
Now do you believe me?

Syanna <3


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-07-2022, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2022, 09:52 PM by Ezra. Edited 1 time in total.)
Subtly and romanticism were very clearly not his strong suit, but he was giving it his best shot. He had tried and tried to wait for the perfect moment to finally reveal his feelings for Syanna to her, but it never felt right so one night while they were cuddled in bed after he made love to her he just came out and told her... only to be met with disbelief. Syanna dismissed his feelings, insisting that he was just infatuated because she was in heat and he was being driven crazy by all the pheromones, and no insisting or convincing he did seemed to change her mind. At first he was just confused and crushed, assuming maybe she didn't feel the same about him so that was her way of brushing him off, but as he thought more about it in the following days he remembered how she had been before their relationship really formed during the first heat he had been with her through—how she had avoided him like the plague because she was convinced brutes just couldn't control themselves around faes in heat and the trauma she had told him about when he finally began to earn her trust.

After he finally started to piece that together he made it his entire life's mission to prove to her that what he said was real. He didn't know where to begin to even try to accomplish such a thing, but he knew that Art at least had gotten Briar some gifts and planed dates and the like sometimes so Ezra took that idea and ran with it. He slowly gathered a few things here and there, hiding them in an unused room in the castle until he thought he had everything he might need to make the perfect date night for her. He managed to get Gwynevere to work with him and got the lead healer to give Syanna a task collecting herbs that would keep her away for a good portion of the day and that's when he got everything set up. He picked a spot at the edge of the Starlit Plains near the stream and loaded up his supplies in a small cart to take out there. He rolled out a large, soft fur to lay on, sat out a little selection of meats, berries, and wine, and—most importantly—he surrounded it all with all kinds of plants and flowers. There was far more flowers and vines than there was anything else in the cart since he had been collecting those tirelessly over the last few days, determined to make the prettiest scene that he could think of with something that he knew Syanna liked.

When he was done the sun was just beginning to set and the stars were beginning to peek out here and there. The picnic spot was surrounded in what was basically a huge bouquet and he even gathered up a few candles from around the castle and used a flit and steel to carefully light them, sticking them in the ground near the set up since that felt pretty romantic. Finally, he hid his little gift for her under the edge of the fur by their dinner and then stood back to admire his work. He supposed it was as good as it was going to get so he hoped maybe it might be enough to finally sway her. He lifted his head and let out a soft howl for her since he figured she would surely be back from her errands by now and then sat down on the fur in the middle of all these flowers and greenery to wait for her.

"Ezra Adravendi"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
04-08-2022, 01:41 AM

Syanna had been having trouble wrapping her head around the perplexing events of the past couple of weeks. Following Ezra's return back to the Hallows, her life had more or less returned to the normalcy she'd come to know prior to his work trip and the Long Night. She did her duties around the pack, spent her free time with Ezra (usually ending up wrapped around one another given how much he loved sex), and just generally enjoyed the tranquility she'd found in life amongst the southern-dwelling wolves. Then that all changed with the seasons, and as she entered her second heat, she knew her already insatiable and lecherous boyfriend would be all over her like there was no tomorrow. And Syanna's guess had been right. As soon as Ezra discovered she was in heat, he'd whisked her off like a man possessed, barely letting her spend any time apart from him in the following days. It was what she'd come to expect, given how he'd behaved her last heat cycle, and now that he was a fully matured adult wolf as well, he would be feeling those urges even stronger from just a whiff of her.

But what took the vixen-like fae truly off guard was when her dopey dappled brute admitted to being in love with her one night while in his blissful post-coital throes. At first, Syanna didn't know how to take it. But then she realized just how absurd his claim was. Here he was, a young, virile male with his brain scrambled from his recent orgasm just saying whatever he thought was true. It wasn't Ezra speaking; it was the hormones and instincts inside him awakened and aroused by her heat. So she'd laughed and dismissed his words as a sweet but hollow sentiment in his afterglow. Ezra had seemed so deflated after that, insisting he was being truthful. But how could she believe him? It was just all too convenient! He falls in love just as he returns home and she hits her heat, the time when his mind was most hazy and all his thoughts, emotions, and actions were dictated by his balls and not his brains? Syanna was far too prudent to buy into that! She'd heard the claims of love before from a brute who wanted nothing more than to get under her tail, and now it seemed Ezra was showing those male traits as well. Disappointing, but she didn't blame him for it. He was just a brute, after all...

