
Welcome to My Home


05-03-2014, 08:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

From the east, Yin had finally made her way back to the frozen tundras of the north. The moment her paws had sunk into the snow she had felt at home, a new sense of calm and comfort settling over her with the chill that tried so strongly to creep beneath her white coat. Yes, this was where she was meant to be, where she was meant to end up. She never would have imagined making that trek with someone who was not Yang or Hansel, had never imagined finding someone else who would be so willing to tolerate her company and come back with her.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, the black, grey, and white wolf who padded along with her. Her green and blue eyes sought his bright ones, trying to determine how well he was fairing through his move. Did he miss the territory they had left? Had he had another home before he had run across her? Any other wolves who he would miss, or who would miss him?

Deciding to stop her train of thought - it was none of her business what he might have left behind, what he had chosen to leave behind as she had not pressured him into following her. Instead, as she walked across the snowy landscape with him in tow, the frozen structures of the icy Cathedral rising up around them, she asked, "Are you getting tired?" They had traveled quite a ways already; maybe he needed a rest? "I don't have a specific home here, so we can stop anywhere."



05-03-2014, 08:53 PM
He would turn to Yin, his gold orbs shining slightly in the sunlight that peaked out small rays from the light grey clouds. His claws dug into the land as he heard the female ask him a question. He was used to walking around and going long distances, and since he didn't have a home anyway, his trek with Yin did him good to have someone to talk to, and to go to new lands and see new scenery. He shook his cranium slightly.

"No need to worry about me, I'm ready to stop whenever you are," he spoke as his legs slightly felt heavy now when he thought about it, but he shook the feeling of his legs and walked a bit faster, walking alongside the female so that it didn't seem that he would be lagging behind her.

The cold breeze caused his fur to blow around, and he shook slightly from the cold, but he enjoyed the bitterness of the fall season, and the cold was always something that he liked so that it would give him a challenge, and he just adored them. His gold eyes shifted to her once more, and then ahead of him again as he waited for the female to make a move.


05-03-2014, 09:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The male shook his head negatively, promising Yin that the trek was nothing strenuous for him and that she should not be worried for his sake. She was a little surprised - was this another wolf like herself who rarely stayed in one place for very long? Maybe she did not need to think of him leaving anything behind after all then, if he was so accustomed to travels to not be bothered by the long one they had just completed. "Say something if you are," she told him, taking the authoritative tone that she would sometimes use on her brother when they had traveled together. It was not because she thought less of him, or because she thought herself superior; it was a protective mindset that she seemed to fall into around others who were too sweet like him.

She continued to march onward, noticing how Klypso quickly hurried to fall in line beside her rather than behind. Her curious gaze shifted sidelong to watch him a moment before directing ahead once more, already looking out for places that might be suitable for a night or two. Eventually they would need to hunt again, and by the time night fell it would be much colder than it had been in the east, much more trying on the both of them. Yin hoped Klypso was ready for it. "The nights are colder here than they are in the east," she informed him quietly, still looking and scouting ahead, "We'll want to find shelter soon before it catches us by surprise."



05-03-2014, 09:21 PM
Klypso nodded in agreement to the female. It had been a long time since he had been in the north, and sometimes it would surprise even him when she would tell him that the nights were much colder than they were in the east. He had known this, but did not argue to the female he had come to know and like, even if she did not show any signs of having the same liking with him. "I have been in the North before Yin, and so I know this. It had been a couple years since I had come to the north, but I do know it's positive and negative sides."

He would give a small smile that showed he had known what he was talking about, and soon caused it to vanish. He would turn his cranium to a tree den, the bottom of it seemed to be big enough for them to squeeze through, and the enclosed space would help keep the heat inside their temporary home.

