her baby? Where was Kylar? Why had he not protected him? Taught him to fight, to defend himself, to turn him into a formidable warrior. She would hiccup a sob, entirely broken by the death of her son.

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."


05-07-2014, 11:06 PM

Anger and sorrow snapped and flowed all at once, spreading like wildfire and seeping from her eyes to wet her cheeks. Suddenly he was torn between the urge to comfort her and an almost overwhelming feeling of rage that would mirror her own. What the fuck was she so pissed at? What had he ever done to her? She was the one who had gone and gotten herself killed, she was the one who had constantly left them for a life of adventure only to keep getting hurt. Why couldn't she had just stayed in the pack lands? Why couldn't she had just been happy with him? But then suddenly she spoke again, each word dropping like stones from her lips and flung at his face. They hurt almost as much as a physical blow, knocking him back a step as his chest tightened. His boy was dead? No? This was a dream, Secret wasn't real? There was no way this was real. Vixe could be dead. Something would have changed? Wouldn't he had felt it? Wouldn't he had known somehow? He would have known? There was no way he couldn't have known? It was on that logic alone he would allow his brow to furrow and teeth to bare. She was a fucking lying bitch. And that idea was only became more concrete as she mentioned some war. There hadn't been a war.

"Your a liar?" His words were a snarl through clenched teeth, now taking a threatening step forward. Every muscle in his body had tensed and contracted as he trembled with rage. Why would she do this to him? Was she just here with a needle to burst his little bubble of happiness? Why would she spread such hateful harsh lies? "Fucking. LIAR!!!" He almost yelled the last word, throwing it at her face like it might dispel her from his presence but no. She would remain before her. Both of them trembling with a barely concealed rage. "There was no fucking war. Vixe is in Glaciem? He has to be?" Those last words were barely whispered and he wasn't sure if she would hear them or not. Wasn't sure if he wanted her to. There was doubt there. What if all this was real? What if what she was saying was true? What would he do? Could his son really be dead?



05-07-2014, 11:17 PM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

The rage didn't go away, if anything, it grew. And kept growing. He erupted, screaming insults at her, claiming her to be a lair. Ears fell back against her skull, but she held her ground even as he stepped toward her. She wasn't afraid of him, she had never been afraid of him, she wasn't going to start now. The tiny woman wouldn't flinch at his words or threatening stance. When he spoke again, she didn't hear his words, but she clearly heard the doubt that was there. She would rise, slender legs trembling to hold up her light weight. He towered over her forcing her head to tip back so that she could meet his gaze.

"He was here, just a few days ago. He wasn't like you, I could feel him." To prove her point to would take a step forward, attempting to brush to paw against his leg. If he didn't move then, he wouldn't feel a thing, but Vixe, he had been tangible, they could both feel each others touch, rather than it just being her feeling warmth. "He remembers dying. He went to war for Glaciem, battling against Valhalla, over some little girl." Her last words quickly became bitter, lips curling back, this girl had caused her sons death. "The last thing he remembers was Vi running towards him."

She shook her head, turning away from him to pace back and forth, wearing a path in the earth in front of him. She thought back to the conversation she had had with her baby boy. "Adravendi. I don't know who that is or what it is, but he kept repeating it." Fire burned in her bright eyes as she paused only to meet his gaze. She regained control of her sorrow, replacing it instead with rage. Rage that demanded retribution.

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."