
You're Going to Feel Some Kind of Way




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-24-2022, 07:51 AM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2022, 01:21 PM by Chimera. Edited 1 time in total.)

It was midday. Outside, the birds sang and the temperature was balmy, but a cool breeze off of the ocean swept through the King's office chamber, sliding through the rear window and moving out the wide open front door. Only the breeze made the day's heat tolerable. Had the winds been still, Chimera would have been miserable as he worked.

Business had been slow lately as he had not been purchasing slaves. Not only did there seem to be a supply shortage, but a lot had been going on with the pack. He'd spent quite a bit of time with Dalila, helping the woman recover from her encounter with her now dead rapist. He enjoyed spending time with her these days. She was... calming. Her nature helped to temper him. With Dalila, there was no nonsense. She was what she was. Chimera had been neglecting his books though, so today he worked on the pile of ledgers.

The black and white brute sent Roc to fetch Siren. Another part of the business that he'd taken care of involved her, so she deserved to know. The man lay on the woven straw mats in his spacious office, ledgers and rolls of parchment spread out around him. There was a dish of charcoal sticks sitting beside him and Erystotle had brought his lunch and tea already and Chi nibbled here and there while he worked and waited for his sister.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
05-24-2022, 10:56 AM
Siren was taking a siesta as the midday heat took over the lands of Fenmyre. She was napping soundly, sprawled over the bed she shared with Dalila, the sea breeze running over her pale body as it slipped through the doors and windows of their suites. She normally avoided being out in the midday sun because of her fair skin. Burning was neither comfortable or attractive, so it wasn’t often she missed her midday nap away from the sun.

That was where she was when she was gently woken by one of Chimera’s dogs. He’d been sent to fetch her for the King, it was much more polite than yelling and howling over the island. Chimera knew Siren would come whenever he called. The tiny queen shook off her sleep and followed Roc to Chimera’s offices, smoothing her fur and fixing her braids as they went.

She hadn’t gotten much of Chimera’s attention recently but she hadn’t worried so much because he was always a busy King. With everything going on around her poor Dal, and the hubbub around the other packs. She was blessed to have his attention now. Dainty paws brought her through the open door, the gentle breeze playing with her loose strands of long fur as she smiled up at her brother, King, and lover.

"You called for me?” She asked softly as she approached shyly, her heart always set aflutter when she was in his presence. The time of day, the heat, the setting, Siren had already assumed this would be more of a business call than the affection she craved. She knew he would give her whatever her heart’s desire, whenever a need struck, but she couldn't bring herself to trouble him when his paws were always full.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-24-2022, 11:07 AM

It didn't take long for Roc to return with Siren in tow. The tiny, fawn and alabaster fae looked a little sleepy and he couldn't blame her. It was hot and bright outside and neither of them were fans of such weather. Though she was more fair, the pale side of Chimera's skin burned quite easily and the light was hell on his pale pink eye. That was why he preferred to work either in his office during the day or in one of the many structures on the island.

Siren spoke, drawing near. No matter how close they were or how many times they'd had sex, she always seemed shy. "Yes," he said in response, finishing up a few figures before closing his ledger and setting it aside. The man brought his two-toned gaze to his small sister's delicate face and continued. "I've sent Scylla away to live in Elysium for a time. She's old enough to take on some responsibility and perhaps being out of her element will make her less of a heathen." It was no secret that Chimera wasn't as fond of Scylla as some of his other children, but he still wanted the best for her. It was his hope that in representing their pack, she would learn to keep one paw tethered to the ground.

"I've considered sending Albion to The Hallows as well. He's too dependent on Scylla and needs to grow on his own." All business and prepared to discuss, Chimera simply stared at the small woman, waiting for some sort of response from her.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
05-24-2022, 12:38 PM
Though she was still shy in his presence it was a show of her reverence. Siren knew she was safest in his paws, he provided for her, kept her safe, he loved her as she loved him. He took a moment after she spoke to finish the last minute entry before his dual toned gaze was turned to her. She could see many things within his eyes, there was a subtle reminder of the young reckless man he once was, the sweet kind man who loved her heart and body. Right now she could mostly see the serious and determined King he had become.

