
Violence and Innuendo




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
04-07-2022, 07:09 PM

It had been quite a while since she had gone this far from the pack's lands, especially on her own, but their trip to The Hallows reminded her of the fact that she had hardly explored the southern continent since they moved there. Her whole attention had been focused on caring for everyone around her and she had hardly thought beyond the island they lived on. That really wasn't a problem for her, but she knew how adventurous and free spirited her daughter was so she wanted to gather some info to bring back to Ruse who just couldn't get enough of the stories about the lands outside of Fenmyre and get an idea of what lands would maybe be safe spots to take her exploring once she was a little bigger. Chimera had already taken her to see the beavers that were still safely contained within their borders, but it wouldn't be long at all before Ruse was past her first birthday and old enough to start wandering the world more.

Her journey past the Hermit's Cove and Cedar Falls she was fairly familiar with brought her to a canyon that she hadn't explored yet. She walked along the edge of the canyon for a bit, peeking down to the bottom where she saw a stream running through it. It didn't seem all that exciting or interesting, but she saw a glimmer of something in part of the canyon wall and wondered to herself if it was maybe a crystal or gem of some kind. If she could find a souvenir to bring back to Ruse she knew her little girl would be even more excited so with a little sigh she started looking for a path down into the canyon. She found a thin ridge that led down to the base of the canyon and figured that was as good a path as any. "Wait here, I won't be long," she said as she glanced back over her shoulder at the mastiff that had been trailing after her for the entirety of the trip. She had left one of her mastiffs home with Ruse to help keep her out of trouble and one came with her, but there was no reason for both of them to try and get down into this canyon. Plus, if something happened then her companion could go back for help.

Dalila carefully made her way down into the steep walled canyon, making it to the bottom without much incident. The stream that ran through it bubbled gently as it flowed over the rocks and she paused for a moment to take a long drink from the cool water. It was very quiet down here, but her paw steps seemed to echo around the walls as she walked. She didn't want to take too long and keep her companion waiting, so she started moving down the canyon, hoping that she could spot whatever it was that had sparkled quickly. It was mostly just endless red rocks for a while, but she did spot a cave and driven by her curiosity she hopped over the thin point in the stream and moved toward it on the other side of the water, peering curiously into the darkness.

"Dalila Vista Klein"



7 Years
Dire wolf
04-08-2022, 01:41 PM

A bloodied body hung between powerful jaws. The mastiff had been easy to subdue, though Oxx was left with a mouthful of long, black fur. The hulking beast spat the dog out onto the rim of the canyon and took a minute to admire the way that the blood trickled down over the edge of the rock. The slate and snow brute gave a little hum of pleasure that shifted into a tune as he worked his way towards the descending path. Ah, it was the little things in life, wasn't it?

He had followed the mottled woman and her dog for quite some time and, while he wasn't terribly excited about being out in the heat around the canyon, he was excited about other things. Would the bottom be cooler than the top? Would the water there be cool or sunwarmed? Would her screams echo nicely off of the stone walls or would it just sound grating and annoying? Time would tell.

Could the situation have been more perfect? This was always how it worked out for him and it only solidified the fact that he was carrying out the tasks that fate had set before him. Why else would everything have fallen in line with such ease? He found the woman upon waking, the dog had stayed up top and hadn't suspected a thing, now the woman was stupid enough to tread into a dark cave in the canyons face. Perfect. Utterly perfect.

Oxx waited until the woman had padded inside the cave, the mouth of which wasn't terribly large. He gave her a few moments to get inside, stopping to take a quick drink from the stream. The water wasn't hot, by the way, but it wasn't cold either. Licking the droplets away that clung to his chin, the speckle-striped man moved into the doorway of the cave, nearly blotting out the entirety of the light with his bulk. "Well, well," he purred in rich baritones, "An invader in my home. How rude of you. Come to steal things?" He'd never seen this cave before in his life, but if anything, Oxx was a lovely actor.


Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
04-08-2022, 04:28 PM

Dalila had only just stepped into the shadows of the cave when suddenly the light from behind her that was lighting her way disappeared and a voice from behind her made her jump. She turned around to face the hulking man that stood there, having to blink a couple of times to refocus her vision in the newly darkened frame of view. "No! Not at all!" she insisted at his accusation that she was invading his home to steal his things. "My apologies, I didn't smell anyone's scent here." She still didn't now as she double checked herself, but she reasoned that maybe he was still new to the area and had only just claimed the cave so his scent wasn't prominent just yet. She was cautious, but she wanted to assume positive intent from the stranger and tried to assure herself that it was just a misunderstanding.

