


05-01-2014, 09:33 PM
This the first round, it is mandatory that you post, and this round will end on MAY 8TH!

She moved slowly towards the heart of her territory, wanting to reach the same spot she had called the last meeting. The Queen, however, was exhausted, she was nearing the end of pregnancy. It had gone by so fast, but for that she was thankful. There was nothing worse than being pregnant. The silver temptress would move at a steady speed until she reached her destination. Haunches would recline towards the earth as she took a moment to catch her breath and relax. Once she had rested, her crown would tip back, a call spilling from dark lips as she summoned her pack.

Things had been successful for the most part. However, they had disappointed her. Only a few had shown up for the pack hunt and only half of the pack showed up to the battle training. The mere thought had her blood boiling. Plume curled around her to rest on her paws as she settled into wait. They had much to speak about, including announcing a few new members, or prisoners rather. Aside from that, she would verbally lashing those who had failed to attend the proper meetings. Already she had slackers that weren't ready to pull their weight.

Lips curled at the thought, eyes narrowing with distaste. There were a few faces she expected to see, but most importantly Basilisk. Since their last meeting, he seemed to have finally realized his place and was now willing to take it, though only time would tell if he was serious about it. Audits twitched, listening for the distinct sound of paws coming to answer her call.


OOC: Those excused from fight training because of new membership are Caeto, Ragna, Pandia, Mariposa, and Victoria. Those excused from the pack hunt because of new membership are Caeto. No one else has an excuse for absence in these threads -unless you have an absence/scarcity notice up.


05-01-2014, 09:42 PM

Ebony male was never far from his queen so as usual when her call would stretch towards the sky his skull was snap upwards and ears would swivel to catch it. This was not for him though, no it was for the pack? Either way the massive beast would lift himself, shaking the debris from his pelt that had gathered there before setting off at an easy pace. Long legs would propel him at a steady lope, weaving expertly through the trees he had come to love so much. He didn't slow until her face filled his view, easing into a trot and then eventually to something that could only be described as a slink. Head lowered so nose almost dragged to the ground, shoulders rolling to further absorb the sound of massive paws pressing into the brittle earth. All the while verdant gaze would never leave her features. He would stop a short ways off, head tipping elegantly in greeting as eyes flittered to her swollen sides. That body that held his offspring? The couldn't be long now if he had learned anything from Secret. He would be there for the birth, whether it was 10 days from now or in 10 minutes. The giant of a man would always answer her call and hopefully by now she knew that. As her duke he would not take a place beside her as much as he desired to be near her, instead sitting nearby, a bit off centre so they didn't have to stare awkwardly at each other while they waited for everyone else to arrive. "Lovely day is it not?" He half mused aloud, mostly looking to fill the silence more then to start a conversation and fully expecting her to ignore him. Either way an easy smile would dance on the mans lips.




8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-02-2014, 06:57 AM

will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
Hati was asleep, a fretful, nightmare-ridden sleep that he'd been finding himself in more than usual lately. Had he been the sort to think about it, he may have been frightened by the exhaustion, by the growing intensity of the dreams. But Hati didn't fear - or if he did he kept it locked deep inside himself in the same place the nightmares leaked from. No, Hati reacted to fear-inducing situations in a much more violent manner than simple fear.

When Cataleya's call woke him from his whimpering, twitching sleep, Hati came awake instantly with a hot gush of fury. A furious snarl, a snapping muzzle as he came to his feet, but there was no enemy for him to meet - only the top of his den which he met with a dull thud and a sudden tang of blood as his teeth clanked together and caught against the edge of his tongue.

So when Hati came stalking into the clearing a short time later it was with an even more sulky stiffness to his stride than usual. And it seemed that he had managed to get there early, since only the queen and her duke were there. Fucking fantastic, that meant he had to sit and wait for all his lazy pack members to stir themselves. He wondered idly if Daegmar would make it in at all - last time he'd tracked her down she'd seemed to be sick or something and they didn't have a proper healer anywhere in the pack. Did he care? Less at that moment than usual.

