
Twin Intuition




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-11-2022, 11:25 PM

Now that their parents had returned from their vacation she knew she really had to get the planning for the pack's first big event underway. She had slowly been collecting some things and thinking up some ideas, but as the time was passing much quicker than she had anticipated and now was really the time to get it all done. For the most part she had tried to keep the work to herself which the occasional help of Irilyth, but the task she had in mind was going to require some additional help since the pieces she was building were fairly large. Once she got most of the supplies brought down to the edge of the lake where she was setting up the pieces of their festivities, she went back around to the portion of the island that held most of their dens to look for her brother.

He wasn't that difficult to find with as familiar as his scent was to her and how well she could almost sense when he was near by. It was hard to explain and she was sure that anyone that wasn't as close to their sibling as she was with her twin wouldn't understand, but it was almost easier to just guess where he might be and go there rather than actually track him since she was almost always right. She smiled a little as she walked over to him, walking up from behind him and leaning her shoulder into his. "Sara, would you help me with building some of the structures for the celebration festivities?" she asked sweetly, grinning a little as she blinked her obsidian gaze up at him. They had been fairly similar in height for most of their childhoods with him being just a hair taller than her usually, but as they neared and reached their first birthday he had shot up to his full height to match their father while she remained shorter than the rest of them by a couple of inches. If anything it just made it easier to give her brother puppy dog eyes when she needed something from him.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-11-2022, 11:59 PM

Saracyn was in a foul mood. His momentary hold of power while his parents had been gone on their vacation had been lost and he was once again returned to dull old monotony. He'd greatly enjoyed being in charge of the warriors, dictating patrols and being responsible for keeping the pack safe and secure. With Avacyn at his side managing everything else in her Gnata role, it was as if the twins were running their own pack, and it was great! But then Manea and Alastor had come home, not to his disappointment—but when they announced they were pregnant and Manea would be giving birth to a little brother or sister for him and Ava, Saracyn was less than pleased. The sullen boy avoided most alone time with his parents now, choosing instead to sulk and brood on his own. He didn't even want a little sibling! Why did his parents want to even have another pup? Weren't him and Avacyn enough? And they didn't even get a say in it?! Gods, this absolutely sucked!

The red-furred yearling was sitting on the southern beach facing out towards the sea, watching the waves crash against the shore of Alias and also on the distant mainland of Boreas. He gazed down the strip of coast he could see, partially cursing his parents, partially wondering what would happen if he just got up and ran away. Would his parents go looking for him? Would they even care? They'd still have Avacyn, plus whatever new brat they were having. Huffing to himself, Sara pawed idly at the sand, clawing it up without rhyme or reason just to fidget with something while the storm cloud hung over his head. So lost was he in his thoughts that he didn't even hear Avacyn coming up behind him, only noticing her presence when she slid up beside him and rubbed him with her shoulder. Sharp cobalt eyes turned down to his twin, remaining hard and cold for all of a half second before her sweet smile and big, doe-like puppy eyes shattered his resolve and dissolved his bad mood. Avacyn had some sort of superpower over him; she'd always been able to bring him out of his slumps and rages whenever he got too deep in them.

Saracyn's expression softened as he gazed down into his slightly smaller twin sister's obsidian eyes, breathing a sigh. Although Avacyn had reaped all the rewards of being Manea's chosen child and the benefits of being a girl in the Mendacium family, Saracyn never held it against her, never resented her for it or felt envy for her. He loved Avacyn too much for any of that. She was his best (and admittedly only) friend, after all. A wry smirk crept over the lad's face and a chuckle not unlike Alastor's rumbled in his broadening chest. "Need your bigger, stronger brother's help, huh?" he teased her, giving her a gentle nudge with his shoulder in return, fluffy tail wagging in the sand behind him. "All right, Ava. Show me what your Gnatus can do to help you out." Although he teased and mocked, Saracyn was truthfully very proud of his rank in the pack, and of being Avacyn's right hand whenever she needed anything, from muscle and violence, to opinions and a confidant to turn to. It was special to him and he took it seriously, because Avacyn was special to him and worth all the effort.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-13-2022, 05:28 PM