On this day, Syanna hadn't seen hide nor hair of Ezra. He'd gotten up before her at dawn to run a patrol and didn't bother to try to wake her up to get a lay in before they started their days. It didn't bother Syanna too much; he was being responsible, after all, and she could respect that. Her normal duties were derailed, however, as Gwynevere asked her to go retrieve some ginseng from the Lazuli Falls to stock up the pharmacy with. Syanna knew ginseng was a fairly rare herb, and after grabbing her satchel, spent the entirety of the day scouring the pools of water and cascading falls for the bright red flowering plant. By the time Syanna had filled her satchel, the sun was already on its way down to the horizon, and when she reached the Hallows borders, it had mostly set. The vixen-esque fae deposited her harvest in the pharmacy for later use, then headed to go find Ezra for dinner. She hoped he wasn't still too mad at her for not falling for his misguided claims of love; he was such a dopey boy, but he meant well.

No sooner had she thought about finding her boyfriend, his deep, rich voice called for her from outside the castle. With a curious tip of her head, Syanna made her way outside and across the plains to where he'd called her from. What was he still doing out here? And what did he need her for? Was someone injured? Should she have thought to bring some medical supplies? Syanna's nervous pondering was brought to a screeching halt when she came across Ezra seated on a massive fur blanket surrounded by flowers and candles. Wide green eyes blinked once, twice, gazing at the giant burly dire wolf surrounded by such a romantic atmosphere and nearly giggling at how out of place he looked. "Ezra... what's all this?" she asked, stepping closer onto the fur blanket to inspect his handiwork. The air was perfumed with all the fresh flowers he'd gathered, along with a hint of beeswax from the candles and the smell of the food he'd brought too. Although Syanna eyed him with great suspicion, her fluffy tail began to wag in a slow metronome betraying her delight at his surprise.

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-08-2022, 03:45 AM
Ezra fidgeted anxiously while he waited for Syanna to arrive, picking and fussing with the fur under his paws. He kept second guessing himself, wondering if it was enough, if there was something else he could or should have done. It was to late now and he would just have to make due with what he had done here, but if this didn’t work he didn’t know what he would do. All he really wanted was for Syanna to understand just how much she meant to him and even though a display of flowers and a romantic dinner still didn’t feel like it scratched the surface, he hoped maybe it would at least get her to listen.

The sound of paws moving over the grass and her distinct, delicious scent on the breeze brought his icy blue gaze up to look at her, seeing the shock and confusion on her face as she took in the scene in front of her. He was always so dumbstruck when he saw her and now was certainly not any different as she stepped closer onto the fur with him, her features gently lit by moonlight and the candle glow. She was stunning and striking, especially with these new, dark markings that had begun to develop and give her an even more vulpine appearance. He resisted the urge to sweep her off of her feet, instead sitting dutifully while she questioned him on what all of this was.

He struggled to find the words he had prepared for a moment, his ears flicking uncertainly as he glanced down and reached for one of her smaller paws to hold it in his own. “Syanna… When I went away to stay in Fenmyre I didn’t realize just how much I would miss you. I missed waking up next to you every morning and seeing you every night. I missed just spending my days with you and doing little things with you. Sure, I missed all the sex and stuff too, but… It was just so much more than that.” He brought his gaze back up to hers, hoping maybe she would be able to see the sincerity in his eyes while he spoke.

“You’re so much more than just my lover or my girlfriend… you’re my best friend and the one I’d follow to the ends of the earth, the one I want to spend every single day with forever and ever.” He gently squeezed her paw in his, his ears folding back with a bit of embarrassment. “I wanted to tell you how I felt when I got back, but I wanted to find the perfect time to tell you because you mean so much to me. Instead I waited too long and gave up waiting for the perfect moment and just told you and… well…” Ezra gave her a bashful grin and glanced down at their connected paws again. “But you deserve more and better than that. You deserve the best things I can possibly give you. You deserve to feel loved and special and worth the effort so… I’m sorry for not making the perfect time for this before and for being such a dope.”

He gave her paw one more squeeze before he let it go, instead bringing his paw up to gently rest on her cheek, looking into her stunning emerald eyes again. “Syanna, I love you. I love you so, so much more than I know how to say. I don’t know how to do any of this and it’s all really scary cause I don’t wanna mess something up and lose you, but… I love you. I love you with my whole heart.” He was hopeful and anxious as he searched her face for her reaction, hoping and praying that maybe he finally got through to her how much he really meant it.