Still nursing his bitten tongue, he slumped down a bit away from the pair. It was starting to feel a little swollen and uncomfortable and that, he decided as he swiped a dribble of blood from his muzzle with his paw, was why he was just going to be silent the whole meeting. Not because he was sulking.

the sins of our father, the sins of our young
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


05-02-2014, 09:45 AM

Ragna's body would force her to rise when the call rang to her ears. Yet another night of sleep with no dreams, she didn't need them trapped in her own little world of hers. Same as always her demeanor would rest in a nearly uncaring manner, selfishly stepping towards the call without a care. Her sea-green eyes would come to rest on Cat, yet Daegmar the woman she knew as well was not yet here, making her scoff slightly and shut her eyes. No one here she knew, so there was no need to interact with them it would only mean unnecessary problems for her little fake persona at the moment.
Though not that she wasn't used to warping her personality around others, as much as she hated all of these wolves she had no right to not think that they were her friends. The daughter of the plague was a burden simple as that, raised to be a server while make it seem like she wasn't at all under some sort of curse even if the others hand known it all too well. Settling herself away from the others she dipped her head to the monarch and waited patiently.



05-02-2014, 09:56 AM
[Image: BICRzLg.png]

I deliver justice like a jaguar; without mercy

A call and a pack meeting. Perfect.

As soon as Kaneyna had heard the call she rushed forth, departing from her hunt of smaller game to answer to that of her leader, her alpha, her queen. She arrived forth to the meeting apart from the queen who had (obviously) been the first to arrive as she had called said meeting to order. She grinned at the fact that she had beaten the duchess Narfi to the scene. She gave a bow of respect to her leader before resting her rump on the ground near where the front of the crowd would probably end up being. "Greetings, my queen." She greeted respectfully. Kane had hoped for a bit of justice at the meeting for the measly results of the pack hunt. The prisoners had shown up along with the heir, queen, and a few others scattered. It had made Kaneyna, to be honest, feel like they thought it wasn't worth the time. It was why she was so insistent that only those who participated were to each. To teach a lesson to those who did not show.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by ELSA



3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 12:51 PM

A familiar call wold echo throughout the mist cloaked forest, just in time to interrupt the boy from falling deep into sleep. He would grunt before raising to his paws to stand on all fours, his head nearly hitting the roof of his already expanded den. He would slither out of the dens opening like a mamba, scorching all that he sees with his frigid amethyst stare. He would travel across the foggy lands at a steady pace, reaching the heart of the forest within a few minutes. A few other members had reached the monarch first, including the big man he despised, and the ebony man from the battle training. The others he was not too familiar with. He would approach his queen with haste, reaching her within a few strides upon his lengthy limbs. His eyes would roll hungrily over her body, his testosterone levels rocketing sky high as of late provoking him to become more interested in the female body. Soon the desire to rape the unwilling would plague his mind just as it had his fathers at this age, and he would become unstoppable. "Cataleya, who did you fuck." He would speak low enough for she alone to hear, as he was truly curious to know whose seed she carried, but did not wish to announce it to the entire pack. He would then back peddle so that he could come to sit beside her, his tail curled high despite his sitting position. He would look down upon his queen for a moment, admiring her coral glare and the way she put fear into others with a single look, all while waiting for the rest of the pack to show and for her to respond.




4 Years
05-02-2014, 01:42 PM

Summoned in the middle of a hunt, Narfi would growl in frustration, her Monarch's howl distracting the girl long enough to completely screw it up. Mismatches gaze narrowed upon the deer running off into a thicker parts of the forest, tail lashing, chest rising and falling with her quick breaths. She would linger on it too long however, a summons was a summons and she should be there. So off she went, doing a ninety degree turn and heading into the heart of their pack land.

