
I'm Being So Sincere Right Now




Expert Fighter (165)

Master Intellectual (240)

4 Years
Dire wolf
03-27-2022, 07:01 PM

The young pester of a boy was out enjoying the warming weather of Auster, or well the island. He wasn't allowed to go much else, usually accompanied by one of his parents when he went to the dam. Boring. He was quite... no not boisterous... he just wanted to get in trouble and stick his nose where it didn't belong. Not that he would admit that. But yeah he found some pride in all the bad things he had done. Nothing amounting to anything wild or dangerous, but he certainly wasn't the good one of the lot.

He was taking a leisurely stroll around the building and homes of Fenmyre just taking in the tropical breeze and ocean scent. The sound of birds and the waters moving far off on the shore were actually quite enjoyable to him, but he caught more interest in the stores as he wandered by. He knew where the meat and herb stores were, and Siren's garden and all that. But what caught his attention was the other rooms beside the food stores. He poked his head in one that was pretty messy and disorganized, rubble and shelves fallen down. Much potential, but for now just a wrecked room. The next room however was well put together and organized but it also seemed rather empty. His eyes instantly drew to the knives hanging up on the wall, all special and painted. His little brain didn't put together the number of knives or anything like that nor did he care, he didn't know his older brothers made them for all of Chimera's kids. Of course he was eager to touch though.

He grabbed one of the lowest knives that he could reach, testing it out with the handle in his mouth and slashing it around. It was quite fun. He looked over his shoulder in the empty room like someone was there watching him ready to yell at him. With a smirk, he trotted happily out of the room leaving the door opened as he wandered out somewhere near the forests of the island, not far from the housing units. He dug a rather shallow hole, but deep enough for the knife to fit before burying it beside a tree trunk and heading back to the room of knives to grab another one. He replicated the same tactic, burying three of the knives by different tree trunks in the near forest. And then he went out to find someone to play his little game, hopefully one of his siblings.

Again, he didn't wander far while the main building was still in sight of him, staying near the forests rather than the beaches but also wanted to keep a sight line on the shoreline so he would be able to spot one of his brothers while he trekked along. Instead he heard someone walking along the perimeters, a bit at a loss of breath. It was a girl he had never met before but that didn't matter. He ran to catch up to her, calling out rather abruptly, "Hey you! Want to play a game?" His tone was both pup-eager and innocent, though she was probably not expecting what she was about to dig up. "I buried some things in the woods here. Bet you can't find them."

Intellect Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 551 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
03-30-2022, 11:09 PM

Azzurra's steps steadily slowed from a run to a walk as she followed the perimeter of the island on her daily run, panting lightly as she caught her breath and started to cool down a bit from the exercise. Despite her brother's worries she had continued on with her exercise regime. If anything she had doubled down on it in some small act of something akin to defiance. She didn't think Balthier would necessarily stop her or anything like that, but it was almost kind of like she was proving him wrong or at the very least proving she could do it. Maybe she was just proving it to herself, she wasn't really sure. Either way, her runs around the island and her trips to the mainland were steadily getting longer and more frequent and slowly she was beginning to feel the change in her stamina and see the improvements in her physique. They were hard earned changes and even now she felt like she'd never really be as strong as many of the other wolves here, but she was getting better.

She didn't notice the pup that ran up to her until he was right beside her, looking up at her with those big eyes only pups managed to have, questioning her on whether she wanted to play a game or not. She stopped and blinked with surprise for a moment, letting the boy explain how he had hidden some things in the woods that she apparently wouldn't be able to find. She had gotten pretty good at tracking things from her hunting lessons with Balthier so she had a feeling she could probably find whatever it was he had buried, but besides that she felt like she ought to play nice with a pup that was undoubtedly one of Chimera's children. She had only spoken to the alpha once, but she understood how important it was to not disrespect the leader of their pack—or his kids for that matter. "Um... Sure, I'll play your game," she replied, giving him a little smile. She looked up toward the trees behind him, and gave a little nod toward them. "These ones, right?"

