
couldn't do it without you



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-05-2022, 12:01 PM

For a long time Twig settled into a quiet existence within Abaven, the days were all the same and life was peaceful. There were bigger and smaller changes some that affected her and some not so much. In any way she looked at it all, life moved on and went on without her. Part of her heart had always been stuck lingering in the past where her loved ones still remained. The other half remained in the present to be Corvus' loyal love and companion. No matter what tragedy or obstacle faced her he was always there for her. And she would be there for him. However reclusive she was to the outside world.

Hunting became her life after her mate, she threw herself into her work and helped keep the pack fed. It was a comforting task, but even when she was not in active pursuit her mind was studying tracks, watching herd movements, keeping tabs on the other predators in the area. Her paws were never idle, neither was her mind. However quiet her life was, Twig didn’t truly feel peace unless Corvus was at her side.

Then life took another devastating twist, and Abaven was suddenly dissolved. Theory’s school fell, and the structure that built their home gone. Their home remained here, the structures and landmarks, touched by wolves for generations. Even for Twig who hadn’t been born here felt herself mourning. Her pale paws carried her on familiar trails, uncertain where life would take them now. She wandered back to the den after a long hunt, freshly bathed and her mind clear.

dTwig began to build a fire to better prepare and preserve the pheasant she returned with. They were a little thin being on the end side of winter, but there were enough to make a difference in someone’s belly. She would just keep doing what she had always been doing because old habits really died hard.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-11-2022, 07:09 PM
Corvus found himself perfectly content with the quiet, somewhat reclusive life he'd settled into. He found himself thinking that things would most likely change when the seasons changed, that he and Twig would find the motivation to begin teaching classes soon to any interested pupils - but the changes that came instead were not quite what he expected. Not long ago he'd found Theory seriously unwell, and though he'd made an effort to figure out what had happened, she'd disappeared not long after. He'd followed her scent west but he'd lost it not long after, and he feared what would happen if he stayed away from Abaven for long. Even if the formal structure of Abaven had crumbled, this was still their home and he needed to be present for the wolves that remained.

He felt only a slight sense of relief upon returning home. Though these lands were comforting to him in their own right, the fading pack borders didn't settle well with him. Theory was gone, though he was determined to continue searching for her until he found answers, and while some wolves remained here... others clearly had begun to disperse. Twig was his constant though, and he knew she'd be here when he returned. Though he'd hoped to bring back better news at least he'd caught whiff of Theory's scent even if he hadn't been able to fully track it down. She was alive, even if unwell; he tried to push that thought from his mind as he searched out his mate.

The comfort he hadn't quite found upon returning home was instead found in the soft features of Twig. The tension that had been building in his shoulders seemed to loosen all at once - not completely, for how could he be totally at ease after the very pack he'd been born into was now gone? - but it was palpable. She was working away starting a fire, and he allowed the smallest of smiles to touch his lips. No matter how dark the world was, she was a beacon of light for him, just as she'd always been since the moment he'd begun to fall for her. "I missed you," he breathed quietly as he moved to embrace her. He'd give her what little update he had for her in a moment, but for now he was content simply to press against her and be reminded of what hadn't been ripped away from him.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-18-2022, 07:56 AM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2022, 07:57 AM by Twig. Edited 1 time in total.)
Finding normalcy had been the difficult part, but Twig had Corvus at her side and despite the tragedies she experienced throughout her life in Abaven, happiness wasn’t so hard to find. She was stronger because of what she had been through and the losses that she felt. Corvus was her family, and the last one as well. He meant everything to her, so when he tried to find Theory she had been lost without him. The days were spent in habit, keeping up with her duties to a pack that no longer existed.

She had to dig deep for the inner strength she earned, but her tears were few and her heart beat with courage as the woman faced more uncertainty. She knew that Corvus would return to her and the empty lands here. Twig took on the role of dutiful housewife, and that role did not change now as she prepared for a dinner she thought she would be eating alone again. However,  as the sparks began to take to the kindling a familiar form appeared beyond the smoke.

