
Putting On A Show




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-20-2022, 06:20 PM
It had been a couple days since Relm had talked to Manea and asked her to go on a hunt for the yearling celebration. And with her not really being able to, Relm still wanted to make her part for the festival. She supposed she could have asked Kichi or maybe even Merrick, but naturally Alastor had been on her mind as of late.

Relm had thought about leaving her cloak off just for Alastor, but considering she was asking him on a hunt she decided to keep it on. She made her way to the main areas of Elysium's island and waited for him to show. She was casually just sitting off to the side along the mountain's face, but she couldn't help that bit of anxiety about bothering him if he was tired or really just kind of going out of her way to ask him. She didn't really think he would think any less of her, she just couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Once she recognized Alastor from afar, she waited until he was closer before rising and approaching him, her not so unfamiliar awkwardness in her tone and wandering gaze, "I uh, wanted to contribute a hunt for the festival. Did you... want to come with me?"



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-20-2022, 08:31 PM
Despite the business of the pack preparing for the yearlings' birthdays, Alastor's days had remained relatively unchanged. He still hunted when he needed to hunt, patrolled when he needed to patrol, and when Avacyn asked him for any help in her preparations, the doting father dropped everything to serve his little princess. For the most part, Saracyn had been filling that role well, taking his new duties seriously, it seemed. He was so proud of both his children, but especially of his son, who had been wild and rambunctious, yet focused when it came to his twin sister. Over the past few days, Alastor had seen Relm about the pack, exchanging small smiles with her when they passed, but he hadn't taken her up on her offer to have her at his whim just yet. Though Manea had given him permission to seek whatever pleasures he desired with Relm so long as he remained true to his vow and the Mendacium beliefs, he still wanted to be respectful to his mate by now immediately running off to fuck the other woman silly.

On this day, Alastor had finished up a patrol, passing off to Kichi before heading to the larders for a late breakfast. On the way back, he passed by a familiar flash of bright pink sitting almost statuesque beside the foot of the mountain. Alastor raised a curious brow and approached her, wondering what she was up to. As he drew closer, Relm rose and closed the distance between them. He saw her cloak on, obscuring the pink fur that highlighted her when she stood. Anxiousness emitted from the girl like an aura, not foreign to the young woman, and certainly not off-putting to the dire brute who knew her better than to assume it out of the ordinary. While her silver gaze wandered, his obsidian gaze remained on her the entire time, never straying.

Relm explained that she wanted to contribute food for the yearlings' festival, then asked if he wanted to go hunting with her. A smile spread over the man's face; genuine and just a subtle turn of his lips, and not his manic grin he oft wore around the rest of the world. "I'd be delighted to! I'd be loathe to turn down the chance for a good hunt!" he remarked, understanding the decision to wear her cloak now. She was hiding her ostentatious fur from any would-be prey. "This may not be required," he quipped with a chuckle, lifting a paw to trace the hem of fabric along her cloak. "Camouflaging yourself won't be of much use if your hunting partner is wearing bright red stripes, after all. But if you insist..." He would let Relm decide whatever she wanted; she could make her own choices. Of course, if it were up to him, he would have her hunt comfortable, without the excess clothing getting in her way—or obscuring his opportunity to enjoy the sights of her along the way.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-20-2022, 09:46 PM
Relm became more comfortable as Alastor started speaking, or more so accepted her offer for the hunt. With a tilt in her cheek she peered up at him, he was much more enthusiastic than she was. It made her smile.

Relm's head stayed just still as Alastor traced along a portion of her cloak, but her eyes moved where his paw went. She huffed a quiet chuckle, stepping forward to make a circle around him and coming up on his side, "Are you sure you aren't just trying to undress me?" She teased him before moving forward to start their trek outside of the pack lands. She kept her cloak on for now, maybe she'd surprise him later. Or maybe he'd surprise her. Though Relm's tones were generally flat and with little life or emotion, she had been growing more comfortable around Alastor and around some of the others too to be herself a little more if she could help it. She was rather anxious, but she could loosen up just that little bit to crack a joke or a smile. There was a time between when Relm first knew Alastor and when she ran away from Kefka that she had much the same attitude as her father which also resembled some of Alastor too. It was in little dim doses now, she'd probably never go back to the way things were.

She led him up the northern coast on their side of The Polar Sound that wasn't so far from the pack lands. The eastern lands of Boreas were incredibly packed which made a hard time finding good or plentiful prey central of them. With building up to the festival too it didn't make things any easier. Without any obvious signs of tracking, Relm scented around her for not just any prey, but something a little more fun for the pair. Was she considering this a date? She wouldn't acknowledge the thought, only smirk to herself. She stopped for a moment on the cliff's edge, her nose rising with the blowing breeze as she scented the elk nearby. She glanced over to Alastor for a second to see if he had the same idea before fiddling with the strings on her cloak as if she was going to pull it off for him, but instead she smirked again and jumped forward in a quiet lope to get a closer distance on their prey. She may have been playing with him, but it was subtle. She did after all have something else in mind for them other than fucking.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-21-2022, 03:17 PM
Relm smiled when he accepted her offer to join her in a hunt, then made a joke about him trying to undress her when he mentioned her cloak. Alastor gave a dramatic gasp and clasped a paw to his chest in mock offense. "My dear Relm! You impugn my honor! What sort of sordid, lecherous, wild animal do you take me for?" The wide flash of pearly teeth betrayed his jesting, able to tease her back in a way that was very new for Relm. It was also a highly accurate joke, as Alastor had possibly been imagining how much fun he’d have revealing the young woman’s body inch by inch from beneath the black fabric. That fun would have to wait for now though. They had some hunting to do.