She started heading that way, attempting to follow the trail of his scent to have an idea of where to start looking. She kept her sapphire gaze on the ground, looking back and forth for any spots on the ground that looked freshly dug up to give away where his treasures might be hiding. She didn't want to find them too quickly though. That would ruin all the fun of his game and even though she didn't know a lot about pups or playing games and the like she figured she might as well play along a little bit. "Hmm... Where could these treasures be..." she mused while she continued to follow the trail, pretending not to notice the rough patch of dirt she had spotted up ahead by the base of a near by tree.

WC: 498
Total: 1049/1500




Expert Fighter (165)

Master Intellectual (240)

4 Years
Dire wolf
04-11-2022, 08:42 PM

Quill inside his little head was laughing manically, or as manically as a pup could. But outside he just pushed those puppy eyes with a slow, happy wag of his tail. He was completely innocent. He didn't steal knives and bury them out for someone to dig up. That wasn't him.

The girl asked which way the things were buried, and when gesturing behind him he nodded, "Yup, right this way!" He took a pace behind her, maybe so she couldn't see that massively wicked grin on his maw. No, wait, he was still innocent. He couldn't do that. He caught his wide smile and toned down the expression to another side of the scale.

She sniffed around the trees and ground to track his scent, clever. Maybe he'd have to remember to do something to mask that the next time he had the urge. He just watched her for a moment as she looked around the ground for his hidden treasures. When she pondered about where they could be, he too saw the shifted dirt up ahead of her, "You're getting waaarmer." He beckoned. If he was a bit older she probably couldn't get away with acting so dumb, but for now all he worried about was her digging up that nice little surprise. He chuckled quietly but probably enough for her to hear. It probably sounded like he was having fun, but the fun hadn't even started yet.

Intellect Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1289 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-13-2022, 04:01 PM

Azzurra hummed as he promised that she was getting warmer and pretended to search for a little bit longer before she looked toward the spot that had very clearly been dug up recently and grinned. "Ah ha!" she exclaimed, her short tail wiggling with her pretend triumph. "I bet that's one of them!" She walked over to mound of loosened dirt and sure enough his scent was all over this spot and very much gave away that he had been the one to make this hole. Even though she had mostly gone along with the game out of obligation and not wanting to disappoint or offend one of Chimera's sons she did at least have some fun playing around with the pup. She didn't really play many games growing up so it was kind of fun to play around a bit now.

She started digging up the loose dirt, scooping it away with her pale paws and making a pile off to the side. She wasn't really paying attention to what she was digging, instead giving a quick glance back over her shoulder at Quill as she asked, "Are there many more treasures to-" but her words got cut off when something sharp suddenly sliced across her paw pads and she gasped, quickly jerking her paw back out of the hole. When she looked down she saw the sharp blade poking out of the ground where she was digging, blood now dripping from her paw across the dirt and the blade. "What... You hid a knife?!" she questioned exasperatedly, sitting down so she could lift her paw to her lips and lick away the dripping blood with a whine, her ears folding back against her head.

WC: 286
Total: 1575




Expert Fighter (165)

Master Intellectual (240)

4 Years
Dire wolf
04-13-2022, 04:34 PM

From behind the girl's back, Quill was wide eyed and eager as she dug up his little treasure. BOY was this exciting. He may have been intending a bit of harm, though when the girl flung her paw back and started to lick it as it bled he couldn't help but feel at least a little bad. He after all didn't know her... it would be much more funnier if it was one of his brothers instead. Too bad she was just passing by at the wrong time.

Still, he giggled lightly before he approached her a little more as if he didn't see her bleeding a few seconds prior. He put on a wholly fake face of worry, not too worried of course. Just enough to get the facade across. "Gee lady, are you okay?" He wouldn't think to offer her a healer... what if it was his mother? Oh well, he'd take it as it came. He couldn't get in too much trouble if he acted like he didn't know it would hurt the girl. Guess they should think twice before leaving a bunch of knives laying around for him to grab.