The woman very nearly lost her breath at the sight of the one she loved, and she knew the small smile on his lips was all for her. He was her foundation and strong tower, the one that she could count on to be there. Corvus was her beacon of hope, they could take on anything, including Abaven’s fall, together. "Corvus,” She returned softly as he advanced to embrace her. The feeling of his strong arms around her shoulders as his scent filled her nose and his warmth spread through her made the woman melt into his chest.

Twig wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close, hoping the distance between them would never have to be repeated. "And I missed you. I’m so glad you’re back.” But as she spoke the pressing matter overwhelmed her again. What was next? "Are you alright? Did you find anything?" She whispered into his fur, frightened of the answer she would receive.

"Autumn Twig Memoire"



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-23-2022, 06:58 PM
This was still home no matter what had transpired or might happen in the future, so long as Twig was here. He had no idea where they might go from here but he knew they'd figure it out together. There were a few things he needed to do first before he could focus on that though - namely figuring out where Theory had gone and what the rest of Abaven intended to do. He still had family here he cared for deeply and ensuring they were all safe was a high priority for him. Ultimately, it didn't matter what they called themselves or if they had borders to defend, so long as they were all safe and content, whether together or apart.

He breathed a tired but contented sigh as she leaned into him, feeling some of the pressure that weighed heavily on his shoulders slip away. He knew it would return but for a short while, he was glad to pretend Twig was all that existed in the world, the brilliant sun around which he orbited. Forever a light in the darkness of the world. "I'm glad to be back too. I lost track of Theory's scent as I went further west, but her scent was fresh enough for me to know she's alive." He wished she could say she was well but he truly feared she was not. Whatever had overcome her he had no idea, but he knew deep in his heart she wasn't in her right mind, but he wouldn't rest until he found her.

Dwelling on things they couldn't solve right now wouldn't do any of them much good though. Leaning to give her another gentle kiss on her cheek, he settled down and let his attention drift to the fire she'd begun to prepare. "What's for dinner?" The simple things with her still brought him joy, no matter how dark the rest of the world might be, and he was eager for a good meal after his long journey home. Already he felt the fatigue begin to set in as soon as he sunk down to his stomach.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-05-2022, 02:21 PM
Like her north star Corvus was a guiding light for her. If she didn’t have him she would have nothing and she would be nothing. Easily swept away by the sorrows that life dragged her through. With Corvus at her side Twig could hold her own and find her strength no matter what. Through Abaven disbanding, through the long night, through losing that precious gift. She’d live with the hope that their someday would come and they would have their family. As she grew older deep down she became more cynical. Part of her broken heart believed that day would never come. With every year that passed and they remained childless her dream slipped further and further away.

The other half held onto hope but was also content with the fact that Corvus was at her side. He completed her, supported her, and despite her many flaws, he stayed with her. She watched so many wolves fade from her life, he was the only constant and her true love. They still had adventures to be had, and conflicts to face and resolve. Everything would work out the way it should, they would get what they needed and she knew life rarely gave you what you wanted.

Corvus spoke solemnly as he told her of Theory, how he’d lost her scent but he was fully confident she was alive. That was a low bar to reach, and as Twig averted her lavender eyes she couldn’t help but feel worry deep in her chest. It was lightened as Corvus grabbed her attention with a very sweet kiss to her cheek as he asked about dinner. "I hope she’s alright..” Twig trailed off softly before answering her mate’s question.

"Fresh roasted pheasant.” The game birds would be a little tougher than she preferred, but without a pack around them it was a blessing to have such a meal. "I almost had a fourth bird but the predators are already taking advantage of everyone being gone now.” She told him sadly, "A coyote stole the last one, was faster than me and slipped into a den before I could catch it.” She was a capable fighter, and fast, but she was bested on her own.

