
Sweet Nothings




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-08-2022, 08:03 PM

It had been several days since Dalila had been attacked and ravaged. The perpetrator had been killed, ripped to shreds for all of his offenses. It was almost too easy of a death for the man. Chimera would have made him suffer. Cut off his legs, pull out his tongue, chop off his cock, burn out his eyes. The four of them had simply been too incensed to be that creative at the time. Hindsight though. He could imagine doing such things to the bastard that had hurt Dalila so.

Having brought back a bottle of wine from The Hallows specifically for Dalila, he sought the woman out. The mottled woman had been in the rooms that she shared with Siren and he had been smooth enough to entice her out of those rooms and out onto the big, beach gazebo where they had spent a good deal of time together. There were furs and cushions kept there constantly, stowed away in one of the waterproof benches that one of them had discovered.

Leading the small woman up and onto the gazebo, he helped her settle down before he laid down beside her. The evening was warm, but not as hot as days prior, thankfully. A breeze coming in off of the sea would keep them cool enough as they spoke. Chimera presented the bottle of rich, red wine to the woman beside him. "A gift," he informed her before leaning in to place a gentle kiss upon the back of the closest ear. "How are you, Dalila?" Not just physically. He wanted to know how she was really doing.

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
05-12-2022, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2022, 09:28 PM by Dalila. Edited 1 time in total.)

She was resting in the suite she shared with Siren, laying next to Ruse and telling the girl about her "trip" with fanciful stories that greatly obscured the truth of the matter when Chimera came to find her. She looked up at him with a smile and easily agreed to go with him as he invited her out with him, leaving Ruse to go back to her usual exploring and play, none the wiser to her mother's ailments. Dalila walked with Chimera as he brought her out to the familiar gazebo, her shoulder brushing against his leg occasionally as she walked at his side. Being with him helped to quiet her worries and helped her not feel as if she needed to be checking around every corner. Chimera had become a point of safety in her mind just like being tucked away in her suite with Siren was. Their relationship had grown to a point where she trusted him wholeheartedly and loved him more than she had ever imagined she would.

Dalila settled into the comfortable furs and pillows with Chimera with a soft sigh, letting herself relax a bit with a soft smile was he kissed behind her ear. She looked to the wine he presented her with a little bit of surprise, but still glanced up at him with a thankful smile all the same. She hadn't really partaken in much wine since the night that had eventually led to her having Ruse, but she wondered if perhaps it was just what she needed in a moment like this. "Thank you," she said as she leaned into him a bit, turning it around in her paws for a moment before pulling off the cork so she could take a drink, the sweet and slightly bitter wine coating her tongue. As she sat the bottle back down he asked how she was doing and her initial instinct was to brush it off, to assure him that she was fine and that she was recovering well, but when she looked up at his two toned gaze the words died on her lips. "I'll be okay," she responded after a moment, feeling like that was at least a bit more truthful. She would eventually move on and accept what happened the same way she had her mother's murder and the genocide of her old pack. She hadn't quite figured out how to find that solace just yet, but she would.

She held the bottle of wine between her paws as she leaned into him more heavily, tipping her head to rest it at the top of his shoulder while she just enjoyed being with him for a few moments. She still couldn't quite shake that feeling of not being able to get back to them and feeling as if she had failed them and herself by not being able to get away, by being so easily overpowered. She took another drink of wine and frowned a little as she leaned into him once more, her ears flicking back uneasily. "It... It wasn't uncommon for the slaves and the lower class to get used and abused from time to time in my old pack," she told him quietly, her ice blue gaze on the wine bottle in her paws. "I had managed to get a placement with a nice older lady before I was old enough for the men to be interested in me, but it was one of those things that all of the women just accepted. Even... Even when you..." She trailed off, not really wanting to bring up the first time he had her since it was a sore spot in their past, but in the grand scheme of things he really hadn't been that terrible to her. She hadn't wanted it, but he hadn't brutalized her and torn her apart the way that brute did. "I could rationalize that because I belonged to you and Siren. But this... And after I've spent so much time and energy training and getting stronger just to be powerless..." She gave a shaky sigh before she took another drink, letting herself focus on the slight warmth and tingle it brought instead of the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

"Dalila Vista Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-17-2022, 09:43 AM

Settling down with Dalila upon the furs, the pair of wolves molded against one another as naturally as anything. They were a pair. A duo. Chimera needed Dalila and he was fairly certain that she needed him in return. He showed the woman his love with little gestures, like the bottle of wine, the tender kisses, the privacy. He did love Dalila, which was still terribly amusing. His younger self would have fought him over such words, but here they were. His mottled queen had secured a piece of his heart with her name on it. That was why this time alone to assess her progress was so important. He needed to be sure that Dalila was okay so that he could work to fix anything in her that was broken.