The two hunters left pack lands and headed north along the rocky coast, making good pace across the Boreal tundras in search of rich hunting grounds. Alastor let Relm direct the show, taking point to lead them to wherever their hunt took them. Just like her, Alastor was keeping keen ebony eyes open for signs of tracks, presence of prey animals, and had his black nose twitching on the air to scent out any unsuspecting victims. As they traveled, Alastor stole little glances to Relm, watching the way she moved and carried herself, every minute detail of her behavior and mannerisms. It made him smile a bit to see how far she’d come and how much she’d grown from the tiny introverted puppy he’d known when he first arrived in Boreas.

The wolves came to a cliff edge, Alastor surveying the sound around them while Relm sampled the air. Silver eyes glanced to him with a silent question in them, and the dire brute lifted his nose to scent the air as well. Elk. He could smell the cervidae from miles away, but fortunately these ones were closer. The brute turned a wicked grin to his companion—then raised a curious brow while he watched her fiddle with the ties of her cloak, looking as if she were about to remove it—only to meet his intrigued stare with a smirk before launching into a canter down the slope towards their prey. Alastor chuckled beneath his breath and followed after her with a smirk of his own; she was teasing him, the little minx. That was fine. Alastor loved a chase, after all, and didn’t mind a bit more of a bloody chase before anything else.

The wolves wound their way through the sparse woods of the sound, making their way closer and closer to the elk herd with every silent step, moving like shadows through the trees. This far north, an early dusting of snow had powdered the land, chilling the air almost to the point where their breaths were visible in thin misting clouds before their snouts. "Do you have a plan, or are we running them down?" he asked as the scent of elk grew stronger, the predators drawing nearer to their quarry.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-21-2022, 10:32 PM
It seemed as though how much Relm had opened up to Alastor and would have let him study every page of her, he also didn't fully know the differences she crossed since she was young and growing into her early adolescence. When she had joined Alastor under his protection, she was in this era of fear in her life. The early days around him she kept herself secluded, she hunted for Elysium while they were still a band but she stayed outside. She really didn't fully trust any of them, not even Al at the time. And maybe that's why he was noticing such a change in her. Because once upon a time she wanted to have fun, she was silly, and she was a little harsh too. When they had met again she was a completely different withdrawn and fearful girl. She could open up to him a little differently now that the chapter of Kefka was over. He was only making it easier for her.

Relm may have teased him a little, but she was more focused on what they were doing. Anytime Alastor may have glanced at her she missed, and in her steps she was not watching and waving and hoping to be noticed. Everything was natural, just the pair on their hunt. Of course the last time they had been together all she had said still stood and while she kept the main goal in mind she couldn't help that little urge to get Alastor's attention. And it was just as she said, she wouldn't ask him for it.

They closed in on the small elk herd ahead of them, both large wolves experienced in their stealthy steps leading up to the prey. With her eyes still forward to make contact with the herd, Relm gently smiled at his question, "You strike me as the type to like a challenge." Still a little humorous, more of her true colors showing. The herd she could see ahead of them in the distance, they were downwind so it would be easier for them to get closer. "So are you up for it then?" She questioned him back, ready to test their luck with raw talent and of course their mental connections as a hunting pair. That shouldn't have been difficult for them. "I'll wait for you to be ready." She spoke again before walking ahead of him and taking just a slightly different angle on their elk. She would wait for Alastor to take the lead on the chase.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-22-2022, 12:39 PM
Relm answered his question by claiming he looked the type to enjoy a challenge, and Alastor had to stifle a laugh into a husky chuckle. She wasn’t wrong there. In all his hunting practices, Alastor had never exactly gone for the covert approach when it came to killing things, not that a hulking ebony behemoth of a wolf could exactly be surreptitious, and he was reminded of the bloodbath he and Manea had left in their wake when they’d conceived their first litter a year ago now. My, how the time flew… "Challenges are what makes my days fun," he remarked, affirming her suspicions with a toothy grin. "I won’t make you wait long." With their plan (or lack thereof) decided, Relm peeled off ahead of him and diverted around to one side of the herd while Alastor took an angle of approach opposite to her, the two wolves splitting to flank the herd from either side.

Once they got close enough that Alastor could see their beady eyes, his stalking picked up into a lope, then a canter, until he was running straight for the ungulates, heavy paws thundering over the rocky terrain. The dark dire brute burst into the clearing through some dry underbrush, making a beeline for for the herd with snapping jaws and vicious snarls. He likely could have simply gone for the closest elk and ended its life before it knew a predator was upon it, but where was the fun in that? Relm wanted a challenge and he wanted to run, so he’d manufacture a chase. The elk collectively bellowed in fright and began to stampede away from the dire wolf, who was manically laughing as he howled behind the herd, kicking them into a panicked frenzy. Little did the herd know, they were being corralled in the direction Relm had headed.