"Perhaps here would be good?" The brute would ask the fae as he walked over and crawled inside. Already he was showing signs of heat and comfort, and he placed his head on his paws, waiting for Yin to join him. The male would not think about sleeping until late hours of the night, for he would not let anything sneak up on the female that he was trying to help and keep safe. He had promised he would not leave her, and he also promised himself, that even at the cost of his life, he would protect her no matter how different they were, and how much their different personalities were. In his heart, he liked the female, so this would perhaps keep his mind from thinking about her.


05-03-2014, 10:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Well. He was more knowledgeable than she was apparently giving his credit for being. It seemed, from what he had to say, that he had been here once, a year ago, and knew how rough and trying the weather and conditions here could get. It was a relief to Yin. She had been somewhat worried because of his smaller size, worried that he simply would not be able to hold up against the cold that they would need to face and overcome. She nodded, unsure what else today in answer. Maybe she needed to say no more; he appeared to know it already. So she stopped trying to lecture him and play the experienced protector, and instead fell quiet as she led then along.

They had barely even gone a few paces before Klypso was speaking up, offering his suggestion for a shelter. Yin's head turned curiously, mismatched eyes landing upon the tree and the hollowed out section it held at its base. Even from afar it seemed rather small, but he seemed to know what he was doing. Maybe it was deceptively large inside. "Alright." But even as she spoke her agreement he was already walking inside and settling down, curling up and placing his head upon his paws. Looked like she would have to try it no matter what.

Shifting her gaze from Klypso to the rest of the space offered to her, the white wolf ducks her head and crept inside, noting that it was, indeed, a little more spacious than she had thought. Though not by much. Assuming they could make it work - she was getting rather tired of wandering around herself - she settled close by, curling into her customary tight ball. She peered across at Klypso for a moment, feeling the quiet to be somewhat heavy in the confined space, and ventured to speak to break it. "Why do you have no one else with you?" Likely it was a bad question, but he just seemed so much like the good guy her brother had been, and she knew he had made friends easily. How had this wolf avoided all that if he was so similar?



05-04-2014, 12:39 PM
Klypso looked to her and sighed, eyes looking into her blue and green ones. Her white coat seemed to be shining in the small bits of sunlight. He sighed once more and looked to the sky. "All my family died before I came here to Alacritia. Two legs came into our old land and killed my family, while I managed to get away, all of my family had been cornered and killed on the spot. I had no one until you gave me a chance. And for that, I thank you."

He continued to think about his brother and sister, being killed right before his eyes along with his other family. He didn't know what to do and sighed and his eyes closed and listened to the sounds of water the dripped in the tree since it was absorbing it.


05-04-2014, 01:12 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Whatever story she had been anticipating it was not the one he told. It sounded too similar to the circumstances that had led to her and her brother becoming loners, without any other family but themselves. She knew nothing of these "two legs" that he spoke of - what did that mean? - but she knew well what that loss was like. The river had done the same for her old pack, wiping all of them out while she and Yang unknowingly survived simply by the dumb luck of being on higher ground at the time. Her gaze dropped again, away from Klypso, as she considered this new information, this new experience that seemed to remind her an awful lot of her own family.

She was quiet a moment, understanding a little more why he might have been so willing to make friends with someone even so unsavory as her. "We lost everyone too," Yin said at length, surprising herself by offering even this little bit if information. "My brother and I, we were all that was left. But even he's gone now too." Bitter thoughts consumed her as she thought about it, telling herself that she was better off without him. If he was so eager to be rid of her that he would not think of finding her after all this time, then so be it.

She curled up tighter where she lay, tucking her head in close with her black tail settling somewhere beside her nose. Settling into a mood of self-pity, Yin remained moodily quiet as she thought about her absent twin. How could he go sibling away from her without trying to find her?



05-04-2014, 01:20 PM
Klypso's eyes saddened when she told him the little information that she wanted him to hear. He knew that Yin would not like his comfort, but in his old family, whenever someone was sad, they would do their best to comfort them by touch. Klypso wished he could see how Yin would react to it, but he also didn't want to make her angry. His gold eyes started to dim slightly as he wrapped his tail around her to try and comfort her as best he could.

