
Eyes like wildflowers



7 Years
05-03-2014, 04:29 AM

It was rather astounding in some ways just how swiftly her children were growing. She didn't care to compare any of them to the dark man from the crypt, though Signy with her mostly black coat and green eyes certainly resembled him the most. The green, she preferred to think came from her mother's side of the family, the bright eyes that her two girls had certainly had more of their grandmother's warmth within them than that cold stare that still haunted her some nights. The pups were easing it slightly, of course they were technically his too and whilst she knew it, she certainly didn't love them any less. They were her beautiful little angels...

Actually, perhaps it was best to correct that last bit, especially as Emer stirred from her own sleep, opening her golden eyes to glance down at the three, no just two pups? Suddenly now wide with fright she would glance around the den hoping to catch sight of Signy perhaps in the corner getting ready to pounce on any one of them but aside from herself, Cecily and Taddeo there was no one else in the den.

Emer was used to fear coursing through her by now, it still gripped hold of her each day. She feared any harm coming to her or to her children and right now it had risen once more to an almost uncontrollable level. Her maternal instincts would fight through as it seems they typically had with the pups, though as she jumped up from her spot in the den, she would have likely awoken Cecily and Taddeo as well. No second glance was given as she moved swiftly to the entrance gazing outside, there was no acknowledgement of the lovely sunrise there was nothing but panic as she scanned the lands trying to see her daughter.

"SIGNY!" She shouted, stepping fully outside though with no idea which direction to go in. Yes they were in Valhalla though it didn't ease her worries at all, they'd never left the den before and this was not what she had wanted their first outing to be like at all.



2 Years
05-03-2014, 02:13 PM

Signy had woken early that morning. She'd been very patient for the first five minutes waiting for her mother to wake up, or for her siblings to stir enough from their sleep that she had a good excuse to stalk them. Nothing. So she'd flopped on her back with a dramatic sigh. That was when she'd spotted the part of the den where her Mama left and came back again. She always came back smelling of the most interesting things, but they weren't allowed out there. But... whyyy? Why weren't they allowed out There? What was There that they couldn't see until they were bigger?

She flipped over to her belly, eying the bright spot in the den speculatively before sliding her gaze to her mother and siblings. Still asleep... and what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them, right? She'd go out and come right back in and they'd never be the wiser, and she'd see what was out There.

Squirming forward with all the stealth of a ninja - or a raging water buffalo, Signy was small but her flailing limbs could still pack a punch and she hadn't yet developed good coordination - she made her way to the bright spot before pausing to look back. Everyone still asleep? Yup. Onwards!

She barreled out through the bright spot and froze in awe. Everything was so... big! And there was just so much to see! It was nothing like the simple earthen walls of the den. A moment of complete shock, and then the irrepressible pup was off and running gleefully through the long plains-grass. A yip of joy was torn away by the wind. She wasn't quite sure how long she'd been running or how far, but she suddenly caught the sound of her mother's voice calling her frantically, and she came skidding to a halt.

"Whoops," she muttered under her breath. Hadn't meant to stay out longer than a couple minutes, but Mama must have woke up sooner than she thought. Turning around to head back though, the black pup's face scrunched up in confusion. Where was the den? All she could see was grass. "Uh-oh." Mama was going to be maaaad now.

It didn't occur to the girl to worry about actually being lost. How big could the world actually be anyway? She just needed to find a wall and follow it right back around to the den, right? So she trotted off confidently once more, unaware that rather than heading in a straight line she was making a circle around the den, which was actually just barely out of sight. Now, where was that wall...?


