
Pirate brats

ModestyxGilgamesh babies


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
04-30-2022, 10:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2022, 03:54 AM by Modesty. Edited 2 times in total.)

The basics

Raised on the belief that failure to produce cubs would leave her at risk of losing her divinity, Modesty has decided to get the icky bit over and done with so she can get on with living her life. She is a selfish, prideful and jealous mother and will probably struggle to find any maternal instincts to raise up her children (that isn’t to say she won’t have moments of trying her best). She will expect a lot from them, and will be open to sending them to visit with grandma for proper lessons, because honestly, she can’t really be assed. She gave birth to them, that should be enough to keep her in the good books right?

Their saving grace will probably be their dad, the sin of Pride, along with the rickety support network of the pirates they have made their home with (+ secret grandpa! Will it ever come out?) Morals will be loose and while the kids will be offered some level of sheltering while they are young, chaos can be expected to be the order of the day.



I (Nacho) work full time and have kids. I understand life happens and I don’t want to be policing activity for these kids. That being said, I am not above killing inactive characters off for the drama. Once they reach 50 posts or hit their first birthday (whichever comes first), they are yours forever more, but I reserve the right to use them as plot fodder if you abandon them for 1 OOC month before that point (unless we’ve discussed it, my/our DMs are always open).


Modesty would probably lean towards constellation/weather/navigation themed names (and Gil would go along with it because he is whipped) :p


Modesty has quills, muntjac antlers, extra-long fur and caracal ears. Gilgamesh has crystal spines, water deer fangs and goat pupils. Gil is Extra-Large and Modesty is Dire, though regular size children are more than welcome! This will also be a Cursed Litter, consequences yet to be determined.

As I’ve said, if you would like to drop one of these kids, murder or kidnapping can be discussed for the plot fodder. Incest related plots will be discouraged and there will be IC consequences if they happen (Grandma will probably throw you in the volcano).


We want to give people plenty of time to get their ducks in a row so applications will close on Sunday 15th May. Players will be chosen the following week, whenever we can make up our minds! (and we know how many they are having). Additionally, I know it can be nerve wracking posting an app publicly, so if you would prefer, you are always welcome to DM your applications through to myself and bunni.

Designs: (or BYO)

Designs by Salt

Designs by Virgle

Probably more designs to be added later

<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Adult Height</b>: (50% discount on height up to 42”)
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b> Mutations</b>: (Optional)
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b> Alignment</b>:
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
05-01-2022, 09:36 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Lolaf
Character's Name: Flurry
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 40"
Height: Extra Large
Build: Light
Appearance Description:
[Image: EDyeuwH.png]
Flurry is maybe not as brilliant as some might expect of a child of Modesty, no fantastical colors mark her pelt nor will she grow to be as tall as either of her parents. Still, she will be beautiful in her own way, no giantess by the stretch of most wolves' imagination she will still stand an impressive 40 inches as an adult. She will be slim and lithe, feminine in a lot of ways with soft curves and gentle slopes to her body instead of a battle-hardened look.

Her plush coat, well maintained at all times is more natural than her mother's falling more in line with Gilgamesh's coloration. The base of her coloration is a pristine white though it doesn't dominate her look, instead, she is speckled with fine dots of grey, like the snow that gives her her name. That same grey color also appears in bigger splotches across her body, mostly making up the top of her face and head, shoulder, hips, and tail. A second coloration, a light brown almost caramel in color also splotches across her body. It marks her cheeks, brows, neck and chest, and front of most of her limbs.

Set into her skull is a mistmatched set of eyes, the right is a deep brown, darker even than her markings and her left is a briliant sky blue. Portruding from her upper lips are a set of fangs reminicent of a waterdeer's.

Mutations: Waterdeer fangs

Personality: Flurry is a born pirate. As a pup that will mean she has a knack for adventure, treasure and getting lost often. Flurry is not an unkind wolf but she cares more about her own amusement than what a random stranger feels, which may mean she often ruffles some feathers as she tests her boundaries. That said she's also loyal, nearly to a fault. This will at first mostly extends to her family but will eventually grow to encompass her "crew" and any crew she becomes a part of.

As she grows her pirate tendencies will grow to encompass some more adult proclivities. Drink, Parties and scraps. Despite her outward appearance Flurry will not be afraid to try and hold her own, in fact, she will revel in others underestimating her, all the better to get an upper hand. She may even occasionally play up the poor little woman who doesn't know the broad end of a blade from the pointy one. To that end, she may appear vain as she makes sure she is always put together, oftentimes even will go out of her way to weave things into her fur or dab herself with scents to heighten her feminine appearance.