With the herd on the move, Alastor ran after them, powerful muscles rippling beneath his flowing coat as he tore across the tundra in pursuit, waiting to see if Relm would take one down as they came to her or if she’d start herding them towards the coast as well, his obsidian eyes seeking his hunting partner amongst the sparse pine trees. Trapped between an arctic ocean and two vicious predators, the Mendacium patriarch wondered what fate the doomed prey animals would choose: slow hypothermia or swift slaughter.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-22-2022, 03:30 PM
Relm watched from a short distance before Alastor leapt out from the underbrush and started chasing down the bellowing elk. She could see his want to let the more obvious and easier kill go, starting to get a chase going forward. Alastor may have been just a bit taller than Relm, but his build was much more muscular and heavy. She couldn't help but admire his masculinity as he drove the elk along the cliff's edge. It was a new feeling for her, but she wouldn't go still in wonder.

As the herd and Alastor moved forward, so did Relm. Meeting them at a cross road as she joined Alastor in the chase. It didn't need to be cut short after all, not unless one of them was faltering. Running up alongside the terrified prey and in front of Alastor, Relm kept her focus near the head of the elk. Leaning in and out slightly in her step, she waited for the right moment to get it out from the cliff side before taking it down.

Giving the elk some room to waver, Relm finally took the last leap. Her paws landing on the shoulders of the over sized deer and her teeth sinking into the top of it's neck so she had the weight to not go sliding off the cliff side. With their kill now in their grasp, Relm took control of the front half of the elk by taking the antlers into her jaws and twisting it's neck to the side to expose it's throat to Alastor. Her pale eyes looked up to him whether he was on top of the elk too or wherever he ended up being. A quick pant in her breath as she held down the large elk and waiting for Alastor to take the kill.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-23-2022, 09:46 PM
In a burst of movement, Relm joined him in the chase, racing alongside the elk just ahead of him. Their positioning afforded him a rather lovely view of Relm’s shapely rear, finding himself caught between keeping his eyes on their fleeing prey and watching the way her ass moved with every bounding step. In spite of her larger size, Relm had developed an athletic womanly figure, with sleek muscles rippling beneath that he could glimpse every so often as her cloak shifted as she moved. It was stirring other sorts of hungers within the dark-furred brute, but for now, he focused on the thrill of the hunt. The rest could—and most likely would—come later. The dire wolf raced after the straggling elk, snapping vicious jaws with an audible clack of teeth at their legs to keep herding them forward along the cliff ledge, caught between certain death on all sides.

Racing across the frigid lands made the Elysian wolf feel alive in primal ways. The chill of the air as it ripped through his fur, his massive paws thundering across the rocky ground, the scent of prey and a woman in his nares as his blood ran hot through his veins. It was a drug he was addicted to. As much fun as chasing the herd across the tundra was, Alastor felt a giddy sort of glee when he saw Relm leap through the air and pounce upon one of the larger bulls, biting into its neck and yanking its antlers to get it to stop and peel it away from the herd. While Relm wrangled their kill, Alastor rushed up alongside the wolf and elk, leaping to the front of the flailing elk while avoiding a barrage of kicking hooves near his face. Once his partner had pulled the elk’s head back to expose its throat, Alastor saw the look in her starlight-like eyes and launched himself like a missile up into the ungulate’s vulnerable neck.

The hot gush of warm, thick blood that burst in Alastor’s mouth was like taking a hit of heroin. The rush of ecstasy that flooded the wolf's brain sent him into a dizzying state of euphoria, the animal in his mind regaling at the coppery taste covering his palate. Sharp siam claws extended to grasp at the elk's collar, tearing through flesh and muscle while he clung to the frantically thrashing animal as he drained its life away. With his size, Alastor was standing on his hind legs, easily able to reach the elk without much effort, and by throwing his body weight to the side, he dragged their prey off its feet. The elk hit the ground with a hard thud while the rest of the herd vanished through the trees. The elk gave a choking bellow for help, but Alastor didn't allow it to live long enough to finish its cry. He lunged to readjust his jaws around the elk's throat, almost fully capturing it's neck in his powerful jaws before squeezing down hard with enough bite force to snap the vertebrae like twigs, severing the brain's connection to the rest of the body and killing it before its heart could finish pumping out the last of its blood.

The elk spasmed in its death throes and went limp beneath the two wolves, glassy eyes going hazy as the life left its corpse. Alastor didn't let go of the elk until he felt the flow of blood from around his teeth and tongue ebb to a stop, only then dropping the dead weight while he panted hard to catch his breath. His mouth and muzzle were covered in blood, some of it still dribbling from razor sharp fangs while a warm tingling sensation overtook him from head to tail, akin to a total body high. They had done well, and together he and Relm had bagged a sizable bull elk. Alastor turned his wild, nearly manic gaze p to Relm, the dark fire in his eyes burning hot for her while he grinned, proud of her excellent work and glad that she'd chosen to bring him along with her. He didn't say anything just yet, still riding that high of bloodlust while he looked at Relm, his eyes searing into hers with a look that left nothing to the imagination of what he was thinking about.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-23-2022, 10:20 PM
Relm’s paws held the elk’s neck down while her jaw held the antlers at just the right angle for Alastor to conquer it. She only watched in full admiration with his moment of triumph as he savored the life taking of the giant deer. Not a feeling she could fully relate to but she loved seeing him this way. She only watched silently as the elk bled out in his jaws and on the grasses, releasing it as it’s struggle ended and it twitched it few times until it was completely gone.

