
Caribou For Two

Kichi Hunting Seasonal


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
06-08-2022, 11:51 PM

Crimson eyes scan the horizon as Ricin makes his way the ancient ruins that butt up against Elysium’s border. The blue boy is an explore at heart and, since finding their home, he has allowed himself to wander further and further out. But today he has decided to stay close to home as storm clouds on the horizon speak of ill things brewing.

Ruby gaze falls to the snow under his paws, noting the various tracks that zigzag and stack on top of each other. It has been several days since the last snow fall and the animals that have passed through churned up the dirt along with the pristine white powder. Along with the numerous tracks are various scents that lingering on the air and he tries to pick out the herd he is hunting.

When he crossed the land bridge from the island, the blue boy had immediately caught the scent of a large herd of caribou in the rock garden. Slowly he had followed after them, silently hoping that one of the pack’s hunters will pop up and help him to track the herd. Chade is the hunter of the pair but Ricin does know how to chase and bring things down. His brother has tried to imparted some of his knowledge but the lighter boy can never seem to find the lessons interesting.

A fat, white flake lands softly in Ricin’s fur and he turns his ruby gaze skyward. The storm clouds that promise a blizzard are still some distance off but fresh snow is already beginning to fall. Maybe he can use to this to his advantage. Ricin continues to track the herd to the best of abilities, keeping a careful eye on the fresh snow that starts to layer over the trampled, dirty powder.

WC: 300
Total: 300/1500

"Ricin Dauner"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
06-09-2022, 12:15 AM

Kichi had decided to work on his hunting skills again today.  He wouldn’t let Al or the pack down on being useless at things.  While it might seem silly to bring him along, little Torch was faithfully at his side.  It was just how things worked.  The little deer would stay out of the way when the hunt began but up until that it was his near-constant companion.  Any wolf that wanted to laugh at that could take it up with Kichi’s fangs.
The small fanged deer was extra fuzzy now in the water time, and he seemed to enjoy the snow.  While there was a nice worn down path the tiny deer would actually leave it at points to hop into snowy patches that it expected to not be so deep as to bury him.  Kichi smirked as a few times the deer did disappear but eventually, it gamely pushed its way back out with a proud bark of achievement.  Torch was something else.
When the scent of caribou caught Kichi’s attention he gave Torch a warning look and the small deer moved softly to his side.  Playtime was over and Torch well understood the message.  Kichi moved onward quietly, pausing when he caught sight of one of the pack’s blue wolves further ahead.  Kichi used his paw to point out a rock for the deer to wait by and it obediently moved towards it, lying down in hiding.
A few large flakes of snow landed on the grey wolf's coat, mingling well with the white markings already on his back.  He moved up to be alongside Chade.  Kichi still wasn’t thrilled with being social but he realized how much easier hunting had been the few times he’d done so with other wolves.  Maybe someday he’d enjoy their company more but, he rather doubted it.  Still, he knew how to work as a team now and that should be enough.  “Joining me on the hunt?” The words kept quiet, not needing for the caribou to be aware they had wolves coming to visit.

WC: 347
Total 647/1500



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
06-09-2022, 03:30 PM
Ricin walks slowly, hoping that another pack member will appear to take the lead on the hunt. The sound of soft paws approaching pulls the lighter boy’s attention away from the freshly falling snow and newly made tracks that cut a path through the powder. The packmate that greets the boy’s eyes causes him to start and a huge, excited grin suddenly pulls his lips up. Tail wags happily as he looks to the grey wolf and whispers, “Hey Kichi! How have you been? And yeah. I found these tracks in the snow and was hoping someone would show up to you know, take over.”

A soft chuckle falls from dark lips as he looks at the shorter male, memories surfacing of how Kichi had once saved his life. It is funny how a year can change so much; he is no longer the cowering pup that had gotten lost in the fog and nearly killed by a cougar. He wonders if the gray wolf realizes just how much he owes him. Giving himself a mental shake, Ricin turns his ruby gaze to the freshly made tracks of the caribou herd.

Pointing white dipped toes to the snow, he says, “The snow only started falling about ten minutes ago so these are fresh. They must be close by.” Lowering his paw and looking back to Kichi, Ricin says, “I might not be a hunter but I know how to chase and kill a prey animal. Tell me what to do and I will do it.” Another friendly smile appears as the blue boy readies to follow the grey wolf’s lead.

