
Just for you


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-15-2022, 01:16 AM

It was good to surprise those you love at times.  Rudy had killed two rabbits late afternoon as he planned a surprise for Fern.  Sure, they weren’t anything impressive but they fit his plan for the evening. The detail of his plan that took the most work finding a good size stone, not overly tall but wide and then hauling it over to the beach. Both the rabbits were set on it, one on each side.  After that he fetched some large branches, coating a top portion of them with oil and tying dry grass up top that would burn well.  The makeshift torches were stood upright on the beach on either side of his table.

There wasn’t much wind tonight so Rudy imagined he could add another touch to his plan and had Reddy bring back a bunch of flowers the bird grabbed from who knew where.  The flowers were arranged on either side of his table.  Rudy waited and as the sun was just about to start setting he called for Fern.

He didn’t explain why, it was just a request that she come and meet him on the beach.  Hopefully, she enjoyed the surprise of a meal at sunset, watching the sun sink under the horizon with the beach beside them.



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-28-2022, 03:15 AM

The days leading up to wedding of Briar and Artorais have filled The Hallows with a bizz of excitement and flurry of activity. She had never known all that goes into planning such a huge event and, because of everything that needs to be done, Fern and Rudyard had both thrown themselves into helping with preparations. Despite it all, the gray girl still rises before the sun to train on the fields with her sword before she beginning her day. And, since Rudyard likes to stay up late into the evening and slumber as late as possible, the gray couple have been seeing less and less of each other. While Fern knows things need to be done and that after the wedding, things will calm down, she still feels a tug of sadness every time she slips out to start her day.

Placing some more meat into the stores, Fern takes a few steps back and survives the room. Blue eyes slowly trail around the packed room, eyeing the various meats and taking of stock of anything else that needs to be added. Or… she tries to. Her body is present but the gray girl’s mind is miles away as she thinks of Rudyard and the promises of adventures when they had first met. More and more, she finds herself wishing that they could slip away for a day or two without anyone noticing and run side by side as they chase the sunset. With a sigh, she turns sadly toward door and makes her way back up into the castle, wondering exactly what it would take to kidnap the motley boy. Stopping off in the kitchen, informs the cooks of the new supply of meat

Suddenly, a call catches her sensitive ears and a brilliant smile pulls at her lips as she excuses herself. Swift pale paws pull her out the castle as Fern runs toward where the call came from. She only slows when the surprise Rudy has prepared comes into view with the motley boy standing beside it. Bright eyes widen as she takes in the stone with two rabbits set on top of it and flowers arranged on either side. On both sides of the makeshift table are tall burning branches, serving as torches for the quickly approaching night. Pale paws stop before the table as she continues to look over the offerings before turning to capture Rudy’s golden gaze with cool ocean blues.

A smile slowly builds as she looks at him, happiness tugging at her lips until the smile is huge. All she can manage to say is a breathy, “Oh Rudy.” Before she launches herself into the boy’s chest and winds her legs around the boy who has heart. Fern buries her face into the fur on his chest in a show of appreciation as she adds, “Its perfect.” She holds onto him for a long moment before releasing him to take a seat at the table and enjoy the surprise.

"Fern Lark"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-28-2022, 11:01 PM

Rudy looks out to the waves as he waits on Fern.  Looking out at the waves the wolf imagines how many memories were starting to be created on this ocean view.  Some of the memories are good, one of them bitter-sweet.  Well, tonight will be another nice memory to add to the list.

Fern shows up and by the small smile on her face, it appeared he had done a good job.  It doesn’t take long before he’s grinning as well as Fern slams her body into his, wrapping her paws about him in a hug.  With only a puff left of his tail she doesn’t get to see it wagging behind him but it's swishing back and forth.  “You smell wonderful,” the motley wolf offers as she steps back, following up with a cheerful, “glad you like it.”

Rudy steps over to his side of the table, setting himself down in front of the rabbit.  “I like the ocean, the sound and the backdrop seem to offer a mood that helps lock in memories.  Everything has been going by fast lately.  I thought a little alone time, food, and backdrop would be nice.  It’s been busy, we haven’t spent much time together.  I wanted to show you that I haven’t thought of you any less.”  Words were one thing but Rudy was one to act to prove his point.  With his lofty talk at points, he better be able to back up some things.

"Rudyard Carpathius"