Unable to move around too much was an incredibly irritating thing for the young she-wolf. Scoping out the outer reaches of the claimed lands she had ended up being attacked by a rogue, damn fool, he thought she would be easy to overwhelm, but she had a bite to her bark. Even if it was a surprise, Narfi felt good about the fight, she managed to fuck the guy up with little to moderate injuries but nothing too bad. One of those, besides small cuts along her face, was a sprained muscle in her right foreleg. The reason why she was unable to join the pack hunt, she would have loved to join but unfortunately, her leg made it impossible to do an even fast walk that time.

With a small limp but still noticeable, she would approach the gathered wolves, gaze running over them briefly before she made her way over to Kylar. Silently the girl would take a seat near her partner, tail curling around her rear and head held high but respectful to the Monarch. Did she gain weight?




3 Years
05-03-2014, 11:52 AM

A mix of deep purple?s reds and warm amber glow hung over the land truly at sun set most things seemed to gain a stage peaceful glow about them before they were plunged in to dark night. The steadily flowing of the river created a soothing lullaby as it added to the sounds that one might hear round the domain The air was rather warm for this time of year yet every so often a light breeze would carry the first winds of winter on its back.
Not located to far from a river, a pearly canine rested upon her flank upon the bank of the river her frame was rested and relaxed while her cranium was raised with the help of her torso being propped upon the elbow of the forepaws. She allowed her forepaws to gently caress the water as it travelled by while her hind legs stretched out behind her and crossed slightly at her hock. Her amber gaze was fallen upon the land as she enjoyed the quiet scenery since it was an improvement to the squabble of the early week?s events. Then again it would appear that it was a thing that she would have to get use to considering this was her new home.

A faint grin appeared upon her mussel as she slowly rested her cranium upon her paws a soft chuckle slipped the females jaws only to be silenced by a sigh of content as her mind raced with ideas and plots. Her mind was soon to snap back to reality as her ears perked forewords to the sound of a howl which caused her hackles to rise slightly however she soon relaxed as she heard that the howl was from her so called queen, deciding that a bit of company would pass the time she lifted her skull only to allow a melody pour from her vocal cords to give her identity and location away. Ending her call she allowed an idle yawn to pass her maw as she rose upon her paws before she began a light gate towards the location of the meeting. Her gate was still interrupted by an ever slight limp due to her injury but she was healing and healing well considering she could now move more freely without causing herself more pain and discomfort.

It did not take her long to arrive upon the scene, her vibrant orbs flicked around the area as she spotted a few wolves she had met however had not registered them with a name, not that it was the most important thing but nevertheless she would find out soon enough. Lifting her gaze to the queen she dipped her head slightly as a greeting before they flicked to the male at her side, Neios, the simple sight of the male caused irritation upon the female simply because she had somehow became his play thing however hopefully this wouldn?t last to long. As she moved to recline her appendage and take a seat upon the domain she allowed her tassel to coil around her form as her auds remained alert simply due to curiosity messing with the females mind-



6 Years
05-04-2014, 08:25 PM

He hadn't been in the pack for very long, a few days at the most, and already his presence was being requested for a pack meeting. It was a little nerve racking but he would have Zaria at this side. Speaking of Zaria, he would nudge the sleeping silver/cobalt figure that was sleeping beside him, urging her to awaken. Her mother was calling the pack mother and the russet boy wanted to give the silver woman a good impression since he was planning on spending a good amount of time with her daughter after all.

Only after Zaria had woken up would Caeto raise himself, shaking his coat out to get rid of the dirt, trying to make himself look somewhat presentable. With a nuzzle to Zaria he would turn and head off in the direction of the queen's call, hoping to arrive there early. The familiar visage of the silver queen would come into, accompanied by that of an ebony man, one he assumed to be the King. He would present a nod of greeting to the two before settling himself a little ways off, spotted haunches folding beneath him as he sat, Zaria's darker frame settling beside his. He would remain cool in her presence, refraining from the usual affection the two had come to exchange, needing to appear stoic and indifferent in front of the pack.