[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



1 Year
05-03-2014, 08:57 PM

Taddeo was deep in sleep, the warm arms of dream wrapped tightly around his small form. Eyes would dart frantically behind closed eyes and his light brown paws would twitch from time to time. In this state he was unaware of the scene playing out around him, his sister?s daring escape from the den, his mother stirring. That was until Emer had jumped suddenly to her paws, jostling him and his remaining sister. The poor boy was awoken rather suddenly, and unpleasantly. His head which had been resting gently upon his mother hit the ground. It was lucky he wasn?t quite so far from the earth to begin with.
The boy was dazed for a moment, the world spinning around him, and his eyes, which had flown open in the sudden shift, screwed shut while he waited for the world to settle itself. He vaguely heard his mother call for Signy and he groaned; the earth finally coming to a stop. Lids lifted to reveal yellow orbs and he squinted at his mother.
Still dazed he shakily rose to his paws, shook the dirt from his mud brown pelt and trotted after his mother. Taddeo hesitated only a moment at the entrance to the den but as he cast his gaze about the den, he quickly realized that Signy was indeed gone, and if she got to leave then so did he!
Bounding through the entrance he found himself in a vast world, one even his impressive imagination could not have dreamed up. He happily dashed towards his mother, stopping just a few paces away from her and scanning the horizon.
Suddenly flattening his body to the ground, he stuck his tail into the air and pretended to struggle against the earth. "Mamma help! I am being sucked into the sky!" He exclaimed loudly, trying his best to hide the giggling. The boy was unaware that his mother might be distressed, unaware that anything at all might be wrong.




8 Years

05-04-2014, 12:12 AM

Warmth,and comfort surrounded with the feel of her family about her was the life she was starting to know. Her belly was constantly filled with warm delicious liquid and the touch of a loving tongue often applied to her fuzzy little coat. As her eyes had slowly developed and opened in the time after her entry to this world she was able to understand it from an entirely different perspective. In the safety of their home the world was seen to her in soft lights, with the warm browns of their family's coats that ranged from so many different shades, and to the darker midnight of Signy. The brightest colour in her world was the shine of luminescent green her darkest sibling held. She had never seen her own reflection, and modelled herself of her visions of her mother. She imagined she held those stunning tinges of brown, those loving gold eyes that appraised her only with warmth and love.This was her world, her existence, and she loved every second of it.

A soft moan would escape her lips, a sigh of regret as the soft embrace of sleep slipped from her grasp and she came to wakefulness. She blinked eyes, adjusting quickly to the familiar shades of their den and shivering at the cool of her side with the absence of her mothers warmth there. She made another soft sound of complaint as she came fully undone and stood upon trembling paws to see her mothers frantic form, to hear her so familiar voice utter the name of one of her siblings.

Her momma was moving outside the den now, still clearly searching for the wayward member of their family. Already awake and alert she decided to follow, seeing Taddeo's form also slipping free of the darkness and familiarity the den supplied. As she moved quickly on shaky paws she would prance and dart forward, giggling softly under her tones as she attempted to move forward and swipe at the softly moving form of her mothers tail at the same instant. Her first swipe would fall short as her mother moved fully outside, and her second was half a lunge. She would grip the tail for a second in little fangs then fall to the earth.

The little child would let out a squeal of surprise as the ground betrayed her with difference, feeling soft and squishy to her paws, rough in a different way to the floor of their den. She squealed again sprawling further into the earth, intent on pushing that feeling all over herself, little claws digging into the mud, crying out in delight as the substance flew over her form. Her head would rise from the earth, bits of dirt tangling in the fur of her cheeks as she looked up at Taddeo as he spoke. Her eyes would swivel to what had caught his attention and she would coo in delight. Prancing to her feet and with a cry she pounced on Taddeo. ?I gotsed you!? she giggled, attempting to squish him with her form.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-04-2014, 04:02 AM

To her despair there was no sign of Signy outside of the den either, where on earth had she gotten to? The giggles and attack upon her tail could have been almost ignored in this current state, so frantic about her missing child but alas she could not ignore any of her children. There was no amusement though with Taddeo's game nor did she encourage Cecily to test her reactions once more with the tail game instead her only thought was she had to find Signy and what on earth should she do with these two?

Her first thought was to send them back inside, though even she could see that for some reason they were overjoyed by being outside, and would likely put the blame on Signy for ruining that for them. But could she really wander around the lands in search of Signy with Taddeo and Cecily following behind her? Actually, though they weren't as mischievous as their sister, to have them close was something that she would crave right now.

"Keep close, we have to go and find your sister." She told them as she began to move away from the den, nerves at their first outing and fearful for what trouble Signy may have gotten herself into. Golden eyes flicked back to ensure they were following, but mostly they would glance around the area hoping to spot the dark form of Signy.