"I'm sorry about your family, but they are still with you in spirit," he told her as he closed his eyes to try and rest as the cold began to take over even more now. He shivered slightly, but soon he was warm again from the closeness that Yin and he were in.


05-04-2014, 06:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He was quiet at first, and though she refused yet to look at him, still lost in thought as she considered the brother she had lost somewhere along the way, she knew her news had been just as sad for him as his own story had been. She did not need or want his pity - he had been lost for some time so she should have been used to his absence by now - but it was difficult for her to force back the bitter resentment now that it had taken hold. They had always been so close, she and her twin. It was still hard for her to accept that they were separated without any idea where each other was.

A subtle movement beside her drew her attention with the turn of an ear, and her mismatched eyes, frowning slightly, peered over her shoulder as she lifted her head to spy Klypso's tail curling around her in a gesture of comfort. It was unwanted at first as she took it to be a sign that she somehow needed his support, that he thought she was not strong enough to accept this truth alone. Begrudgingly, she drew away, turning her back on the black, grey, and white male and putting distance between them within their small, confined space. She could up tightly, her white fur bristling as she did so. She did not need his pity. She did not need anyone.

But the longer she stayed there, alone in her chosen corner, the more she began to miss the feeling of having someone close, the warmth of another body beside hers, the feelin of having someone accept her despite her flaws. Yin resisted for as long as she could until, with a heavy sigh, she rose to her paws and turned in place to face Klypso. Her eyes did not meet his but stared where he was, deliberating and eventually she moved. Yin stepped over to his side and lay down next to him, curling up against his side and resting her cheek on the floor of their shelter. Surprisingly, she felt better.



05-04-2014, 06:18 PM
Klypso gave a small smile as he looked to her and sighed. His gold orbs looked to the world around him. He was happy that he was Yin and in this land. He liked the cold and the different things that he could see that were not in the east. He sighed once more and closed his eyes as he soon fell asleep.

The next morning, he listened to the sounds of ravens and crows that were close by. He could smell the aroma of food and began to go hunting, leaving Yin to go and get some food.


05-04-2014, 06:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could not see him from where she lay, but she supposed he was tolerant if not happy that she had decided to come back over to him. In a way, she was too, though she was entirely against saying so aloud let alone admitting it to herself. Whatever was starting to make her feel responsible for Klypso must have been growing, making him become some significant figure rather than simply a wolf she had met and on a whim decided to be nice to. She did not want to think on it, not even a little, and so she settled into the space she had claimed for herself, closing her blue and green eyes and hoping sleep would claim her soon so her mind would stop talking to her.

By the time she finally came back around it was morning. She was still curled up tightly within the shelter Klypso had found for them the day before, but rather than feel the body that should have been beside her she only felt a chill left by his absence. On instinct, Yin curled more tightly in place, doing her best in her half asleep, still drowsy state to battle the cold, but after a moment, as she began to around and wake up, she realized the missing wolf. Klypso was gone.

Eyes opening, she glanced around the interior of their den in search of him, wondering if maybe he had simply settled somewhere that was not immediately beside her. Still nothing. Lifting herself and moving to stand somewhat hunched inside the enclosed space, Yin still did not see Klypso within. Was he gone? Had he left her too? Finding herself actually surprised and sadly disappointed, she crept out of their shelter to glance around, unsure whether she would find him but still expecting him to be close.



05-04-2014, 06:59 PM
He walked over to the den and could see Yin. He wagged his tail slightly when he saw her and placed fish down on the ground. His golden orbs looked into his as he lied down and placed his head down on the den and listened to the sounds of nature before him. Wind blew through his ears and he smiled at the cold that hit his face.

"You can have the fish, Yin. I ate before I came back," he told her and curled his form into a ball so that he could get warm.


