
What Is Meant To Be Must Be


05-02-2014, 04:36 PM

Honestly, as Akemi wandered back to the borders of Ebony she felt bad about leaving them. But she knew that, in the end, this was the best decision for her. The pack had grown... And... She just didn?t find her place in it. Her heart was always lost... Waiting to be reunited with her big brother. She knew, no matter what she tried, that her destiny was tied with his own. It wasn?t like they were mates but they still shared a deep bond that would never, ever be severed.

When the small fae finally reached the territory she would throw her head back, calling specifically for Vaughan. He was the one, she knew, who would understand her reason for leaving the best out of the high ranking members. He had been the one to accept her, and knew of her longing to be with her family. He would understand... He had to understand. Akemi would remain standing as she waited for him, bright red orbs shining with more life than they had in a long time. She was going to be with Hati again... And she was going to help show the rest of the world that they were both not as everyone else perceived them.




05-03-2014, 02:44 PM

Wolves no longer seeked entry by the day on Ebony borders, the hype of the new kingdom had died down. They where once small, but now? They had atleast 30 members. Pride was an understatement. Raisa had made Ebony successful and Vaughan was happy that he could be an important part of it. He would sigh, the free time that he has been provided rather strange... though not necessarily a bad thing. He needed more of it now and again. A call would pierce through the air, aiming straight for the ebony cloaked lord. Triangular ears that lay atop of his large crown would swivel, before travelling towards the call which was located in the Rock Garden. Large paws would skim the surface of the hardened earth, each step bringing him closer towards Akemi. The pitch was clear, straight away he knew it was the woman he met from outside of the borders. What was bothering her?

The question wouldnt be held for long, he knew he'd be finding the reason today; something felt..of. Once catching sight of her Vaughan would make his way over swiftly, a smile pressing against his thin lips, his eyes appearing soft and calm like most days. His silken tail would flick idly at his heels before nodding. " Akemi, what is the matter?" He was currently approaching from behind, soon coming close to her side before turning to face her. " I havent seen much of you lately, is there something wrong?" Vau had taking quite a liking upon her, though he had met her only a few times. His crown would raise in suspicion, before sitting... waiting for answers.

image by Luisiana


05-03-2014, 06:35 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
Akemi would meet Vaughan?s gaze, letting a little sigh, audible only to herself, as he approached. She honestly felt bad about what she was about to do... To request to leave Ebony. Honestly... She had really hoped to find a place here... She had enjoyed her encounters with Vaughan, even if it was only a couple times. She would try to give a smile when he approached her, but it was a sad one. Goodbye... It was hard. But... She had made her choice. She belonged with Hati... And she was going to follow the path her brother had chosen.

?Vaughan...? She would turn her head to him, waiting until he came to a stop. His question made her feel endlessly guilty... And the fae would lower her red gaze to the ground. ?I?m sorry... I... I guess I just couldn?t find my place with Ebony. I ran into one of my brothers not long ago... And... I know I can?t keep lying to myself. I?m meant to stay by his side... And... He?s part of another pack... So... To be fair to Ebony and myself... I wish to request permission to leave.? The fae would lift her gaze then, frowning as she looked to Vaughan... And hoping he would be able to forgive her.

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say



05-05-2014, 06:50 AM

He'd wait and he knew straight away that this meeting isnt for the better. He would take a moment and sigh, though his gaze would still remain upon her, wanting to hear an explanation at the very least. Triangular ears would swivel, hearing about her brother. When they first encountered she mentioned something briefly about him, hoping that perhaps he would join Ebony... but perhaps thats no longer the case. He would nod in understanding, family afterall should always come first. " So be it, Akemi... I hope you settle in well, Family is everything afterall." He would take a moment to collect his thoughts before nodding in agreement. " Ill give you you permission to leave, its a shame things it didnt work out better." If Vaughan ever got the chance to see his family again, then he would never hesitate, so he couldnt blame Akemi from doing the same. " I hope we meet again," And with that said he would leave, letting her go at her own free will

-Vaughan exits-

image by Luisiana


05-06-2014, 12:30 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
Vaughan would nod in understanding, speaking words that were both what she longed to hear and pained her heart too. He was the first wolf that wasn?t related to her that expressed that they felt she had any sort of potential. She had honestly hoped to show him that, to be a wolf within Ebony who might even rise through the ranks. She would give a small nod of her head. ?Thank you, Vaughan... For understanding. It means a lot.? Red orbs would meet with his own for a brief moment. ?I do too. Thank you for everything. Strength and health be with you until the day we meet again.? The young woman would turn then, casting one last look at Ebony's lands before taking her leave.

-Exit Akemi.-

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say