As Dal set the opened bottle of wine down between her paws, Chimera took it and lifted it to his own lips, taking a hearty draw. Everyone knew that he wasn't a drinker, but perhaps it would make her feel better if he was drinking as well. A drink or two wouldn't get him drunk. It wouldn't even get him buzzed. It would just make his body a little warm and it would eventually fade. That was what he hoped would happen with Dalila's pain as well. It would eventually fade. She informed him that she would be okay and the brute smiled softly, leaning into her as she placed her head upon his shoulder. "I know you will be, my warrior queen." Chimera nosed behind the woman's ears, his tongue pulling over the back of the one closest to him.

Dalila began to speak and Chimera listened intently, both ears pricking forward to better hear the woman's softly spoken words. She told him of the slaves being used when she was younger and he knew that this wasn't the case with her. She'd been a virgin when he'd taken her against her will so long ago. Still, he could feel the pain within her as she recounted her youth and so the man shifted, lifting the foreleg that she was resting against the drape it around her, pulling the mottled fae in close and offering her the safety and protection that she needed and deserved. Especially after what he'd done to her. She claimed that she could rationalize his actions back then, but he'd simply been a spoiled, entitled little prick and she had been nothing but a slave. An object. A belonging. No more.

Powerless. She had felt powerless against the brute that had savagely attacked her. Dalila now had doubts about her own abilities because of it. "You aren't powerless," he assured her. "I saw the one that did this to you. He was a predator and he knew exactly what he was doing. He made a life out of taking advantage of others." He would have been a wolf that Chimera would have gladly thrown in his slave pens. One deserving of the bloody end that he had been given. "You weren't the only one that he took advantage of," Chi continued. "He raped wolves from the Hallows. He mutilated Artorias' brother so badly that he has to wear a metal paw." Chimera gave Dalila a squeeze and placed a kiss upon her crystalline brow. "Just as you and I possess skills in fighting, that bastard possessed skills in predation. Don't think less of yourself for it." The man's paw gently prompted Dalila to meet his gaze. "I don't think less of you for it. I still love you just as much, if not more, Dalila Klein." Seeing her hurt... it had brought that love raging hard to the surface.

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
05-18-2022, 01:44 AM

Dalila gave Chimera a slightly surprised glance when he took the bottle after her and had a drink as well. She knew as well as anyone else that he didn't usually drink, but the small show of solidarity didn't go unnoticed. Even if he didn't have much it still made her feel like she wasn't drinking alone and that she was grateful for. He managed to pull a little smile across her lips as he gave his vote of confidence in her ability to eventually be okay with the little show of affection to the back of her ear, making her lean into him more. If anyone would have told her even a year ago that they would be like this she would have called them a liar. Now she couldn't imagine not loving this surprisingly caring and attentive man. He listened to her quietly as she spoke and explained the thoughts that were racing through her mind and how she was feeling in the wake of what happened and when his foreleg moved to wrap around her shoulders she more than happily settled into his embrace, feeling as though she could hide away in the protection he offered.

She couldn't quite bring herself to meet his gaze as he insisted that she wasn't powerless and began to explain how that was so. Her stomach twisted and her heart ached for any of the others this insane male had terrorized as Chimera mentioned the other wolves that he had taken advantage of. More rape, more multination. She didn't often wish death on other wolves and she wasn't one to hold grudges or be vengeful, but in this case she could make an exception. She was glad the brute was dead so he could never cause this kind of havoc and pain on anyone else. It wasn't until his paw lifted her chin and forced her pale gaze to meet his that she looked up at him, seeing the truth in his expression as he told her how he didn't think any less of her and how much he still loved her. She might have lost the fight, but in the end she had won the war because that bastard was dead and she was still here, laying with the man she loved, still the warrior queen of Fenmyre regardless of what she might have lost.

"I love you too, Chimera," she replied with a soft, grateful smile, her tail wagging gently and brushing against his thigh. Hearing his family name attached to her own still made silly little butterflies dance through her stomach like she was some sort of excited, shy girl. When Siren had given her that name it felt like she finally belonged to something and had a family of her own at last, but now that the love between her and Chimera had deepened it felt even more special. She lifted her muzzle to gently brush the side of her muzzle against his and leave a light kiss on his lips.