05-04-2014, 07:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Just before she had finally resigned herself to being completely alone again, to admit to herself that Klypso had bailed on his promise, he appeared. A quiet relief hit her at the sight of him, but rather than question it she merely accepted it. Yes, she was happy to see him, happy that he was still with her, happy that she was not alone. Sighing gently, Yin calmed her expression and sat down where she stood outside of the den, waiting for Klypso to finish walking her way.

Within his jaws she saw the reason she had not seen him when she had first woken up. The fish was freshly caught, no doubt meant for her. Her companion smiled the moment he spotted her, his tail following suit and beginning to wag, and once he reached her he set the fish down without any interest in eating it himself. He stepped past her to enter the den, lying down and curling up as he instructed her to eat. Yeah. Just like she had thought. Suppressing a rare smile, Yin stepped over to the fish and, sitting before it, began to eat.

Maybe the taste of fish was growing on her. It tasted better than it had the day before - was it a different kind of fish? - and she ate it gratefully, savoring as much of it as she could while hunger urged her to make quick work of it. In the end, hunger won over and it was gone relatively quickly. Licking her lips, Yin abandoned the bones and scales that remained of the fish and turned back toward the den and Klypso inside of it. She ducked her head to peer in at him, mismatched eyes meeting his gold, and she asked quietly, "Are you cold?" He was curled up so tightly, and if her observations of seeing him splashing around in the stream before were any indication of how he had fished here she was sure he was. Without waiting for an answer she slipped inside and coiled up around his smaller frame, offering him her warmth if he was willing to accept it.



05-04-2014, 08:07 PM
He could feel Yin's warm body around him, and he was happy to accept the feeling of the warmth that left her form and into his. He smiled and wagged his tail slightly as the tip thumped onto the floor. His gold orbs looked into hers as he gave a small smile "Thank you, my friend," he spoke and placed his head on his paws as he looked around the den.

"Yin, may I ask you why you were mad at me whenever I tried to help you? I know you're used to being alone, but I don't like seeing one like you alone and not having anyone to talk to or give you love or warmth," he would know he was speaking in one of his own lectures and shut his mouth before he enraged her again.


05-04-2014, 10:38 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was not like her to go out of her way to help someone else out. Yin tended to be cold and selfish, uncaring of others who were not her brother and not in the least bit generous to offer any type of assistance. But in Klypso she had found a spark of goodness, a spark of something better than herself, that she thought worth protecting, similar to Yang and his unfailing optimism and endless patience. She had found another like him, completely by accident, and though she had learned to live alone she felt as if she was reverting back to old days, days when she still had someone to care for, someone who cared for her. And it was turning out to be easier than she thought.

He was happy; she might not have been able to see plainly his bright smile but she felt his tail wag and hit the ground, knew that her gesture had not gone unnoticed. He turned to look her way, his happiness within his bright gold eyes, and thanked her. She nodded her head and watched as he rested his on the ground, looking comfortable where he lay and no longer could she spy any noticable hints of cold. Good. Maybe he would need to start doing something aside from fishing since the waters this far north tended to be quite a bit chillier than those he had been around before.

She settled her chin across his shoulder and relaxed, content to stay that way a bit longer, but Klypso spoke. His question was nosy according to her, and though a part of her was eager to tell him to mind his own business she did not. Instead she made herself answer calmly, simply, "I don't need help. I can take care of myself. No matter what you may think." Or so she liked to think. She did not admit to herself Thst these arrangements were more preferable, that they added a new sort of purpose in her life that she had been missing with Yang's absence. She had always been a strong, resilient figure. She did not want to fix up that image.



05-05-2014, 01:18 PM
"I know my saying this will probably make you mad, but right now i care about you more than life itself. Everyone needs something or someone to take care of them, like it would seem that i am with you now, and you accept my help. My mother used to tell me this: Live the life you love, love the life you live," Klypso told her, his voice sincere and truthful like it was every time he talked to her. He sighed and closed his eyes, but his ears were erect for he knew she would talk.