Avacyn caught just a bit of the hard expression on her brother's face before his gaze softened as he looked at her, making a little smile pull at her lips. She knew he wasn't entirely pleased with the current state of their lives, but he always seemed to be happier when she was around and it just encouraged her to be with him that much more. Even though she didn't understand or fully sympathize with his concerns and displeasures, she still wanted him to be happy and if just being with him could help accomplish that then it felt like she was getting what they both wanted at the same time. She got to be with the wolf that meant the most to her and she got to chase away a bit of the anger he always seemed to hold. When he made a comment about her needing her "bigger and stronger" brother's help she scoffed and rolled her eyes with a grin, her tail wagging gently behind her as well at his teasing. "Well, I guess I can't argue with the bigger part at least," she quipped back with a smirk, chuckling at their banter.

Luckily he agreed to come help her easily, following through with his job as her Gnatus easily enough. She had been thrilled when their mother created that rank for her twin. As proud as she was to be the pack's heir and the family's future matriarch, she didn't want to leave her brother behind. At least he was also able to have a rank and position in the pack that was all his own and it meant that they were able to work together just as they always had. "Come on," she told him with a light laugh, nudging him again as she turned and led him back toward the lake where she had been gathering the supplies for her projects. There was a pile of thin cut trees, a large roll of fabric, some smaller stakes and strips long strips of leather, and some rolled up furs for her to at least get started with. She had a bunch of ideas in her head and she wasn't entirely sure what all would work and what wouldn't, but she wouldn't really know until she got started.

"Lets start with roping off the path for the race," she said, walking over to the stakes and leather strips. "I'm thinking we start here by the lake where the main festivities are going to take place and then run it through the trees and maybe a bit into the lower part of the mountain... Like a cross country trail sort of thing," she explained, handing off some of the wooden stakes to Saracyn and picking up the thin leather she would tie between them. Walking over to what seemed like a good spot to start things. She started pointing out a spot, letting Sara shove the stake into the ground, and then pointing out the next spot several feet away before she began to tie the strips to them. It wasn't a hard process, but it was probably going to be a bit time consuming. She tried to make it worth it for Sara at least, giving him smiles as they went and leaning into him whenever they were standing together in one spot.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-13-2022, 07:28 PM

Even in his most foul and bitter of mood swings, Saracyn couldn't seem to maintain a hold on his turbulent adolescent emotions or anger whenever Avacyn was with him. He didn't know why, but something about his littler twin's presence just unwound him and made it easier for him to find peace. Ava gave him an exaggerated eye roll but agreed she couldn't argue about him being bigger, and Sara flashed a triumphant smile that showed off all of his razor sharp and jagged teeth. With a toss of her head and a simple command, Ava led the way she wanted him to go. Saracyn followed his twin back inland of the island until they arrived at the shore of Alias Lake, where the red-furred yearling saw a cluster of supplies his violet sister had already started to gather up. From a cursory look, he saw a pile of wooden stakes, some strips of leather and fabric, and some furs. Whatever Avacyn was planning, she was clearly much more innovative than he was. All he could see was a pile of junk.

Avacyn directed him to start helping by roping off a path for a footrace she had planned. "Got it." Sara nodded and followed her directions, gathering up the wooden stakes and driving two of them in at the indicated starting point, hammering them into the firm earth with strong paws. Ava pointed to another spot a short distance away, and Sara set to his singleminded task, heading over with his sister at his side and driving that stake into the ground as well before waiting for Avacyn to tie some of the leather between it and the starting point. Then they moved on to the next point in the trail, making a habit of him pounding a stake down and her attaching the guides to it. As they walked together, Saracyn would feel his twin's body lean into his gently, just like how their mother did with their father. Her soft fur brushed and mingled with his coarser fur in the process, leaving little tickling tingles where it touched his skin. He glanced down at her with an affectionate smile. Despite his own existential bitterness, he was very proud of his sister and loved her very much. Watching her thrive in her role as heir was a point of delight—then again, watching her at all was a delight to the young brute.