"Dalila Vista Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-20-2022, 06:16 PM

Dalila nestled into him and he held her as though he would never let go, which he wouldn't. She belonged to him, she'd said so herself. The mottled woman was his until the end of their days. If Chimera was anything, he was a possessive bastard. Protective, yes. Loving, of course. Possessive... most definitely. He didn't see his queens as objects, but they belonged to him just the same. Had anything worse happened to Dalila... The brute shook his blocky skull, shaking away such negative thoughts. No. Nothing had happened and nothing would. She was here with him, with their daughter.

The woman proclaimed her love in turn and he felt her tail swish against his thigh. A sign of happiness and he was glad for it. He didn't want to press her, but his desire to taste her was great. His paw still on her cheek, Chimera tilted the woman's muzzle upwards, claiming her mouth with his own. He fed at her mouth, his tongue caressing her own in a delicate dance, absorbing the flavor of his queen. The Fenmyrian King was a lustful man, it was known, and his queens brought it out in him tenfold. After Dalila's traumatic experience, however, he wouldn't force anything upon her. Warrior queen she was, but he would treat her as a fragile thing until she told him otherwise.

One big paw stroked the length of the mottled fae's back, settling upon her hip with a gentle squeeze. He broke the deep kiss, but peppered smaller ones across her lips, muzzle and cheeks. Chimera sought to show Dal that nothing had changed despite what she believed she'd lost. Her companion was gone, yes, but she still had her strength, her power and his love.

"Chimera & Dalila"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
05-22-2022, 12:41 AM
The subtle, gentle affections she offered brought his paw to her cheek and he guided her muzzle to his, claiming it in a far deeper and passionate kiss. Her eyelids flickered closed as she sank into his kiss gratefully with her tongue dancing across hers in her mouth in a way that was comfortable and familiar. He and Siren both offered her a point to be grounded to in her time of turmoil, but where Siren had been her release for her fears and anxieties in the wake of what happened, Chimera was becoming the way for her to climb back to what she had previously been. She liked to hope that one day she might even be stronger for it, like a phoenix rising from its ashes. Her white dipped paw slipped around his foreleg as she held onto him like an anchor as they kissed, finding a very different kind of solace in that affection and a reminder that even if she felt broken and powerless right now Chimera still loved and desired her all the same.

The feeling of his paw made a little shiver follow the path of it down her back, the spark and heat of his affections settling between her legs as he squeezed her him. He broke the passionate kiss he had bestowed on her, but quickly followed it with lighter kisses all across her muzzle and cheeks, making a little grin pull at her lips as her eyes fluttered open again. There had been a small fear that after being ravaged by that brute there would be something about being in another massive man's embrace that would bring up some deeper fear or trigger some kind of response in her, but it seemed like that wasn't the case. She trusted Chimera so whole heartedly that there was no possible connection that could be made between the two in her mind, at least not from these wonderful, sweet affections.

In a way it felt almost like a challenge as the thought crossed her mind. She needed to know that nothing could keep her from sleeping with the man she loved—especially not some gods forsaken trauma forced upon her. There was also a part of her that hated the fact that up until her attack Chimera had been the only male to ever have her. Now there were parts of her that her attacker had touched, that he had claimed, that she couldn't simply wash away. The paw that was curled around his upper foreleg tightened slightly as she pulled herself tighter against him at the thought, a bit of defiance and a whole lot of desire driving her forward. "Chimera..." she said softly against his cheek as she tipped her muzzle to give him some soft kisses of her own. "I need you... I need you to take me... Please, will you...?" she breathed, her heart skipping beats in her chest. She had given herself to him willingly many times, but she hadn't outright asked for more from him since the night that she had come to him drunkenly all that time ago. It felt so out of the norm for her, but it was also thrilling and empowering in its own way.

"Chimera & Dalila"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-24-2022, 09:52 AM

The pair kissed for a time, absorbing the flavors of one another until they became a single, sweet taste. Chimera's paw continued to roam over Dalila's supple frame, enjoying his exploration of the planes of her body. To know that she was his and he could touch her like this whenever he wished, it was a heady feeling. Dalila belonged to him just as much as if she was still his slave. Perhaps more so because not only did her body belong to him, but her heart did as well. This, he knew, for his heart belonged to her in return.

The mottled woman grasped his foreleg fervently and delivered sweet kisses across his muzzle before asking for his attention. He imagined that some part of the fae still felt as though she was a victim. She had been brutalized, it was true, but Chimera had full faith that she would come out stronger in the end. Not once did he think of her as less or sullied. Yes, he would have preferred not to have another man inside of her, but it hadn't been her choice. That made all the difference to the chimeric brute.

