
Keep That Fire Burning

Alastor <3



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-14-2022, 08:08 PM
With the responsibilities of the pack and their family on their shoulders they couldn't take the long and meandering vacation that they might have wanted and she couldn't have the fun of torturing her dear husband with her heat the way she did last year in their spree of killing and fighting, but that didn't meant that she didn't want to get away and enjoy some time alone with with Alastor all the same. With Ara, Poe, Avacyn, and Saracyn placed in charge of keeping the pack safe for a week or so while they went on a trip to savor the making of their next litter, Manea led Alastor down through Boreas with frequent stops to ravage each other and paint a trail of blood with their usual hunts and fights with various predators. They passed by their neighboring packs, spent a night in their old home in the prairie for old time's sake, and then crossed over the bifrost into Auster. As they skirted the borders of The Hallows she considered the offer Artorias had given her of hosting them for a vacation in Auster, but for now she kept them moving on past the castle dwelling pack. Perhaps they would make a stop on their way back, she decided.

It was late in the afternoon when they reached the falls that she had picked as one of their destinations. The approaching sunset painted the world in colors of oranges and purples, the colors gleaming off of the waterfall itself and making the pool at the bottom reflect darker hues of red and purple as well. It was a beautiful, picturesque landscape to be sure, but that wasn't the main reason she had brought them here. Her side leaned into Alastor's and she grinned as she nibbled along his jaw. "Just a bit further, my demon," she purred before she slid past him, her tail flicking across his cheek as she went and tempting him forward as she began to climb the slope that would lead them up to the top of the cliff and the plateau at the top where the roaring waterfall fell from at its peak. The terrain wasn't too difficult, certainly not when compared to the mountainous terrain of their island home, but it was still a bit of a climb. She couldn't resist teasing and tempting Alastor a bit as they went, either with swipes and flicks of her tail or slowing to be beside him so that she could kiss and nibble along his neck. No matter how how well he kept her satisfied and well fucked on their trip here she was still as insatiable as ever with her ever present heat—and probably would be until that heat was properly extinguished.

Once they were at the top of the cliffs, she walked over to the far edge that overlooked the ocean on the other side of the plateau and came to a stop with the cool breeze blowing off of the water and up the cliff face. It brought the salty scent of the ocean with it and gently ruffled their fur. From here they could see The Hallows castle in the distance, the glowing beach of the Shimmering Shore down below, and off course they could watch the sun as it continued to sink down toward the horizon. She grinned as she looked back at Alastor over her shoulder, her tail swaying gently behind her. What do you think? Quite the view, hm?" she asked him, wondering if he'd even bother with the view and instead keep all of his attention on her with his wonderful one track mind.

"Manea Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-21-2022, 04:54 PM
As the long, lazy dog days of summer began to creep away into a balmy early fall, Alastor knew that Manea would soon be entering her heat cycle once more. After their escapades of last year which gave life to their magnificent celestial twins, the dire brute was exceedingly excited to get to spend some quality time with his wife once more. With the duties of leadership and the pack to consider, it did mean they couldn't escape to a carefree murderous jaunt around the continent again like they did last year, but Alastor was more than happy just to spend any time with his beloved mate. No doubt that even without the weeks of sexual torture or bloody carnage, they would make the most of their opportunities to create another Mendacium life in this world. Elysium's responsibilities and safeguarding had been divided up between his children and Manea's extended family in their absence, and then the two of them set out for Auster at the start of Manea's season. Alastor followed her alluring pheromonal perfume like a bloodhound, at her side every step of their journey, the two only resting to ravage one another in their sexual starvation and to slaughter any predator or prey they came across. They passed by the Armada and Ashen, then rested for the night in their old den on the prairie, Alastor ensuring it was once again filled with Manea's impassioned screams for old time's sake, and then made their way down the Bifröst and into warm, sunny Auster.