When she finally did her pounding heart would finally begin to slow and a rush of relief swept over her as she approached her smallest daughter. "Signy Lasair!" She called to her sternly, using her full name in that typical motherly fashion that just let you know you were in trouble. "What did you think you were doing? Never do that again." Her tone had begun to soften a little more now, that relief overpowering any anger, but she certainly couldn't let Signy think that such a disappearing act was a good thing.



2 Years
05-04-2014, 08:36 PM

Signy Lasair!

Signy's dark form froze guiltily at the sound of her mother's voice right behind her. Busted. "Uhhh, hi Mama," she said brightly, spinning to face her mother with her black-tipped tail wagging. Her bright green eyes were widened innocently, head cocked to the side to be as endearing as possible. "I'm sorry I went out without you. I won't do it again, I promise. I was just so excited I forgot we weren't supposed to. Hey, are Cissy and Tad out to?"

With that last bit she quite obviously lost the thread of the conversation, bounding excitedly over to her larger siblings. "Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!" she bounced gleefully onto her brother, teeth going immediately for one of his ears to chew on as she clambered over them.


[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



1 Year
05-07-2014, 12:40 AM

The boy was unaware of his mother?s worry, so wrapped up in his own little world he was. There was a cry and then weight pushing him down into the earth as Cecily pounced upon him. He gasped and squirmed a tiny bit, before twisting slightly so that he could gaze up at her. "You saved me!" He exclaimed, voice dripping with obviously forced gratitude. Anymore play would be cut short though as Emer returned her attention to the two pups. "Yes momma." Taddeo intoned, not hiding the disappointment in his voice. Twisting himself free of his sister?s trap he rolled onto his paws and trotted obediently after his mother.
He wanted to play but was finally tuned into his mother?s discomfort so kept himself close to her. Instead he contented himself with gaping at his surroundings. This world was so vastly different from the one he had known all his life. There seemed to be no walls here, no roof. It was endless! ?Sigy Lasair!? So enraptured by the world was the boy that he wasn?t even aware that his missing sister had been found. Taddeo automatically ducked his head at his mother?s tone, even though he knew he wasn?t the one in trouble.
He turned his gold gaze upon Cecily, giving her a shy smile before peeking out from behind his mother?s legs. Just as Signy came barreling towards them, calling out his name; the boy was knocked off balance and stumbled but managed to keep his footing. "Signy! We found you!" He cried happily even as his darker sister chewed playfully on one of his ears.




8 Years

05-07-2014, 12:59 AM

The dark shaded girl would giggle down at her brother, green eyes warm and glowing with her energy and happiness. He would speak then, saying she had saved him and with another giggle she would prance up as he wiggled free. Their mother was calling for them, and Taddeo was quick to follow after. She would be a little slower on her own response, swaying after them in overly exaggerated swoons of her paws. She would loom close to the ground then bounce back up again, feeling each texture of the ground beneath her paws, each brush of the breeze. She would finally straighten, and go truly opposite as she pranced, danced and leaped forward after momma. Occasionally she would take a swing with her paw at the tail that swayed behind Emer. The walk was a short one as they recovered the wayward sister.

When Emer turned her anger and fright onto the pup Cecily would stay back, certainly glad that she wasn?t the one being told off! Her brother seemed to be thinking the same as he peeked at her from beneath the stalks of their mothers legs. Then of course Sigy would come barreling towards them and leap upon Taddeo. Cecily would fall into a crouch, her rail wiggling so furiously behind her that her whole butt would go with the movement, and her eyes would look furious with her concentration as she watched her playing siblings and waited for the right moment. She would let out a furious battle cry ?Rauhubfhhh!!? and leap and fall upon the tangled mess of arms and legs that made up her siblings.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-07-2014, 03:27 AM

Emer would try to concentrate upon Cecily and Taddeo, certainly not wishing to lose them as well, but so worried by Signy's disappearing act she currently couldn't find it in her to humour their games or even acknowledge that as it was their first outing, they'd probably rather walk at a slower pace, have the chance to explore the world.