"I'll just be going then. Sorry to disturb you," she told him as she started moving back toward the entrance to try and slip past him back out into the canyon. As she got closer through, she gave him another glance and she noticed his coloring and markings now that the deep shadow that he cast with the sun behind him wasn't obscuring her view. His slate coloring, the dappled stripes of cream, and his slate eyes were all traits she had only ever seen in one other wolf and it caught her off guard enough to make her hesitate. He looked so strikingly like Scylla that it made it hard to write it off as a coincidence and it reminded her of the question she had wondered many, many times since the day she found Siren washed up on the beach—who was the father of her children? What did he look like?

Her eyes gave a flicker from his coat to his gaze and then away again, muttering, "Sorry," again as she went to move past him. Some questions were better unanswered and the feeling she got from this imposing brute reminded her of such. Maybe if she got up the courage when she got home she could question Siren about him to confirm or deny her suspicions, but for now she felt like she needed to get back to Fenmyre and quickly.

"Dalila Vista Klein"



7 Years
Dire wolf
04-13-2022, 08:41 PM

As women did, the mottled fae stuttered and tripped over her words, alarm on her features as she apologized. Why were women always so ready to say that they were in the wrong? Had she actually done something wrong? No. So why then was she accepting his accusations? How stupid. Stupid and predictable. Oxx had already known that she would panic and bluster and try to get herself out of the situation. This move in the game wasn't even enjoyable. Hopefully the next move would be.

Again the woman apologized and made to move past him, but if she wanted to exit the cave, she would literally have to press herself tightly against him to get out, or wait for him to move. The massive man blinked a few times and then grinned, flashing serrated teeth. "Oh, no harm done. You didn't know, after all." Oxx gave a shrug, lifting his wide, muscular shoulders while his head tilted to the side just a bit. Always playing the part.

"Say," the man spoke, a contemplative look on his face. "Did you have a dog with you?" The giants head tilted in the opposite direction. "I saw a dog while I was up top there. One look at me and it tucked tail and ran. I do hope you didn't need it." Oxx's bottom lip stuck out dramatically and he gave his head a shake before his brows lifted. "I suppose if you need an escort, I could accompany you. It would be rude of me to let a lady walk home alone." Oxx gave his lashes a little flutter and waited on the fae to respond.


Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
04-14-2022, 06:27 PM

Dalila gave a small, thankful nod as the stranger brushed off the offense with the insistence that there was no harm done. At least she didn't have to worry about that. However, he was making it difficult for her to actually leave with his large frame almost entirely blocking the entrance. There wasn't much of a gap and if she wanted to slip past him she'd have to rub into him to do it. She stayed just inside the cave for a bit longer to avoid having to do that just yet, giving him a chance to move out of the way before she had to stoop to pushing her way through. She was a good fighter and confident in her abilities, but he was a massive brute and the flash of sharp, pointed teeth he gave as he spoke made her cautious of doing anything that might cause her to end up in a fight with him. At the very least she had a feeling she wouldn't walk away from it unscathed.

He caught her off guard at the mention of a dog up at the top of the canyon and a little frown pulled at her lips when he told her that her companion and hightailed it out of there at the first sight of him. In her gut she knew that just couldn't be true. The mastiffs that Chimera provided them were fierce and loyal—they would never abandon their masters like that, especially if she was going to be alone in a canyon with a man like this. The only thing she could think was maybe the dog was running back to Fenmyre for help if it really did leave which didn't exactly help her nerves any. Then he offered his services as her escort and at first she wanted to insist that she could make it fine on her own, but then she thought that maybe if she agreed then at least he would move so she could get back out into the open. "Sure, why not?" she agreed, giving him another nod. At least they weren't that far from home.

"Dalila Vista Klein"



7 Years
Dire wolf
04-27-2022, 07:52 PM

The woman agreed to an escort him, but he could see the lie in her eyes. The tension in her body told him that she knew what he was capable of. Would she run at the first possible chance? As soon as he let her out of the cave, would she flee for her wretched life? If she did, he'd definitely catch her. Oxx always caught them. No matter how fast or far they ran, they all eventually wound up in his lecherous paws.