Relm’s eyes stayed on the elk for a moment, her paws adjusting on its neck and further down on it’s shoulder to get it prepared for either gutting or the haul back to Elysium, but her gaze moved to Alastor if only for a second before he caught more of her attention. She paused for a moment if Alastor allowed her too, seeing the way he looked at her in the high of his kill. She had things on her mind for sure, but she guessed she wasn’t expecting him to be so ready so quickly. It would only make sense for the inner makings of Alastor.

Her expression turned from curiosity to desire in less than a second, and maybe he couldn’t even see the change in her. It wasn’t so obvious in the ways she admired him up to this moment.

Instantly her paws moved over the elk while her stomach lined up with it’s own shoulder and she instantly pushed forward to kiss him, or more so taste the elk’s blood from his lips. It made to process much easier for her while she struggled to find a comfortable ground in herself. It wasn’t the best, but she supposed she would learn. And with Alastor’s kill running down his throat she didn’t find it so hard to pursue. She wondered if he was in the right mind to take control of her, or if this would end up the day he killed Kefka. She really didn’t care however, she was ready to take him in any form that possessed him.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-28-2022, 10:53 PM
Relm's striking silver eyes lifted from the elk once its life had ended and the two of them held one another's gaze. No doubt she could see the look in his, not too dissimilar from a junkie who'd just taken a hit of their favorite substance. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately in some manners) for Relm, the bloodlust he got from taking down prey was only a small fraction to the manic high he got when it was the thrill of combat and claiming the lives of other wolves. His animal rejoiced at the blood it was fed, but it was nowhere near strong enough to break loose of its cage, like it had when he'd eviscerated Kefka. If anything, Alastor was more riding a high that was like being on ecstasy. He studied Relm closely for a few long moments, seeing the surprise and curiosity in her gaze while she took in the sight of him. Then that look turned to one of admiration or maybe it was desire, and Alastor felt his belly clench with a hard need.

In the next moment Relm was sliding forward to lean over the elk carcass and leaning in to sear his lips with a heated kiss. Alastor released a carnal growl of desire and pressed forward into the young woman's advances. His broad chest pushed up to hers, mouth crushing to hers with eager and hungry need while he kissed her back. Obsidian eyes disappeared behind ebony eyelids while he enjoyed the taste of Relm mixing on his tongue with the metallic flavor of elk blood. She was exquisite and it was making the dire brute ravenous. His heart pounded in his chest, partly from the chase and partly in anticipation for what he and Relm would inevitably do now—unless she intended to tease him some more and continue their hunt.

Not one to squander his chance to get some satisfaction for his other lust, Alastor pressed himself towards Relm some more. An enormous black paw lifted to go for the pink fae's sides, aiming to slip beneath her foreleg and shoulder so he could sweep Relm off her feet and bring her down to the ground using the elk body as a macabre pillow of sorts. If she didn't show him any resistance now, there would be nothing stopping him from having his way with the wolf that had possessed his mind, heart, and tainted soul like a phantom.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
04-29-2022, 03:00 PM
Alastor wasn't really met with resistance from the way he kissed her back, but Relm was certainly not in tune with the way this should play out. She tried her best to move along with the way Alastor kissed her, but it was no where near perfect. She was trying though, and focusing on the taste of the elk's blood as well as learning his own unique taste. He was sure to feel how she wasn't fluent to the advances she put on him, but it was easy for her to fall under his silent commands.

Her breath had not stilled from the chase prior, but she was only getting hotter as Alastor pressed on. She was fully at his whim as she had accepted the first time they were together at Kefka's death. But she was more than willing to participate in the ways she wanted and the ways he wanted.

Alastor pulled her paws out from under her, she wasn't necessarily small or light, but compared to him much more dainty and thin. There had been many times in her life where looking back at now she didn't really feel like a woman. And maybe that's what played into her attractions and sexual preferences now. Alastor had made Relm feel beautiful and feminine, but she wondered if anyone else could make her feel the same. If only briefly she thought of how she tried to grab Merrick's attention but he didn't seem interested. To her that only made her feel like she was meant to have this life with Alastor. Maybe not the most ideal life and relationship that others may want, but something she could live with with how Alastor made her feel in these moments.

Feeling the weight of her back against the dead and still bleeding elk, she pulled her face back lightly from his and she still caught her breath as she looked from his face down to his chest. Her body dropped more comfortably over the warm elk while her paws carefully placed over the surface of his forelegs that was not the first time she had touched him like this. It was like a part of her was scared to touch him, like he would jump back ten feet from her or maybe even completely vanish. Her paw pads so light and gentle over his skin which was so unlike her in their most intimate moments. With her burning gaze moving back to his, blood was no longer dripping down his lips as it was no doubt marked over her own mirrored from the kiss she pursued. "Fuck Alastor, you're so hot." Her voice let out in heady tones and before she could get another breath in, her paws flexed over his legs to pull him into her. In the heat of the chase and the kill even for her, it had given her a different approach and fending off their desires as she had before was the last thing on her mind. She was eager and rough as ever, and she was ready for what he was about to do to her.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-04-2022, 08:29 PM
Ironically, Alastor rather liked that their movements weren't perfect or rehearsed. It felt much more natural and true, their passion frantic and needy and unrestrained. It was quintessentially Relm and the dark dire adored every moment of it! She wasn't as nuanced as he was, but she was eager and he could work with that. Alastor guided Relm through their kissing, letting his tongue and lips direct hers and show her what to do, responding to her with soft growls and pleased sighs as they tasted from one another's maws. It was a heady and somewhat tantric experience and Alastor was loving it. Relm showed no resistance as he moved her, and the dire brute took it as an open invitation to continue to do as he pleased with her. She wouldn't ask him for it, he reminded himself, but she would surely show him if she didn't like something. So far, he hadn't come across any boundaries she hadn't been ready to cross. Relm was really growing up, and he was witnessing it all first hand in the hottest, most sensual way possible.

