
Uh... Little Help?



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
05-01-2022, 11:03 PM

Blue paws carry Ricin through the garden of rocks that borders the island he calls home. Since receiving his promotion, the boy has thrown himself into learning the lay of the lands that surround the island. He will not stop until his paws know every hidden spot, every dip and rise in the ground, and every long stretch of flat land. A huge boulder lays partially buried in the ground while the other end leans into its neighbor forming a sort of ‘v’shape. Nimbly, Ricin leaps onto the buried end and jogs up to jump on top of the tallest point. Pausing, Ricin enjoys the view as his ruby gaze looks over the land. Small dots of black appear on the horizon and his eyebrows lift in surprise. From the ground, he wouldn’t have been able to see them but up here... He leaps to another rock in the direction of the dots and lifts his nose to test the air.

Hmm. A herd of prey. Might be a good idea to try and catch some for the winter stores. Looking back toward the island, he worries that, if he goes back to the island to get Chade, the prey might move on. While he isn’t hunter by trade, he and Ny had to hunt for themselves before they came here, so he does have some knowledge of how to actually hunt. Decision made, he descends his perch and Ricin moves to keep track the prey, hoping that someone who knows what they are doing will come and help.

"Ricin Dauner"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
05-03-2022, 11:45 AM

Since moving into Elysium Arc actually hadn't spent all that much time on the island that the rest of the pack seemed to centralize on. He went there at night to sleep in the cave that he was sharing with his mother, sister, and uncle, but during the day he liked being out here in the rock garden. It was a lot easier to go meet up with Vanille if she came calling for him if he was already on this side of the land bridge and there seemed to be a good amount of prey for him to hunt out here that wasn't as hard to catch as the mountain goats and other various mountain dwelling creatures that occupied the island. It kept him busy which was always a preference and made him feel like he was contributing some how to this pack that he was drafted into. He still didn't really know how he felt about the pack itself, but he didn't have any issues with it either.

As he was making his way across the rock garden he spotted a blue-hued boy that seemed to be about his age or so, maybe a tad younger, but he looked like he was exploring or tracking or something of that sort which caught his attention. He was pretty observant of the wolves around the pack even if he hadn't had a reason to speak to them yet so he had seen the lighter blue young man and his darker blue brother a couple of times already so it was at least a slightly familiar face—at least enough so that he knew that the other boy was also in Elysium. Just in case he was tracking something they wouldn't want to scare off, Arcturus was quiet as he approached his pack mate, coming in from an angle where the other boy could see him approaching. Giving him a nod and a little grin, Arc told him, "Hey there. Need help tracking anything? I'm looking for something to hunt."

"Arcturus Indarra"


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
05-03-2022, 07:26 PM

Ricin makes his way in the direction of the prey he had seen from his perch, their dots not yet visible from here. As he moves, his eyes catch the approach of another wolf catches and he slows his trot. Stopping to allow the yellow maned wolf to join him, the blue boy offering a smile and small wag of tail in greeting. He knows that this boy and his family have joined the Elysium ranks recently but Ricin has not had a chance to officially meet him.

The new wolf grins and offers his help which has the blue boy’s tail wagging faster. Dipping his head in acknowledgment, he says, “Why, yes. Actually, I can use all the help I can get. See, I spied a herd of pronghorns further ahead but uh, I’m not the best hunter.” Shoulders shrug as he offers a sheepish grin, before adding, “My brother is the hunter but I know how to run!”

Ricin’s smile grows as he points a paw toward the horizon and says, “There over that way. Just tell me what to do and I will do it.” Looking to the yellow wolf, he adds, “My name’s Ricin and I'm ready whenever you are!” His smile is happy and words light as he readies to follow the yellow boy.

"Ricin Dauner"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
05-06-2022, 07:11 PM

Arc's ears perked with interest as the blue-hued boy explained that he had seen a herd of pronghorn up ahead. There was a weird soft spot in his heart for hunting pronghorn since that was the first real prey he had ever killed with the help of his mother so whenever he got the chance to hunt them he was always eager to do so. He chuckled a little bit when the other boy mentioned how his brother was the hunter of the two of them. He could relate with that since Tira hadn't really taken to hunting the way he had so he was usually the one to help his mother with hunts more often than not whenever she wanted the help. "That's alright! I can do the biting if you do the running." That was his job more often than not anyway with these saber teeth, especially since he had his growth spurt to his current height.