Dalila had asked him to take her but he didn't think it was a wise decision. Not just yet. That didn't mean that they couldn't still have sex, however. To her request, Chimera simply said, "No." Inhaling deeply, the man's powerful foreleg slid under his queen and he hold onto her while he rolled. Dalila was left laying down the length of his stomach and Chimera was left laying on his back, staring up at her, his head nestled on the soft furs of their gazebo bed. Aliana had liked this position and he had seen the look of power that riding him had given her. Dalila needed that power.

"Take back the power that you believe you've lost, my queen," Chimera purred, his words true and full of love, but deep and sultry all the same. He wanted her to lose herself, to give in to reckless abandon with him. With her on top, Dalila was in full control of every aspect of their love making. A rarity as far as Chimera went, but she needed it and he would deliver. Black toed paws rested upon the woman's speckled hips and he kept his eyes locked on her face. Seeing her above him already had the man aroused and it would be rather evident. A little more play and she would be able to claim her prize.

"Chimera & Dalila"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
05-25-2022, 03:04 PM
Dalila was genuinely surprised and a bit disappointed when Chimera told her no to her request and just as she was about to assure him that she was fine, that if he was worried about her still healing that he shouldn't be concerned, but apparently that wasn't the reason he denied her at all. Before she could say anything he slid his foreleg under her and lifted her easily on top of him as he rolled onto his back, placing her on top of him and making her blink down at him in surprise as she was laid across his much larger, more muscular form. She had never been in this kind of position with him and she was taken aback for a moment, but the sultry purr of his loving words made her realize what he was doing and it made a little smile tug at her lips. She had never felt dominant or powerful and had never really had a desire to, but Chimera gave her the world and only continued to do so. She leaned her head forward to swipe a thankful kiss over his chin, a silent gratitude for understanding what this loss had truly cost her and everything he was doing to help her find her confidence again.

She shifted a bit as she found the most comfortable position over top of him with her ivory dipped paws resting on his two-toned chest, straddling his waist and feeling the evidence of his own arousal against her. A little grin crept across her lips as her paws trailed down over his chest and stomach before repeating the circuit back up his torso, admiring and feeling his muscles and strength, all carved by the endless hard work that he put in for all of them. Her hips shifted back eagerly, feeling him against the most sensitive parts of her and making her gasp softly, her claws lightly scratching against his skin as her toes flexed. She experimented with the movement and the roll of her hips for a bit, teasing them both in the process. Eventually she shifted again, finding own way to join them together in a way that was both familiar and entirely new at the same time. A groan passed her lips as her head tipped back with her panting, finding her rhythm easily and quickly forgetting about the open area they were in as she gave into the pleasure and desire of it all. The gazebo was secluded and away from everything else, but it was still more out in the open than they would have been back in one of their rooms, but she didn't care. This was everything she needed and any reservations she might have had drifted away after the first fiery rush of pleasure.

She continued the movement and roll of her hips as the coil of pleasure continued to tighten more and more, her groans and gasps coming freely with every movement around him. "Chimera..." she moaned breathlessly, her toes flexing and gripping to the fur on his chest. Her movements started to build with speed and intensity as she neared the peak of her pleasure, hanging right on the very edge with heated panting and desperate whines until finally she found that last final motion she needed to send herself over that edge, her hips pressing hard to his as she cried out in pleasure and trembled lightly under the force of it, holding tight to him as the heady rush of relief coursed through her and helped her in ways she didn't even realize she needed.

"Chimera & Dalila"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-01-2022, 12:51 PM

The wide eyed look of surprise on Dalila's face brought a low chuckle from the prone brute. The look of disappointment had lasted only long enough for him to roll her on top. Dalila understood what he was doing and he could read the gratitude in her blue eyes. The woman leaned forward, kissing his chin and Chimera rumbled appreciatively. His tail swept languidly back and forth across the floor of the gazebo as he looked up at the patchwork fae. It took her a moment to decide on a course of action, but Dalila chose it and she committed.

Dalila shifted atop him, getting comfortable in her seat. The wily woman ground herself against his arousal and Chimera purred in response. Claws raked through his fur, sliding over the muscled expanse and the brutes paws tightened on the fae's hips for a moment, showing his appreciation for her. His gaze was only for her, staying locked on the woman's delicate features as she found her rhythm, testing her motions in a delectable manner. A few tentative rolls of her hips and Dalila was ready. Chimera kept their gazes locked as she slid down upon him, making them one. The woman's lashes fluttered as a groan pulled from her and the same was true for the man beneath her. Chimera's head pushed back into the furs and a deep groan was released at the sheer, fiery heat of the fae. It didn't matter to him that they were somewhat out in the open. The gazebo was far enough from the main part of the territory that there shouldn't have been much foot traffic. And if there was, fuck it. He didn't care if anyone saw. Chimera was proud to love his queens so openly and would feel no shame if anyone caught a glimpse of something that they shouldn't.