The culprit didn't seem guilty though for ruining what should have been a calmer moment. Emer's own fears probably shouldn't be passed onto her children, deep down she knew that though there was a part of her right now that almost wished she could scare them enough to remain in the den at all times, especially Signy it seemed. After a small apology, she'd clear off to her siblings and with a sigh, Emer would turn to place her attention on the puppy pile, eyes darting around a little nervously. Maybe she would have to take Valerius up on that guard offer, as not for the first time the autumnal girl wondered how on earth she would cope.



2 Years
05-08-2014, 02:40 PM

Signy squealed and giggled aloud as Cecily gave a fierce battle cry and flopped into them. She slid down, her teeth on Taddeo's ear no match for Cecily's weight unless she wanted to actually hurt him - which she didn't of course. Tiny paws flailing she wiggled her way out of the puppy pile and bounded around her siblings, growling and tugging at ears, tails, paws, whatever stuck out, and just making herself as much of a nuisance as possible. "Hey GUYS," she crowed out suddenly, the genius of her own idea astounding her. "LET'S RACE! I BET I BEAT YOU BOTH!!!" And without waiting for so much as an agreement from anyone, she was sprinting off again. It didn't occur to her that her mama might be worried about that. It wasn't like she was going off alone, right? Mama was right there and all.

[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



1 Year
05-12-2014, 11:10 AM

Taddeo didn?t have much time to react to Cecily?s cry, he only managed to turn his head and then his other sister was adding her weight to the puppy pile. Signy released him just as he felt the brunt of Cecily?s force pushing him over. Knocked of his paws he rolled easily onto his side, a playful growl escaping him. There was much wiggling and shifting and somehow Signy managed to free herself, and then set herself upon them, grabbing at both Taddeo and Cecily. ?Hey GUYS,? Taddeo would stop his wriggling and lift his head to gaze to regard his darker sister. "LET'S RACE! I BET I BEAT YOU BOTH!!!" Then she was gone.
"Hey no fair!" He called after her, untangling himself from Cecily and jumping to his paws and shooting off after her to join the race.




8 Years
05-13-2014, 05:52 AM

The towering man was off in search of Emer, wanting to see if there was anything she needed- anything to help her out since the birth of her children. He followed her scent, pausing at her den with a frown. She wasn't there, no one was, where had they gotten off too? Was everything okay? Nose moving to the ground, he followed their scent- and it wasn't long before he heard the giggling of pups. His interest peaking, he picked up his pace, letting out a call. "Emer?" He would call out, as he approached the sound. Was everything alright?

As he drew closer, he saw a black bundle take off at a run, and a brown pup follow. Chuckling, he approached Emer, his tail wagging slightly behind him, he would halt a respective distance from her, giving her, the space any mother deserved. "Got a pawful, don't you?" He spoke with a warm smile, his blue eyes glancing about him, trying to keep his gaze on the pups. He stood there, letting out a sigh, as he moved to follow the escaping children, "Want me to help?" A twinkle lit his blue eyes as he suddenly got an idea, of course he would wait until Emer agreed to let him help. He didn't want to upset her, and his experience with pups was limited at best but even he knew three pups could be a handful for any wolf.



8 Years

05-14-2014, 02:23 PM

The ?puppy pile? was a wiggling living mass of creatures as it squirmed and wiggled as the puppies tried to either come out on top or simply squirm away from the mess. It ended up with Signy wiggling free and Taddeo rolling away. Cecily would in turn flop on her back on the now abandoned grass breathing and laughing together until she was a mess of soft noises. Her sister had a completely different idea, up and about and eager to take off she cried out and was gone. Taddeo was quick to follow, calling out after. Cecily however, still laughing was struggling to righten herself but all she could do was giggle and collapse again. She offed as she fell on her stomach again and flipped a paw out as through to say ?oh, whatever? after her departing siblings.

She would quickly discoverer that remaining behind wasn?t so terrible after all. An interesting wolf was approaching her momma and once again she got a good look at a brown shaded wolf. Was Signy the most unique wolf in the world?? She thought in wonder as she blinked up at this boy. She had gotten her paws under her without rising and now she was wiggling her butt furiously and squirming along the ground until she was before the newcomer. She looked up at him with massively curious eyes. The boy however seemed to have his attention upon her other siblings and mommy perfect she thought softly, squirming some more in a hopeless attempt at soundless movement. She waited, her bum going insane behind her with her wound energy before she leaped forward, going for his side, trying to jump half onto his back and knock him on the ground ?Rooooar!? she cried as she leaped. She could take this boy, she was sure of it!

