
From Bully to Boyfriend


3 Years
05-26-2022, 05:05 PM
My new man Everild has a bit of a backstory; due to his appearance he was bullied by most members of the pack but especially the other pups. They were relentless, individually and as a group, poking fun at him for his underbite and later his tail that they broke when Everild was one year old. After this incident, the boy that broke his tail was apologetic and sought Everild out every single day, though in secret, to check on him. The bullying died down, as this boy was one of the pups 'leaders' in a sense, though didn't entirely stop. Some months later, the boys were caught together by the other pups and immediately questioned and then chased. They were chased until Everild fell and rolled down a steep hill quite far from home. The friend waited until he saw Everild move before running back with the rest of the pups, afraid of them ganging up on them. He expected Everild to come home, but when he didn’t, he got worried and went off looking for him.

─ His name is up to you. Everild’s name translates to ‘boar battle’ and is English, though I’m not picky about name origin, meaning, etc.

─ Everild is joining literally on his birthday. His friend could be anywhere from 2 years old to 2 and a half years.

─ I’d prefer someone large or larger since Everild will be either small or medium, I’d like his bully to be bigger than him. Doesn’t necessarily have to be heavier, just taller.

─ Appearance is completely up to you. Can be as simple and free or as paid for as you want, I’m not picky! I’m happy to help you talk designs if you need help.

─ Personality is also up to you but please keep in mind that he was Everild’s bully. Whether it was actually about Everild looking different or not is up to you, but the intended purpose of this character is to end up as Everild’s boyfriend.

─ This character is the one that broke Everild’s tail, though it wasn’t intentional. My idea is that he was chasing Everild and maybe grabbed his tail, breaking it somehow though I’m open to other ideas.

Everild's profile hasn't been finished yet so if you have any questions about him, please send me a DM! While I am excited for this plot, I’m not in the biggest hurry to adopt this character out. Everild will be wandering the world regardless of his bully/friend, so they’re certainly not first come first serve though that doesn’t mean I won’t adopt them out to the first applicant if I feel it fits what I’m looking for. I will take this character back if you fall inactive with him specifically. If I provide a design, it stays with the character as will any art purchased for that design and it will not be used offsite unless the design is purchased from me or it was given to you. If you provide a design, of course it and the art stay with you.

You’re free to apply here or through discord (skelle#8453) with the following form. If you want to reformat the information or add something, have at it but please include all of the information below within your application.

Your Name:
M/X Thread Preference: This won’t affect your application, I just like to know where everyone’s comfort levels are! Will you do X threads, or would you prefer to stick to M threads?

Age: 2 to 2.5 Years
Birth Season:
Sex/Gender: Male
Sexuality: whatever makes him crush on Everild, additionally he should not be poly.
Appearance: Please provide a reference if possible, though the site minimum is required
Personality: site minimum required

RP Sample: You can write something out if you want or you can link me to a thread with the best, most accurate example of your writing