
Winter Healing



05-23-2022, 08:42 PM

Winter had come to this part of the world and Lyre was paying the price for the change in seasons. The woman was slender and sleek. There was barely any body fat on her and so the cold bit at her extra hard. Sleeping in the hall outside of her master's chambers was difficult. Though the caves were warmed by the earths core, there was definitely a draft that sucked a lot of the heat away from her particular area. The woman felt as though she would never be warm again. However, while her master was away, Lyre took full advantage of the warmth of the deeper chambers of the Col. This was only a temporary solution, however and once her master returned, she would be cold once more. She feared that she might become ill due to the draft.

Being so cold made the young woman wonder about the health of other wolves. Surely there were older wolves in this pack. Or younger wolves that were at risk of becoming ill during the winter months. Having no possessions of her own, the striped woman made her way to the stores and, with directions from another, found the apothecary where she perused the herbs and plants that the Armada possessed.  Lyre had the idea to make a healing tea for the entire pack, so she collected her supplies and set to work.

The striped woman crafted a brew of green tea leaves, a bit of hibiscus for color, echinacea, lemon balm and sage. She was careful to measure out the proper amounts so no one ingredient was too strong. After the satchel of herbs steeped in the boiling water, Lyre carefully removed them. Setting them aside, she mixed in a bit of honey that she'd found to sweeten the brew. Dipping a dish into the pot of tea, the woman blew, then took a little sip. Warmth flooded through her lithe frame and she released a sigh of pleasure.

Since Lyre had used the public bonfire to brew her cauldron of tea, she called out to members of the pack, offering the drink to them. Many took advantage of the warm drink and most liked the taste. To those that were curious, Lyre explained the health benefits of the drink. To others, she gave the recipe. By the end of the day, the cauldron of tea was completely gone. Though he wasn't here to see her accomplishment, the slave woman hoped that she'd made her master proud.