With each roll of her hips, Dalila consumed him with passion, with fire. Pleasure filled growls and groans were released freely from the giant brute as the woman above him took her pleasure, using his body as she saw fit. He stole glances at her often, proud to see the fae dissolve into passion. He hadn't been sure if she would be able to get over her trauma so quickly, but she was proving that she'd gotten over it and then some. The speckled fae's hips began to move more quickly and he could feel her body tightening. Knowing that she was so close brought Chimera closer in turn. It brought him pleasure to know that Dalila was feeling such pleasure.

As her motions became more staggered, her breathing more haggard, Dalila breathed out his name. Then, with a final press of her hips, the woman engulfed them both in flames. They found their pleasure together and Chimera couldn't help up wrap her up in his arms. His hips rolled up against her as they rode the wave of pleasure to fruition, panting and moaning until they were left stranded upon the beach of consciousness once more. The man's panting maw found its way close to the fae's ear and he whispered softly and with all of the love that he could muster, "You've lost nothing, my queen."

"Chimera & Dalila"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-02-2022, 07:52 PM
As they both found the pleasure and satisfaction they both craved, Dalila fell easily into his arms, more than happy to let him wrap her up in his embrace while they both panted and eventually found their way back to conscious thought together. The quiet, loving words that he rumbled against her ear made a grin pull at her lips and she nuzzled gratefully into his neck. She didn't think that was entirely true, but she did think that what she had grown and gained in place of what she lost was even more strong than resilient than what she had before. Each time she was met with some kind of adversity or struggle, whether that was her former home being torn to the ground, being recaptured by slavers, struggling to find her place with Chimera and Siren, or this attack that she had just recovered from, it always seemed to uncover another, stronger side of her.

She didn't think that it was only out of her own will power though. Chimera had done so much to help her rebuild time and time again and she could never repay him for that. He had helped her find herself and realize her worth in ways she never would have expected from him when they first met. If it wasn't for him she knew she wouldn't be able to bounce back from this so quickly, but here in his embrace she felt safe and loved. Right now that was exactly what she needed. It was harder when she was looking their daughter in the face and trying to deflect her energetic daughter's requests to leave the island, to go and explore. It was harder when she was trying to pretend that everything was fine for Ruse. But here... Here she could feel like everything was fine and she let herself believe it for a while.

Once she caught her breath she lifted her head from Chimera's chest, sitting up just enough to be able to bring her gaze to his while still stretched out across his body, a soft grin lingering on her muzzle and her ice blue gaze warm with her love for him. She gave his chin an affectionate lick, always enjoying giving him little signs of affection that she knew he liked. She wished there was more she could do for him in return, more that she could offer him for everything that he did for them, but he never asked for anything for from her than her love and dedication so at the very least she could give him that in spades. "Thank you," she murmured against his lips as she leaned up to give him a kiss, "For loving me the way you do. For everything you've given me. I wish there was more I could give back to you."

"Chimera & Dalila"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-25-2022, 06:37 AM

The lovers worked together to bring one another to the heights of pleasure. Chimera came undone and Dalila did the same. Every time that they ended like this, he loved her a little more. She was such an easy, giving lover and he appreciated everything about her. Had the brute that ravaged her not decided to be generous... Chimera could have lost all of this. He could have lost her. As Dalila lay upon his chest, the brute wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. He would never let her go. He would never let any of them go.

Dalila licked his chin and the man smiled in response. Still holding her, he rolled them so that they were both laying on their sides, but he never lost his grip on her. Chimera continued to hold her close, one paw stroking down the silky, mottled fur of the fae's back. The man tried to show his love in little affections as well as large ones. His attention was spread thin between his queens, other lovers, children and his duties to the pack that he tried to focus on each completely when he was with them.

As they lay there, Dalila spoke, thanking him, surprisingly. He placed a kiss to the woman's crown before sliding his cheek along her own. "You don't need to thank me," the man spoke softly, his paw still stroking over her back in soft, rhythmic motions. "And you don't need give me anything more than what you already give." Dalila truly loved him, respected him. She had given him the most beautiful daughter. He could trust and rely on her cool head and quick thinking. That was payment enough for him.

Chimera pulled the woman closer in his embrace, never letting go. He was content to stay here with her for the remainder of the night. Ruse was old enough to care for herself for a while. She was with Siren either way. The man nuzzled into the fae's cheek and once again spoke in soft, loving tones. "You're with me and you're safe. Stay with me, Dalila." He was asking her to sleep with him. Be with him. The underlying message being that he was glad and thankful that she was still alive.

"Chimera & Dalila"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.