
One Wind, One Sky


05-06-2014, 03:01 AM

The sun had risen not too long ago, and already the young girl was on her feet and sneaking away from the mare that she now knew as mother. She was too young to remember her own mother clearly, for she had only remembered the golden pelt...but as time passed, the memory would begin to fade. Replaced by a fog of what was once lost. What could have been. The buckskin colored girl glanced back at her sleeping mom, a grin spreading across her muzzle as she squealed in delight before quietly trotting away. She wanted to explore, there was so much to see and do! So many others to meet! And she was eager to meet every single one of the creatures that lived in this place they called a "pack."

The autumn breeze caressed her short stubby mane, her elongated and spidery legs carrying her rather ungracefully across the ground. She never strayed too far from Obsidian, for she didn't know the boundaries of the territory nor who was friend or foe. She was pure innocence, unknown to the ways of the world and the dangers that lurked beyond the borders. She stopped at a small creek that seemed to run through the territory, front legs spread apart as her head and neck stretched forward, curiosity pulling at her. There were things in the water! Silvery grey things, darting around when her shadow fell over the water. Ears stretched forward, the girl leaning precariously over the bank, as if she would soon perform a rather clumsy fall the more she leaned forward. Her nose touched the cold water, nostrils flaring until she sucked some of the liquid in. The surprise attack would cause her to skitter back, a sneeze erupting from her body and throwing her onto her rump. Cross eyed, she stared at the water, and soon several more blasts of sneezing would take hold.


05-09-2014, 05:38 PM

Vavha had been trying to stretch out her limbs since they got sore yesterday from gathering herbs. She had been way too busy, and lately things had been boring. Her cousin in Ebony was being a father like he was supposed to and her cousin in Seracia was doing the same as she, gathering herbs and passing time. Though Arian was far more loved by the people than Vahva, she was pretty much an outsider half the time which she had learned not to mind. She had done a lot, just not among the prying eyes of Valhallans. And of course, bluffs and stories didn't count for anything not anymore anyway.
Stretching one more time, she raised her head when she heard something in the distance. And if she hadn't known any better she would have guessed it was Obsidian, but these hoof steps were far lighter than the mare's. Then a sneezing fit would make her raise and go towards the sound near the creek. Watching the foal with her red eyes she tried to hide a laugh. Tail flicking as her torn ear moved towards the lass. This was the foal her friend had brought to the meeting which slightly confused her since she had not seen Obsidian pregnant. Though there was always the chance of being adopted.
"Having trouble?" Vahva asked as she came to the creek sitting across where the only thing separating the two was the clean fresh water flowing in it's usual direction. The healer was no longer startled by beings that were not wolves anymore, ever since obsidian and Tanner(her mothers ferret) it seemed like just an every day thing. Though she was not so sure for the other side when it came to wolf interactions.



05-11-2014, 08:25 PM

A voice startled her for a second, her nose having been unable to detect the presence of the strange canine that settled herself across from the young girl. Shaking her head she stared at the blue maned wolf, deep brown eyes curiously gazing at her. Was she like the others too? Was she a friend? Or should she be afraid? She was definitely curious about this creature, it was evident in the way her nostrils flared to get her scent as her head reached forward to get a closer view. Another sneeze would fly from her, nostrils and throwing her head back. Filled now with annoyance, she pulled herself to her feet and shook her head roughly before finally answering.

"I don't know what happened! The water went up my nose! Will I be okay?" She exclaimed. She was unsure if getting water up her nose would make her sick. Would she be able to swim like a fish now? Grow scales? Who knew! She had no idea, she was still learning about the world and there was still a ton she had to know! She nickered slightly, head tilting towards the she-wolf. "My name is Rikku! What's your name? Are you like Erani and Odette? Why is your fur different colors like that?"
Questions would fly from her tongue, for she was always curious about strangers she had never met. And this one definitely intrigued her. She had never seen another creature with blue in its fur, but she wondered if there were others like that too.


05-13-2014, 05:10 PM

The young foal seemed to be a curious one, just like a pup. Though her actions, tone of voice, and movement couldn't help but to bring the fantasy to mind of just hugging the young horse and smothering her in kisses. The thought bubble popped though when the other questions flew from her mouth, the healer stood up shaking her head free of any twigs that had fallen onto her mane from the nearby tree's that only mildly dotted the plains. Her red eyes coming to rest on the little creature as she gave a small laugh and a kind smile.
"You'll be fine, just be more careful when you drink water. Otherwise you'll get a nasty uncomfortable feeling in your throat and nose for awhile." Vahva said as she lowered her head lapping up some water with her tongue on the stream. This was her friends child, and just like any other child would be treated with the out most kindness. Her tail would flick as her torn ear moved towards the child. "Nice to meet you Rikku, my name is Vahva. I'm friendly like Odette and Erani if that's what your wondering." she grinned. "My father had this same mane, that's why I look different because my dad did." she put a paw in the water for a moment. "Were you hoping to turn into a fish...or maybe a panda!" noting her reaction before.
