
Lets make amends


05-14-2014, 08:23 PM

You're gonna regret this! Kill them all! Voices pounded away at her skull as the woman trekked across the land to her once home. She had not planned on returning to the volcano, but after the meeting Vi had told her were her brother was living. Along with his family. When she last talked to Rune, he had found a mate, but kids was something new. That was the only reason she came back here. To gather up her brother and his family and get him to return to Covari with her. He killed her! They don't care! Her expression hardened, trying to tune out the screaming inside her head. They didn't want to be here anymore than she did.

Paws expertly navigating the terrain, nose pressed to the ground, following her brothers scent. His was the strongest, suggesting he had been in the area for awhile now. Verdant eyes swept the landscape, searching for her brothers familiar pale form. Jaws parted to release a bark, perhaps he was in earshot and would come find her. Her pace slowed to a lazy walk, her crown level with her spine, tail hanging at her feet. The land hadn't changed one bit. Don't do it! Her thoughts drifted to her mother, she was buried here, though the woman refused to visit the grave, it help to many painful memories. This entire place held too many memories. Hopefully she could convince Rune easily and they would leave this place as soon as possible.

Talk like this

Rune I


5 Years
05-15-2014, 12:41 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He was out and about again, making another run around the small perimeter he had set up for the kids. The little...pests. Testing his boundaries again, going beyond and getting themselves into trouble. How in the hell was he supposed to protect them if they refused to honor the boundaries he tried to set for their safety? It was not like he did it as some game, and the winner would get some treat. No, the world was cold, harsh, uncaring in the worst possible sense. He had lived through enough to know, had already lost his mother because of the indifference of fate and chance and nature and whoever else it was that wrote their futures, but to lose one of his children? Rune refused to accept any part of it.

His stride was long, his burly frame a little ruffled around the edges due to his frustration. He felt helpless, and a little regretful. He might not have fit in very well but Valhalla had been relatively safe, weather on the island aside. Maybe he should have kept Alamea and the kids there with them, made the move to the mainland and settled on the Plains that they had returned to. Would they have been better off? Safer? Happier?

The bark sliced cleanly through his thoughts and for a few seconds befuddled his mind to the point of dumbfoundedness. That voice. He knew it, recognized it even given its new maturity. He would have known it anywhere. And the sound of it, at least as soon as he accepted that it was true, brought an easy grin to his face. Tail wagging, the pale grey Rune set off at a lope through the familiar landscape, catching a scent and then quickly altering course to follow it. He did not bother with being quiet or covert - what was the point with family? "Maia!" His happy greeting was ushered out in the form of a bark, his bounding strides bringing him close to his sister as he stepped in beside her to nuzzle her affectionately. God, it felt good to see her again. Had she always felt this small beside him? "What are you doing here?" he asked through his smile, drawing back to peer at her in a mixture of disbelief and joy. He came very close to blurting out every detail he had about his family but only just stopped himself, hoping to give Maia a moment to settle before he bombarded her with all that she had missed and needed to be caught up on.


05-15-2014, 11:20 AM

The sound of her name in her brothers voice was enough to bring a smile to her face. She could his thundering gate as he races towards her. Ringed tail wagged as verdant eyes swept over his familiar bodice. He didn't look any different, a little ruffled perhaps but still the same brother she knew a loved. She nuzzles him back, inhaling his scent, enjoying his happiness. No! Kill! He hates you! The voices grew to deafening levels. He wanted to know why she was back, just as she had expected. She would return his grin easily, real happiness warming her heart. "I just got back, but I found Aunt Vi, she has a pack now. Will you join with me?"

There was no point in beating around the bush. She wanted her brother to join Covari, she wanted them to be together as a family. Pleasantries and introductions would come late. She would break his gaze to look around, nostrils quivering to scent the air. She doubted her brother would be far from his family.

It would then occur to her that she had some bad news to share as well. Vi had told her about Vixe and she had been devastated her. Her family was slowly being killed off. She didn't expect Rune to react well to the news. Idly she wondered of their father knew, or if the man was even alive. He had vanished from their lives shortly after their mothers death. Her expression went blank as too many emotions flooded her, making the voices scream louder.

