
We Have To Talk...


05-02-2014, 04:41 PM

The need for protection was one thing... But Kar found a place of beauty, along with a good source of prey would be just as good. That was why he was glad he and Zanire had decided to settle in this place. The willows provided beautiful scenery... Even comforting. But... As Kar walked along towards the den he shared with Zanire he was not able to truly take in and appreciate their beauty.

Lime green eyes were actually downcast a little, his movements showing that what he wished to talk to the bear about was more serious in nature. He wasn?t sure if Zanire was at the den or not... But Kar was hoping she was. Kar would slow as he reached the entrance, calling softly even before he entered it.

?Zanire, if you?re here, I?d like to talk with you.?

Speech, Thought



9 Years
Extra large
05-03-2014, 01:10 AM

A voice would wake the female from her little nap, the sound of Kar's voice causing her to quickly stir. The boy wanted to talk, was it about the coming Winter? With a large yawn and stretch the bear would twist around like an egg, rolling over onto her side then picking herself up and moving to the entrance to their den. ?What you want to talk bout?? She asked curiously. Carefully she would maneuver out of the den, squeezing through the hole with her pawless leg tugged in against her so that she wouldn't bump it and cause pain. Once out she would plop herself back down on her rear, waiting for the boy to speak up.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


05-04-2014, 12:06 PM

The male would pause as he heard Zanire begin to stir. There were actually multiple things he wanted to talk about... But... He would sigh softly. Winter was coming... And he needed to ensure that things weren?t going to go completely south between Zanire and Nalyda when spring came along. He would wait, lime green orbs peering in the den to see the woman roll around, carefully maneuver herself so that she could leave the den. He was going to work on the den a little more during the winter too... So he could make it easier for her to move in. It wasn?t as spacious as their old one... But there had been little choice in moving. He had, at the beginning of the year, yearned to join a pack... But now... His heart had changed it?s mind about such things... And he looked to Zanire now to hopefully smooth everything out.

?There are a couple things actually but... The first is Nalyda. She told me that you two have been talking but... It seems that the conversations are not really getting anywhere.? Kar would give a soft sigh, sitting down and curling his tail around his paws. Now that Zanire was in the light she would be able to see the damage that Ashamro had done to him... But Kar didn?t care about that. He had done what he needed to protect both himself and Nalyda from the mountain lion... No more and no less.

?Zanire... I care deeply about you, and I care deeply about Nalyda too... I?ve fallen in love with her... And she loves me... That is why I?m coming to talk to you now... I need to figure out what causes your mistrust in her... She fears that you don?t want us to be together...? The male would lower his ears. ?I don?t want to believe that... So I want to hear it from you... What?s on your mind... But... Before you say anything... I want you to know something...?

?I consider you my family now, Zanire. We have stuck together for quite a while... And my time spent with you had helped me recover from the hurts I endured before coming to Alacritia. Nothing is going to change how I feel about you... And nothing is going to make me leave your side either. We?re a family... And families stick together no matter what. Even if Nalyda asked me too I?d never abandon you... But I know she wouldn?t. She wants to be accepted by you as well... So we can all be a family together...? He would finish speaking now, orbs full of emotion as he looked upon the woman.

Speech, Thought