
no match for a bear



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
07-01-2022, 12:23 PM

The giantess had traveled north for a reprieve from the pressing heat of Auster. Having been born and raised on the high peaks of mountains far away, the sight of them in the distance made her heart swell. Welcoming the chilly bluster of air ruffling through her coat, Tenshi made her way along the crumbling wall. Happy for the solitude, she enjoyed the quiet twitter of birds and the far-off howl of the mountains. Just as she was coming around a bend in the wall, a putrid scent caused her paws to hesitate. Glancing around with her piercing blue stare, she noticed a rustling not far off.

Whether it was curiosity or boredom that got the better of her, Tenshi approached. With her head lowered and ears flattened, she drew closer until she realized that she was walking up on a rather large grizzly. Before she had time to turn around and retreat, the beast scented her and flung itself around on its hind legs. Spittle flew in her direction as the bear launched itself closer to her. Paws swinging ferociously, she barely had time to get out of the way. Raising her own lips in a snarl of warning, Tenshi danced her way around the bear, dodging its attacks while lunging in at opportune moments.

1/3 large predator fight



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-02-2022, 04:05 AM
The yearling had started exploring more of the Northern territories of Boreas as the season wore on. He was starting to get familiar with the terrain and, after some time, the cold didn’t bother him as much as when he first arrived. It could have been he became acclimated to the weather, for which he was grateful. Poor Trill, however, was not as lucky as Beauregard had been. He was grateful for her company, however, and her eyesight. She had been useful in scouting out these lands and the youth was certain without her he’d have been absolutely lost.

A sharp cry from Trill caught Beau’s attention and his head snapped up as she dropped down near him. “Trouble!” The bird cried. “A bear is attacking a wolf up a–” His feathered friend didn’t even get to finish her sentence as Beauregard sprang forward. He didn’t think, his limbs were moving on their own as instinct took over. Even the most sizeable of wolves could get a nasty injury from a bear if they weren’t careful… and two fighters were better than one in a situation like this.

The beast had its back to Beauregard as he rushed up toward it and let out a series of sharp barks. His tail was raised behind him, a banner of defiance, and his ears had fallen flat against his skull. His eyes were narrowed as he watched the bear swing bodily in his direction, a roar passing its lips as it swatted at him with a clawed forelimb.

Beauregard let out a startled yelp as that paw hit the ground next to him - way too close for comfort, and pivoted on his paws. Right, yes, get away from the bear! Trill, in an effort to distract the furred beast, flew closer to the bear’s face and let out a sharp cry of her own, uncharacteristic of a typical jay, but she had been trained to do this to assist Beau how she could when he was in battle.

Large Predator Fight:: Bear { 1 / 3 }


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
07-06-2022, 10:30 AM

Near misses from the bear's sharp claws swiped in front of her face. Careful to stay on the edge of the bear's reach while still pressuring it into a corner, Tenshi was too focused to notice the younger male charge up. From the other side, she too nearly became distracted when a series of sharp barks rang into the air. Confused at first as the bear swung around, Tenshi hesitated. When she noticed that the other wolf was attempting to help her, she let a small smile move across her lips. The boy surely was brave...

As the bear's paw slammed into the ground and the boy retreated, Tenshi moved forward. Letting the accompanying jay screech at the bear, Tenshi took this as her opportunity to strike. Leaning back to coil her muscles before springing toward the bear, she reached out to bite at the bear's thigh. Fur filled her mouth as she dug in her teeth. A cruel whimper of pain relinquished from the bear as he turned in an attempt to lash out at her. Once more, claws came swiping at her face.

During the movement of her removing her teeth from the bear's hide, its claws managed to graze her cheek. A whimper from her own mouth lights the air as she dances out of the way. Trying to catch her breath, she stays on the defensive and hopes the boy can go back in while the bear is distracted.

2/3 large predator fight



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-07-2022, 11:44 AM
Retreating was at the forefront of Beau’s mind at the moment. Out of reach, round back, and come back in. It was the method his family had taught him though he truly didn’t have a lot of practice with it yet. Mostly the older wolves of his homeland worked together to fell large predators like this while the young ones were observers. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as adrenaline pulsed through his veins. He could do this, something within echoed. This was what the pilgrimage was about. Strength, experience, and helping others…!

Now on the opposite side of the bear as the woman he’d leaped in to help Beauregard managed to spin back around as the whimper of pain escaped the large beast. The woman had her teeth into its leg and, in response to the pain it felt, the bear turned to lash at her again - an opening for the yearling if he ever saw one. He drew his blade, readying it.

The bear’s back was to him as it swung for the woman and Beauregard rushed forward to close the distance between them. Then, kicking off the ground with blade in maw, Beau made for the beast’s back between the shoulders.

His landing was hard, claws digging into the thick fur of the other creature as he swung his head, and by proxy his knife, downward with as much force as he could muster. The dagger did its job, slicing through fur and flesh alike as he buried it into the bear’s neck between its head and left shoulder.

This earned a roar of pain from the bear as it reared, swiping paws outward as it tried to dislodge the youth from its back. Beau gripped the dagger in his teeth for dear life as his paws scrambled against the beast, ripping skin as he tried to find purchase on its flesh.

Now Trill flew towards the bear’s face, nimbly dodging paws as she sought to distract its swipes away from either wolf. The bear they were fighting was in pain now, but perhaps with the right opening, they could take it down!

Large Predator Fight:: Bear { 2 / 3 }


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
07-08-2022, 08:39 AM

Continuing to dance out of the way, Tenshi notices the bear swipe for her. Before she has time to retaliate, her eyes catch the boy swooping in. A drawn blade glinting in the afternoon sun heaves up and Tenshi is impressed. Making sure to take a few steps back at the male lands between the shoulder blades of the bear, she watches as the beast rises up on its hind legs. A deafening roar scatters nearby birds as she watches the companion jay go for the bear's face. This was her chance.

With the bear fully distracted, trying to get the monochrome boy off its back, Tenshi lunged in. Her law paws were firm against the ground as her muscles coiled up before she launched herself up toward the bear's throat. Open and defenseless, the soft tissue and skin were her's for the taking. Sharp teeth latched on as blood began to fill her mouth. Dangling a few inches above the ground, she bit down and clenched her jaw. The bear moved from deep pained roared to gurgling and gasping for breath. She could feel it swaying on its hind paws, surely getting dizzy from fear and loss of blood.

Would they be able to finish it off or would the bear toss them and retreat?

3/3 large predator fight



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-11-2022, 01:32 AM
They were making headway; if the deafening roar was anything to go by. Other birds scattered, and it took everything the Blue Jay had to not do the same and continue to serve as a distraction. One good swipe though and she made sure to wing out of range, just in time to see the woman they had jumped in to assist was making her move.

For Beauregard, the main focus was holding on now. The bear was enraged and afraid, and little did he know in for a worse situation. He could feel the beast stagger as roar turned to gurgling and labored breath. The situation wasn’t over yet, and danger still loomed so long as the hulking beast was alive.

Trill’s warning call cut the air and Beauregard responded to it immediately. Temporarily abandoning his knife he released it, barking to the woman at the bear’s throat as he felt it start to sway forward. “Move!” He warned her. This bear was going down, probably choking on its own blood, and her getting smashed would have made this all for naught.

Beau on the other paw wasn’t going to take any chances of getting tossed either and took a leap from the back of the creature over its head. He hit the ground hard, stumbling a little before turning to watch the goliath fall.

Large Predator Fight:: Bear { 3 / 3 }