Talk like this



4 Years
05-04-2014, 09:04 PM

He nearly an adult, well nearly a yearling as his height was starting to attest. He was not going to be too large but he was already clearly not a tiny pup anymore. He was an independent young man who didn?t need anyone or anything? or at least that was what he believed. The boy was only here out of convenience; it seemed his time alone in the world was rather easily forgotten. He lounged in the den he had been born into, the familiar mists of the forest lazily drifting beyond the entrance of his earthy home. This was his home, and so he had claimed it again, even with a pack squatting upon these lands.
Cataleya?s call reached him and Novocaine nearly curled up, the last thing he wanted to do was answer, he wanted to be left in peace. But then he remembered the only reason he was even allowed to remain here was his continued participation in the pack. So it was that the grey and white boy would leave his den, stretch and sullenly trot off in towards the clearing. He had not attended the last one, he had not yet come to these lands at that time so the scene that played out before him was not a familiar one.
He approached the gathered wolves, steel blue gaze landing on the grey woman, his queen. The idea that anyone could rule over him was laughable, but he had the presence of mind not to voice those thoughts. He turned away from her after a moment and settled himself amongst those that had gathered already, not really paying attention to who was around him, he could care less.

Talk like this

Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
05-06-2014, 12:33 AM

His mothers call would ring in his ears, the boy turning his course. He had turned cold, the evidence of it in his eyes. Antisocial, perhaps even his mind muddling into that of one who was not right of mind. He knew his mother would be angry if kept waiting, and so he would lope towards her melodic call. The Prince of Darkness would not keep her waiting...and it did not take long for him to arrive. The giant boy stalked in, icy glare staring at the boy who sat much too close to his mother. Striding forward with an air of confidence, tail held up and his stance high, he swept past the other male to press his head into his mothers neck, inhaling her sweet scent. "Hello, mother." He murmured, his voice practically in a flat tone. Not because he was pissed, but because he could feel himself changing. He noticed her own changes as well, her belly had grown bigger and she was more irritable then ever. He could only guess who the father was, but would not comment any further about it. The boy would sit opposite her, away from the other boy. And it was then as he scanned the crowd that the one she had entrusted with being her secondary was absent. always. Why the hell is he even still holding his rank? He's useless. His mind would question his mothers choice in that matter, wondering if she was simply giving too many chances or just didn't care who held that position. Either way, he disliked her continuous choice in the matter. Perhaps he would prove himself, and take that spot however he could.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


05-07-2014, 08:08 PM

Her mothers call had echoed in her skull, waking the girl from her sleep. She moved mechanically, her instincts leading her to answer her mothers call. Only after she had risen would Caeto follow suite. Grey bodice stretched, awakening stiff and sleepy muscles as a yawn parted jaws. She would move beside Caeto, keeping pace with him easily. She hoped they would be late, as Heir, she always tried her best to be on time. Audits switched and nostrils quivered, inhaling the scent of gathering wolves as they got closer.

Icy pools would scan the crowd, spotting her mother immediately, and the brute she was currently fucking. It was no secret that her mother was pregnant again. Part of the girl was irritated by such a thing. Didn't her mother know these things? Or did she just enjoy being knocked up? No matter the thoughts that fanned her anger, the girl remained stoic, dark fave void of any emotion. She would not to her mother and the few other higher ups that had gathered before taking her seat. There was no doubt in her mind that her mother would be furious by the slowness of everyone else's arrival.

Talk like this



5 Years
05-07-2014, 08:31 PM

D?gmar was in a sour mood. Training was going slower than she'd like and she could sense that the minds of her pack mates were anywhere other than battle. At least she had Drashiel who was hell bent on learning but today their training session was short lived and brutal. The femme had suffered some after effects from her birthing that had kept her down for some time and while she was physically better the down time had left her mood darkened.

D?gmar was still a ways out of the territory when the call rang out and she swore lightly under her breath before picking up the pace. She knew she'd be late well before she arrived and her suspicion was only confirmed at the gathering of wolves but she walked amongst them head held high as was expected of her rank. Her head dipped only to Cataleya in a graceful greeting before she moved to take a seat next to Hati, her fellow Marquis.