Rising from his place with a smile, Oxx allowed the woman to pass, coming out of the cave with her and breathing deeply of the sultry, canyon air. "Such a splendid day," he commented with a grin. The brute's tail gave a gentle wag and it seemed like his life was all sunshine and roses. It really was. Oxx did what he wanted to whomever he wanted whenever he wanted. This mottled beauty wouldn't escape his tender treatment, of that he was certain.

"You aren't one of those wretched Hallows wolves," the man spoke, giving his head a little tilt, first in one direction, then the other. "I imagine your pack is in the opposite direction then." The powers of deduction. With a sweep of one paw, he motioned for the patchwork fae to move up the canyon path before him as though he was a gentleman. Oxx followed respectfully behind, behaving himself entirely other than admiring the shape of the woman's... assets.

Up, up they went, finally reaching the canyon wall and the path that would lead them back towards the woman's pack. Ah, but not before she saw the little gift that he had for her. He was surprised that she hadn't smelled the blood or witnessed the swath of red seeping down the canyon wall as they ascended. No matter. Once they reached the top and the mutilated corpse of her companion came into view, Oxx gave his head a little tilt, admiring his handiwork. "It did try to flee," he spoke with a shrug. "Didn't get too far. Just like you."

Oxx pounced the woman like some big cat, batting her legs out from under her with a thick foreleg. When she fell, he took advantage of her shock and grabbed her around the throat with his jaws, dragging her ass across the rocky ground until they came to the dead dog. Oxx gave the fae a little flip, slamming her down onto her belly, though her landing would be quite a bit softer this time since he slammed her right on top of her companion's bloody corpse.

"Try not to scream," the brute purred into her ear, pressing her harder into the carcass. Again his teeth bite into her, this time into the back of her neck where the popped through flesh. His jaws locked hard, holding her in place while his obvious arousal pressed against the heat of the woman. Happy as a clam, Oxx proceeded to brutally join them with no care at all for the woman's comfort. Her sounds were music to the bastards ears and he continued his assault until his pleasure was attained. There was a pretty good chance she'd be bloody on both ends by the time he was finished, but what did he care? She was just a piece of trash and he would treat her like such.



Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
04-27-2022, 09:50 PM

Dalila felt like she was able to breathe a bit easier as the man allowed her to leave the cave and she passed by him out into the open. At the very least she no longer felt as cornered as she had even if she still didn't feel entirely comfortable with his presence. She glanced toward him as he commented on the pleasantness of the day and she offered him a small smile, giving him a nod in agreement. "Yes, lovely weather today." Easy small talk as she just tried to at least be pleasant and vaguely friendly long enough to get back within earshot of Fenmyre. Even with his generally friendly comments and demeanor there was something about him that was just slightly off putting and unsettling and she was just eager to be home so she could be done with this day.

His comment about The Hallows made her pause slightly, though she thought better of commenting on it. All of her interactions with The Hallows and their wolves and been pleasant and she knew Chimera was very fond of their alpha so she couldn't imagine what this man had against the seemingly peaceful pack, but asking about such a thing seemed unwise. Instead she just confirmed his assumption, saying, "Yes, it's on the other side of Auster from them." With that settled he waved her forward and she continued down the canyon path so she could hurry up and get out of here as soon as possible. Along the way she kept her gaze pretty firmly on the path ahead of her. The last thing she wanted was to accidentally trip on a rock in her path or something of that sort and give her any more reason to be near this wolf any longer than she had to or worse get herself injured without a viable way to run away if she needed to.

That did keep her from noticing much unless it was directly in front of her on her way through the canyon, but at least it ensured she got up to the top of the canyon in a timely manner. She sighed softly as she reached the top of the cliff, lifting her light blue gaze from the ground in front of her—only to stop dead in her tracks as she laid eyes on the brutally mutilated corpse of her mastiff. She froze, her eyes going wide with shock and her mouth hanging open as she struggled to understand what she was seeing. From just over her shoulder she heard the man comment, saying how her companion had tried to flee, but hadn't gotten far—just like her. That made her hackles bristle as her mind caught up to what was going on and the trap she had walked into, immediately beginning to go on the defensive as she willed her lets to move so she could dart away from the massive brute. However, her muscles didn't react fast enough and all at once her legs were kicked out from under her and she hit the ground hard with a heavy thud, wincing as her shoulder and side took the worst of the fall and the air was knocked from her lungs.