Talk like this



6 Years
05-15-2014, 12:44 PM

Alamea was keeping an eye on the children as Rune went out to try and reinforce the borders they had set up? not that it seemed to be doing them any good. It was stressful for her as a mother to know that despite their best efforts to keep their children safe they continued to push the boundaries and get themselves into trouble. She was proud of them however, and watching them grow was one of the most rewarding experiences of her life? but they could still get on her nerves.
A bark echoed faintly over the volcano, and Alamea poked her head out of the den in time to see Rune heading off to answer it. The girl retreated back into the den, rose orbs wandering over her pups. It wasn?t often that they anyone of them were called upon and she was curious. Finally she sighed. ?Alright, Eiriki, Warja and Keiki? Come with me, and stick close.? She would emphasise that last part before spinning around and trotting off after her mate.
It didn?t take long to find him. Pink orbs roved over the strange female before coming to rest upon Rune, a smile tugging at her lips. ?Who is this?? She asked softly, brushing up against her mate.

Rune I


5 Years
05-16-2014, 01:35 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She appeared to be well, healthy, and though it still puzzled him where she had been and what had taken her so long to visit him and his family - well, they had moved after all - Rune was happy to see her smiling. Their last visit had been less cheerful, more mournful, and he hoped their reunions never needed to be that way again. Maia was alive, and thriving from the look of it. If he could have a say in things, he wished only that she might stick around long enough for his children to know their aunt. Especially since them meeting their uncle seemed so unlikely with no word from him in years.

Her story was short, no needlessly lengthy explanations given, but rather a direct and unexpected offer. His smile faltered, threatened to fall away entirely, when Maia mentioned the pack his own aunt had formed - why was he only hearing of this now? - but what caught him off guard completely was the request that he join with her. The hard, instinctual loyalty he had for his family urged him to say yes, no matter the consequences. After all, in doing so he would be brought together not only with his eccentric Aunt Vi but he would get the company of his sister again, after so long of being away from her. But he was not free or unencumbered. He had a mate, he had kids, and he was just as responsible for them as he was for himself.

And then - he had not even needed to speak her name - the very same woman who had stolen his heart, who had granted him with three reckless kids that presently trailed along with her, was there. He glanced her way and then again, his smile returning, softening, at the sight of her with their young - or not so young; the pups had sure grown! - family in tow. His head lifted with pride as she strolled over to stand just at his side, tail wagging slowly as his frosty blue gaze alighted on each of them in turn. He bent his head down and nuzzled Alamea's cheek with a soft lick, unabashed about his affection even before his sister.

Oh right.

"Maia, this is Alamea, my mate," he began, turning his prideful grin from one small female to the other. "And these are Keiki," - he gestured with his muzzle to his miniature - "Warja," - he motioned toward his tiny warrior - "and Eirik." Surely, with his pink eyes only a shade darker than his mother's Maia would know who he had taken after there. "This is Maia," he said at last, addressing the kids in a tone that was both gentler and quietly excited, "Your aunt. And my sister."



4 Years
05-18-2014, 02:53 PM

Dutifully, Warja followed on the heels of her mother. Their pace was brisk and the youngling felt a pinch of uneasiness settle in her chest. Who could possibly be calling them? She knew very few wolves who weren't in her immediate family and fewer still (none, actually) who knew her and her family.

They arrived to find Rune speaking to an unknown wolf. Warja's eyes drifted over the stranger's form, her own body adopting a reserved manner. She wasn't that fond of meeting strangers. Her eyes then shifted to her father, studying the little cues that spelled out the situation as he saw it. He seemed excited, but at ease. In seconds he confirmed Warja's guess that the wolfess was known to him by introducing them all. Again Warja's eyes turned to the stranger, this time their gaze sticking a label to her features: aunt.

With this new information Warja studied Maia with interest, noticing for the first time that she too had green eyes. Were there other ways they were alike? Other ways that marked her father and this wolf as siblings? Did they talk the same way? Laugh the same way? Did she share any other similarities with Warja? It was odd to think of Maia as an aunt; it had never crossed Warja's mind that her parents might have other family. To her it had always been just them. "Hello." She dipped her head in greeting, still staring at Maia curiously. Meeting this aunt opened up a whole new realm of possibilities. If there was one, there could be more. Did Warja have other relatives she didn't know of? If so, where were they and why didn't she know anything about them?