The sound of crows and ravens caught his attention as he shot up. The sound of large footprints coming toward them was something that he knew all to well. A wildcat was approaching them. He did not know which cat was coming and what its intent was, but he would die for Yin if he had to, for he swore to her and to himself that he would not leave her, not unless death called for him.


05-05-2014, 08:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Just as before, Klypso remained resilient in his beliefs, professing again to care for her more than he did for his own life. It made Yin a bit incomfortable to hear it. She was in no way used to hearing such proclamations of affection from anyone let alone from someone who cared about her. She let him speak, let him get out whatever it was that he felt so compelled to say, and remained quiet herself, wondering to herself if maybe she was letting herself get too far into something that was completely unfamiliar ground to her.

The wildlife outside suddenly erupted into noise, and the unexpectedness of it caused Klypso to start and rise out if his curled position. Yin sat up herself, ears perked and eyes narrowed as they stared out the opening of their shelter and into the wintry world beyond. Somewhere out there another predator roamed, and she hoped it would continue on its way without causing them any trouble. "Stay put," she whispered to Klypso, half afraid that he might charge out to face the danger and attract more at the same time.



05-05-2014, 08:39 PM
Klypso paused and waited for some time with Yin. Luckily, there wasn't anything bad and they could go back to sleep and whatever they wished to do. His gold orbs shone slightly as he lied down and placed his stomach on the ground and splayed out, pushing his paws upward in a playful way, then rolling over. He didn't care if Yin wasn't happy with him saying he cared for her, it was true, and he meant it.

"Well, is this our permadent den?" He asked as he placed his head on his paws and continued to listen to the crows. He had enough of them and approached the tree they were in and clawed the tree, snarling and barking. The crows were cawing in what appeared to be laughter. "You crows are so lucky that I can't climb a tree!" He hollered out.


05-06-2014, 10:44 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The noise outside eventually stilled and went away, but still overcautious Yin waited, continuing to stare out of the den in half anticipation of seeing someone or something appear there a little too curiously nosing around where they had been. Nothing appeared, everything stayed quiet, and eventually the white wolf with the black tail relaxed, easing back more comfortably onto her side. Klypso did the same, sprawling rather comically onto his stomach and then rolling over so that he looked even more like a playful pup. Yin merely raised a brow at his antics and wondered where it had all come from.

He questioned their current location, asking whether it was permanent or not, and the green and blue eyed woman at first did not know how to answer. "I haven't had a permanent den in years," she admitted, unsure if she wanted one. She liked being free to leave and move at any moment, liked being able to find other sections of the north and admire them for a while before moving on to the next.

The ruckus outside had started up again and quickly wore away at Klypso's patience. He got to his paws again and raced outside to bark and snarl and make noise back at them. Yin bristled slightly as she too got to her paws, hoping whatever had been lurking around their den was far enough away by now not to hear him, and crept out into the snow to watch him in puzzlement and keep her mismatched eyes around for possible returning danger.



05-06-2014, 12:59 PM
The crows began to caw in anger from Klypso's barking, and soon he got what he was coming to him. The crows began to nip down on his hear and howled in anger and pain, smacking one down with his claw and pinning it, biting down at tearing at the crow to the point that it had died. Feathers were clinging to his mouth and he walked away as the other crow cawed in sadness and flew away, leaving it's partner's dead corpse behind. The brute sighed and lied down, licking his paw and could see blood dripping from his ear onto the white snow. He whimpered and winced from the pain that came around in his ear, so he lied down on the side and placed his ear on the cold to try and sooth the pain.

"Well, that was unpleasant," he joked to Yin but winced in pain once blood continued to ooze from the torn section of the tip of his ear and down, the tear stopping to the middle of his ear. "Damn, that wound hurt," he spoke and continued to try and calm the wound as best he could before he entered the den for he was trying to keep the wound from being infected.