Shock overcame her features as he told her the reason he called her. Delicate ears fell to her skull as her dual toned eyes to the ground. The Queen bit her lip to stay the sudden flood of emotion that washed over her. He was right, Scylla was a wild child that could not be contained, much like they had been as children. The similarities were so astute she was floored that he would be the one to separate Albion from his sister. Siren still didn’t like to remember that short amount of time that she had lived in the Armada. If that hadn’t happened though, would their relationship have gotten to this point?

Along with her worry it struck her that she hadn’t been given a chance to say her goodbyes. Scylla wasn’t dead, her life was in no danger and the experience would no doubt do the girl good. But Siren had always been selfish, and her heart hurt to be so suddenly cut off from her child. Scylla didn’t make a habit of hanging out with her mom, what yearling did? But Siren caught glimpses of her daughter, she knew she was there, and a simple call away. She was living on the other side of the world now.

Siren almost missed his words about Albion, her quiet stoic boy. Always following after Scylla as she got him into trouble. Less so the older they got and the more secretive they became. They were yearlings now, and she couldn’t contest Chimera’s decision. He did not control the ebb and flow of time. The time had come to let them go.

"It's easy to forget they’re practically adults, time moved so fast.” She missed having her two little beans at her side, it was hard to accept those innocent little puppies were being sent out into the world. Her heart hurt knowing that her time of taking care of her children was over. "I know whatever you decide for them will be for the best.” She finally lifted her misty gaze back up to his.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-24-2022, 01:20 PM

Chimera could see the hurt on the tiny woman's face and that was exactly why he hadn't told her when he'd made the decision. Siren was ruled by her heart while Chimera was not. He wanted his children to be the absolute best that they could manage to be. Being tied to Fenmyre hadn't worked for the girl, so he decided to try and see if having her join another pack for a time would help straighten her out. Because he made this decision, it didn't mean that he didn't care about his sister's opinion. The festival had come on quickly and it made more sense to have Scylla simply stay after the journey with her brother's so that there wasn't a wasted trip.

Siren's soft words were met with a sigh and he beckoned the diminutive fae towards him. When she approached, Chimera scooped her pale body against his dual-toned chest, keeping her in his protective embrace. "It will be best for them in the long run. Cerberus is growing up but Scylla and Albion are not. This will force a change in them." Or at least he hoped so.

Having the small woman so close always raised Chimera's lust. He buried his nose in her long, silken fur and gave a little chuckle, trying to lift her mood. "We could make more." A big paw slid around his tiny queen's rump, his claws combing gently through the lengthy fur of her pallid tail. He imagined Siren round with pups once more and the imagery pulled a little groan from him as he began to nibble at the side of her neck. So what if it was midday? So what if it was hot? So what if the door was wide open? He wanted Siren and he aimed to have her right there in his office.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
05-24-2022, 02:13 PM
Chimera sighed softly, steeling himself to deal with her emotions but at the same time not hesitating as he invited her into his strong embrace. Despite her weakness Chimera silently promised to be her strength. He scooped her up as if she weighed nothing, and he quietly reassured her of his decision. Scylla and Albion were not keeping up with Cerberus, this would hopefully be the catalyst they needed to get there.

She nodded into his fur, contemplating the conundrum of her internal emotions. Broken hearted but proud that her children were growing up. They were on to their next step of life. But that left Siren here to worry and wonder about her precious babies.

The feeling of his lips against her fur and skin, the way he traced his paws over her thin frame and held her suggestively to his chest as he offered her a solution. He could give her more children. A soft whine echoed his needy groan at the idea presented to them. As he touched her Siren could only think of how much she enjoyed being a mother to his children. She didn't think about the real ramifications of this decision. How close she came to death at their birth or the terrible pregnancy she endured. But this would be different wouldn’t it? Much more magical with the man who held her heart.

"Yes.” she told him breathlessly as he nibbled at the vulnerable skin down her neck. This was one of the most vulnerable moments he’d had her in a long time. "Make me a mother again, Chimera.” She whispered to him desperately there in his office, not a care about time, place, or temperature. Nor that her body couldn’t be ready to produce more puppies at that exact moment. Chimera was everything and had everything that Siren needed in that moment.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
05-24-2022, 04:40 PM

Fuck, he hadn't expected her to agree so readily to being impregnated once more, but hearing her beg him for it brought a low growl from the brute and he rested his teeth gently against Siren's neck while his tongue pulled over her pulse. She made him want to bite her, bend her over and take her like a feral beast. The words she uttered and the mentally imagery of her round, pregnant body tightened things low in the man. With Siren still in his arms, Chimera rolled onto his side, freeing his arousal so that it wasn't ground uncomfortably against the woven straw mat.