"Autumn Twig Memoire"



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
08-11-2022, 07:19 AM
Together they'd continue to brave the storms that came their way, even the ones that threatened to uproot them entirely. Each hurdle they faced had only made them stronger but he feared their spirits would be beaten down so much now that they would struggle to recover. Still he found a way to smile though, forever comforted by Twig's presence, even more so when he returned to her after being gone from her for any period of time.

It was hard to stay optimistic though when so much had been taken from them and they still had so much left to lose. Corvus shook his head, trying to rid the worries from his mind. Clinging to them too tightly wouldn't help either of them tonight though he knew pushing the thoughts away completely was an impossibility. "Me too," he simply breathed quiet agreement before settling down beside Twig.

A low hunger rolled in his stomach as he watched the fire she'd stoked. "I've been thinking maybe we should find a group to settle down in, for now," he started after a moment of thought. Sitting around and waiting for the return of Abaven was an option, but as they grew older he wasn't sure the life of loners was really suited for them. He was used to having a group at his back, other wolves to build up and support.

And with the support of a strong pack maybe he'd have more resources in helping keep an eye out for Theory and the rest of his family that had dispersed. More than just the two of them, at least. "At least.. maybe we can see what's out there." He knew of Valhalla to the west, and he knew of the Armada, and of The Hallows - though he didn't know where they resided now - but surely there were more groups out there, places that he and Twig could settle down in, even if the thought of leaving these lands didn't settle perfectly well with him. It was a thought that had been on his mind and he felt he needed to share it to see what she thought.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-19-2022, 09:00 AM
She didn’t just worry about Theory, she worried about the whole pack. She wasn’t incredibly close to anyone but Corvus, maybe she had become reclusive since their loss, but that didn’t erode her emotion for them. The fall of Abaven was a tragedy that she wouldn’t forget for the rest of her life. If there were any entity to pray to she did, in hopes that her comrades were safe and taken care of in the wake of destruction. Life was a roller coaster, especially for the two of them as they navigated the hurdles before them.

No matter what happened they had each other, and that was a comfort that got her through many tumultuous hours. They shared far more than their life together, their concern for the wolves of the pack, the shared feeling of loss, the obstacles in front of them were never pleasant or easy but they made the pair of them stronger. This would just be another challenge that the two of them would have to face. You could only control yourself, and all of the tragedy they suffered was far beyond their influence.

They settled in next to the fire, her first sense of comfort since Abaven collapsed. She had Corvus at her side, they had dinner waiting for them, and there was peace here in the rapids. She leaned into Corvus' side after she described her struggles in gaining their dinner as he mentioned the thoughts he was dwelling on. They would do well to look for a group to join. Twig had once been an independent and free soul, but domestication had come easy after becoming Corvus' mate.

She honestly couldn’t think of anywhere she wished to go, she didn’t have much knowledge about the packs and bands within Boreas. She had been reclusive to her own detriment, but Corvus felt similarly enough as he followed up with a caveat that they could at least begin the journey to look for a new home. Nothing would ever really compare to Abaven, but she could understand the need of belonging. To always have others to help back them up, to have a purpose larger than themselves.

"A great adventure.” Twig followed up. She didn’t know where they would go, but at the very least they would be together. Learning and exploring together as they searched out their next true path. "I hate that Abaven is gone, but discovering the world with you is the next best thing.”

"Autumn Twig Memoire"



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
09-23-2022, 09:30 AM
Life would get better - it had to, even if it got worse first, though he wasn't sure things could really get much lower than this. But at least they had each other, they always had each other and that was a comfort no matter how dark things might get. Sinking into a comfortable silence for a moment he reached out to the figure to grab one of the pheasants and begin to eat it, tearing thin strips of meat off it gingerly. "A great adventure," he said, letting a smile touch his lips as he agreed with her. "Things will get better - I promise you that. I love you, Twig." He didn't know exactly where their paths might lead them but he was excited at the prospect of rising from their pain and creating a new life. Perhaps it would not be better than the one they'd had in Abaven but it would be different, and that was enough for him.