As she gasped for air and struggled to right herself, he snatched her up with razor sharp teeth grabbing her by the throat and lifting all but her hind end off of the ground. His grip crushed down around her windpipe and his teeth dug into her skin. She kicked and flailed in her attempts to get away, hitting his shoulder with her paws, but all that movement only made his hold around her throat worse and she was forced to stop to keep herself from accidentally making his teeth slice down through her throat in the process. He drug her across the ground like she was little more than a piece of prey he had hunted and then her nose was full of the smell of blood and death as he drug her toward her murdered companion. By the time he finally threw her down on top of the corpse of her dog her lungs were aching for air and as soon as the pressure around her throat was released she gasped and coughed, her throat feeling like it was on fire and sore.

She fell onto her stomach on top of the dog and she scrambled to get her paws under her to push away from him, but he was so much bigger than she was that it was an impossible task trying to even try wriggling her way out from under him. His purring voice in her ear telling her to try not to scream made a cold chill run over her skin as dread and fear filled her. She could hardly even react before his teeth were grabbing into the back of her neck, his teeth cutting deep into her skin and making her grit her teeth as a pained, muffled grunt escaped her. His bite was impossible to escape from short of ripping the back of her neck apart to tear herself out of his grip which for at least a moment felt like it might be preferable as his hips pressed up against hers and she felt all of him against her, making it exceedingly clear what he intended to do.

He tore her apart and joined them together at the same time, causing her to scream through gritted teeth at the hot flash of pain that shot through her right from the very beginning. She couldn't move, she couldn't get away, and her nose was filled with the scent of her dead companion, of her own blood, and of sex. The feeling of the dead mastiff under her getting jostled with each of his violent movements made her stomach turn and it was all she could do to maintain some kind of composure and keep herself from sobbing as he had his way with her. Blood ran freely down the back of her neck and down around her scruff and shoulders and more blood stained the inner portions of her thighs, making her head spin the longer this went on and pushed her closer toward the edge of passing out. At some point she finally made herself mentally go numb, focusing on the pain instead of anything else as she closed her eyes and just waited for it to be over.

- fade -

"Dalila Vista Klein"



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-04-2022, 10:53 AM

Oxx did as Oxx had always done and did whatever in the hell that he wanted to the woman pinned beneath him. He had her once, twice, three times. After that, he stopped counting. Not once did he allow her to rise from her perch upon the dead body of her companion and the revulsion in the fae's dappled face thoroughly tickled the speckled man. She was so terribly uncomfortable that he periodically dissolved into fits of giggles upon seeing her face. Yes, he was fucked up; a sadistic bastard to be sure, but who wouldn't enjoy such power over another? The woman didn't have a chance or a choice. Oxx was king in this moment.

During their final session of post-coital bliss, the hulking brute lay atop the battered and bruised woman, their bodies still joined. "We would make lovely children,
don't you think?"
The bastard nuzzled into the back of the woman's pale ear as he mused. "Hopefully you're healthy enough for it to take and there will be a million little Carpathius wolves running all through the land." Ooo, a name drop. He wanted the woman to know just who he was and who he was tied to. Sewing a little dissention was always a fun thing to do. If this little act caused a war or even just a little fight, he would be thoroughly pleased.

The light of day had faded and the moon was big and bright above them. A yawn pulled from the giant and he gave the woman's rump a little pat with one huge paw. "I suppose it's time to send you home, isn't it?" A paw wrapped in the bloodied fur at the back of the fae's neck and forced her to look at him. "If you are pregnant and you kill my children, I'll know," the brute purred at her, though his words were anything but sweet. "Then I'll come for you and make you pay for it." His tongue pulled up the bottom of her bloodied chin and across her lips before he leaned back and smiled.

Oxx dismounted, hehe, and allowed the woman to get to her paws for the first time in a long time. "Do you want this?" He asked, pointing to the dead dog that had served as their mating mattress. "I might just eat it if not." He wasn't really going to eat it. The thing had been dead for way too long. She didn't know that though. "Maybe I'll skin it and leave the pelt at your door. A little gift for our future children. What do you think?" With a low laugh, Oxx leaned in and whispered, "This is the part where you run."


Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.