05-07-2014, 09:12 PM

Although he was somewhat late to her call, Uisge had good reason. He had gone on a hunt to bring back some prey, whether it would ease the queens anger somewhat or not he didn't care. He was doing something for the pack, and he wasn't about to give up the chase when he had put so much hard work in tracking and killing the creature. He dragged the heavy tusked warthog across the grounds, sapphire pools slitted as he neared the meeting place. It took some time, but finally he arrived after several long moments. The scents of the pack infiltrated his nostrils before their forms did, and with great effort he dragged the carcass into the clearing. He moved past the others, dropping it in the center as he rolled his shoulders and neck before looking at Cataleya. "A gift fer you my Queen. Took all my effort tae capture and kill it, but 'ere is the end result. 'Twas not easy task, I hope ye enjoy it." He murmured as he sat a couple feet from the kill.




6 Years
05-08-2014, 09:58 PM

Her ebony body would sulk around in the shadows the trees provided with the added fog in the Soul Less Forest, the black beauty being easily hidden in the forest. Black midnight covered ears would twitch as they caught a familiar call in the air. Cateleya. Her queen. She would quickly obey to her queen's orders, shadowed body running through the forest towards her Queen. When she would arrive, she would bow respectfully at all of the other wolves, sitting down a few yards scattered out, crown tilting towards her Queen in a respectful manner to listen closely.


05-09-2014, 05:30 PM
The second round will end MAY 19TH. Post your wolves by then.

Slowly they would trickle in, one by one, greeting her and taking seat. Kylar, as always was the first to arrive. Hati would silently stalk forward, looking more disgruntled than usual. Ragna and Kaneyna would file in next and she would greet them both with a dip of head. Neios, he precious Neios, would slink forward next, coming up beside her, a question rolling off his tongue. Lips curled back, jaws snapping in his direction. Boldly, he would sit himself beside her, as though he ruled the pack with her. Her Duchess would arrive silently, seating her amongst the crowd. The slave would arrive, looking surprisingly health. Neios was slacking. Her daughter and plaything would arrive together, stinking of each others scent. Whatever it was, this boy had captured her daughters attention. Novocaine would arrive, looking pissy as usual. She rather liked the boy and his spunk, though sometimes she just wanted to wring his neck. Sora would be one of the last to arrive, greeting her quietly. She needed to do something with him, rather than allowing him to simply occupy space and sulk daily. Her second Marquis would arrive, looking mildly unwell. The sound of something being dragged had her attention shifting to Uisge as he strolled forward, carrying a dead boar. A brow lifted, did he hope to get back into her good graces with food? "I'm not so easily swayed, Uisge." Velvety words left her lips. Last to arrive was Mariposa, one of the other slaves, it appeared as though the woman as attempting to better herself and wiggle back into the Queens good graces.

She would pause for a moment. The absence of Meinx, Nott, Avery and Victoria would cause her hackles to lift. They were all in for an unpleasant surprise. Especially when it occurred to her that Basilisk had failed to keep his promise. "Well, its a pleasant surprise to see that you all managed to show up." Sarcasm dripped heavily from her lips as eyes turned to liquid fire. "As much as it would please me, I will not be made a fool of when you are all dead on the battlefield because of your poor skills." The woman never rose her voice above its normal level, but threats drenched every syllable. Those that had showed up to training, had been slow to move their ass's when it was time to spar. " When the Marquis calls a meeting, you had all better jump to your feet and come running, unless you desire to lose a limb." Barely controlled rage seethed from her pours. She would start dishing punishments to those who needed it. They had received enough chances. "While we are on this subject, I don't give a fuck if you all starve, but you will participate in the pack hunts, some of us prefer to eat." Lips curled back over her fangs as she rose to her feet. "Your Commanders are to be treated with respect and their orders obeyed."

