
A Murder of Crows


05-04-2014, 10:20 PM

To his left was pack territory, but Angelus wasn't concerned with its inhabitants. So long as he stayed on his side they shouldn't bother him. No, they should be fine. With a firm grasp on this belief he set about minding his own business. What was his business? Fishing, if there were fish to be had. He didn't know a whole lot about this particular kind of hunting but he assumed, even though it was cold, there were still fish in the water. Where else would they be?

Leaning over the water, Angelus stared into its depths. "Rocks, rocks everywhere but not a fish to eat." Startled, he looked over his shoulder and then ducked his head in embarrassment even though there was no one around. What was he, his mother? Lordy, the words sounded ridiculous to his own ears. He cringed to himself and then shook his head before peering into the water again. Where the heck were the fish?

Angelus dipped a paw in and then quickly withdrew it. So friggin' cold! He frowned. It was probably too cold for them...but where would they go? Did they hide in the rocks? Hibernate like bears? Regardless, he didn't think there were any around to catch. Well, fine then. He'd find something else to eat.

Turning away from the water, the brute lowered his head and snuffed at the ground, hoping to find a scent worth pursuing. The young brute wasn't much of a hunter so what he was really hoping for was a kill he could scavenge. His head lifted as a flock of birds suddenly took off nearby. Were those crows? Crows meant food. Eagerly, he turned and began trotting towards the place where they'd lit from. Perhaps he wouldn't have to work hard for this meal. It would be a nice change. Now more than ever it seemed he was just barely scraping by; he'd found himself spending more energy than he was getting.

His mouth began to fill with saliva in anticipation of a meal. He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into it--whatever 'it' was. The young brute slowed, pausing to push dense foliage out of his way....
