
Tamsyn x Resin Daughter Readoption


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-08-2022, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2022, 10:39 PM by Tamsyn. Edited 1 time in total.)
After much consideration, I have decided to put one of Tamsyn and Resin's daughters up for readoption! She can be considered pretty much a blank slate. The name will have to change and she has not had much contact with the family since they were young besides the occasional reappearance so I am fine with pretty much any backstory you would like to go with to explain her absence or distance from the rest of the family. It could be anything from something that kept her away by force to a choice to go out and find herself and has just now decided to come back to be with them.

The only rules I have for her is that she must be at least moderately active and would preferably interact and be a part of the family. If you have her rejoin The Hallows then meeting the monthly pack activity check is a good bench mark of the kind of activity I'm expecting. Being a member of The Hallows with the rest of her siblings is not a hard requirement, but we would love to have her be there! She must remain a female as well. She is currently two years old, born in summer of year 15. If there is no activity for three months or if she is placed inactive then I reserve the right to reclaim her.

While Tamsyn is not currently living in The Hallows full time, she does visit quite often and will be there more frequently once grand babies start to enter the picture. She is currently traveling with her second mate, Kane, and their three children, raising them out in nature to be more in line with Kane's way of life. Tam is still an active member of the family and would love to see her children reunited again. Artorias, Gwynevere, and Rudyard are active members of The Hallows and Bowen will be returning shortly.

Here are some designs I have from the original adoption, but I would be more than happy to help you come up with a design if you'd like or if you have one you would like to use you can. Tamsyn's coloring and markings are very simple, but these pups were from a mystery litter and the father of them is very much unknown so the range of designs is pretty wide open. I would prefer more simple or at least less colorful designs.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

If you're interested, please fill out this form! If you have any questions or want to run any ideas by me feel free to message me on Discord <3

Design: Link to a reference is preferable, but you can put a written description here instead if needed.
Personality: Can range anywhere from good to neutral. Should not include any more darkly aligned personalities.
Backstory: If you have any ideas for how you would explain her absence include that here!


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
07-08-2022, 11:54 AM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2022, 03:02 PM by Hermes. Edited 2 times in total.)
I will have enough gems now, so reapplying!

Name: Loukia

Design: 5

Adventurous ~ Calm ~ Charismatic ~ Hard-working ~ Headstrong

Lou is an adventurous spirit, the wide-open world calling to her from a young age. It is, because of that alluring siren’s call that she wandered off from her family, the wild quickly claiming her as its own. She traveled far and wide, learning from nomadic bands the way of the world. In those lessons, Lou learned that anger doesn’t get you much. She has learned to curb outward signs of anger and appear calm in whatever she does.

Born with a silver-tongue, Lou will always tries to talk her way out of bad situations. She has learned that batting eyelashes can go a long way to cooling a man’s temper while a flash of pearly whites can aid in building friendships. Bright and happy, Lou loves to talk… which can lead to trouble if someone disagrees with her. Stubborn as a mule, she will not let her views be easily swayed.

Never afraid to step in and get her paws dirty, Lou knows that hard work pays off in spades. No matter what is asked of her, Lou will happily join in the sharing of any work load.

Backstory: I am thinking Lou wandered off one day and was taken by a nomadic traveling band. A mother, who had recently lost her pups saw her and decided to raise her. Basically, she abducted Loukia but not for malicious reasons. She raised her with love and, when Lou reached two years old, the gypsy woman told her the truth of her origin. Lou decides to go find out where she is from.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Artist - RainbowRapid Poster - Rainbow
07-08-2022, 10:36 PM
Name: Ashiya
Design: Click
Personality: Lawful Neutral
Ashiya is a quiet and conserved girl but she can be social and interactive. She does like to engage others and work in groups and get to know new wolves. She struggles with more intimate actions and relationships, talking about her past and really just trying not to dwell and live in the present. It does make her block out a lot of emotional moments, whether they are joyful or depressing. She can be read the wrong way as uncaring or to those who know her, broken. All the restrained emotions build up at once where she wants to be by herself to let them out. She still tries her best to make better memories for a greater life every day and she sees that with being united with her family again.

Backstory: I'm thinking she probably kept to herself a lot when she was young, when she was of age to wander more on her own she spent a lot of time outside of the pack and then just disappeared one day. I had the idea of a small group of wolves had her enslaved and she escapes them probably being found by one of her siblings or mother and brought back to The Hallows.



13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowRapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowEaster 2022Toys for Tots
07-09-2022, 12:01 AM
Name: Pitch
Design: Click
Personality: She believes in hard work and pulling your own weight, and has an almost child-like belief that good deeds will be repaid. She wants to be a knight and fight for her family, and stand up for the weak. This may lead her into trouble as she follows the ideals of her heart; to be Loyal, steady and strong. Someone that can be depended on not just in the easy times, but the hard ones as well. Her experiences have taught her to be afraid of loss, and her desire to be strong and capable steam from that insecurity. It is also what brought her home, to reconnect with her family and find the strength to protect and grow with them.

Having learned to find an inner strength inside of herself, not much will phase this wolf. Steady under fire, and capable of showing initiative and innovation she’s a good wolf to have at your side in a fight.
Pitch found a soulmate in a friend outside of the pack lands. Caught up in adventures and travel as she journeyed around Auster, until an ill fated run in with a predator left the dear friend she had made dead in her arms. Distraught and thoughtless, she searched long and hard to regain any sort of inner peace inside of herself. She found it in a remote mountain as she found the ability to move on and grow as a person.

Homesickness brought her back to Auster, where she wants nothing more than to reunite with her family and train to be a knight under her Alpha brother.
[Image: DJR1fLh.png]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-23-2022, 12:24 AM
First of all, thank y'all for applying for her! I really wasn't sure what kind of interest if any she would get so thank you so much <3

None of you made this easy and I have gone back and forth a bunch of times over how to do this, but in the end I have decided to give her to Chrono with Ashiya!

Thank you all again <3