"Now, I would like to introduce you to the newest prisoners, Pandia and Mariposa." They would all know what it meant to have prisoners, they were the playthings within the pack and would be treated as such. She was certain that after the tongue lashing they got, they would all like to take out a little frustration. "As for Basilisk, due to his incompetence to rule, if any of you stumble upon him, bring his sorry ass to me." She had verbally demoted him in front of the pack. No longer did he have the pleasure of being called Monarch. He was worthless, a waste of her time.

It was time to move onto more important things. "Sora, you will mentor Novocaine." There was no debating it, she would pair them up to learn together and teach each other. It was time for her son to do more than sit around on his ass. "Hati and Daegmar, continue with your training, if anyone decides not to show, feel free to punish them as you see fit." It was a dangerous amount of power to give, especially if there was someone they didn't particularly favor. "Kaneyna, take out a few other the younger members and teach them to hunt." Her frame still vibrated with uncontrolled rage, her words still seething, but there was no time to dwell. They would learn soon enough. The Queen would stop speaking, waiting for her pack to acknowledge their failures and their newest tasks.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
05-11-2014, 04:07 PM

His mother was fairly pissed. He could feel it seething off of her in waves like a rolling tide. Icy blue eyes roved over those gathered, unimportant to him as they were all mere pawns in his presence, not one of them he could call a friend. Eyes shifted briefly to stare at her from his peripheral view as she spoke, demoting the very one he had just finished thinking was unworthy of Monarch. Inky lips lifted just the slightest, pleased that his mother had taken the decision to not give another chance. He would wait until she was finished speaking, gaze falling upon the one he assumed was the Novocaine she spoke of. He was fairly young, though Sora would teach him what he could, and guide him along and teach him more as he himself learned more as well. He didn't want to be a disappointment to his mother, and with this new charge perhaps he would stop dwelling on the abandonment he felt. Although it would still prickle his mind, he would not allow it to get in the way of his duties...and his life.
"I will be more then happy to take won't be disappointed." He responded, gaze remaining fixed on the other male.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



2 Years
05-13-2014, 11:06 AM

Late... So terribly late.

TO make it worse it was the queen who had called for them all. To be late was not exactly the best way of proving her dedication, though its better to show then to not at all, fight? A sigh would fall from thin lips before quickly pacing towards the gathering where it would seem everyone else was already their. Her oceanic gaze would flick gingerly upon them all, before pulling her large mass towards the crowd, nearer to the back. Bowing her crown in apology if Cataleya would look upon her. [no doubt with all guns blazing] She would wait, wondering if she would be punished. Though, atleast Meinx made her presence known today, who knows what would happen if she didnt at all. Her triangular ears would listen to the queens speech, waiting to see if she had anything more to say before ending the entire meeting. At the end it'd do the russet babe good to call for her queen once again to talk and see if she had any buisness she'd like meinx to attend to.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



5 Years
05-13-2014, 03:27 PM

It didn't take much to see that the Queen was a good deal irritated but D?gmar fully approved of everything she had to say. If the troops weren't looking more lively by the next training round she had half a mind to start removing limbs and seeing if they'd be more usefully being rolled down a hill at the enemy. She was pleased to hear that Cataleya shared a similar sentiment. Though she did feel a pang of guilt at missing the pack hunt but there was only so much you could do right after going into labor. She would make certain to attend the next one.

She nodded as Cataleya addressed her. "You have my word. We will begin the next session just as winter breaks."


05-13-2014, 05:17 PM

It seemed like the wolves around her didn't know how to control their freedom. Ragna would give everything she had to be like them and follow the queen's foot steps without another whim. Alas she was a slave chained to the skies all in the same, as her sea-green eyes made contact with the queen who was yelling and she would give no reaction for only part of it centered towards her. That would be she was expected of these things and she would deliver with the out most of her obedience. Her attention trailing towards Daegmar, so just as winter broke then? She would be prepared.
Ragna didn't have anything to say, as her stoic appearance turned towards the queen and she lowered her head in a nod just to say that she understood. Words were something she didn't waste if there was nothing important to be said. That was why she would not waste anyone's time. Her tail flicked back and forth for the moment as she stood there and waited to either be addressed or dismissed.