"Ezra Adravendi"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
04-10-2022, 01:18 AM

As seemed to be the norm with him, Ezra was rendered speechless and starstruck the moment she approached him. Syanna still found it precious and adorable, but in this particular moment, it kept her from getting the explanation she was seeking. Once she'd come up and joined him on the fur blanket, she peered up at him and raised a curious brow, studying his stupefied expression in the silvery moonlight. While he was dumbfounded, she took the moment to inspect the rack of antlers growing atop his head, which had now more fully grown in. She still didn't know how they came to be, but she found they gave Ezra a certain je ne sais quoi and made him look even more mature now that he'd become a young adult.

Ezra didn't keep her waiting much longer though. The dire wolf took one of her petite paws into his massive one and held it close, raising another confused expression from the vulpine-like fae. He spoke then, telling her how much he'd missed her when he went to Fenmyre, from all the mundane stuff to the sex. Syanna made a face and snorted, shooting him an exasperated look. He was so incorrigible and singleminded. But despite that, she listened to him while he spoke, clearly from the depths of his giant golden heart while he poured forth his feelings and bore his soul to her. Black-tipped ears flicked to catch his every word, and she gazed up into those bright blue eyes that looked like they were about to burst into tears, he was being so emotionally cathartic right now, mouth slightly agape as she tried to process what he was telling her. Most of it was a long rambling about how much of a dope he was for being impatient and wanting to tell her how he felt right away and how she deserved better and how amazing she was. While Syanna appreciated a good compliment, Ezra was really laying it on thick, and it made her more than a bit suspicious and on guard.

For most of his monologue, Syanna's expression had remained impassive, just taking in what he had to say. Then he hit her with the "I love you" once more, just like he did when they were lying in bed together. Except this time, he hadn't just gotten off and was saying shit in the midst of the throes of orgasm. He had gone through all this trouble to make a romantic atmosphere for her, had clearly put time into thinking about what he wanted to say and then blanked on it the moment he saw her. It amazed and thrilled and terrified her all at the same time. A panic gripped her chest and her breathing turned shallow as she gazed up at Ezra with wide green eyes. She was only vaguely aware of every time he squeezed her paw, lost in the dizzying flurry of thoughts swarming around in her brain. Ezra loved her? He really loved her? Why? Things had been so simple and easy when they were casual between them, but now... he loved her? Instantly, her mind flew back in time to the last brute that had told her he loved her, and how he'd abused her, hurt her, raped her. Love had been synonymous with lying males and pain. Yet here Ezra was, confessing his love for her—and it scared her. She liked Ezra. He'd always been kind to her and patient with her. She didn't think he was lying or would hurt her... but that was the only experience she had with "love".

Several times Syanna opened her mouth to speak, only to say nothing and close it once more. How could she be sure? How could she know he wasn't just saying things or that he wouldn't change and turn on her? She supposed there really was no way of knowing. This would be her leap of faith if she decided to take it. "Ezra, I... I-I don't know what to say." Syanna gave a quiet sigh of disbelief and shook her head. "Do you mean it...? Do you really mean it?" But she had to be sure. She couldn't go half in, but she also didn't know how she could be sure. "I... I want to say it back to you, Ez, but... I'm scared to." She didn't explain further; she didn't need to say why. Syanna had told Ezra about what had happened to her before. He would know why she was afraid of love. "I'm so sorry, I'm just... fucked up inside," she murmured, turning her gaze down and away from Ezra's eyes. She didn't want to see the hurt in his expression. "You shouldn't love me, Ez. You deserve someone who can love you back. Not someone damaged and wasted and broken."

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-10-2022, 02:04 AM

He didn't quite realize he was holding his breath while he waited for her to react or respond when he finally got out everything he had been wanting to say, at least not until his lungs started to ache with the need for air. Her wide, emerald expression held much more confusion and panic than he had expected and watching her struggle to respond made his ears fold back as his hope for how this would go started to fade away. He really hadn't known what to expect, but how it had played out in his head as he sat all of this up had certainly been different. When she did finally speak and she told him that she didn't know what to say it was almost like he could feel himself deflate even though he tried his hardest to keep it from showing on his face. He tried to keep the little smile on his lips even though it was hard when she didn't return the sentiment to him, instead questioning whether he really meant it. He didn't respond right away, instead just slowly letting out that breath he had been holding while he swallowed back his disappointment.