Also what's a good pirate without women... And men... And neither. Flurry may be a fighter, but she's also a lover.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Skills: Navigation and Fighting

Intended plots: Get into mischief mostly.
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-02-2022, 09:08 AM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2022, 11:07 AM by Usagi. Edited 1 time in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Talia
Character's Name: Rex
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 40”
Height: Extra Large
Build: Medium
Appearance Description: Large and in charge - Rex thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread and it shows in his looks. He’ll be large, not quite dire but certainly wouldn’t go unnoticed in a crowd, with bulking, thick muscle to match. A near-spitting image of his dad, the boy will inherit the mottled calico patches of tawny, charcoal and smokey grey, smeared in disorganized chaos on his thick pelt. The similarity is jaw-dropping, staggering - from the same hues of colors to the distinct white stripe doing down his snout. A differentiating factor from being Gil’s junior clone will be his obsidian head and neck, as if the void of night itself cloaked only the top part of his body. Wavy, tufted messy locks of fur will poke put here and there, signifying the boy’s disregard for outward appearances and grooming - he’s arrogant for sure, but not obsessive about good hygiene. A surefire way of seeing his direct lineage from Gil are the line of crystal spikes going down his back, reaching from the base of his neck and upper shoulders to the base of his nubbed tail. They will be of a royal purple hue - one of a few traits that link him to his mother’s galaxy, cool colored appearance, and are sharp, arranged in pairs that jut outwards, which will not doubt make him a formidable opponent in battles and spars. His mother’s traits do appear in ways that are seen clearly at a closer proximity, such as his stunning violet eyes. They’re intelligent, mesmerizing, and a source of underlying chaos within.
Mutations: Crystal Spikes
Personality: From a litter of two pirates, you really can’t expect Rex to be a shining example of all that is right in the world. Purity and innocence last maybe two blissful months before his wild side really comes to life. Rex is boistorous, arrogant, and cares little for others except himself. He’ll follow Gil religiously, taking note of his actions and behaviors and making them his own. Like his dad, he’s not ashamed of being a bully and will seek out those weaker than him to pick fights with, only to squash them into the dirt with his strength. Later on in life he’ll truly adopt the ways of a pirate, with all the joys of looting, raiding, and imbibing in drink (sometimes a little too much). He thinks life is short, and why not enjoy it to its full capacity, without worrying about repurcussions or what others think? The world is Rex’s oyster, and he’s stealing its pearl for the hell of it. Though, there may be times were he can be serious - if his siblings are the objects of harm or torment from others, for example, he will not hesistate to defend them. He’s firecly loyal to his pack and his family, and as carefree as he may be, if anyone hurts him he won’t forgive. He holds onto grudges with those he’s close to and he’ll be sure to let you know. Or not. One of his future coping skills - from whatever stressful events he may encounter - will be to self-isolate with a jug of booze, looking out to the ocean with tears threatening to spill from his eyes. But will he open up to you? Nope. Secrets are secrets, and he has his own as much as anybody else does. If anything, he’ll laugh them off with a snarky grin and a punch to the gut.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Skills: Fighting & Nav
Intended plots: Definitely up to no good, lots of mischief and mayhem to behold.
wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
05-12-2022, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2022, 03:53 PM by wicked. Edited 4 times in total.)
technically done but i'ma keep messing with it lmaoooo
[Image: NevSPJL.png]

Out-of-Character Name: wicked
Character's Name: Jet (like the jet stream!)
Gender: female
Adult Height: m...medium I think
Height: 31"
Build: also probably medium
Mutations: okay so hear me out, and this is a maybe bc I gotta see what I can do-- her saliva has hallucinogenic qualities, like magic mushrooms.  
Alignment: lawful neutral -> lawful evil; will be quite a swing.  She's going to learn the rules and then learn how to break them
Skills: healing & fighting
Appearance Description

Though an understated version, Jet is her mother's daughter. Her base color is the soft darkness of fading twilight, with the last bits of a pink sunset fading on the horizon. Somewhere not too far off, the first stars are beginning to show themselves for the evening. They live on her shoulders, her flanks, understated as they begin to flicker to life. Jet wears a mask, much like Modesty does, though hers is the same pink as her other markings. No true white reaches her pelt, though there's the suggestion of it, shining through in soft greys. Her eyes are similar to the rest of her markings, a shade or so darker, rosy and often brooding-- that's the price you pay for being lost in thought.

Modesty's daughter. Though she's smaller, shorter, Jet has similar proportions. A dancer's grace, unfathomably elegant. Once this girl grows into herself, she'll be catlike and light on her feet. Her coat is soft, and (if she was to let anyone touch her), soft to the touch. Not that anyone will actually be allowed to set a hand on her, but in theory, yes very soft.


She's calculating, first and foremost. Jet asks a lot of questions-- too many, in fact, for her own good. Questions that could get her in trouble, likely, but she needs to know. The act of knowing, and of seeking knowledge... learning. Learning the things that will benefit her in the long run. That last part, though, is the quiet part. If she asks the right questions, gets the right information, then she can push the right buttons. Calculating, manipulative. It's an artform, darling.

As soon as she learns that she can use her charms for good or evil, she's going to choose evil. While on the surface she seems like a demure girl, a girl that knows how to say the right things and please the right people, there's something much darker at her core. Real friends stab you in the front, and Jet isn't really your friend. She's a bit of a bitch, but only when no one is looking. Underhanded and a bit sneaky... yeah, maybe more than a bit. On the surface she doesn't seem to be much more than a pretty face, and she wants everyone to continue believing that.

At her core, Jet doesn't really know who she is. Maybe she never will. She's a chameleon, blending in and serving only herself in the long run.

Intended plots: Pirate!  Things!  She's going to be caught in this weird like, surface virtue/closet sin vibe, so I'm really excited to see how that plays out and develops