Alastor briefly surveyed the Wildberry Grove their band had resided in for a season with a whimsical smirk on his face. They passed by another southern pack set up around rolling plains and a massive castle by the sea on their way south. How picturesque, Alastor thought to himself as he considered how mighty a pack must be to be able to hold such fortifications. It interested him to get a chance to see beyond those high stone walls... The Mendacium couple traveled a little farther, approaching a series of tall waterfalls flowing into a pool of crystal clear water, its surface glistening with bright orange sunlight as the day slunk into late afternoon and early evening. Manea pressed into his side, and Alastor pressed back into her with his wide, toothy grin and a playful swat of his silky tail to her rump. Manea tempted him forward with promises that they were nearly there, then pulled ahead to lead him as her tail smacked his cheek, drawing a low chuckle from the brute. "Good thing, because it's getting hard for me to keep my paws off of you, my galaxy," he replied, his voice rumbling with his low, lustful baritone. Alastor followed his queen up the side of the cliff face to the top of the roaring falls, the rest of the world drowned out by the rushing of the water. He enjoyed Manea's little teases all the way to the top, nipping back at her swaying tail with lecherous chuckles and returning each of her little kisses. She was just as needy as he was, if not more so! But by the time they were done with their trip, she would be heading home veeery satisfied and veeery pregnant, he would make sure of that.

It was an easy climb compared to their mountains back home, and they reached the apex soon after. Then Alastor knew why Manea had chosen this place. At the top of the falls, a grand expansive view of the western sea greeted them, bathed in warm glowing sunset. The cool salt-tinged breeze rippled across the plateau, tussling his silken ebony fur and Manea's violet coat. For a moment, Alastor just stayed where he stood, admiring the view—and by that, he was of course staring at his wife, appearing like a goddess given flesh, watching the way her fur rippled in the breeze, accentuating the natural curves of her body. Lusty obsidian eyes roved over her form abashedly, lingering on her shapely rump until she looked back at him with a grin and asked his opinion. "It's perfect," he replied in a husky purr, though his eyes never left her, leaving room for debate on whether he was talking about the scenery or her.

Grinning like a ravenous predator, Alastor gracefully sauntered over to join his mate at the edge of the cliff, peering out at the sea for a moment before returning his gaze to her and nuzzling his snout along her cheek and behind her ear. "How does it feel to have everything you've ever wanted?" he whispered with a husky rasp of heated breath directly into her ear, using the smooth edges of sharp fangs to nip at the delicate appendage and nibble through her fur, his silky tail roaming slowly up the back of her thigh in a not-so-subtle hint of what was on his mind.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-21-2022, 10:58 PM
The way her husband's lustful obsidian gaze was focused directly at her as he replied to her question told her all that she needed to know about what he was truly interested in here. A lecherous grin pulled across her lips and she chuckled as she watched him saunter over to join her at the cliff's edge. There were very few points in her life when Manea truly ever doubted herself—only after her failed challenge for the northern pack and immediately following banishing her mother—but any small doubts that might have ever formed in her mind would never be allowed to take hold as long as Alastor was around. He made her feel like the goddess he seemed to think she was and made her feel like the most powerful, beautiful wolf that ever walked these lands. She had her own assuredness in herself naturally, but he had a way of making that confidence double and triple with just the way he looked at her and desired her.

She looked back out over the sea once he was at her side and gave a pleased hum as he nuzzled into the fur on her cheek and around her ear, her body naturally gravitating to his and letting her side lean into his at the small affection. The feeling of his breath on her ear, the sound of his husky, whispered words, and the tingles sparked by his fangs against her ear made her eyes flicker closed, the view forgotten as he easily pulled her into their never satiated desires ones again. The his silky tail tracing along the back of her thigh hinted at what he had on his mind as subtly as a bear lumbering through a forest, but the exact same thing was on her mind as well. There were few times that enjoying her mate and savoring this lustful, insatiable relationship that they had weren't at least at the fringes of her mind, but in the thick of her heat it was about all she could think about.