She continued before he could say anything and he was glad that she did. Her insistence that she wanted to say it back and that it was her fear holding her back took some of the edge off of the sting. Even though he had his own flaws and trauma and uncertainties about the world, it was still hard for him to grasp sometimes just how deep those things ran in her and just how much it effected things—especially their relationship. He was quiet while she looked away and apologized, insisting that she wasn't the one he should love. As much as it hurt that she couldn't love him back, at least not yet, it still hurt him more to see her like this. It felt like they had come a long way from how things had been when he went to find her by the waterfall, but there was obviously still so much to work through. He knew that it would have been easier to accept the heartbreak and try to move on instead of continuing without really knowing if they would ever really make it to where he hoped they could be, but he couldn't leave her. He knew it would be hard from the very beginning and once that initial hurt and disappointment began to fade it only reminded him more what he was working so hard for.

He sighed softly after a moment and reached out a foreleg to wrap it around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest and holding her tight as he wrapped his other foreleg around her in an embrace. He kissed the top of her head and told her, "I do mean it. I've never been so sure about anything in my whole life. I love you and nothing is going to change that." He kissed her forehead again before he caught her lips in a gentle kiss, reassuring himself as much as her that everything was still okay even if this night didn't exactly go as he hoped. "I'm willing to wait as long as it takes and do whatever I have to do to prove to you that I mean it. Maybe you are a little broken, but you're not beyond repair." He lifted one of his paws to brush her cheek, forever marveling at how delicate and soft she felt against him. He bent his head down to nuzzle his cheek against the top of her head and was quiet for a moment before he added softly, "I... I hope that maybe one day you'll trust me enough to know I'm telling the truth and that I never want to hurt you... But even if you can't say it back it won't change how I feel about you."

"Syanna & Ezra"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
04-17-2022, 01:42 PM

The disappointment and heartbreak that appeared on Ezra's face was the coup de grace to Syanna's emotional state. Not only was she struggling with herself, but now she'd gone and hurt Ezra too. Great... just fucking great... This was exactly why she wasn't worth loving and why the kindhearted Adravendi boy should have just picked someone else to pursue. But when Ezra reached a thickly corded foreleg out to scoop her close to him in an embrace and began kissing and licking her forehead while speaking such gentle reassurances, it very nearly broke the small fae. She wished she wasn't damaged, but then if she hadn't been, she never would have met this gentle giant of a wolf. Ezra insisted that he meant his words, that he loved her and nothing was ever going to change that. Syanna closed her eyes, battling back tears, half wanting to just disappear and half wanting to sink into him further. She only reopened those emerald jewels once Ezra guided her muzzle up to his in a gentle kiss, whining quietly under her breath from his tender affections.

But then Ezra said something that made her realize that he wasn't truly understanding her. He said that he hoped one day she'd trust him enough and that he'd do whatever it took to prove himself. Syanna's misting eyes narrowed as she brought her paws up to press against his broad chest, leaning away from him enough to fix him with a resolute stare. "What...? Ezra, no, I- Do you not understand? I do love you, you dopey, thick-headed boy! I do believe you. It's... I'm scared because I'm falling in love with you, and that terrifies me. It scares me so, so much because of..." Well, he knew why it scared her. Syanna swallowed hard, shaking her head and smacking his chest with her paws to emphasize her point. "I didn't say I didn't love you. I said I was scared to love you. I'm afraid of loving you because I don't want to lose these feelings or ruin them or... or let myself feel happy just to get hurt again."

She didn't believe Ezra would ever be anything like her ex-fiancé, but that was part of where her fear was stemming from. She only knew hurt and anguish at the paws of lovers. She only knew abuse and manipulation and degradation. Ezra was showing her a whole new world of what romance and love could be and she didn't feel worthy of any of it. "I'm... I'm scared because I love you, Ezra. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy again, something will happen and I'll lose it again... or I'll lose you." Being vulnerable was not something Syanna ever did, not for anyone but Ezra. In her wide verdant eyes, tears began to collect, showing just how raw and honest she was with these emotions. She'd survived by being tough, detached, solitary. Now Ezra was turning her whole world on its head and she didn't know how to handle it. More than anything she wanted to picture this perfect life in the Hallows with him, happy and safe and cared for. The life she'd thought she'd have back home... But like the old saying went: one bitten, twice shy.