"So what have you got planned so far?" he asked while they worked, trying to make small talk while pounding down the stakes wherever Ava pointed him to. "A race sounds fun. I'm guessing some sort of feast too, right? Celebrations always have feasts." Part of him hoped she would have some sort of fighting tournament for him to enjoy. A race was fine and all, but the crimson lad was definitely more a fighter than a racer. Whatever Avacyn had planned out though, Sara had no doubt she'd execute it all flawlessly. She was flawless, after all.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-20-2022, 09:54 PM

Avacyn got into a rhythm of placing a stake, holding it in place while Saracyn drove it in, and then looping the leather strips around them as the roped off the course for the race. It was a pretty easy task to start with and she didn't think it would take them all that long—especially now that there was two of them working on it together. Saracyn asked what she had planned so far and mentioned how celebrations always had feasts, making her grin and laugh. "There will in fact be a feast," she confirmed, chuckling as she finished up another stake. "Besides the race I'm thinking we'll do a treasure hunt of some kind, maybe a fishing contest in the lake." She paused long enough to help Saracyn drive in another stake before she added, "I guess we could do spars too, but I feel like those would be so expected. I want to do something different and switch it up a bit." She looked up at him then giving him a smile as she told him, "Unless you really want a fighting tournament then I could squeeze one in for you. I want you to have a good time too."

As much as this was a chance for her to prove herself as the heir and do something for their pack, she also wanted this to be fun for the both of them. After all, it was partially their belated birthday celebration so it ought to be filled with stuff they liked to do. They got far enough along the path to start doubling back and filling in the other side and soon enough they were back where they started. The whole thing when much faster with Saracyn's help and she gave him a grateful grin before she looked toward her next project. "I want to make a designated area for mingling and feasting with a tent," she told him, leading him over to where there were some longer wooden poles and long pieces of pale fabric. "I was thinking maybe if we attatch the fabric to the poles first before we raise them up it would be easier, but then we'll have to raise both of the poles at the same time. Maybe we should dig some holes for them to go down into first?" she mused, walking over to an open, grassy area she thought would be a good place to set up the tent.

"Avacyn Mendacium"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
05-12-2022, 10:05 PM

Saracyn was glad to hear that there would be a feast. Events always had a feast. It was known. At least if there were no other events that were interesting to him, he could eat his weight in meat and slip into a food coma for the rest of the festival. "Good. I guess it's kind of expected for us to feed the guests," he quipped back with a smirk. A kind and generous host, Saracyn was not, but that's also why he wasn't in charge of coordinating this affair. He knew where his strengths lay, and playing diplomat was not one of them. Avacyn began to list off the events she'd planned out, and they all sounded dreadfully boring to the crimson brute, who scowled at the idea of a treasure hunt. "I guess the fishing content sounds okay," he remarked. He quite enjoyed fishing, so at least he'd be able to do something besides eat. Then, kind and thoughtful as ever, Ava looked up at him and offered to organize a fighting tournament just for him if he wanted it. Icy cobalt eyes turned to meet his twin's obsidian gaze with a toothy grin of his own. "If there ever comes a day when I turn down a chance to get bloody, promise me you'll put me down like a sick animal. I don't wanna make more work for you just so I can sink my teeth into someone. I can just start a brawl at the feast or something."  

With their combined efforts, it didn't take much time before the twins had finished the race track. Saracyn stepped back and admired their work with an approving nod. "Nice. No way anyone can fuck that up now." He shot a roguish grin back to his sibling before glancing to where she suggested they set up a tent for the feast. "That makes sense." Considering their options for erecting the tent, Sara slipped beneath the racetrack stanchions and began to inspect the area. The ground was soft enough, so digging the holes for the tent poles seemed easy enough. "I vote for holes. It'll make the tent more secure, just in case the weather decides it wants to be extra windy or something. We can fill the holes in with rocks for extra stability too." Giving a tousle of his thick coat, Sara shot a proud smirk to his littler sister and puffed out his chest, trying to make himself look even more manly. "You just tell me where you want the holes and I'll start digging, boss."

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