05-20-2014, 12:45 PM

They've all come to kill you! Another wolf would appear, a white fae that clung to her brothers side. Muscles would tighten for the briefest of moments, but her brother welcomed the woman warmly, soothing her concerns. She would be introduced to his family, offering a tentative but warm smile to each of them. Eyes drifted over his children, each of them beautiful. In the little girl who greeted her, she could easily see her mother. The rich ebony coat, mingled only with that of the girls parents lighter. They each looked os much like their parents, but only the subtle markings could really announce their genetics. "Hello."

Her gaze would return to her brother, he had not given her an answer. Surely he knew that his family would be better protected within a pack. She looked at him expectantly, her crown tipped to the side, a brow lifting slightly. "I was just telling Rune about our Aunts pack that she had formed, and I was extending the offer to join." Her gaze would shift to the pale woman at his side, wondering what her take would be on the matter. She had seen her brothers smile falter, and part of her would resent the woman if she was the reason her brother stayed behind. Verdant gaze would sweep across the children once more, certain that they would each have an opinion.

"I also have some other news that I would like to speak to you about later." Her tone changed only subtly. Her brother needed to know as soon as possible about Vixe. The dark woman had put up walls to keep out the emotions of her brothers death. Its your fault! Voices screeched as she envisioned her brothers face. She missed him dearly.

Talk like this



6 Years
05-20-2014, 07:56 PM

Alamea felt a slight swelling of pride as Rune introduced her to his sister, and she in turn inclined her head in greeting to the woman. Her attention turned briefly towards her children who had apparently actually listened to her, for once, beaming at them. ?Nice to meet you.? She would finally voice once all introductions were done with. The ivory girl was about to ask what was happening when Maia spoke again. Her expression dropping some, a slight frown creasing her brow. A pack? It certainly wasn?t as though the idea of a pack was unattractive to the girl, they offered much more protection than either she or Rune could offer?
And yet at the same time she had always assumed that if they went to a pack it would be back to Valhalla? and yet, this pack was run by Rune?s family and didn?t he deserve to be with family? Didn?t the pups? The girl would turn rose orbs upon her mate, almost as if waiting for him to say something.

Eirik I


3 Years
05-20-2014, 08:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He had heard the call along with the rest of his family, but despite the burning curiosity he had at knowing who it was who trespassed on their home - unclaimed or not, the mountain was theirs as far as he was concerned - he knew better than to cross his mother and wander off to investigate. She had been in the den with them, and he had merely sat by staring curiously outside, ears perked and rosy eyes watchful. At least until she gave them the go ahead that they were leaving.

It took a lot for him to allow her the lead, wishing to rush ahead and find out who it was that had wandered near them, calling out to his father. His tail twitched and wagged, standing tall and hoping he struck at least a slightly intimidating figure. He may not have been taller than his father just yet, but he thought he was close if not even. And he was not even finished growing yet!

His expression was focused by the time they came upon the small, darkly colored woman and his father, but he was surprised to find them both in happy conversation. The faint aggression he had walked over with disappearing the moment he saw her, and quietly he stuck close to his family, those that he was familiar with. She was introduced as his aunt, to which he nodded his recognition when his father said his name, and he listened as she went on to mention a pack. A pack with more of his father's family in it? Did that mean they were going to go there?

Uncertain, the boy turned his puzzled pink stare on his parents and then back to his aunt, unable to stop himself from asking, "What's it like?"

image by Luisiana



4 Years
05-21-2014, 12:13 PM

Keiki had gotten into trouble, she had crossed the lines set down by her parents and had paid for it. True she was back and safe now but it had been a lesson for the girl. So as her father was off trying once again to reinforce the borders Keiki would sit sullenly in the den, aware of her mother?s watchful eyes. The girl of course did not hear the call that went out for her father, but she did notice the change it seemed to have brought. Icy blue gaze shifting about curiously as both her mother and siblings reacted to the thing she could not hear.
Finally she looked up, her mother speaking and the girl?s tail began to wag slightly. They were going out! Still Keiki would follow her mother?s order and despite wanting to bound forwards past the white woman she would stay close at her heels. Finally the little troop would reach Rune and a woman the girl did not recognize. Stepping out from behind her mother she peered curiously at the unknown woman.
He father seemed to be speaking so she turned her gaze to him in time to catch him introducing the dark female. Their aunt? Keiki?s tail began to wag again at the idea. Then Maia was speaking and she flashed icy blues towards her. "A pack?" She asked, voice just a bit too loud and words seeming just a bit too awkward, as per usual. "Are we gonna join?" The idea made her even more excited as she flashed her gaze from one parent to the next.