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
04-18-2022, 09:04 PM

Ezra blinked in surprise when Syanna suddenly pushed away from him with her paws on his chest, leaning away from him while his forelegs never actually let her go. He looked at her narrowed, glistening eyes with befuddled confusion, but before he could figure out what he had done wrong she spelled it out for him. His eyes widened as she explained that she did love him and it was hard to keep his brain from just stopping there. He felt like his heart was going to leap up into his throat just from hearing that, but he forced himself to keep his attention on her and to listen to what she was saying instead of getting swept up in the relief and the emotion of it all. What he hadn't quite understood that it wasn't that she didn't love him, just the thought of love itself was terrifying. It wasn't just him in particular that she was scared to love. He desperately wished that he could turn back time and protect her from everything that happened to cause this deep fear in her and all of the trauma that went with it, but he couldn't. It was an enemy he couldn't face and it was by far the worst kind.

"You're not going to lose me," he replied insistently after a moment, his paws that were wrapped around her starting to gently rub up and down her back. "I'm not going to hurt you. That's the last thing I would ever want to do. You deserve every single little bit of happiness in the world and if I can manage to give you even a little bit of that then I've accomplished everything I want." He wanted nothing more than to see her happy and loved and to know that it was okay to have and experience those things. He was completely ill prepared to be able to help her put back together all of her broken pieces, but damn it if he wasn't going to try—even if it meant helping her pick up each little one piece by piece and putting them back together for the rest of their lives.

Despite his best efforts to remain serious, a little grin started to creep across his lips. She loved him. She loved him and he loved her. It wasn't nearly as easy and picture perfect as he might have imagined it to be, but she did and that's what really mattered. He pulled her back into him, kissing across the top of her head and over her ears with a giddiness that was hard to contain. "I love you too," he told her quietly, his tail wagging gently against the fur they were sitting on while he peppered her with affections. "I love this part of you and this... and this... and this..." he murmured against her skin as he kissed her ear, the top of her head, the bridge of her nose, her lips, and moved on down along her cheek and neck, whispering how much he loved every single part of her as he went. He licked away any little tears that might have fallen from her eyes, he kissed away the tension that had built in her shoulders. His claws gently scratched and tickled her sides, trying to pull even the littlest giggle from her just to see her smile.

"Syanna & Ezra"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
04-26-2022, 03:32 PM

Once Syanna had explained just what Ezra didn't seem to be getting, the depressed and forlorn look on the dopey dire wolf's face immediately fell away as life brightened up his brilliant blue eyes. He didn't let her go from his embrace, if anything he pulled her closer to him, and Syanna saw him fighting to keep from breaking out into a huge ecstatic grin which he was losing the battle to. Ezra reassured her that she was never going to lose him while rubbing her back, and he made it very easy to believe his claim. Even if she knew he couldn't possibly keep that promise in a realistic way, she appreciated the sentiment all the same. His kind and sweet words made Syanna huff and turn her head away from him with a bashful smile on her face, cheeks burning hot while black-tipped ears folded shyly back to her skull. He always said such lovely things about her and she was never prepared for any of them. Syanna was her greatest critic, and Ezra was her greatest cheerleader. "Oh, stop it, you big flirt," she muttered, swatting a petite paw at his broad chest in jest. Syanna didn't know if she'd ever really fully recover from her trauma, but with Ezra, it was easy enough to pretend like it didn't exist and focus on her future rather than dwell on her past.

Peering emerald eyes back up to the giant wolf who held her close, Syanna saw that grin he'd been fighting to keep back while they had a serious heart to heart come creeping into place on his lips. He looked so goofy and so happy and so unbelievably full of life and energy and love that it made Syanna grin back up at him. He was the beacon of light in the darkness, her color in an otherwise gray world. Before the vulpine fae could do anything though, Ezra was pulling her tight back to him again, kissing over her crown and ears with giddy affection. His little ministrations made Syanna giggle, then full on laugh while he continued to pepper her with sweet kisses as his tail beat against the fur blanket, professing his love for her—for every part of her, naming each that his lips touched. "Ezra! Ezra, you big, silly wolf!" she giggled out, swatting her paws playfully at his bulky head as his kisses passed down her cheek and muzzle, licking away her tears as he moved down her neck with his kisses. "Ezra..." Syanna murred out between giggling breaths while his kissing lips teased some very nice erogenous zones along the edge of her throat, her amused grin shifting slightly while her dainty paws caressed and stroked over his head and around his antlers. "Just where do you think you're going, hmm?"