A grin pulled at her lips with a flash of teeth at his question while her head tipped back slightly with enjoyment at his teasing nibbles. "Incredible... Like I'm at the top of the world," she replied with a purr to her voice, her tail brushing across his thigh as well and entwining with his. This was a point that she had been certain that she would reach at some point in her life, but ever since she met Alastor it felt like she had found the one thing she had been missing to start putting all the pieces into place. He made her feel invincible, like anything they set their minds to was possible. She brought her gaze back to him as she blinked her aqua gaze open again, her eyes finding his with a sultry look.

"I couldn't have done any of it without you," she told him softly, tipping her muzzle to nibble along his cheek. Some things like their family and children were obviously impossible without his presence in her life, but the pack was as much thanks to him as it was to her own efforts. He was her support, her partner in all things, and her confidant. Maybe she could have created all of this eventually, but it would have been significantly more difficult and challenging if not impossible. He not only made it possible, but made her believe that she could strive for even more. For now, her attention was entirely on adding another beautiful soul to their family that they created. Her tail curled around the back of his leg, brushing and teasing around certain sensitive parts of him, making it very clear that he wasn't the only one with a very particular activity in mind.

"Manea Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-27-2022, 01:18 AM
The reactions Alastor was able to coax from his mate were one of the greatest aphrodisiacs to the horny dire brute. Watching the way her eyes fluttered closed while she made happy hums and leaned into him was an incredible turn on and encouraged him to keep doing more and more to tease her, rile her up, and make her feel good. He loved making Manea feel good and live in a state of constant pleasure and bliss. She grinned and replied to his question that she felt incredible, at the top of the world now that she had everything she ever wanted. Alastor responded with a deep, rumbling growl of delight; she deserved to have all of her dreams come true, and he had been more than happy to help make that reality. "You are at the top of the world, my goddess. Just look around you..." With a massive black paw, Alastor swept his arm around at the scene surrounding the pair of lovers. From rolling hills to expansive sea, Manea was literally and figuratively at the top of this world right now—with the exception of that castle tower in the distance. Maybe he'd be able to convince the pack there to let him take his wife to the top so she could really be fucked at the top of Auster.

A soft brushing of Manea's silky fur against the back of his thigh brought rumbling murrs from the dark brute, who happily entwined his luxuriously furred tail around his wife's in turn. Alastor tipped his jaw towards her muzzle while she nibbled along his cheek with a sultry gaze of her own. She said she couldn't have done this without him, but he disagreed. "Yes you could have," he remarked in his usual deep baritone voice, huskier with heated lust while obsidian eyes gazed into her deep aquamarine jewels. "You are incredible, Manea. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to." The grin on his lips widened, showing off more of his twin rows of pearly daggers within his maw. "You just didn't have to. I was happy to help you make your dreams your reality. All of them... including what we're about to make reality right now." The dark brute spoke the last sentence with a huskier rumble in his voice, smoldering black eyes never leaving hers for a second.

If Alastor had any doubts about what Manea had in mind when she brought him up here, they were quickly dispelled when he felt her soft tail sweep up the back of his thigh again, except this time it curled around the back of his leg and snaked up between his thighs, brushing that wonderful softness against his most sensitive parts of his anatomy. Manea coaxed vibrating murrs and muted moans from the massive brute, a little quiver passing through his muscles from the enticing touch. Leaning back in, Alastor nipped and nibbled along the side and back of Manea's neck, slowly working his way to the edge of her jaw, and then along it until his lips found hers. "What do you desire now, my goddess?" he asked her in a low, heated whisper just before he claimed her mouth with his, abyssal eyes vanishing behind black lids while he kissed her deeply and passionately, pouring forth every ounce of love and devotion he had for her.