"If only I could, sweet sister." One big paw stroked her cheek lovingly. "You remember what happened last time." He'd never forget that she had almost died giving birth to Albion and Scylla. He had sworn never to fill her with pups again. It wasn't worth the risk. Still, he held her pale cheek in his paw. "If I were smaller, perhaps, but alas..." He was a giant and she was a tiny thing. It wasn't safe for her to carry his children. No matter how much he would love to see her blossom once more, he never would.

"That's not to say that I can't still fill you in other ways," he purred darkly, easing his queen onto the ground on her back. Chimera's neck curled and he looked down upon her, all spread out just for him. The man lowered his head and began dragging his tongue across the fae's chest and belly. He paid special attention to her inner thighs, ears perked to listen for her sounds of pleasure. A thick foreleg rested on either side of her hips, holding her right where he wanted here for there was much more to come.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
05-24-2022, 05:34 PM
Siren wasn’t really in the right headspace for Chimera to be offering to fill her with his children. She wanted them even when all logic said no. There would be no conceiving from a union today anyway, but the thought pleased her almost as much as Chimera’s touch did. His tongue rolled over the pulse of her lifeforce beneath thin skin, he held her tightly to him and shifted the pair of them. His little nibbles against her skin caused shivers down her spine, and little gasps for breath while thin arms wrapped around his neck for just a moment.

Chimera pulled away, denying her as he revealed his teasing ways. No matter how much he wanted to, he could not and would not, get her pregnant. Neither of them would appreciate the results, the sensible part of her knew. He put his inky tipped toes to her cheek and she lifted her gaze to him. There was adoration and apology as he denied her desire. She couldn’t blame his decision, but the reality of it all still hurt her heart.

If and wishes were all they would ever have, that and the two they raised together. "I know…” She whispered softly, he was a massive wolf, she was a tiny woman. They toyed with fate the last time they were pushing their luck if he tried to father her children again.

Of course he knew how to redirect her attention, he could shower her in affection for the rest of their lives. He could still have her and pretend their actions might be fruitful. "Will you?” She asked him breathlessly as he shifted her dainty form again. Lowering her to her back beneath him as he kissed the softest parts of her from her neck, down her chest. He moved slowly down her belly, making her twitch and whimper as his sharp teeth grazed her pink skin.

He held to her hips, steadying her body as he lowered his attention, running his tongue over her sensitive inner thighs. Pulling little gasps as he spread fire from her toe tips to her belly. She needed this from him, she needed the assurance that no matter went on around them that he would always be here for her. Siren’s strength, her passion, and her love in one incredible man. She was meant to be here in his arms.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-07-2022, 01:02 PM

With paws on either side of the small woman, Chimera held her close. In time, his attentions shifted from Siren's soft thighs to her most intimate of parts. The brutes long, wide tongue went to work, touching and tasting as he wished. She was a buffet for him, entirely under his power. Even if she had wanted to, there was no way for Siren to get away from his attentions. By the sounds that he pulled from the diminutive fae, she didn't want to get away.

Chimera continued to bestow his full attention on the pale woman, his pink gaze looking up the length of her body to watch her face. The black and white brute continued to feed upon the fae, absorbing her taste and sounds like a man starved. The woman's pants, moans and sighs were sweet music to Chimera's mismatched ears just like they always had been and just like they always would be.

As he pushed her, Chimera could feel the tension rising in the woman. Her body tightened below his paws and he doubled down on her, working the fae to a fever pitch. He stopped for only a moment to speak in a soft growl, "Sing for me, Siren." Then his mouth was upon her once more. Claws bit lightly into the woman's hips as he pulled her body more tightly against his maw. Chimera continued the onslaught on his lover until she finally came undone, never stopping, only allowing her to ride out the tremors of her pleasure until she was fully satiated.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.