
A Game of Thrones (Desire�)


05-12-2014, 02:24 PM

His paws had a bad habit of trying to run away from his body, carrying him away and off to new heights, different and strange places. It was something that would only be calmed when he had a home, a place, to replace what he had in Kingslanding and more generically Westros. His eyes held a soft tint to them as he headed through a dark forest, the trees old and creepy as the wind whistled between them. It reminded him much of the Wall, which was a giant ice wall formed by spirits to protect them from the packs of the north who were vicious and cruel. His personal idea on the subject was to let them come so the warriors, the men, the women, they could all prove they were the strength that held the empire together rather than the few who played the Game of Thrones, they were insignificant.

He gave his head a slight shake as he pushed off from where he sat in the woods and towards the south. He wanted to feel warmth again before he died and with winter fast apporaching he feared it might not happen, especially if the winters in Alacritis were as horrifying as the ones backin Westros, it could very well be his last winter. His search had not and would not cease until he found what he sought out. He sought to be a powerful man, though he did not want to be a leader who was weighed down with responsibilities. No, he wanted to be a man of integrity, duty, honor, honesty. His mind had formulated a plan to be a second in command, perhaps even a secondary alpha as he would not be too weighed down. Most of all, the man would be a guardian.

His mind had wandered off into space but had soon recovered as soon as he heard the faintest rustling against the wind, his stomach rumbled slightly when the soft and sweet scent of a squirrel caught his muzzle. He softly licked his lips as he crouched forwards towards the prey that would soon become his meal. His eyes had the intent to kill written all over him as the prey caught his scent and ran... but he was faster. He leapt and landed on the animal's tail before he killed it with his sharp and yellowed canines. He sat down as he started to greedily chew down on his dinner. The moon was starting to rise and the sun was starting to set.



5 Years
05-13-2014, 12:34 PM

It was a matter of days since Virdiana had claimed a crown to rule. Making Desire? a proud woman of ruling along side her. As a Rani. The crimson lady was still recovering, so with that in mind she'd leave her to rest, hoping to see her later in the day. Pride swelled within her chest, now all she needed was something to catch her eye. An able body, perhaps? She would meander through the trees, before finally finding herself in a much colder climate, knowing very well she had once again treaded into the north. She had grown accustomed to the harsh weather so by now it would bother her little. Her eyes would roam the lands, skimming through lack of detail this place holds, until falling upon a man who seemed to be chasing a small type of prey. Pity really, all wolves deserve better then to snack upon an animal which is basically skin and bones. Slowly, she would move towards the placid brute, the wind playfully messing with her lilac curls. " Hungry? Though im sure a little creature like that will make anything better." She would stand there and wait, her small paws steadying more on the ground. Desire? always remained cautious upon first meeting, afterall she never knows who she can trust until they prove themselves otherwise.

My laptops messing up, sorry for the short post:)<3

image by Serendipity


05-13-2014, 01:58 PM
Quite fine Luisiana, the struggle is real! Sorry this post is short.

The only thing that would divert him from his meal was the noise. It was a voice, of a wolf, who seemed to be talking to him. He turned his head, sending his tongue swiftly over his lips to get the excess blood from them so he appeared decent before the lady whom had found him on her ventures. The proud man rose from his meal and onto his sore paws as he dipped his head slightly, the scent of a pack evident on her. "A pleasure to meet you ma'am. I am quite hungry, yes, but no fool to try bigger prey than this alone." He stated simply as he blinked.

His mind briefly drifted towards Kingslanding, thinking about how the kingdom might be fairing under Joffrey's rule. He doubted that Westros was doing well for Joffrey was a cruel ruler. There was probably a civil war that Ser Barristan was missing out on, something he would have loved to participate in. It was a cause and one worthy of his support. His slate grey eyes gazed at the woman. Her black pelt didn't seem to be scar-filled but some scars faded under fur while others did not. She had two different eye colors, quite unique ones too, a blue and a green eye. She had very dark fur that he was almost certain was black, though it was dark so his eyes might be mistaken.

"I am Ser Barristan Selmy." He introduced himself to her, still referring to his knight title that he had earned during Robert's Rebellion a while back when he was merely a pup, almost a yearling.