Just as he made Relm feel feminine and womanly, the pink-furred fae made him feel masculine and powerful. Sure, he was able to rough up Manea when he wanted to, but she nearly matched him in size. He wasn't able to manhandle her the way he could with Relm, able to get her situated and beneath him exactly the way they wanted while she looped all four of her legs around his body, wrapping herself around him like a robe and fitting herself to his form. Alastor couldn't know of Relm's attempts to seduce Merrick, or what she thought of their relationship, but he thoroughly enjoyed what they had. He enjoyed knowing Relm intimately like this, a true reflection of herself, and she likewise got to see parts of him only the rarest of wolves ever did. He had considered her special before, and perhaps it was corny to think that, but it was the gods' honest truth. Relm was dearly special to him.

Their mouths parted with a breathless gasp from both wolves, Alastor panting for breath, his hot exhales forming wispy clouds at the end of his muzzle in the cool northern air. Obsidian eyes gazed through heavy lids down at his Relm, watching the way she settled herself more comfortably against the dead elk. Relm touched him then, just gingerly grazing her paw pads over his forearms as if he were made of delicate sand and may crumble away if pressed too hard. It was very different from her, but Alastor wouldn't stop her. He was quite liking the gentle ministrations she was giving him. While she played with him, he brought his muzzle to her crown, sliding between her ears with gentle nibbles through her matching black fur. Relm shifted, and Alastor looked back just in time for his eyes to meet her argent gaze, seeing the heat blazing within those molten pools of silver. Her face was equally stained by the blood he'd had all over him during their making out. It was a gruesomely erotic sight that made Alastor's core clench hard.

Relm spoke in a heady tone, calling him hot and sending a tremor of lust straight down his spine to settle between his thighs in his growing arousal. The little grin on Alastor's lips stretched wider, but before he could reply, Relm stole his breath away as her paws flexed around his legs and she pulled him deep into her. Alastor's eyes screwed shut and his face contorted into a look of sheer ecstasy and shock, letting out a hissing groan as Relm's warmth surrounded him. His paws flexed, sending his claws tearing through the elk carcass on reflex, his body tensing in response to the abrupt surge of pleasure. "Fuck, Relm!" he grunted beneath heavy breaths, smiling wide while gasping for breath. He met her gaze again with a lecherous chuckle. "Says the girl who just pulled me balls deep into her." If Relm thought he was so hot, she had no idea what she was like in these moments then! She clearly had a certain desire on her mind, and Alastor would waste no time giving her what she needed.

One paw gripping the elk for stability, he let his other massive paw rub down Relm's taut stomach and dip between their legs, gently toying at where their bodies were joined before he looped that same paw around her hip and grabbed her rump. He braced his hind legs and drew his hips back, gritting his teeth and snarling with the primal pleasure that filled him. He began steady and strong, rolling his hips into Relm's to warm them up. Once he had gotten his rhythm going, Alastor kicked their fucking up another level, driving himself hard and deep as he had his way with the young Abraxas woman. Siam claws dug into her skin, helping hold her and pull her back into his driving hips, every thrust plowing her into the elk that had become their mattress. He would be rougher with her, oh yes he would if she showed signs of wanting it! For now he was enjoying watching her body slide back and forth beneath him, perched atop their kill like a beautiful pink queen, giving him an expression that made parts of him ache in all the best kinds of ways.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
05-04-2022, 10:53 PM
It was like Relm had three very strict and bold personalities. One where she was anxious wanting to go unseen around the pack, one when she was hunting or patrolling and needed to get a job done, and then there was when she was with Alastor. Nothing really faded together, it was almost like a switch flicking in her head. Maybe there was a part of her that wanted to be like this all the time. There was a sense of freedom, of not worrying about what Alastor thought of her and just being able to take things as they came. Alastor was teaching her and allowing her ways and not feel wrong or embarrassed, but she saw him as more than that too. He meant something to her as she did to him. She couldn’t imagine a life any other way.

She was completely bending to him, more than the first time they had clear mindedly been together. She was completely beyond comfortable between his claws, in his care. Regardless of the rough nature they both shared, blood lusted or not. Relm could honestly never get enough from him physically, it would be more than what was possible.

Her responsive pleasurable sounds were nothing new to him. She bit her lip through a humored grin that urged her on and he just kept confirming everything she wanted to believe. At least in Alastor’s eyes she was desirable, that was enough for her. Her less threatening claws dug what they could around his ribs driving him into her while she allowed him to continue his control over her. They always flowed nicely together like this, as inexperienced as she may have seemed there was never any fault or tension in this level of intimacy. Boundaries were laughable, there was nothing she wouldn’t do under the discretion of Alastor.

