
-- On the edge of expectation.



5 Years
05-05-2014, 07:37 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



The overwhelming scent of pure air, light yet heavy all at the same time. It flooded the vesicles that lined the inside of her young, flexible lungs. The selfish numbing sensation that flooded her cold feet fell up through her nimble legs as she ran, ran as fast as she could. The chilled wind filling her chest with what felt like air, though it was never enough. Clouded huffs of smoke curled out in front of her flaring nostrils. Staying as low to the ground as she could she ran parallel with the earth, keeping herself straight as an arrow as to increase her speed. Debris kicked up beneath her, each step she took fell into a rhythm, quiet and close to the earth.

As she ran the white dove did her best to keep clear of approaching obstacles, her mind at a race with trying to outsmart the angry creature at her tail. Fear overwhelmed her and she struggled to keep her usually nimble self at a normal, careful pace. Her breaths grew stronger as she picked herself up a hill, lean haunches gripping at her weight as she flew herself against the hillside. Pushing against the rigid dirt as it stained her cream underside she launched herself upwards as best as she could, barely missing the swipe of the predator behind her. A rather loud yelp of endangerment escaped her vocals, only to be drowned out quickly by the bellowing roar of the grizzly bear behind her, reaching up to grab and rip at the dove. The mother bear had only been doing what she was programmed to do, protect her young from whatever may have gotten between them, a wandering wolf who didn't have the realization where she had wandered to was no exception to the rule. And now the white colored fae was on the run of her life. Trembling lips hardly closed as she ripped furiously up the hillside in an attempt to escape the roaring beast beneath her. Lavender optics were practically drained of their rich color, opened wide and glistening with fear. Her withers shivered as she continued to try climbing, damp raindrops causing the red clay beneath her to gal and stick to the dirty pelt covering her.

A loose rock suddenly broke her attempted climb, and instead of giving her the chance to reach protection, the white dove felt her heart suddenly sink and her jaw tensed, auds flipped backwards and she felt herself tumble backwards, never one known for strength and endurance, her heartbeat raced in her ear drums and she picked herself up slowly from the terrain below, lungs pounding, mucus and drool escaping her exhausted muzzle, trembling jaw tried to hold her whining at bay, avoiding eye contact with the grizzly before her.

Word Count :: 467

Tags :: Open

Mood :: Terrified, Exhausted



4 Years
05-10-2014, 12:02 PM
The young female began to hear the commotion underneath her. Tail raised, the hairs on the back of her neck bristling, and her eyes narrowing as she could hear the distant sound of whining and roaring. She had only been here for a little while and already she had someone to come and help. The fae raced toward the expecting sounds as her feet kicked up debris as she bolted toward the danger she might be getting into. But, when she looked, she could see a white female and a grizzly bear coming toward the white fae. She began to think about what she could do.

She looked to see a large tree that had a branch with a hole inside. Maybe the bear was scared of larger sounds? Better give it a try.

Huata dashed and clipped her claws onto the outside of the tree and howled out as the howl echoed throughout the land. She could see the bear slowly back away and run off for she had cubs to protect, not caring about the female. Huata chuckled and began to laugh as she slid down the mountain she was on and look to the white female.

"Are you alright?" The white and orange colored female asked, tilting her head slightly wondering if she was ok.



5 Years
05-11-2014, 09:26 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



Heavy breaths heaved in and out within the chest of the doomed snow-colored fae. Her faded optics stirred with lavender flashes as her pupils dilated in stress and confusion of the current situation, one she had both not meant to have been in, but also was greatly confused as to why her life had been so rudely interrupted. The dove had never been one to question the actions of others, but right now all she focus on was how to get herself out of this chaotic situation.

Moments seemed to pass like hours as she felt herself suddenly land against the earth, like slow motion she felt her breath knock from her delicate chest, her lungs seizing for a moment as she quickly flipped her fragile self upright, stomach dug into the terrain trembling below her as the grizzly roared at her, but not before the shivering fae felt her light beginning to fade. Stress and lack of oxygen cause the dove to slowly glow in and out of consciousness for a moment, in that time her confusion overtook her as she lied against the earth in a hot white mess. Lavender optics finally opened as she began to take in air, her lungs filling and the flow of life returning to her exhausted figure. The image of another fae pulled into her mind and she managed to collect the visual of the bear leaving, and a wolf coming in.

With a tired blink the fae fought her passing moments enough to keep herself awake. A brief shake of her dial allowed her thoughts to gather and she looked up towards the tri-colored fae speaking to her. With a heavy sound the angel spoke out, still a bit in shock. "Y-yes." Her light vocals fought the urge to reply in French, for she knew better than to do so to a stranger. After a long moment she spoke again, "What... what happened?" Her innocent vocals poured out into the still winds, light and breathless.

Word Count :: 306

Tags :: Esperanza

Mood :: Confused



4 Years
05-12-2014, 01:30 PM
She smiled, "Well, there was a large bear, and it was just about to tear you limb from limb, and i managed to find a hole in a branch and howled as if there was a large back, and the bear ran off." She told her with happiness and satisfaction on her face, looking to the snow white female and wagged her tail in happiness for that she had saved her from being hurt or worse from that mother bear. The smell of elk caught her senses and she walked over to see the harem, and her eyes lit up with anticipation that she would be able to get something to eat today.

"Would you like to come and hunt with me?" Huata asked as she approached the harem and hid well in the tall grass. She would eat least bring the female back something if she was able to catch a calf, but if she worked with her, they would at least have a cow and not have to go hungry.



5 Years
05-12-2014, 09:29 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



She gazed staggeringly at the fae who had rescued her. The cautious, but exhausted and stressed dove peered upwards, allowing her body some time to replenish itself and allow the shock to flow off her bodice like rainwater. She sighed gently, feeling the overwhelming fear and growing tired feelings to fade slowly, though still enveloping her quite forcefully. The air was quiet as she listened to the innocent voice talking down at her. The fae gently lied on her side for a moment, closing her exhausted gaze away from the world, letting the fear melt away and her energy to recover enough for her to get to her feet staggeringly.

"Elk?" The dove spoke out as her nose lifted into the air, following towards where the fae's attention was turning. Slowly she raised herself from the earth, steadying her feet against the terrain and allowing a brief, quick shake of her pelt to rid it of the dust and return it to her naturally bright facade. "We can try." She slowly pushed herself forward, unsure of her abilities to run as of right now.