His lips moved against hers with slow yet insistent pressure, parting them so he could leisurely slip his tongue into her maw and taste her, a low, lecherous growl of need and want echoing in the depths of his barrel chest. He knew Manea would likely have ideas for what she wanted to do with him up here, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to kiss his mate, to taste her tongue and mouth, and feel and hear her moan for him into their kiss. Then she could have him any way and every way she wanted.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-27-2022, 03:19 AM
Manea smirked as Alastor insisted that she could have achieved these goals on her own, grinning a little at her husband's flattery. Perhaps her confidence in herself occasionally waned or wavered, but his confidence in her never seemed to. He was her greatest champion and biggest encouragement in all things. She did appreciate the way he framed the accomplishments that they shared in the fact that even though she could have done these things on her own, she didn't have to because he was always happy to be at her side through all of it. She wanted his support and his companionship, his love and his lust. There was plenty in this world that she desired and strove for, but he made sure she had everything she needed and more. He looked out for her when she was too busy to look out for herself and in turn she made sure that he had every bit of love and passion that he deserved for the rest of his days and a family that actually treasured and valued him the way he ought to be. His promise of what they were about to do brought a sly grin to her lips, her body naturally pressing into his with an instinctual desire for him to fulfill this need and drive that only he could satisfy.

With her tail teasing certain sensitive parts of her majestic mate, she savored the reactions she pulled from him from the tremor that ran through him to the murrs and moans that escaped him. They fed off of each other, turned on by each other's reactions, stoking the fires of their lusts with each other without even trying. But, just like with his help with the things she wanted to accomplish with her life, she wanted to try even if she didn't need to. It would have been easy enough to just have sex with him purely to have their next litter, but she enjoyed riling him up and savoring every moment of this with him. Every time they were together like this she wanted take him to higher and higher levels of pleasure because she loved him and she loved knowing that she could make him react like this with even just a flick of her tail.

Low hums and moans slipped past her lips from the nips and nibbles he left across her neck and jaw, her head tipping back slightly and a widened grin pulling across her lips while she savored the feeling of his teeth grazing her skin. Her eyes caught his for a moment as his lips reached hers, smoldering lust deep in her aqua gaze while he questioned what she desired now. Before she could reply, his lips claimed hers and she gave a quiet, muffled groan into that kiss as she sank into him. Her eyes slid closed while her lips moved easily in time with his, falling into a familiar heated kiss with her soul mate as his tongue found hers and threw fuel onto the already raging fire that was her need and desire for him. She gave a muffled groan into his mouth while her tail continued to swipe and brush her silky fur across the most sensitive parts of him.

After a few more long, lingering moments of making out with Alastor, Manea lifted a large, feline paw to rest at the top of his throat. She gave his throat a light squeeze as she pulled back from their kiss with a soft gasp, her gaze finding his with heavy lidded eyes that were brimming with desperate, heated need and hunger, a lecherous grin pulling across her lips. "My one and only desire right now, my demon, is for you to take me here on this cliff and make it so all of Auster is able to hear me by the time we're done," she said in a husky purr, nipping his lip and catching it between her teeth as she gave his throat a firmer squeeze before finally letting him go so that he could have his way with her.

"Manea Mendacium"


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-27-2022, 06:13 PM
A shiver of primal lust rippled down Alastor's spine and settled between his thighs when he heard Manea release a needy moan into their passionate kiss, stirring the feral animal inside of him. He would not be as wild as he was when they'd made their first litter a year ago simply due to the absence of his rage state and his mate hadn't spent two weeks sexually torturing him and keeping him pent up, but Alastor was still a rough and wild lover in his own right. His tongue danced and wrestled with hers between their conjoined mouths, savoring her flavor while they made out, expertly arousing and working the other up in ways only they knew how to. All the while Manea's fluffy tail continued to sway and swish over his most prized and sensitive parts of his male anatomy, coaxing deep guttural groans from the massive brute. Manea knew how to expertly manipulate his body to her whims, and while he knew she could have easily just had sex with him for the function of creating a new Mendacium life, he greatly appreciated the extra effort she put in to be sexy for him, to tease him and play with him. It kept their sex life fun and active, and left him addicted to her more and more every time they fucked, like a junkie taking another hit of heroin.