[Image: VAzkBpg.png]

Rune I


5 Years
05-22-2014, 08:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He was practically beaming with all the pride he felt for his small family, his tail wagging with more subdued excitement than he truly felt. This was a step in the right direction, he knew. His family had not been close for quite a few years, had been scattered to the four corners as soon as... Well, it had been too long. He was glad to see Maia again, eager to find both his father and his brother, and at the very least visit this pack that his aunt had formed.

Already the kids were asking questions - or at least Eirik and Keiki were; Warja seemed almost starstruck - and a glance at his mate told him that there was a pretty big discussion lurking somewhere behind those pretty pink eyes. He could read her hesitation, felt it himself, and also the positives revolving around the choice. Surely she had thought of it too. But how could he make her choose, how could he choose for her, when it had been sprung up on them so quickly?

His expression smoothed seriously, soberly, as he brought his pale gaze back to his sister and contemplated what their next course of action should be. "You have to understand, I have a family to think about now," he explained, almost as a warning to the fact he could not readily agree and jump to his feet to follow her so willingly. And it did disappoint him a little to disappoint her in that way too. He turned to set his questioning, hopeful look upon Alamea. "But maybe we could at least look at it? We don't have to decide anything yet, we can just go visit." He was eager to see how his aunt fared, eager to see the pack for himself. And maybe, if they both got to see it first hand, they could come to a decision. Together.


05-30-2014, 02:43 PM

The pale woman would hesitant, not answering, but instead looking to Rune. Not exactly a good sign. Her gaze would lower as her nieces and nephew began to ramble of question. Her gaze would rest on Eirik, and small smile playing on her lips. "Well, its located in a place that is a huge field of tall grass and strange building. Weird looking animals live there, though they are peaceful and good to eat. The building are old, but provide excellent places to sleep and explore." She hoped the information would satisfy the boys curiosity. One of her nieces would ask if they were going to join, but it wasn't her place to answer that. When he brother spoke, she was disappointed. Her facial expression went blank, verdant gaze watching her brother closely. He would break her gaze to look at the woman beside him, soothing the apparent worries that she had. Her gaze would shift to the woman briefly before nodding. Kill her. She's a good for nothing whore! The voices yowled in outrage, not only had she been denied, but they had been denied as well, and they did not like to be denied. "I'm sure Vi would like to see you and would have no problem with a visit." She would step away, as though she was preparing to leave. But she still needed to tell her brother about Vixe. But how? His entire family gathered around them, it wasn't something she wanted to share publicly.




4 Years
06-03-2014, 07:39 PM

Settling back on her haunches, Warja let her eyes drift to the faces of her family members--lingering on her father's in particular. Maia's brief summary of her conversation with Rune and the hinting at a private conversation for his ears only (which struck the youngling as ominous) made her a bit uneasy, but she decided to hold off on judgement until the others had voiced their opinions. A few scattered questions were asked and Maia explained this Great Aunt's packland a bit. She painted an intriguing picture. Warja nodded at her father's suggestion before pitching in, "I'd like to see it before I make up my mind." Get a feel for its residents too. Just because they shared ancestry didn't mean her values would automatically align with the alpha's. And it would be nice to get some proper training too. Maybe there would be someone there willing to teach her about plants.

A cold began to seep into her fur, the steady creep drawing the young wolf's attention way from the conversation slowly. She readjusted her position, trying to find a comfortable way to sit, and once one was found, her mind turned back to the discussion. Warja decided to come at the topic from a new angle: loyalty. She considered herself to be a loyal wolf, at least to family, anyway, but could she live with a hierarchy towering above her? Maybe loyalty wasn't the issue, she would give it to those that deserved it, but what about freedom? She didn't like being bossed around by someone else. Her parents were one thing, but a stranger?

One ear flicked back as she mulled over this possible pack's many facets. There were countless benefits to being part of a pack, but did they outweigh the cons? A question begged to be asked so she set it free, "What can you tell me about the pack itself?"

talk, think