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-14-2014, 05:44 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2014, 06:02 PM by Emer.)

Emer could have perhaps relaxed a little more as the pups began to play together, though much to her dismay Signy would suddenly decide it was time to take off and panic would grip her once more. "Signy! Taddeo!" She would call but they were already on the move once more racing off with not a care in the world. "Stay closer!" She hoped desperately there was nothing in the world that would ever bring her children fear but she hoped so much that they would at least develop a little caution in time, Signy especially.

Cecily fortunately would remain close, choosing not to wander after her siblings though Emer certainly felt that it would only be a moment before she would have to drag Cecily off to find Taddeo and Signy for it seemed rather doubtful that the pair would loop back any time soon. Momentarily she would panic as she sensed another approaching, mind refusing to acknowledge initially that the scent was a familiar one and she could trust the man. Right now her only thought was protecting her children from the world and up until Signy's break-out she thought she had done rather well.

Relief would wash over her however as golden eyes rested upon the brown male and he acknowledged her presence. "Valerius!" She greeted with a sigh of relief, glad that it was no one else, although to be fair Erani she could have certainly dealt with, perhaps even Twig, Jinxx, Alpine or Sarak. His offer to help left her feeling somewhat unsure, a part of her still selfishly wishing to keep her children hidden from the world. She couldn't turn down the help though, especially not with Signy and Taddeo running off. With their little legs it probably wouldn't be too difficult to catch them but the Autumnal woman wouldn't take any chances. "Yes please." She confirmed, an almost desperate tone to her voice as her eyes now glanced towards the racing pups. "I have to get them, they can't go far." Oh but they could though, she simply couldn't let them get too far.

Before she had the chance to move and follow her escaping children however, Cecily would soon find a slightly mischievous streak as well as she suddenly pounced upon Valerius with a shout. "Cecily, no please leave him alone" Emer warned her, not sure that Valerius would really appreciate her daughter's attack, not that she really stood much chance against the large man.



8 Years
05-19-2014, 11:41 PM

As he approached, he noted the remaining pup and in the wake of his greeting, he admittedly didn't really pay much attention to her. Figuring she was busy playing with something, and he didn't want to scare her. Emer greeted him with a sigh, and he wagged his tail chuckling as he came closer. As she accepted his help, he nodded, before speaking. "They can't have gotten to far." He said solemnly. Though they were relatively safe in the Valhallan lands- he could understand the fear that any mother could feel. God only knew what a pup could stumble into. He moved forward, unaware of the 'danger' that lurked near him- unware

He could face down the scariest wolf in the world, but when a pup attacked you- he knew you played along. That didn't mean he was expecting the attack that was launched on him by the small brown pup, but once he realized what was going on, as she jumped towards his back- he fell onto his side. Careful not to crush her under his weight, he fell dramatically. "I..I've been wounded!" He said, with a sigh, his paws flailing gently about, as he laid on the ground. Blue eyes twinkling he glanced up at Emer, trying to express in the look that it was okay, they could take a second or two before chasing after the other pups. Perhaps if they heard the sound of the small brown pup beating him up, they'd come running out of curiosity.



8 Years

05-19-2014, 11:52 PM

She was beamed with pride when her leap brought him down. He had fallen, and she would stand victorious over her kill. He gave a mournful little cry about being wounded and she swiped at one of his flailing paws as she jumped onto his stomach and side. She pranced, tail high and head lifted as she walked over her kill. ?Mwahaha. First you, then the world!? she said with a dramatic sweep of her paw as she gestured Valhalla. She glanced a look over at her mumma, who had called out her disaproval over her attack. She offered the woman a sheepish smile as she turned her parade ad marched back to his head. Her paws light against his fur as she leaned over his face and, since she held him captive anyway she reached out and gave a big wet lick right across his face. She would giggle and leap over his head and off him, onto the ground again. Turning around to face him as she waited for his retaliation.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]