
Let me prove myself



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-23-2022, 10:29 PM

Chade had spent the day with Ricin.  For the first time in months, the two had spent a day together on an adventure.  It had felt like forever since the two had spent quality time with each other as they both kept busy helping the pack in their own ways.  It had been refreshing, roaming with his brother, exploring the world together now that they weren’t small and helpless.  Two wolves, strong in their own right and able to handle the world.  It had felt good.

Chade had been thinking about how the world had changed and how he had changed.  Once he’d hoped to just be good enough to be allowed in a pack and now he was a capable member who earned his keep and did it well.  Now it was evening and Chade made his way towards Manea’s den and paused just short of going in, “Hi Manea? Do you have time? I wanted to ask you for something.”  She could be busy or maybe even already asleep if she had a long day or be otherwise busy.

The dark blue boy waited as he wondered if he could really get the roll of Rapax.  He was oddly nervous about asking.  This felt like when he had just started getting real lessons in hunting and he'd been worried of messing up.  If he didn't deserve the role that was fine.  Chade had never imagined in his past that a future could include him asking to take on a leaderly role in a pack and if he wasn't fit for it then no dreams were smashed.  Chade thought the world of Manea and Alastor.  So it wasn't the job, it was what if they didn't think he was good enough and found flaws in him?  Logic told him that was stupid and they would have spoken with him on any problems.  There were few wolves who had an opinion Chade worried about, two of the three lived in the den he was near.  

Chade could never pay Manea back for letting Ry and him stay in the pack but he'd do his best to give as much of himself as he could to make up a percentage of it.  She hadn't just given them a chance to live, she'd given them home.  Amazing how many thoughts and emotions could fly through ones mind in a short period of time.  

[Image: 8dxR4AS.png?1] [Image: hnKjKwF.png?2]



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-24-2022, 09:42 PM

Manea was resting in the lounge area in the central part of the cave system she and her family had claimed as their own. As the days drew closer and closer to when she expected these little pups to finally make their appearance she had finally begun to listen to Alastor's and Irilyth's insistence that she slow down and take it easy. Now that she had recruited Aslatiel and her family into the pack, even if it was temporarily, she could at least rest easier knowing that there were more fighters at the ready if needed. That took a bit of weight off of her mind. It still didn't solve the issue of her own flesh and blood being seemingly uninterested in honing their own skills, but she could deal with that once she was through this pregnancy. For now she just wanted to enjoy these last few days of carrying these little ones so she could prepare herself for the hard decisions that would inevitably have to come. She didn't believe that her and Alastor would be lucky enough to have twins twice and Irilyth confirmed there was at least two, maybe three pups waiting to be born so she was bracing herself and Alastor for the heart break that was to come.

While she was mulling this over and trying to relax, she heard Chade's voice from outside the cave and she lifted her head, looking out toward the dusky evening curiously. "Of course, Chade. Come in," she called back to him, unwilling to get up just yet after finally finding a comfortable position to lay in. With her stomach as round as it was and with her pups always active and kicking it was becoming increasingly difficult to find a way to be comfortable so when she did manage she didn't give it up easily. Once he joined her in the cave she gave him a welcoming smile. Chade and Ricin had grown into such talented and strong young adults—a far cry from the hungry, struggling pups she had found so long ago. She was so proud of them, much like she was her own children. "What is it?" she asked curiously. She wondered if perhaps Ricin's recent promotion would spark an idea in Chade as well, but she hadn't expected it so soon so she waited for Chade to speak his mind before she began jumping to assumptions.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-24-2022, 10:48 PM

Chade entered on hearing Manea’s voice, bushy tail waving momentarily in greeting.  There was no way to not see how pregnant she was now and Chade looked at that with momentary distraction.  He was jealous of those pups in her, however many there were.  She loved her kids, she even cared for him and Ry.  Too bad Ry and him hadn’t had a mom like her.  Oh well, this was enough.  Chade was content and most of the time happy here and those were things he never expected to find.  

Different ways how to ask came and went from his mind while he’d been thinking on it but once in front of Manea the answer of what to do was simple.  Chade always decided what a plan of action was and did it.  He didn’t take indirect routes or wait until later.  The boy remained standing figuring it was more appropriate for the request.  

“I want to take on the role of Rapax.  I know I'm capable of it and, I want a chance to prove myself to you as well.” All of his worrying earlier but as he spoke the words the truth was right there. Funny, he had told Ry he was worried if he was good enough but now he was ready to defend it without a doubt. Chade would face any challenge head-on and he’d face hearing how Manea felt about his abilities.  Her smile was welcoming and warm.  Those children in her had nothing to fear, they had a wonderful mom waiting to welcome them.  “Aside from you and Alastor, I believe I’m the best hunter here.”  The two alpha were on a pedestal in his mind, his heroes, so it was obvious they would be better.  


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Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-01-2022, 04:18 PM

Chade got right to the point and confirmed her suspicions that he was interested in a promotion to the lead of their hunters, just as Ricin had gone for the lead of their navigators. She was proud of the brothers and the initiative they had shown in their training and development and their willingness to go after what they wanted. It was all admirable qualities in the hard working Genetrix's eyes and she knew it was qualities that would take both of them far. She chuckled softly as he pointed out that aside from her and Alastor he was the most skilled hunter in the pack. "I don't disagree with you," she replied with a smirk. She had seen his hunting skills in person and knew how much he contributed to the pack's supplies. There was no reason for her to deny his claim to the position.

"Very well. I'm sure you'll be up to the challenge I have for you." She shifted just a bit, sitting up slightly to speak to him more easily. "As Rapax, you'll not only be in charge of our food supply and making sure that the other hunters in the pack are doing their fair share, but also locating herds to hunt from and tracking their movements. Winter will be here before we know it and we'll need to make sure we're ready. We'll need food on hand that is prepared and will keep for long periods of time as the winter drives most of the prey south." She let that sink in for a moment before she went on, saying, "I would like for you to bring in a fresh kill and then demonstrate some ways to preserve the meat and other ways we can make use of all parts of the animal. Show a bit of creativity and the position is yours." She grinned, her tail wagging gently against the bedding she was laying on. "I can't wait to see what you come up with."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
05-13-2022, 12:10 AM

Chade was hyper-focused on Manea for her answer and every portion of her challenge soaked in.  Finding herds was no problem, the young wolf knew a lot of the territory near the pack’s land already.  Sure, there could be secret caves somewhere or points in land he’d miss finding of interest but if it came to finding prey he knew many areas they liked to congregate.  Preserving the meat was a thing he’d come up with ideas on over time but hadn’t needed to overly test them out with the state of things thus far.  Last winter his life had been vastly different and his knowledge more limited.
The challenge was a welcome one.  Chade had learned a lot as a pup through necessity and he understood how important such a thing as preserving the food could be.  How to use other parts of the animal.  A flicker of a grin came as Chade remembered trying to skin a pelt when he was small and braiding traps for food.  How long had it been since he’d aimed for creativity?  His mind was already starting to come up with ideas that would be interesting to test.  The blue wolf would find some good-sized prey to make sure he had plenty to work with and to make sure the kill he brought back was impressive.

The young wolf gave a sharp nod.  He’d kill tonight, and then another night.  One would be for experimentation and basic food.  The next would be to show off what he figured out.  With the start of a plan Chade beamed a grin at Manea, “No problem!  I can do that.” Sure, he’d have to work at some parts of it more than others but nothing easy was ever as fun as challenging oneself and growing in skill.

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