
There are lights in the ice... so should we lick it?

Phi {Pedle}



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
07-08-2022, 01:57 AM
Hmm, okay, yeah, this was a wonderful idea. After promising Bae-Syl she would check-in by the end of the day Lucette had wandered off on her own.

To become a good navigator, at least in Luce’s mind, one had to become a good explorer. Make note of every rock, and every tree that could be used as a landmark. Not that navigating the north with these inconsistent flurries still gracing the lands was helping all that much. Snow warped the landscape, and, it seemed the further she wandered, the colder it got.

What she found was something… bizarre.

The landscape was covered in ice, pillars that towered far above her jutting from what she could only assume was some sort of water source. Some of them dipped back down, bowing under the pressure of their own weight before colliding to create something new. It was like a frozen wonderland. Well, it would have seemed like it, if there weren’t also shattered ice pieces of various sizes scattered about the area too.

Curiosity got the better of her. Nightfall would be arriving soon and if she was going to get a good look at those ice pillars she had better get her white-tipped tail moving.


Navigation {Kennocha Lake} - 1 / 3



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-08-2022, 02:43 AM
Why did everything have to come crashing down on him? Hed thought he found purpose in abaven and a safe place to mourn his daughter but its been fake. Pheonox felt bitter and depressed enough that the cold couldnt penetrate the dark thoughts over his mind. It had been well over two seasons now but a wound like his couldnt be healed so easily. For now he stuck with the lavender and honey mixtures. Boy did he wish he had something stronger. His mind whirled until a scent filled his nose. What was a wolf doing out on this ice this time of night? Well.. pre night. He could still see a few beams of light falling across the frozen lake and illuminating a tiny form. Pheonixs ears twitched, a child out here? No her parents must been around.

"Umm excuse me?" he said softly taking a few steps towards the youth."What brings you to the frozen lake of the north?" his head tilted to one side. A good sense of pain moving through him. He couldnt have every yearling reminding him of his daughter, he could hear her voice scolding him now. Pheonix tried to ignore it his attention back on the young wolf.



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
07-08-2022, 03:21 AM
Okay, okay, this was too cool.

The moment she got down to the actual lake Lucette’s eyes lit up. There were moving thingies beneath the ice and they were glowing! At least it looked like they were shifting in the ice… could you move through the ice? No, wait, that was dumb. The frozen ice was solid. But… hmm. Luce lifted her paw and then set it down where some of the plankton was lighting the area up. No sooner had she set her paw down, however, the glow ebbed away. The yearling furrowed her brow and tilted her head to the side. “Wow, rude!” She lowered her head to the ice and sniffed at it.

Maybe if she licked the ice she could gain the power of glowing like the plankton…

Tongue lolling out of her mouth, completely ready to lick the icy surface of the lake, she was interrupted by a voice. She snapped up immediately and turned to a stranger.
Hmm, well he seemed nice enough. He was big too, though not as big as Bae-Syl so she didn’t have to tilt her head as far back to look at him.

“Oh hai there~” Her voice was good-natured and friendly as she responded to him. “Learning the lay of the land, what makes it work.” She glanced back down at the ice and furrowed her brow.

“...and I’ve decided licking the ice is stupid. I can’t get the glowy powers if I don’t at least eat the glowy things down there directly, right? Hmm… but would I glow enough… nah, probably not.” She was musing to herself, in her own little thoughts about the plankton for a moment before she glanced back to him.

“Are you gonna get glowing powers too? They don’t look like they glow for long. You should probably abandon the idea too. Plus we’d have to break the ice and that’d be a pain.” Lucette huffed softly.  “So… You have any idea of what this place is called?”


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