While what they shared right now was a lot more hostile and instinctive Relm still felt that tethered attachment to him and it was no different than other more delicate moments they may have shared. It was what allowed her to come this far. She responded generously as he pounded her into the bones of the bleeding elk and could never ask him to stop at any moment. Her gaze mostly remained down between their bodies and mingled fur only imagining what was happening below. She still glanced up at him from time to time though, the lustful heat in her silver gaze burning and urging him in every way he may have needed.

Swiftly in one straight motion her paws ran between their chests and hooked back over his shoulders, stopping him abruptly if she could but wouldn’t struggle with him. Her half lidded eyes and breathless lips would meet him either way, "I want you to hurt me, Alastor." It was not a foreign request from her. She was already branded by him but she couldn’t let the idea of bleeding between his claws or jaws slip her mind. Her cheek turned just slightly towards him allowing him access to any part of her that he wanted. Her slitted gaze hot and tempting waiting to see what his choice would be.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-07-2022, 01:23 PM
Alastor regaled in the sounds, expressions, and reactions he was able to draw and coax out of Relm with every thrust and roll of his hips that sent his body crashing deep into hers. That adorable grin on her face sent an thrill of burning lust through the brute radiating out from the inferno blazing in his core. Though the two wolves had only mated together a few times now, it was quick becoming one of Alastor’s favorite activities. He was a lecherous bastard on the best of days, but something in how Relm behaved with him and treated him really set that fire in his belly ablaze. Their bodies moved in tandem, working against one another furiously in their unbridled passion while they feverishly desecrated the corpse of the elk below. It was as intimate as it was raw and primal. The sounds they made together was a beautiful symphony that filled the northern land with their feral cries. Anyone passing by would no doubt know what the brute and face were up to, and could possibly see the two in their antics, but Alastor didn’t give a shit. The whole world could watch as he and Relm fucked each other silly and they'd put on a hell of a show.

The last time Alastor had truly let himself go and give in to his primal nature with Relm, it had been with the taste of her father's blood poisoning his mind. Neither had truly enjoyed it. This time Alastor was still very much in control, just riding the high of the bloodlust like he had taken a hit of ecstasy. Every sensation felt amplified, like his brain had taken his nerves and cranked all feeling up to an 11. Every brush of Relm's fur against his skin sent tingles through him, every press of himself deeper within him hit like a wave of warm pleasure from an endless sea. The brute's dark eyes rolled back with guttural groans and breathy grunts. Just as Relm was enjoying their mating to the fullest, so too was he, and as she had no boundaries he had none either. He briefly noticed Relm staring down the lengths of their bodies to where they were joined, and with a devilish grin, he gave an especially slow and forceful thrust of his hips just to tease her with what she could feel but couldn't see through their ebony fur.

All of a sudden, Alastor felt a sting as Relm's paws ran through his flowing fur from chest to shoulders and gripped hard to him, stopping him mid-thrust buried inside her. Obsidian eyes blinked back into focus, clearing the euphoric glaze from over them as he brought his attention back down to his partner. That half-lidded gaze and the sounds of her breathless words asking him to hurt her made parts of him tense hard. She looked at him with a smoldering gaze that dared him on, tempting him to do with her as he pleased. The stunned look on the dark brute's face lasted for only a second, and then his wicked grin had returned, proudly showing off every sharp tooth that would soon be embedded in her flesh. Alastor responded with a lustful growl, bringing his free paw down to press to Relm's chest with the other still maintaining its firm hold on her ass, then flexed his paws to send razor sharp ruby claws sinking into tender flesh and muscle. He dragged his paw down the length of the girl's body, claws parting black and pink fur to slice almost effortlessly through her skin, leaving behind trails of red where he spilled her blood. He was careful to make sure he didn't dig his claws in too far; he was trying to arouse her and not kill her, after all! Just enough to break and rip skin and let her rich blood pool to the surface of the wounds.

Alastor's hips began to piston and pound into Relm's once more, matching the pace of his paw moving down her form. He raked his claws down her side until he had both paws around her hips, and then the manic brute hooked his claws around both of the woman's shapely hip bones, giving her rough tugs up into his movements to slam himself deeper. Snarling grunts soon joined his repertoire of sounds she coaxed from him, fangs bared and gritted through the sheer force he was exerting on her as well as the pleasure causing his every muscle to tense and relax over and over and over again. Bracing his hind paws on the ground, Alastor pushed forward hard, using the momentum and their angle to actually hoist Relm's hips up so her hind end was held completely off the ground by the massive wolf, almost curling her around on herself while he pounded downward into her. With his violent grip on her hips, Alastor could then lean his body down over hers, virtually smothering her while he had his way with her.

The giant brute snapped his jaws into the skin right where her neck and shoulder met, biting down until he tasted her blood on his tongue. He could have gone right for her throat and choked her some, but that could come soon enough. For now, the Mendacium man wanted to taste her blood, and he couldn't do that without killing her if he went for her throat. Alastor groaned deeply, the sound muffled against Relm's throat as the metallic flavor intensified his pleasure once more, black eyes rolling so far back in his skull they almost vanished. He could have flipped Relm over then and there, fucked her into the elk in traditional lupine fashion, but Alastor still wanted to have Relm clinging to him like she was, wanting to hear her sounds right in his ear and see her fact contort with primal delight. He intent on fucking her so silly that all of the Polar Sound would hear her cries and there'd be a good chance she'd be limping home beside him. Relm had asked him to hurt her, after all.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
05-08-2022, 07:53 PM
Alastor, as they had the last few times, would not go unknowing of the pleasures he gave Relm. She was completely responsive to every thrust, every look, every feeling she could experience from him. With Alastor she was a completely different woman, she was entirely comfortable in every aspect of him. She loved the rough nature of their time together they could share but the more emotional intimacy between them was what made the time all the more worth while. She wanted more, she always would. But she grew to live in the now with him here. There was nothing more important than the physical and emotional feelings she shared right now. All of her worries and insecurities could be put behind her.