WC: 270
Total WC: 917/1500

"Ricin Dauner"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
06-11-2022, 12:04 AM

Kichi couldn’t recall any wolf seemingly so excited to see him.  Al didn’t count, that was a far closer relationship that Kichi treasured.  However, little Ricin he’d only said hi to a time or two while in the pack.  He’d run into him when Ry truly was little last year and saved the kid's life but it was over a year ago.  That was old news yet the boy sure was excited at Kichi joining him.  Kichi still looked at the boy and thought ‘little’ and yet admittedly the boy was now considerably larger than Kichi.  Whether it was the age difference or just something about his youthful cheer that gave that atmosphere he wasn’t sure nor did it matter.

“Doing pretty good.” Kichi glanced ahead towards where the prey waited and then looked back at Ricin as a thought struck him, “yourself?”  Small talk wasn’t a thing Kichi tended towards but hey he remembered to ask about the boy as well.  It seemed pretty obvious he was fine though.  

Kichi looked to the tracks and then ahead again, nodding, “I can smell it.”  Kichi strode past the boy, following the easy prints in the snow, if the snow got to falling harder he could switch to scenting it out but this was so easy.  Prey had to hate winter when it came to them trying to hide where they had gone.

The boy wanted to help him hunt?  Well, it was admittedly easier with two.  “Alright, simple. I’ll separate one from the group. You keep to the left side of it, don’t let it get around you.  If it can only go straight or turn to me things should go well.  If you can get a bite in a leg, do it.”

Kichi was improving plenty in his hunting skills but that didn’t mean he was a great teacher.  Knowing what to do and knowing how to explain it to others were two different things.  Still, he got a good basic idea out there even if it wasn’t the most refined.  “Be careful it doesn’t kick you.  It’ll at least break some bones.”  Kichi had only a few hunting lessons before alone so a lot of catching his own food ended with consequences for actions until he learned to respect the prey.

When they spotted the caribou herd the silver and white dog stayed low in the snow, his coloring much less noticeable in the snow than the bright blue near him.  “Let's get that one,” Kichi nodded to a younger-looking one, its coat still shorter and less muscling on the body.  “Let’s go.” That was all the warning Ricin got before Kichi went charging to the herd.  In Kichi there was a desire to cause pain, hate that needed to be spread amongst all, and while he lacked the size of some wolves that hate rolled off of him and seemed enough to encourage the caribou to not think about fighting.  The cluster ran and Kichi indeed would attempt to separate his chosen from the rest of the group.  

WC 511
Total Word Count  1424/1500



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
06-11-2022, 09:53 PM
The gray wolf looks confused for a moment and Ricin wonders if Kichi doesn’t realize who he is. But the older wolf answers and the blue boy’s tail wags happily, quipping back when asked, “I’m good!” There is work to be done so they quickly get down to business, the boy pointing out the tracks and Kichi effortlessly picking up the trail. Ricin falls in behind the gray wolf, listening to the instructions that are given as they move. Head bobs in acknowledgment, uncertain if Kichi can see him but he still does it all the same. The herd soon comes into view and the blue boy mirrors the silver and white wolf, crouching low and trying to remain out of sight.

Luckily, Ricin has his prized elk pelt wrapped firmly around his shoulders and it helps to lessen his stark contrast of color in the pristine white of the freshly falling snow. He waits, muscles coiled and ready to run. Kichi nods toward a younger caribou stating it is their target and Ricin nods in agreement. Then they are off, racing toward the herd and their unsuspecting target. Heads swivel and an alert is belted out, the herd swiftly turning to flee. The youth that they have chosen is slower, not as well trained on what to do when two wolves are charging straight toward it.

Because of its lack of experience and the wolves speed, they are able to separate it easily. Long blue legs pump as Ricin easily races up alongside the young caribou, the taller boy deftly avoiding flailing hooves as he goes. He sees an opening and takes it, teeth flashing out as the boy grabs the leg closest to him and pulls. With a shout of alarm, the caribou goes down and a moment later, Kichi is there to silence any further noise. Blood paints the snow a deep crimson as Ricin congratulates Kichi. Together they manage to get the dead caribou onto the boy’s back and the triumphant hunters return home as the snow begins to fall more heavily.

Total WC: 1770/1500
"Ricin Dauner"