He looked off in the direction that his new pack mate pointed, considering for a moment as he told him to just tell him what to do. Once Ricin introduced himself Arc looked back to him with a grin, realizing he hadn't even introduced himself before he jumped straight into the hunting. Typical of him. "I'm Arcturus. Call me Arc," he replied with a little nod. "Alright, lets get a little closer so we can see what we're working with!" With that he continued on toward the herd, the pronghorn coming more clearly into view after a little bit of stalking. Once they got close enough, he ducked behind one of the rocks that dotted the open plain and peeked out around it to watch the pronghorn's movement. "Alright... Here's what I say we do. I'll creep around the outside of the herd over to that rock on the opposite side," he told Ricin, pointing out the rock in question. "I'll hide behind it and you scare them to get them running and guide them my way. I'll take it from there. Sound good?"

Once Ricin agreed he grinned and then started creeping around, moving quietly and hiding behind rocks as much as he could while he gave the herd a wide birth. Eventually he made it to his new hiding spot and positioned himself where there would be a good amount of the pronghorn between him and Ricin so there was a good chance at least one of them would head his direction once Ricin got them running. He peeked out and waved a paw toward Ricin, signaling he was ready for him.

"Arcturus Indarra"


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
05-07-2022, 09:35 PM

Ricin feels extremely lucky because his fellow pack member knows how to hunt! Or, the blue boy thinks that other boy knows how to because he talks about biting. The taller boy nods his head and wags his tail, giving his name and receiving Arcturus name in return. His smile grows as Arc suggests they get closer and Ricin nods while saying, “Good idea, I’ll follow you.” With that he falls into step behind the yellow-maned boy as they move closer to the pronghorns and soon the herd comes into view more clearly. Arc ducks behind a rock with Ricin following close behind. The blue boy waits and allows the hunter to do his assessments in silence, his own ruby gaze scanning the herd. Arcturus points out a rock and lays out the plan and Ricin nods in understanding as he says, “Sounds good, I’ll wait here until you are in position.”

With that the golden-maned wolf creeps away, carefully making his way to his hiding spot. The blue boy tracks his companion’s movements while he goes, eyes darting over to the herd every now and again. When Arc disappears behind the rock, Ricin readies for the chase ahead. He sees the other boy peek out and wave at him which has the blue boy smiling. With an incredible burst of speed, Ricin sprints out from behind the cover and races toward the grazing herd. Ears flick and heads swivel toward the charging wolf and he releases a mighty bark to startle the herd into action. Cries of alarm sound and the prey animals turn to flee but Ricin is already working to cut off the path of three pronghorns. It works and he changes their course to drive them right by the ambush spot. Despite his size, Ricin is very agile and he manages to keep all three in line as they near the rock and the awaiting Arc.

"Ricin Dauner"



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
05-08-2022, 10:44 AM

Arc crouched behind the rock that was providing him cover and he waited eagerly for any sounds coming from where Ricin and the herd were waiting. Soon enough he heard a commotion as Ricin leapt into action and barked to startle the pronghorn into running. He could hear their hooves hitting the ground and their startled cries and quickly the sounds grew louder as they were herded over to him. He waited just a moment longer to let them get closer before he jumped out from his hiding spot right into the path of one of the pronghorn.

It attempted to skid to a stop so it could redirect its path away from him, but it was too late. It was already within his reach so he hooked a paw into its shoulder, his claws gripping into it and yanking it down to the ground in front of him. A swift bite through its neck with his saber fangs finished that one off quickly. He let that one go quickly so he could chase down one of the others that had gotten a few feet away and tackled it, knocking it to the ground and holding it down before he gave it a similar fate as the first. The third one was a ways off by the time he got back to his paws and he probably could have caught up to it, but two pronghorn was already a pretty good haul so he let it go.

With the hunt complete he looked back to Ricin with a grin as he licked his lips clean. "Good job! That was quick and easy. You grab that one and I’ll carry this one and we’ll get these back to the pack.” He hoisted up the pronghorn in question and started heading back, glad that he had decided to make himself be social for once.

"Arcturus Indarra"