



10 Years
05-01-2014, 09:49 PM

Odette was fuming. She had been trying to show her worth to Erani by practicing with other wolves, but there weren't any to find! The aggravation was getting to the growing yearling and she was tired of being abandoned. Having the pent up anger resting in her chest, she stormed towards the familiar landscape, hoping to find an opponent. Growls rolled from her chest as she reached the perfect place to stand.
Her actions were short and sweet. Odette tossed her head back to the air, howling a lone call for anyone willing to spar. She needed to use the energy of the anger that was still building up in her chest and this was the only way she could get rid of it. For a split second, she wished that Baskilisk would appear to see her enraged, but she knew the chance was slim. So, she waited with twinkling eyes that began to flash. She began to look out and about, growls slipping from her tongue and out into the open air in front of her. Fur bristled and muscles tensed and relaxed before repeating themselves. Eagerly, she waited.

Talk like this


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2 Years
05-05-2014, 12:50 AM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2014, 01:08 AM by Crucifix.)

For all his wanderings he was yet to find himself upon these wasted landscapes, these battle marked arenas that served as a battlefield. There was a soft scent of blood in the air, a metallic tang of all the blood that had been spilt across this earth. It was clear it had been used for sparring and more violent battles for a long period of time. His paws would lightly touch the earth, his nose to the air as he gracefully paced his body along the edges of the territory. It was from here that the call of a stranger would ring out, calling and beckoning him onwards. Perhaps the being behind the throaty call had caught sight of pacing form or a spark the rogue scent that rolled about him. Whatever her cause, and despite the lack of a direction behind the call he still felt it was to him it beckoned. Perhaps it was for a strange twinge of fimilarity to these ringing tones.

Unable to deny that summons he would tread further into the wasted lands and find himself before the caller. She was a solid, tall beast, clearly standing before a broad heritage. She was in dark shades not too dissimilar to his own, with blacks and silvers in more solid patterns along her body. He took this all in in the time of a heartbeat, lowering his head to her lightly in the manner of a greeting. She had grown barely and almost impeccably since he had seen her last. It was almost with amusement that he thought back, back to the cave and the beast and his own almost protective movements placed before her in the range of the bear. He had sought to protect her, and he looked upon her now on the battlefield and thought instead to fight her. He could see a rage in her eyes, and in the growls he had heard before approaching. He took it all in, everything and categorised it besides all that he already knew of her through their single meeting prior to this day. He found himself wondering if she would give way to emotions before tactic, to anger before the calm of wisdom. She looked like a thing of brute force, and one that outmatched his own large form. ?hello my dear? he said in soft, thoughtful tones. As he looked on to Odette and her familiar form.




10 Years
05-05-2014, 01:40 AM

Her call had faded for only a minute when it was answered. The reply was not by voice, but by appearance. A familiar face with a familiar cross on his front left leg rose from the darkness that surrounded the battlefield. The fire still blazed in Odette's eyes when she came to realize it was Crucifix Black. A smirk appeared on her face as she took the timid steps required to her defensive spot. Seriousness was etched in her legs as they slowly moved the muscles around each bone. Nerve impulses sent messages even in her relaxed state of mind, letting her know that the electricity in the air was from the future spar.
Crucifix greeted her with tender words, something she didn't let reach her heart. She merely snorted and a gentle laugh escaped her lips. "Hello to you as well, dear Cru," she tenderly replied, words easily slipping off her tongue. "I'm glad it wasn't a monster that decided to appear." Her coy words hid the general idea of Baskilisk, but she didn't let the young Black know of her thoughts. Instead, she spread out her toes, planting each paw in proper alignment. Her shoulders hunched forward, making her extra fat around her neck turn into rolls. She lowered her head back to level with her spine and protect her jugular, lips curling back into a snarl. Her eyes became squinted so she could protect them and still see. Ears flattened against her skull and tail stood out straight to maintain her balance. Legs braced themselves and she said between clenched teeth, "Show me what you're made of."

Round 0/3??
Attacks: None.

Defenses: Spread out toes, planting each paw in proper alignment. Shoulders hunched forward, making extra fat around neck turn into rolls. Lowered head back to level with spine and protect jugular. Lips curling back into snarl. Eyes squinted to protect them and still see. Ears flattened against skull and tail out straight to maintain balance. Legs brace themselves.

Injuries: None noted.



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2 Years
05-05-2014, 03:54 AM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2014, 03:56 AM by Crucifix.)