She tightened around him as he slowed gifting him with the most enticing and pleasurable look on her face as she felt all of him, and still she craved more, as he would soon be giving her. As Alastor silently agreed to her terms, her breathing became more uneasy as she waited, that wicked and alluring grin on his face just driving her into her own insanity. She very simply could not wait for him to stick her, making that moment all the more longing and enjoyable when he did. Her back arched as she pressed herself into his gliding claws, writhing slightly underneath him making her even hotter feeling him still in her every time she wiggled. As demonic as Alastor looked, crazed by sex and making her bleed it did remind her of just how caring and generous he could be. He was being generous right now after all.

She huffed in sync with his thrusts as he grabbed her around each hip and didn't falter for even a second. Her breaths turned into moans that turned into much higher feminine cries as he had learned her body and angled her upwards into him. Her legs wrapped around his neck as he leaned over her. Relm was certainly an active partner in the ways she responded to Alastor pounding and ripping into her, but she was much more at his mercy this time as he controlled every bit of her body to just where he wanted. Tensing her entire body in her highest moment, her neck stretched out and shouted the most enjoyable song into his ear and through The Sound, drastically different than his muffled moans through his teeth and her skin. Waking the neighbors was certainly not on her mind, the two of them would be living the same the dream.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-23-2022, 02:17 PM
Alastor adored all of the expressions and reactions he coaxed out of Relm with every thrust of his hips, every firm and strong roll and grind of his pelvis into hers drawing more and more pleasure from the two of them as their bodies crashed together in the throes of passion and lust. He adored watching Relm come alive beneath him and around him, seeing the fire in her argent eyes and watching her body writhe and work against his in time with his pistoning hips. She tightened around him, drawing a deeply pleased growl from the dire brute as ebony eyes rolled back behind fluttering black lids. Gods above, she was incredible! The look she gave him on her face was like a bellows on a hearth, flaring his burning lust even more until the wolf was nearly feral with incensed lust. Everything he did to her, Relm responded to exactly as he hoped she would. She roiled and writhed into his tearing claws, feeling the sharp gemstones slice through her tender skin with little resistance. Every wiggle and squirm she made rubbed him in all the right ways and was very quickly pushing the demented man towards his inevitable climax, sharp fangs grit together through clenched jaws as he tried to hold out just a little bit longer. He wanted to truly savor every second of this moment with her and make it explosive for the two of them.

Relm's breathing mirrored his own, her heavy huffs synchronizing with his heated grunts as they slammed together over and over and over again, Alastor driving himself as deep as he could. He listened to his lover's moans and cries of feminine ecstasy as he drove her to higher and higher plateaus of carnal pleasure, following very closely behind her as the spring in his core tightened and coiled. It seemed she quite liked being manhandled like this, her body curled and angled upward on herself as he fucked her silly. He commit this entertaining fact to memory for future reference; he quite enjoyed driving Relm mad like this and fully intended to keep doing it as often as he could. Relm wrapped herself around him and Alastor clutched to her with all his might, fucking her like it was the last lay he'd ever have in his life. He pounded her with wild abandon, driving her ruthlessly into the carcass of their kill. She let him go completely unhinged and wild on her, taking everything he gave and did to her in stride, and Alastor was loving it!

Alastor rewarded Relm's enthusiasm and active participation in their mating by giving her exactly what she desired most: he tore at her sides and hips with his claws, clutching to her with sharp-edged digits so she couldn't squirm away from him if she tried. His muzzle at her shoulder, he felt Relm tip her head back and expose her neck as she sang out her song of ecstasy at her peak, the sound sending a primal shudder through the brute currently buried within her. It was beautiful and erotic and carnal all at once and it drove him wild! A baser part of Alastor hoped that others heard her cry; he wanted the world to know the pleasures Relm was experiencing with him, and that she belonged to him in these moments. Feeling her tighten around him was the final push he needed to achieve his ultimate pleasure as well. Alastor released Relm's shoulder with a guttural groan, then latched his jaws around her throat just beneath where her jaw and neck met, snarling out his pleasure against the most vulnerable part of her body as he shuddered from tip to tail, spilling himself within her in his heated release. It was absolute satisfaction and relief all at once, heady and addictive!

The dark brute didn't release Relm for a moment until he had reached his end, coming down from orgasmic high into blissful afterglow. Only then did he release Relm's throat after feeling her thrumming pulse against his tongue, letting her body gently collapse to the elk corpse. He didn't uncouple himself from her right away, instead keeping her in his arms and between her legs as he flopped to his side, holding her body to his. He was left panting and spent, a wide satisfied grin on his face with pink tongue lolling from open mouth and pleasure-glazed black eyes staring into space. Alastor was fully gone in that moment, but in the best possible ways, all thanks to Relm.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
05-25-2022, 08:55 PM
Relm had experienced these things with Alastor before, but it felt like she was for the first time. The best time, she could easily forget the harsher moment between them at Kefka's death. It was the step she needed to feel this way about him, and maybe no one would have known it was difficult for them before. Well, if anyone were watching that was.