So lost had he been in their kissing that Alastor didn't notice Manea move until he felt the velvety pads of her leonine paws gliding over his vulnerable throat. Their lips broke with a soft gasp from the brute, which was swiftly cut short and silenced when she gripped him by the neck, squeezing with just enough strength to constrict his windpipe and make breathing more of a chore than a passive act. Smoldering obsidian gaze shot open once more to lock with his mate's sultry, heavy-lidded bedroom eyes while she gasped and grinned at him, that unmistakable primal need of a bitch in heat looking to be bred clouding her clear aqua jewels. She spoke her solitary desire to him in a rich, provocative purr, neither asking nor demanding him to have his way with her and take her as his until her cries of passion were heard across all of Auster. A pulse of heat exploded in Alastor's core, once more coming to rest between his legs, and he released a slightly strangled growl that was once again cut off when the violet fae gave his throat a firmer squeeze and nipped at his lip. Oh, she was asking for it... and she was going to get it.

The moment Manea let go of his neck, Alastor moved into action, bringing his muzzle back to the side of Manea's neck with a lustful growl while he nipped and nibbled his way from her neck down to her shoulder. Inch by inch, the demon wolf worked his way down Manea's voluptuous form, worshipping her and savoring her, drinking in her nubile body like these were his last moments on earth. Sharp fangs combed through soft fur and over warm, delicate skin on her side until he reached her waist. Then Alastor lifted a paw and caught Manea's silky tail, holding the object that had been riling him up for the past several minutes over her hips and out of his way while he reached her rear end. Her scent of heat nearly overwhelmed him, her pheromones activating hard-coded feral genes and desires within him. He was a virile brute and she was a fertile fae in heat. Nature demanded they breed to continue on their bloodline—and he would do just that. Pausing long enough just to tease her with a few swipes of a warm, soft tongue over her delicate flesh, Alastor then lunged into action, leaping atop of Manea and mounting her roughly. His jaws shot forward, grasping his mate by the back of her neck while his paws wrapped around her waist to hold her steady. Even if she'd wanted to, there would be no getting away from him now.

"I hope you're ready to sing, my Manea, because when I'm done with you, the whole world will know you belong to me," he spoke in growling words right beside her ear. Then his jaws tightened around her scruff, teeth sinking into her flesh and claws gripping her waist tightly as he pressed his hips roughly to hers and sank home. The dire brute let out a snarling groan as he began, and he wouldn't stop until he was sure Manea was pregnant with his children and she'd screamed her voice hoarse proclaiming that she belonged to him, just as he belonged to her.

- fade -

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-28-2022, 06:39 PM
It was always easy to see when she did something that brought out that feral, lustful side of Alastor and she loved to see that fiery, hungry look in his eyes when she did. As soon as she let him go he wasted no time starting to move down her body with a trail of nibbles and nips, feeling his teeth against her skin and through her fur all the way down her neck and side. He left delightful tingles and sparks all across her skin, making her moan softly and her head tip back to look at the sunset sky while he traced over every inch of her body. Her toes flexed and clawed at the ground with pleasure and anticipation as he slowly made his way to the source of her need and desire, biting her lip as she let herself savor this long, lingering teasing that was steadily building up the wildfire in her core and nearly making her beg for him to keep going and give her what she needed so badly. Luckily once he did finally make his way down past her hip he wasted no time in giving her that satisfaction she was craving.

His tongue on her sensitive flesh made her gasp and groan with a shiver that ran down her spine, a toothy grin pulling across her lips. He brought another soft gasp from her when he suddenly leapt on top of her after only a few licks, partially disappointing her since he was quite skilled with his tongue but he was giving her exactly what she needed and wanted so that momentary disappointment only lasted a heartbeat. His weight on her was familiar and still thrilling, her hips eagerly pressing back into his with her claws raking through the dirt beaneath her paws. His sultry, lustful words make her chuckle breathlessly, but before she could reply her words were cut off by his hips driving forward into hers and claiming her with one rough motion. She gasped and her eyes rolled back as another moan escaped her. The sting of his teeth cutting into her scruff as he claimed her added a wonderful accent to the pleasure that flooded her system and she gave herself over to her husband as he took her well into the evening, her cries of pleasure freely echoing out from the stunning cliffside they were perched on.

- fade -

"Manea Mendacium"