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
05-03-2022, 05:20 PM

A victorious grin pulled across his lips as he listened to Syanna's breathy giggles and felt him swatting at the top of his head. There was truly nothing in this world that made him happier than bringing a smile to Syanna's face and now with his feelings for her out in the open he felt so much lighter and free than he had before. Even if there was still plenty for them to work through together and far more trauma to address than he even realized, it only meant that his entire goal in life was to show Syanna just how much she was loved and that much he was more than happy to do. He could feel the shift in her reactions as his kisses moved further down along her throat, hearing the change in her voice and feeling how her paws went from hitting the top of his head for his silliness to petting and encouraging strokes around his antlers. He chuckled at her question with his forelegs wrapped tightly around her waist, holding her slender form tight to him while he kissed across her shoulder and back up along her throat. "I'm going to all the parts of you I love, obviously," he teased, grinning as he refused to let up on his affections, chasing away any lingering doubt or darkness in the only way he knew how.

With the world now fully draped in night and their only light coming from the moon, stars, and the flickering candles around them, he kissed and teased her throat and showered her with affections, her scent filling his nose and the familiar, silky feeling of her fur against him bringing back all of the desire he had put on the back burner for a moment of seriousness with her. One of his forelegs slipped up to hold her across her back and support her frame as he shifted and gently lowered her onto the plush fur they were sitting on, holding himself up with one paw until she was laid on her back with him over her. Then he could start trailing his kisses down across the pale fur of her chest, glancing up and watching her reactions with a little grin on his lips as he moved further down along her belly until he finally landed between her thighs, making sure no inch of her body didn't receive some kind of affection as he worshiped everything about her.

He kissed and nibbled lightly along the insides of her thighs as he told her, "I love all of you... but there are certain parts I love a little more than others..." He gave her a sly grin as he worked his way across her belly from thigh to thigh, teasing and tempting her and dragging everything out to savor this moment as much as possible. They were tangled up in one another more often than they weren't, especially when she was in heat, but right now he wasn't just drawn in by those baser desires. He wanted her to feel how much he cared for her in every single movement, showering her in affection and making her feel every pleasure he could possibly think of to give her. When he did finally let his muzzle dip a bit lower to get a taste of her, he look his time with all of it with long, savoring motions that found every sensitive nerve and targeted them in a way that only someone that knew every inch of her could.

"Syanna & Ezra"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
05-12-2022, 09:51 PM

Syanna's question had mostly been rhetorical, since she knew exactly what Ezra was up to. Still, her dopey dire wolf boyfriend answered with a chuckle and an equally playful yet coy tone that he was going to all the parts of her he loved. She murred in delight while he kissed up her throat and held her waist tight and secure, not letting her part from him while he kissed and nibbled down the entire length of her body. Dainty cream paws stroked over her brute's head and ears, encouraging him on as he descended down her fluffy chest and taut stomach. Under his tender ministrations, Syanna was putty in his talented paws, and when he slid a large paw up to support her back while he eased her down onto the furs, she offered him no resistance.

Soon she was on the flat of her back beneath him, gazing down at him with a knowing grin as he moved lower down her belly. Every kiss brought a breathy gasp or hum from her, the sounds becoming more frequent the lower he got. Syanna tipped her head back, still grinning to herself while she gazed at the swirling sea of stars overhead, mystified by the heavens while Ezra slowly put her more and more out of her mind. The hot desire growing in her core radiated out through her body, and her heat scent became stronger as a result, her body doing all it could to urge Ezra to stop playing around and give them what they both wanted and needed.

Lower and lower Ezra went, Syanna's paws gently pushing at his crown to urge him down between her thighs. Like the obedient boy he was, Ezra settled himself between her splayed legs, kissing along her waist and then nibbling her inner thighs. Syanna gasped and moaned quietly, gripping at his ears and antlers while her body trembled with need for him. Ezra made a sly comment about loving some parts of her more than others, teasing her with his mouth moving over her waist, just agonizingly out of reach from where she wanted him. "Oh is that so...?" she whispered between heated breaths, her body squirming under his terrible torture. Needy whines slipped from the vixen-like fae as her lover tormented her in the best ways, making her bite her lip and press down on his head to try and get exactly what she wanted from him.

Eventually, Ezra did relent, and when she felt that first satisfying roll of his tongue over her flesh, she let out a breathy sigh of delight and relief. Her digits gripped his fur, her hips wiggling a bit to settle in and enjoy the ride he was taking her on. "Ohh, Ezra..." Syanna moaned quietly, emerald eyes rolling back behind fluttering eyelids as she basked in the love and pleasure he was slowly smothering her with.

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.