Seeing Alastor in his prime, the way he acted, the way he felt, it was the only thing she wanted in these moments. She loved to know that she made him feel this way. Everything felt so right to her right now. It was almost unbelievable how perfect her life felt as she was wholly surrounded by him. She didn't want anything else.

Her throat stretched out in her end as much as she could just keep riding it out with him. The clasp around her throat was not necessarily surprising but not expected, her paws so gently pushed into him but in a way that didn't ask him to stop. She struggled for a breath but stayed mostly still as he overcame her, just her own unique instinctual desire shown as her hips kept begging him to fuck her more. Releasing himself into her she started to feel numb and her eyes closed naturally. She didn't regret giving him the opportunity, she fucking loved it.

She was barely holding on until he completely released her, she immediately sank down into the elk and then back into his grasp from this wave of relief both from the sex and being able to breathe again. Her breath was hard in a few gusts, but soon she was just panting into her recovery along with him. Her gaze had been forward along his chest and where they connected, but fluttered up at him as she gave him a gentle, satisfied grin. God, she could look at him like this all fucking day. That was so fucking incredible. Her head fell back on the elk and his forearm, her eyes rolled back a little as her eyes closed because fuck they still had to get the elk back to Elysium. For now she'd stay exactly where they were though. Her soft and contented gaze searching back along his features.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
06-03-2022, 06:49 PM
Watching as Relm writhed and roiled through her orgasm was an intensely erotic and entertaining show for the demon brute to bear witness to. In those moments of her release, Relm was showing her true and unrestrained self to him. She was wild, she was animated, she was beautiful, her strangled sounds of pleasure as she finished sounding like music to his ears. He felt all of her, relishing in their shared passion in that moment while their bodies worked together in this blissful, perfect union to bring them both the greatest satisfaction a man and woman could attain. And then, as quickly as they'd burned together, they were both collapsing and coming down from their high into their mutual afterglow together. Alastor listened to Relm's labored breaths once he released her throat, giving quiet purr-like growls deep in his throat while he caressed and cradled her body to his, refusing to let her go. She was his in this moment, completely and totally his, and in turn he was hers, enveloped fully by her. Dark onyx eyes sought out her stunning silver, meeting as her gaze drifted up from where their bodies were still conjoined as she basked in the post-coital bliss. Relm was so beautiful to the pleasure-drunk brute while he continued to handle her as if she belonged to him, a wide and satisfied grin mirroring her own on his muzzle.

As she reclined into the elk and rested on his forearm, Alastor let his blocky skull flop to the still warm corpse of the elk beneath them, using it as a pillow while he panted to catch his breath and stared happily back into her gaze as she studied his face, each exhale coming out in thick clouds of humidity on the cold air. Each breath was a heated breath Relm had stirred din him and drawn from him. Gods, he could spend all day wrapped up in her like this! In fact, he was oh so very tempted to just say fuck it to the hunt and scoop up Relm, find a nice little cozy cave in the nearby mountains, and bed her down for the rest of the day, losing himself and spilling within her over and over until they were both completely and utterly spent, only to fall asleep tangled up in one another and resume their antics all over again when they awoke. Ah, what a magnificent way to spend the day...! But as it were, reality had different plans for them. They still had responsibilities to tend to, and they still had an elk to get back home. Alastor gave a heavy sigh as the realization dawned on him at about the same time as it did on her. "We have to get this big fucking thing back to Elysium..." he groaned under his breath, his paws idly groping and massaging over any and every part of Relm he could reach.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
06-09-2022, 09:18 PM
Relm was getting used to the time after their sexual release, only with Alastor though. There had been a time where just touching her, a bump, a pat on the shoulder, it made her cringe to her core. Not here with Alastor. She was growing to like the after glow of their times together. She could feel relaxed and really open about herself with him. This time there was no restraint as the moments went by. The tension didn't even stay at bay, it wasn't even present as it may have been before. She truly felt free in these moments.

And still she could look at him as if he were made of gold. Everything about him was alluring to her. That growing doubt far in the back of her mind of what she couldn't have with Alastor seemed to be getting more present. Not right now this second as she was still in his grasp, still coupled, still feeling like she was living in those moments prior. Just feeling like it was the two of them here and forever. But it wasn't meant to be that way. Truly, she did belong to Alastor. But he did not belong to her.

She hid her emotions well as they both came down from the high of their shared pleasures, her gaze that had gently searched over his features and down around his chest as her breath was calm without her realizing the change. She looked back up at him as he spoke the same that was on her mind. A gentle smile over her maw, she stayed just where she was for a few more moments. Savoring the time, for the good or bad of it. But she would be the one to finally pull herself up off of him making that real, final release still reluctantly only shown in ways that he knew her. She stepped over him and the elk before looking back over her shoulder, "You take one side, I'll take the other?" She was a little humorous and teasing in her tone, but they didn't have a cart or anything to pull the elk back. The two of them would seem to manage just fine though, she was sure of it.
