
High Places

Friendlies only please lol



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Navigator (50)

5 Years
07-05-2022, 03:51 AM
Legacy Ancora

Winter still had its clutches tight around here, but Legacy could feel the season’s shift toward Spring, even as her breath puffed white in the air as she followed the trail along its wending path up the cliff’s back side. Both Taliesyn and Ardyn had mentioned seeing some plants that might be good herbs to collect – maybe even take some roots home to propagate.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so the Valhallan Nomad had made her way northward. The peak with its waterfall soaring from a great height, was a well-known place to Valhalla; she’d not been there when Nolan had been a member, but he’d been well-loved and mourned. It was his grave that rested at the bottom of the cliff.

Legacy crested at last and drew in a deep, icy breath, letting it out with a great plume of steam as she made her way to the side of the waterfall’s source, gazing out toward the lands that lay south of the falls. It wasn’t the highest place on the continent, but it was still spectacular.

Once she caught her breath, Legacy bent and drank, taking her time to avoid the brain freeze that would come from such cold water drunk too fast.

Finally, she turned her eyes to scan the mostly dormant shrubs and foliage at the cliff-top, tongue ticking in thought as he black-backed ears swiveled to catch the sounds of an early morning day.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Legacy speaks with a heavy Irish brogue type accent, but is perfectly understandable as she tends to speak clearly and enunciates well.

Legacy is nearly always clad in her Deer Hide Armor when on outings, mainly because you never know when you'll find an herb to take home. Unless stated otherwise, it's relatively safe to assume she's wearing it.


07-05-2022, 01:09 PM
He didn't know where he was, but wasn't that simply wonderful? The sad fact is, one could travel and know where they went... but Blight could only count a few times where he truly didn't know the location he found himself in! Haphazardly avoiding most wolves as he more or less stumbled through life, the names of Boreas and Auster was lost on him. He roamed without a care in the world. He stopped only to eat and drink. He didn't really do the whole socializing thing, but when he saw someone alone... Well. He tried to be nice.

"Hello!" if he was biped he'd be flailing his arms to catch their attention, but he still grinned like a fool. Blight neared the young lady but still was averse to being touched so he stopped a few paces away from her. His neck crinkled to the side, staring openly at her with lazily content eyes "isn't spring nice?" The man began again after allowing some awkward silence in "it's warmer, flowers are beginning to bloom... Everyone is outside now, no huddling in their dens. Ahh..." He trailed off, breathing in the crisp but tepid air. Jerking his head up and around, he followed the trail of a robin before dropping.

Clearly, he didn't seem to care if she was anti-social or not. If the lady wanted to be left alone, he wouldn't follow her. That was creepy! That was untoward! That... could be argued he was like that, save for untoward, but he had enough awareness to leave people alone.



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Navigator (50)

5 Years
07-06-2022, 04:17 AM
Legacy Ancora

The clearing around the mouth of the waterfall was relatively wide, and she could see it being a lovely spot to camp out for a few nights during the summer. No doubt it would be wonderful for star mapping at night.

She barely had a chance to spot the man before he piped up. Her quick wits allowed her to not react in shock, but her black-painted brow points still popped up in surprise as the unexpected company approached, grinning like a fool.

Her brows relaxed as she offered a cheerful smile that still felt a little forced, though not from the man’s appearance… it was just rusty from disuse. The man prattled and chattered, but he didn’t press into her personal space, and her gut said he wasn’t a threat to her. He was simply on the different side of things.

“Spring is one of a healer’s favorite seasons, for certain. It gives us a chance to restore our reserves of supplies, plant new seeds and bring our other plants out into the sunshine to thrive.”

Usually. The Long Night had been one spring she would never stop hating.

She took a better look at him, noting his many scars and burns that riddled his silver timbered frame. He was harnessed with black in markings that were almost like her own, but in a far more naturalistic pattern.

He dwarfed her twenty-five-inch frame easily, but she wasn’t intimidated by the size comparison. When you were her size, you got used to nearly everyone being taller than you.

“I am Legacy Ancora of Valhalla; it’s nice to meet you…” her Brogue-laden words trailed in the typical inquiring manner, head tipping slightly as she regarded him, ears up.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Legacy speaks with a heavy Irish brogue type accent, but is perfectly understandable as she tends to speak clearly and enunciates well.

Legacy is nearly always clad in her Deer Hide Armor when on outings, mainly because you never know when you'll find an herb to take home. Unless stated otherwise, it's relatively safe to assume she's wearing it.


07-06-2022, 01:50 PM

He could almost clasp his paws together in joy. Instead, he sat abruptly and displayed a movement speed that seemed almost unnatural to his size. Lean, almost too thin, he was agile. But what was excellent? Well, the woman didn't seem put off by him. She gave a kind smile. She talked to him. Blight considered this a win, indeed.

He tilted his head at her more when he sat, regarding and just used to the action. "Valhalla?" he inquired, wondering why in the world a pack would be named after a dead place. That didn't pull the living folks in, did it? "oh, I'm Blight!" She was too polite to directly ask, so he gave it willingly "it's nice to meet you, Legacy." They both had rather...

...interesting names. "Do you practice botany?" he asked, recalling too late her words about a healer. His wide grin never seemed to disappear, even when he talked. His teeth flashed in the dim light, but he didn't use them on her.