
Weight Of Paradise



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-04-2022, 08:13 PM
Cerberus was a relatively busy young boy. Nearly a man really. Maybe it was because he was Chimera's heir, but that wasn't all of it. It was like written into him. A part of him. Running patrols, helping his pack and his family with building on their pack lands and preparing to expand, it was all things he loved to do. There was a sense of expectation, but it never really hindered him. He could have been working too hard but for now he didn't feel that way.

He had found some down time to take Valtiel outside of the island and out to the dam. Moccasin had brought a basket of things for lunch and his main destination was the community den here but for now he just walked along the river's edge with her. He had certainly grown a sense of protection over her, he saw her on the same level as he would have cared for any of his siblings. At this time in his life he wouldn't see their connection as anything more but maybe that was just the child in him. He wouldn't have known any better. He had been feeling a little down or off since Scylla had stayed behind in Elysium but filling his time with other things seemed to make the feelings subside.




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
07-04-2022, 08:28 PM

Valtiel was settling in well in Fenmyre, she felt. Everyone was very kind, Cerberus most of all. She'd met the boys father and had been given permission to stay. That took a huge weight off of the girl's mind. She wouldn't be forced out into the world on her own and could stay on the island where she felt comfortable and safe. That wasn't to say that she was just laying around, being lazy. Val tried to fill her days with work while Cerberus was out on the island doing his princely duties. She was putting on weight, but more than that, she was putting on muscle. The girl trained, pushing heavy logs and things along the beach. She hunted on the island to fill the stores and did whatever was asked of her.

The highlight of each day was the evening when Cerberus came to join her. They spoke little, but just spending time with him made the dark lady feel better. Still young, she was working on her confidence and really learning who she was and he was helping her tremendously. Val was very thankful to have a master like Cerberus.

Cerberus surprised Val by asking her off of the island for a bit. The fae felt no fear since she wouldn't be alone and went along happily. Cerb's dog carried a little basket and the pair moved along the winding river. "Thank you," the obsidian girl spoke with a grin. She didn't even know what they were doing, but he had cared enough to take her with him, so she was grateful.



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-04-2022, 10:13 PM
As they walked along the river bed, Cerberus smiled silently when she thanked him which silence was easy between the two. Cerberus was more quiet by nature anyway, but he was comfortable when he was around Valtiel so at least on his end he didn't feel awkward and weird. He was getting used to the ways she acted and responded. Her wanting him to be her master due to the sense of change ownership had been long off his mind. The ways she still acted like she felt that way were typically overlooked by him and he usually never thought anything of it. Like it was just a part of her because it probably was but he wasn't quite understanding that maybe there was a Valtiel under that surface. One that wasn't a slave or servant.

He finally led them to the community den where he reached to Moccasin and emptied the basket of some fresh raw cut meats and a few stone makeshift plates to eat off of to keep the dirt off as if they were worried about that being wolves and all that. Maybe a high life. Cerberus offered her meal while he took his own, just admiring the sounds of the river and nature around them until he was finished with his meats.

When he was finished, he took a moment but his paw reached out towards her to lay down on her shoulder as he turned a little inwards to face her better. His gaze had moved from the waters ahead of them and his whole undivided attention was on her. He took another moment in a contented grin before he spoke, "Your mother..." He knew it probably wasn't the easiest of subjects, but Cerberus did want to get to know her more deeply just out of some natural urge. And losing their mothers seemed to be something they had in common. "What was she like?" She wouldn't have to talk about it if she didn't want to, but for now he'd wait to see if she was going to respond at all.