His gaze upon her was almost lazy as recognition sparked in her own odd shaded orbs and his name would slip her lips. He stood partly side-on as he faced her, his paws where lightly rested against the ground and his head curved in an almost prowling state like one whose eyes rested upon a tasty morsel. ?Afraid of getting eaten?? his voice was soft, and his face stilled of expression, but his eyes laughed in flashes of friendly teasing. His entire posture added to the joke as he looked as her as through he relished the opportunity of 'eating' her. He would watch her stance as she brought out her defences, watched each ripple of her muscle as she moved and prepared.

His own tail would slowly sway behind him in an almost seductive movement and lashes would lower over brightly contrasted purple orbs. Slowly, almost teasingly his paws would move, swinging gently behind him as he brought himself into alignment before her, swinging his ass perfectly behind him before digging his claws roughly into the earth. His tail would fan out behind him for balance before that too would still. His ears would flicker once almost in a wave to draw attention to their forms before folding tightly to his skull. He would roll broad shoulders forward, flexing muscles and aligning them into coverage over his darkly shaded neck. He would chuckle softly and complete his defences by ensuring his paws where evened out, his muscles limber and his shoulders where they had rolled would also raise, giving him once more a prowling visage.

His eyes had never left her face, and the humour had never faded as her last words touched the air. ?You wanna see my moves?? he drawled, coiling his weight into his hunches, and parting his lips into what could have been taken as a laughter or a light snarl. He waited a moment more to see if she would make the first move, but clearly she was settled with her defences. He would give no warning before he lunged, his already parted teeth glistering a moment in the sunlight before he was forward. His rolled shoulder aimed to slam into her muzzle, to full her mouth with fur or the whack a closed jaw he was not faced on. As he aimed to ram it into her he would also aim to push at an angle, to push it to his right, so that if he connected he would aim to push her jaws to the right side away from where he aimed to land his lunge His teeth where aimed for her armpits beneath his left side of her balanced stance, attempting to connect to the tender muscles there.

Crucifix Vs Odette

Round 1/3

Defences: lashes lowered partially over his eyes, moved to face her directly to make himself less of a target, digging his claws into ground, tail fanned behind him, ears to skull, shoulders rolled and fluffed around neck. Ensured paws evened, limber, spaced and balanced.

Attacks: Rolled shoulders aimed to ram into her jaws to injure or knock to side with a push as jaws aimed to go downwards and bite into the tender muscles of her left armpit


Ooc: edited because coding broke



10 Years
05-05-2014, 10:55 PM

Odette's growls were continuous as she saw him approach. Despite his words being seductive and taunting, she was there to blow off steam and his manners only made her a bit more agitated. As he approached, intending to hit her square in the face, she had moves of her own. Odette swept her hind legs from behind her towards her right, making her body swerve to a perfect perpendicular angle to where her face would have been waiting. Legs regained their sturdy stance, hind paws digging into the dirt with claws extended into the ground. All four legs were bent to improve balance, tail still fully straightened behind her. Most of her face avoided the collision Cru's body mass would have made. Instead, he knocked into her right shoulder and the right side of her maw, making a growl escape her lips from the sudden onset of pain. Odette knew she would bruise later on, but still she continued.
Teeth remained bare, face pushed back to secure the rolls of her neck and upper shoulders. Cru had intended to nip at the tender area of her left armpit, but now it was out of reach. Eyes still squinted with vision intact, her weight now rolling back to her hind legs, she pushed with said hind legs to propel herself forward. Front legs still bent to protect the underarm flesh, she aimed to ram into the left side of Crucifix's ribcage. Even though her right shoulder and the right side of her face were aching from the rush, she continued to push all of her weight into her ram.

Spar for Practice

Round 1/3
Attacks: Aim to ram into the left side of Crucifix's ribcage

Defenses: Odette swept her hind legs from behind her towards her right, making her body swerve to a perfect perpendicular angle to where her face would have been waiting. Legs regained their sturdy stance, hind paws digging into the dirt with claws extended into the ground. All four legs were bent to improve balance, tail still fully straightened behind her. Teeth remained bare, face pushed back to secure the rolls of her neck and upper shoulders. Eyes still squinted with vision intact, her weight now rolling back to her hind legs, she pushed with said hind legs to propel herself forward. Front legs still bent to protect the underarm flesh..

Injuries: Bruising to right shoulder and right side of face



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